personal3 novel is a popular light novel covering Others genres. Written by the Author Star_Maker4 . Read personal3 novel online for free.
- Chapter 21: Crows and Knights, kneelers all.
- Chapter 22: Maester Yandel's Kingdom of the True North (Chapter 4)
- Chapter 23: Rhaella Targaryen, Princess of the Seven Kingdoms
- Chapter 24: The Uproar in the Red Keep
- Chapter 25: Aegon V of House Targaryen, King in the Iron Throne, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
- Chapter 26: Leaf of the Cave of the Children of the Forest
- Chapter 27: Maester Yandel's Kingdom of the True North (Chapter 5)
- Chapter 28: Lady Rhaella Hasty, Wife of Ser Bonifer of Clan Hasty.
- Chapter 29: Tywin Lannister, Heir of Casterly Rock
- Chapter 30: Maester Yandel's Kingdom of the True North (Chapter 6)