
Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Mistakes were Made


Throne Room, Tenth Floor Nazarick



"Should we check the room to see if there are any listeners?"


After five minutes of combing around the whole throne room...

"Looks like we're the only ones around here."


"They look at us like we're some kind of gods, Mercury-san."

"Yeah, I honestly felt mentally tired just speaking to them."

"Does that mean we have to keep up this act around them?"

"Aahhh, I think I won't last in this job."

"Same here, Mercury-san."

A second passed.

"Also, what the fuck was that with Albedo?!"

"Don't put all the blame on me, Mercury-san! Your Sins also confessed to you!"

"I-I forgot that I programmed that in them! I didn't think that it would lead to this situation right now!"

"I-Is that so?"

"Yeah, well how can you explain Albedo's behavior then?!"

"I-I don't know! T-Tabula-san must've programmed her to be that way!"

"That's a one hundred percent lie and you know it! What did you do with Albedo?"


And so, Momonga explained to me what happened on his end during the final five minutes before the servers shut down.

"So that's what you did, huh? You are hereby proclaimed guilty of abusing your Guild Leader powers and sentenced to ten years in prison."

"Please forgive this leader's foolish abuse of the Staff," he said while bowing to me. I'm sure there's a comedy skit somewhere that's about a vampire and a skeleton in this exact situation.

"Ah, well, what's done is done and we can't revert what happened."

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Why would I forgive you? I'm not the one who made Albedo. You should say that to Tabula, you horny skeleton."

Momonga recoiled as if shot with an arrow.

"Well, since we're over that..."

I put my game-face on.

"We're in another place now. One where we're not familiar with. I think we should gather intelligence first before stepping out there."

"Agreed. Who do you think we should send out?"

"I suggest I go alone—"

"That's rejected."

He immediately shut me down.

"You think I'd keel over easily, Momonga?"

"No, it's not that. We're still not sure if the enemies outside are equal or greater than us."

"Who do you want to accompany me then?"

"How about one of your Sins?"

I thought about it for a hot minute.

"I think I'll take Sloth, even though she's not the best at information gathering. I can gather info all by myself, but I'd like someone who can remotely stand equal to me." I shrugged, "And besides, she has long range coverage because of her Job Class 'Gunner'."

"I would have suggested Lust, but since you make a good point, I'll allow it. What do you think we should do now?"

Another minute passed.

"We should check if some mechanics from YGGDRASIL passed over to this world."

"Okay then, this two-person meeting is now adjourned."

"I think we should hold meetings in the meeting room at the Ninth Floor, since that's why it was made."

"...Good point, Mercury-san."

Arena, Sixth Floor Nazarick

After Mercury and Momonga left, the only remaining people in the floor were the Guardians and the Sins.

"Th-that was scary, sis," Mare said to his sister, standing up slowly.

"Seriously! I thought we were going to be squashed by the pressure!" Aura also stood up from her position.

"To think that they would be this amazing..." murmured Cocytus.

"So that is the aura of the Supreme beings who created us," Albedo said standing up as well.

"So it seems," supplied Demiurge, following the others.

"It seems that Momonga-sama has answered to our vow of fidelity," Cocytus said to the others.

Albedo suddenly turned around with a pleased look on her manic face.

"He responded to our feelings and acted just as an absolute leader should! As expected of our creator, even Mercury-sama pledged himself to him even though he is also a Supreme being! Among the 42 Supreme Beings, he is the one who stands at the top! He is a merciful man who stayed behind in this land until the end!"

While everyone was silent staring at Albedo singing praises about Momonga, Sebas excused himself.

"Then, I shall return first. Momonga-sama went to the throne room with Mercury-sama, but I should be by his side."

"Sebas, inform me immediately if anything happens. Especially if Momonga-sama calls for me. I will rush to his side, no matter what I have to sacrifice in exchange!"

She then starts rambling on about Momonga calling him to his bedchambers, but then Sebas cuts her off.

"I understand. I shall take my leave then, Floor Guardians and Sins."

"Ah, we're also taking our leave. We are supposed to be Mercury-san's shadow, and to step out of it is to disgrace ourselves," Wrath said.

"Very well then, we shall be taking our leave, Floor guardians."

After bowing to them, Sebas and the Sins start walking towards the next floor.

Meanwhile, Albedo and Shalltear started arguing about some crisis, gorillas, lampreys and wives.

Momonga's room, Ninth Floor Nazarick

It's been three days, and we discovered some things.

First of all, we still can't equip anything outside our class range. For example, Momonga can't use swords and I can't use staves. We also can't feel any disgust or fear when we look in the mirror and there's no unease when moving our bodies. We concluded that we must have changed mentally as well as physically. Momonga also noted that if he experiences extremely large amounts of emotion, something forcefully shuts it down and makes him calm. It didn't happen with me, so we concluded that it was a natural ability of skeletons. We also don't need sleep but Momonga doesn't need food, which means I can eat delicacy unique to this world! Sucks to be you, Momonga!

When he used Create Greater Item to make himself an armor and used his class-changing skill, he can use a sword at the expense of his skills. Any items made by magic are also usable, and that also includes cash items (Goodbye, Beginner's Potion of Invisibility. It was for a good cause.).

"I have something to do outside, Mercury-san. Please follow me."

"Whatever you say."

And so, we teleported to the First Floor with his armor still on. We didn't tell the NPCs because we know that they would beg to come with us for our own security, which is mildly confusing. Aren't we your creators? Can't you have a little faith in us?

"This is tiring."

"You say the words of God, Momonga."

We walked up the stairs leading to the First Floor when suddenly, three people who were guarding it noticed us. It was the Evil Lords who serve under Demiurge. They turned towards us, making me sweat bullets. What am I supposed to say to excuse myself?

I was about to say something stupid when Demiurge suddenly noticed us. He knelt down in respect to us, the other three following suit.

"Momonga-sama, Mercury-sama, you came here without guards? And that armor..."

Ah, we're busted. What are we gonna do now Momonga? Please save this stupid vampire from explaining himself in front of his zealots.

"Well, there is a reason for all this."

A vague answer, made to be misinterpreted! Grown, you have, young padawan!

"! So that's how it is..." Demiurge murmured. Get out of here! Only we are supposed to be vague, you smart bastard! "As expected from the Supreme Beings, both of your attention to detail is impeccable."

What do you mean?! I'm only accompanying him because he has something to do outside!

"As much as I know that both of you are strong, I still cannot allow you to roam freely without guards."

"Is that so?" Momonga, you are my hero dude! "Then I will allow only one to accompany us."

"Thank you very much for indulging my selfishness, Momonga-sama." He bowed while kneeling.

While walking along the familiar area, I was reminded of the time when I was appointed the Player Guardian of the First Floor, before Shalltear came along. Ah, those were fun times, talking trash about the invaders of the Tomb. It was a lot of fun.

Finally, we reached the end of the long walk.


I only nodded numbly. We saw the beautiful night sky, stars dotting the sky with their beauty. It was breathtaking to see all of this, as we cannot find these beautiful sights in the old Earth because of the pollution. The Sixth Floor was okay by my standards, but nothing beats the real thing. It makes me feel small, even though I'm a Level 100 Vampire Battle Assassin. It's so humbling that all of this beauty cannot ever be reached.

I saw Momonga tearing into his own inventory, looking for something. When I saw what he took out, I decided to do the same. I opened my inventory to take out what I call the 'Flight Necklace' and wore it.

"Fly!" We both casted at the same time. I felt the drain in my mana, but It's nothing if I can get to soar through the beautiful skies.

Momonga flew, having all the grace of a flying armor. I opted for jumping first before using my fly spell. I covered a solid ten meters before finally flying behind him. The indescribable feeling of joy bubbled within me as I laughed while flying behind him. We soared through the night sky, slicing through the clouds before finally stopping. He removed his helm, exposing his skeletal head, and looked into the horizon. I looked as well, seeing the world below me. The horizon curved, meaning that we were quite high up. Never have I felt so giddy in my life, seeing all of this. The light from the moon and the stars illuminated the land below us.

"The stars in the sky are glittering like a box of jewels."

I opted to stay silent in respect of the view. This view and atmosphere mustn't be spoiled by talking.

"I believe that this world shines because so that our lord can adorn itself with its riches."

"Hah. That may be true. I may have come to this land to obtain its box of treasures."

"That's selfish thinking, Momonga. This treasure should be cherished and given to Nazarick and our beloved Guild."

"You're right, Mercury. To hoard it all to myself is a sin."

"If you wish it, we will use all of Nazarick's forces to obtain this treasure for you, my lords."

We both chuckled.

"To obtain all this without even knowing what exists out there? Ah well, taking over the world might be amusing, don't you think so, Mercury-san?"

"Such an ambitious goal, Momonga. We should start small, don't you think? Like taking over a country?"

"Haha, you're right. But is it wrong to dream big?"

"No, it isn't. What I'm saying is to merely look at the steps first to accomplish such a grand dream."

We both had a good laugh between us. Ah, to take over the world, what a sick joke. Free will is supposed to be given, not taken. To even attempt to do it is a sign of madness.

But are we the only ones here? Are there really no others who stuck to the end like us? I want to know if there really are others like us in this world. But I will leave the planning to Momonga. After all, he didn't become the leader of Ainz Ooal Gown for nothing.

I heard a distant rumbling, so I looked down below to see what it's all about. It's only Mare, using an earth spell to cover Nazarick in dirt. It's nothing interesting.

"Momonga-sama, Mercury-sama. What do you plan on doing next?"

"I will go visit Mare while he is working. What do you think we should give as a reward?"

"I am sure that he will be happy just to have you speak to him."

"Okay then."

Momonga created another helmet to cover his head, and went down to visit Mare.

Mare was covering the mound with green, probably growing grass on the gathered soil. Sorcerers are amazing in that regard. He noticed that we had landed, and stopped doing his work.

"Momonga-sama!" Jesus christ, can you be any more feminine?! "Ah! You are here too, Mercury-sama! Forgive me for not noticing you!" She bowed in my direction. Good thing I'm not chopped liver like Demiurge behind us. "What are you doing here? Did I make a mistake?"

"No, Mare. Your work to prevent others from discovering Nazarick is very important."


"That's why, Mare, I wanted you to know how satisfied I am." Oi, oi. That sounds wrong, Momonga.

"Yes, Momonga-sama!" Oi, oi. You're not supposed to add gasoline to the flame, Mare.

"Right, then this is for you." He held his hand out, creating a ring that all 42 of us are familiar with.

"Ring of Ains Ooal Gown!" he exclaimed, "An item that only Supreme Beings are allowed to wear, I can't possibly accept such a gift!"

"Calm down, Mare."


"Movement between the floors is arduous and tiring, but with this ring, you can move freely in the Tomb. This is a reward for working hard under Nazarick. Take it and serve Nazarick well!" I said grandly. I'm not one for speeches and encouragement, but that sounds convincing, right? I hope so.

He took the ring from Momonga's palm, wearing it on his left ring finger. Her eyes widened in awe as the ring shrank to suit his small fingers.

"T-Thank you very much! I will work hard to live up to s-such a treasure!"

"We're depending on you, Mare," Momonga said.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, "Um, by the way, Momonga-sama, why are you dressed like that?"

Oh boy, you better have a believable reason, Momonga. Good thing I'm chopped liver right now, otherwise, Mare would've asked me as well.

"W-Well, that is—"

"That's simple, Mare." Albedo out of nowhere! Where did you come from? She was flying with her feathery wings and landed right behind us.

"Momonga-sama didn't want to bother his subordinates while they were working. If we knew that Momonga-sama was here, everyone would stop what they're doing just to bow down to his greatness. Isn't that right, Momonga-sama?"

Albedo has never spoken truer words.

"As expected of Albedo! You know just what I'm thinking."

Don't praise her now, she'll go on a rant on how much she loves you.

"As leader of the Floor Guardians, this is expected. No, even if I didn't have this title, I am confident that I would understand your feelings."

"I-I see."

His new ring glistened in the moonlight, which caused Albedo to nearly lose it.


"Hgk!" Both Momonga and I noticed at the same time.

"Is something the matter?"

Yes, you're ax-crazy for him!

"N-no, it's nothing."


"Right. Then, Mare." Real suave there, Momonga. "Sorry for interrupting you. Return to your work."

"Y-Yes. Excuse me then, Momonga-sama." Mare then left the hot zone. Lucky guy.

"That's right! I should give one to you as well, Albedo." Calming down girls doesn't work like that, Momonga.

"Give me one of what?" Fenrir in sheep's clothing, stop playing coy.

Anyways, he held out his palm and created another ring.

"As the administrator of the Guardians, you need this item as well."

She took it gracefully, clearly enjoying every second of this.

"Thank you very much." She bowed.


When she raised her head a little, her grin was reaching her ears and her whole body was shaking. See? Ax-crazy!

"W-Work diligently for me." Good thing Momonga wasn't blind to this... whatever this is. Momonga turned to address Demiurge.

"Demiurge, I will prepare one for you in another time." Poor chopped liver, he doesn't get noticed. That's what you get, crafty bastard.

"I understand. I will work hard to be worthy of such a ring."

"Then, I have done what I had planned to do. I will return before I get into trouble." You already ran into Albedo, how worse can it get?

He teleported into the Tomb. I think I'm gonna get some shut eye, even though this undead body of mine doesn't need sleep. Poor Momonga doesn't get anything to pass time.

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