Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 845

3472_ make a list

Me: "Thank you."

Elder Guanghe: "Thank you so much that you don't mind if I take advantage of you verbally?"

Me: "Oh, I sent the sentence you just said to the discipline department, but the weight of this sentence is too light, and the discipline department should not care about it. Let's leave a record there first, and it will add up in the future. It’s not that Uncle Qi doesn’t like to complain to the Disciplinary Office, in fact, he should have accumulated a lot of pens long ago, right?”

Elder Guanghe: "Speaking of which, Qi Xi was indeed molested more than you are now, because he was very reactive, jumped up and down, and didn't even want to pretend to be calm, but sometimes you are really calm from the bottom of your heart. Make the person who teases you feel stupid."

It's good that you know.

How to deal with bored people?First, be more boring than him; second, ignore him.Others, including hitting him until he cries, may not work.

Elder Guanghe: "However, complaining to adults at every turn is actually not conducive to getting along with peers, and it is easy to be isolated."

Me: "Based on my actual experience, is it okay?" On the one hand, I have a good face, as long as you don't regard me as a rival in love, the anger in your heart will usually disappear when you see me.But more importantly, I seldom sue my peers, because I spend less time with my peers, and when my peers see me sue my seniors, they will usually happily watch the jokes of my seniors, if they have any , will also add evidence for prosecution.

Han Yituo's catastrophe destroyed a large area of ​​the Yunxia Sect's environment, and in order not to hinder him, the Yunxia Sect also withdrew some defenses. All the damage and conveniences provided by the Yunxia Sect have been listed and prepared to wait for Han Yi After the Tuodu robbery is successful, the debt is collected.

Yunxiazong has a special debt collection department.As an external department, the name is rare and very direct. Without official literature and art, it is called the debt collection office, so as not to give outsiders the opportunity to misunderstand.

Items damaged by outsiders of the Yunxia Sect, outsiders entrusting tasks to the Yunxia Sect but not paying the final payment, outsiders excessively hurting Yunxia Sect disciples during the battle, etc., are all within the scope of the debt collection office's responsibility.From the content of the work, it is obvious that this is a department that is in great need of force value, and at the same time it is in great need of intimidation and intimidation. Swordsmanship and talisman repair are the main components of the debt collection office, and pill device control animal planting is a strong support.

The department that the whole sect is involved in, the Yunxia sect is really very united when it needs to be external.

3473_Debt collection office

The appointment of the elder of the debt collection office has always been very miraculous to me, because it is the elder Yang Chelu.I think Elder Yiyang's reasoning and self-restraint are completely unsuitable for the hooligan aura of the debt collection office.When Elder Yang was in retreat, the junior uncle who was the apprentice of Elder Yang also served as the elder of the debt collection department, which was actually not suitable. Station, is this debt collection or seduction begging for mercy?The atmosphere is really wrong.

I think Elder Guanghe or Elder Qi Yuan are suitable for the debt collection office.The former is rogue enough, and the latter is terrifying enough.

My master told me: "Judging people by appearance, habitual thinking, you are not conducive to the development of debt collection work."

In recent years, because of the hope of breaking through, my master often retreats, so he has less time to deal with mundane affairs, but he is still an important manager of the debt collection office.

This smell is very right.

Me: "I think, master, after you enter the stage of transformation, you must be the leader of the debt collection department."

The master was modest: "I still have a lot to learn from Elder Yang."

... No, Elder Yang is special in my heart... An elder who is like a normal example, can you not destroy this impression?

I am not very familiar with the specific working process of the debt collection office, because the debt collection office did not take me to play, they said: "This kind of rude thing, don't stain the eyes of a beautiful woman."

Then you still bring the little uncle?

Debt collection office: "Little uncle is just a name, and he won't really give him a chance to make a move. Besides, we basically don't have any work that needs to be dealt with at the stage of transformation. That level of debt collection has already involved the dignity of the sect, and requires a higher level. For the planning of the realm, it is not enough for the big brother to come forward, and the uncle who is the head of the sect has to go in person, it is not something that our department alone can handle properly."

Debt collection office: "Our daily opponents are mainly the Jindan period. The Qi training and foundation building period does not dare to delay the debt of Yunxiazong. If there is a little debt, it will be obediently repaid immediately. The Nascent Soul period is more face-saving and basically does not delay. In the mid-term, there are still some horizontal strokes, but the brain is often not working well, so it’s easy to take a beating.”

Debt collection office: "So corresponding to our opponents, the main force of our debt collection office is Jindan stage and Yuanying junior middle stage. Although it is easy to use the strong to defeat the weak, it seems that the younger generation of the Yunxia sect can't do it and can only invite the elders to do everything, and the staff If you always deal with debtors whose cultivation level is lower than your own, it will be very detrimental to your own cultivation. It is beneficial to your cultivation to defeat the strong with the weak, or at least compete on equal terms."

Debt collection office: "The salary of the work is important, but cultivation is more important. If the work of the debt collection office is harmful to the cultivation of employees, this department has been disbanded long ago, and the specific debt collection work can be distributed to other departments. Let the task office deal with the debt, and if you stole something from Yunxiazong, let the peak recover it if you stole it."

3474_It's not really good-looking

Debt Collection Office: "Strictly speaking, the Debt Collection Office can be regarded as a branch of the Mission Office, because the workflow is similar, the difference is that the scope of tasks received by the Debt Collection Office is narrow. On our side, the damaged ones will tell us about their damage. We entrust the task of 'debt collection', and we send suitable people to collect the debt. The debt collected includes two parts, one part is the loss fee of the damaged person entrusted to us, and the other part is the labor fee collected by our debt collection office."

Debt collection office: "The biggest difference from the mission office is that our work fees are not collected from the client, but from our task objects. If the debtor owes one dollar, we often have to take at least two and give half to the client , keep half for yourself."

Me: "Is there a friendly debt collector? I still want to see it on the spot."

Debt collection office: "It's a bit difficult, because you don't need to entrust us if you can negotiate a solution. Those who come to us usually have a peaceful exchange and talk, and you have to threaten or beat them hard. It's actually boring, just fighting. Second son, do you want to fight?" I don’t have any special hobbies, so it’s quite boring to watch live. Even the little martial uncle who likes to fight doesn’t bother to watch it, and the little martial uncle doesn’t like Jindanqi fighting Jindanqi.”

Debt collection office: "If you really want to see it, you have to wait for the situation, that is, the debtor does not know that he is in debt, and the damaged person cannot contact the debtor. At that time, our main job is to find someone, After explaining the matter clearly, some debtors reasoned and paid their debts, and even took the initiative to pay more for our hard work, while some were unreasonable and entered the violent process again."

Debt collection office: "If we find a suitable one, we will notify you to take a look."

And until now I haven't received a notice from the debt collection office, it seems that I was fooled by them.

But this time, as long as I continue to stare at Han Yituo after he finishes conceiving the baby, I should be able to see the on-site work of the debt collection office, right?

Debt collection office: "What do you expect to see? Based on our experience, it is estimated that as soon as we give the list, he said that the loss of the newborn baby is serious and cannot be repaid for the time being, but he will definitely pay it back as soon as possible. After that, it is waiting. Losses during the robbery It is a normal phenomenon to be poor and poor, and we will not make things difficult for others, especially Fellow Daoist Han did not deliberately choose the gate of the Yunxia Sect to conceive a baby, he was brought here by you, so you have to bear part of the responsibility, so naturally we will not press too hard."


Me: "...I didn't bring him here on purpose. Although I caused the location of the exit, it was not chosen by me, and I didn't know that Han Yituo would cross the tribulation as soon as he came out."

Debt Collection Office: "So, the Disciplinary Office didn't bother you."


Debt collection office: "Don't worry, our department works with pure outsiders, and we will definitely not trouble you."

Thank you for your comfort.

Me: "Han Yituo's debt collection task, who is the client? It seems that no one asked you to entrust, and you came here on your own initiative?"

Debt collection office: "If I have to say it, it's the main peak manager. Because Han Yituo's childbirth destroyed the environment of the main peak, the manager ordered us to evaluate and quote. Because our clients are all disciples of our sect, and the debt collectors are all Outside sect, so sometimes the process is not very rigorous, internally loose, externally strict, and occasionally the victim has not thought of entrusting us, so we actively help them recover their debts. Free. After all We don’t have a lot of work in our department, but we have a lot of violent elements.”

Compared with my brothers and sisters, Han Yituo's infant period was shorter, and the degree of damage was not too great.Loose cultivators are generally more restrained in this regard, especially the duration of infant formation, which is less than half of the duration of infant formation by sect disciples on average, and the destructive power is divided into two levels. The destructive power of the Golden Core Tribulation is not much higher, and on average, it is similar to the average destructive power of the disciples of the sect.

Leaving aside the destruction speed, the theoretical analysis shows that the duration may be due to the fact that casual cultivators are much more restless than sect cultivators. As a result, casual cultivators tend to be anxious about everything, especially major events such as upgrading, so they rush to quickly enter a stronger realm.

The quality of Nascent Soul and Golden Elixir formed by casual cultivators is often not very good, it is very rough, and requires a lot of polishing and repairing in the later stage, so the examples of perfect upgrades of casual cultivators are far less than those of sect monks—but not completely non-existent Well, there are exceptions to everything, and slow casual cultivators are not uncommon.

After Han Yituo finished conceiving the baby, he stared at the sky for a moment in a daze, and then looked straight at me; near me, the Yuanying Qi who came to watch Han Yituo's conceiving, mainly disciples of Yunxia Sect, looked at Han Yituo .

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