Chapter 21: Crows and Knights, kneelers all.
Crow's Refuge
Craster watched as the Kneeler army talked to his father and brothers with some man who was called the Lord Commander of the King's guard, it seems the stirrings up the far north by some upstart Thenn was enough for the whole south to march and try and destroy them, fools, Craster thought as he remembers that if it were not for those Thenns then the White Walkers would have a stronger presence at the Haunted Forest, the kneelers would never understand life here, to them they were just savages after all. After a couple of nods and handshakes his father and brothers returned to his direction.
"What do they want?" Craster asks as his brother shakes his head smiling at him mischievously.
"Directions, they want to know where the King Beyond the Wall makes his court, father then told them of rumors concerning such and which direction to go, the fools" Jorolf spat as he flips a gold coin and then puts it in his pocket he looks at the three pairs of Heilan Coo that was given to them by King Rhodri and are safely cozied up in their barn alongside some sheep and goats. A more stable source of survival those animals.
And it seems one of the cows was pregnant, Craster's sister Mildred had returned to their halls with a bucket full of milk. His father was happy of the good fortune of course and so gave thanks to the gods and to King Rhodri by sacrificing a lamb at their Weirwood tree consecrated to Lugh Marre.
Kneelers thought that they could buy anything with gold not understanding that it was necessities such as the Heilan Coo which provides for every man of the True North not their coin, "we'd better fortify our small heap then" Craster says as Jorolf agrees, come the next moons or so there would be broken men that would not hesitate to raid around the countryside driven mad from defeat and desperation to survive the harsh weather of the lands Beyond the Wall and they had to prepare for the eventuality.
It was only three moons that Craster saw that there were no broken men rampaging around the countryside but rather the kneeler army that marched down with them was their prince, Anarawd Map Rhodri, he talked with Craster's father and brothers, he even spoke to him, he was a young man, in the twilight to his manhood, he said that his father in agreement to a peace had to surrender him as a guest of the Southerner king, Craster swore to the prince that he will liberate him from his chains but Anarawd merely shakes his head and so Craster decided that he will join the prince's march south alongside his company of Gallowglasses as part of the pledge to the southron King.