Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 844

3468_Own and others

The disappearance of the Analysis Grass was not teleported into the secret realm, but just invisible. It actually remained in place at that time, but it was highly integrated with the environment like the spiritual plant in the cuckoo's nest, fooling Han Yituo's perception.It wasn't until the moment the six of us entered the cuckoo's nest that the Analytical Grass followed. It was also at that moment that Han Yituo once again discovered its movements and completely let go of his dissatisfaction with Xu Qing.

The Analytical Grass did not fully wake up from its dormant state until it entered the Cuckoo's Nest. According to the presumed theory in Han Yituo's instruction manual, it was only after entering the Rhododendron's Nest that the Analytical Grass activated its own ability to open the passage into the secret realm. Of course , only turning it on at this time has no practical effect, both for itself and for Han Yituo.

The rhododendron grass that Bao inquired about had also been in a dormant state before, but it was another way of dormancy that was different from the analyzed grass.Bao inquired that Rhododendron had always been able to open the door to the secret realm of Rhododendron's nest. However, because Bao inquired so well that Rhododendron had no plans to change places, so it could be used but was not used. Due to limited ability, I redoubled my care, but in return the rhododendron became more and more lazy, and I didn't bother to inquire about it, so I kept growing the rhododendron for many years.

It wasn't until the matter of analyzing the grass became a big deal that they developed the thinking of inquiring. They tried to bully the Rhododendron grass, and then they didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy to see that the Rhododendron grass really changed.

However, it may be because he has been lazy for too long, so although Bao inquired about Rhododendron Grass, although it meant to call Rhododendron's Nest to take it away, the summoning power was very weak, so weak that Rhododendron's Nest might not hear it.It's like a person with a good voice who hasn't spoken for a long time, and suddenly he can't make a sound when he speaks.

In this case, as long as you practice a few more times, the voice will naturally return to normal, but Bao Inquiry is reluctant to bully the old Lingzhi who has been raised by him for a long time. Hands, one is more tolerant to small bullies, and both sides froze.

Bao inquired that he couldn't do anything about his own Lingzhi, so he turned his attention to another Lingzhi, which was Han Yituo's.

Missing?Xiao Mian, don't think we don't know that you have hidden branches and leaves.As long as the activity of the branches and leaves of Yilingzhi is used well, it is enough to become an independent plant.

The key is to make good use of it, which requires professionalism, and Zhang Feng, a beast master, can't do it, so he replaced it with Bao Xiangzhu, a planter.

Originally, Bao Wenwen wanted to change to the Golden Core stage. After all, it was still very dangerous to go deep into the unknown secret realm, but after thinking about it, Han Yituo was so determined, the secret realm would definitely be able to accommodate him. Peak level, and it is also a challenging environment for Jindan peak—otherwise it will not greatly improve the Jindan peak—so in order to ensure safety, you have to send Nascent Soul Stage?

Don't make trouble, the elder who asked about it no longer appeared on the front line of the interview.


Therefore, Bao Dingwen believes that if you only rely on yourself, there is actually no big difference between the Golden Core stage and the Foundation Establishment stage; but if you rely on others, specifically me, a lower level will easily arouse my pity for the weak.In particular, Zhang Feng and I have been friends for many years, which is more likely to arouse my desire to protect. Unfortunately, Zhang Feng really can't handle Lingzhi's affairs well, so he has to change people, so let's change to someone with the same cultivation level as Zhang Feng, so that I can think about it.


Zhang Feng: "Look, Second Young Master, we are so honest with you, we have told you all our plans. It is trustworthy."

...Continue to talk about the cuckoo's nest.

Relying on the preparation of ice chips and the cooperation of Ermao and Erbing, I spread my spiritual power and consciousness to the whole secret realm. After a little probing, I instantly pulled out all the spiritual plants in the secret realm and planted an equal amount of ice sculptures in the shape of spiritual plants. .

Does this process look familiar?Yes, it is a variation of the method of refining Tongmingguo, but this time the amount is particularly large, and pulling out the spiritual plants is also very laborious. Fortunately, planting ice sculptures only needs to be done at the right time and it does not take too much force. down.

When I made a draft in my mind before I did it, I felt a little overwhelmed. After several calculations, I felt that this was basically stuck at my critical point, but this feeling of critical point was different from the first time I refined Tongmingguo is very similar: it should be possible, but the error tolerance rate is low.

So Pei Bing's little follower prepared a spare teleportation escape plan, Mao Qiu held down the teleportation symbol and was on standby at any time, so I tried it.

And it worked.The detachment is also better than the worst I expected, at least I can still stand, can't I?

I asked Elder Guanghe, an expert on spiritual plants: "Did I pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon? The point of the cuckoo's nest is not the spiritual plants, and I pulled out all the spiritual plants. Did it not only lose nothing, but also escaped?" A bunch of tumors? Although I planted another pile of ice for it, ice is not a living body and has no self-awareness. After the cuckoo's nest wipes out my breath, it can absorb all the ice as its own nutrients, and it will not be like that. Generally, no matter how the heaping plant is fused, there is still a part exposed outside that may be activated at any time, exposing the body of the cuckoo's nest?"

Me: "After the cuckoo's nest has absorbed all my ice, its body will be completely hidden. When future generations go in, they will not be able to obtain the secret body fragments through the simple method of forcing the spirit plant to appear? The cuckoo's nest is therefore even more It’s safe, but it’s much more difficult for monks to obtain benefits?”


Elder Guanghe: "If Lingzhi is a cancer to the cuckoo's nest, then how do you understand that the cuckoo's nest will be angry when you pull out the Lingzhi and try to take back the Lingzhi?"

Me: "Although it is a cancerous tumor, it has grown deep. When the cuckoo's nest is pulled out, it will hurt and lose some body debris. What the cuckoo's nest is angry about is not the loss of spiritual plants, but the pain and loss of body debris. What was snatched back was not the spiritual plant, but the fragments of the body."

Elder Guanghe: "Why doesn't Cuckoo's nest throw away these spiritual plant tumors by itself? The worst is to cut off some of its own body. A short-term pain is better than being sucked for a long time."

Me: "There are several possibilities. For example, although Lingzhi sucked blood from the cuckoo's nest, it also gave back nutrients to the cuckoo's nest. The fruits and leaves of Lingzhi were all absorbed by the cuckoo's nest. The gains from Lingzhi are slightly greater than the losses, if you cut them off directly, you will not be able to make up for the loss of cutting the flesh, so you endure the discomfort that the Lingzhis bring to you."

Me: "For another example, the cuckoo's nest is not very good at exerting force on itself. It is difficult for it to cut off all the spiritual plants at the same time, and if you cut a part first, the remaining ones will immediately absorb the cut off body and spirit of the secret realm. Then the spiritual plant grows stronger, forming fewer but much more dangerous tumors, the cuckoo's nest is not sure how to deal with the strong tumors, so it hesitates to do it."

Me: "This kind of speculation can also explain from another angle why the cuckoo's nest is angry when the monk pulls out a few spiritual plants. Some of the crumbs are absorbed by other spiritual plants that are still growing on the body of the secret realm, and those spiritual plants that continue to grow are stronger because of this. The cuckoo's nest snatches the plucked spiritual plants and puts them back to their original growth positions, hoping that when they are pulled out After the injured Lingzhi returned to his original position, he was taken care of by the strong Lingzhi and became a drag on the strong Lingzhi, thus weakening the threat of the strong Lingzhi to the secret realm."

Elder Guanghe: "Do you think your processing ability is stronger than that of the secret realm?"

Me: "It's not strong, but it's inconvenient to deal with some injuries by yourself. Although there is no problem with the direction and angle that the hands cannot reach when dealing with spiritual power, but similarly, there are many spiritual power injuries that are hidden. Undetectable shielding. The Lingzhi tumors have lived in the secret realm of the cuckoo's nest for so many years, and they must have adapted to each other, and they all have special offensive and defensive methods against each other."

3471_Affirmative answer

Elder Guanghe: "Do you think you have a stronger processing ability than those who have entered the cuckoo's nest secret realm before and have a higher cultivation level than you?"

Me: "Maybe I'm more stupid than them, because I didn't realize until after I dealt with it. I cut off the channel for monks to easily obtain body debris. When I left the cuckoo's nest, I felt the meaning of farewell from the cuckoo's nest. I gave other people a small gift, a small gift made from my ice, which also shows that the cuckoo's nest can easily control my ice."

Me: "I also received a thank-you gift from the Cuckoo's Nest after I came out, which shows that the Cuckoo's Nest is not hostile to me." The thank-you gift is the flower-shaped teleportation channel that sent us out. , it fell into my hands—it didn't fall into the hands of Bao Xiangzhu, who pinched the flower bone, but chose me, which is very telling.

Fortunately, Bao Xiangzhu doesn't seem to hold any grudges.I'll give him more news that can break the news.

Elder Guanghe: "Are you sure that when the cuckoo's nest sent you out, it was because it liked you and was happy, not because it finally sent away the annoying guy?"

Me: "Sure. I have been kicked by two secret realms. I have experience. Sending away annoying guys in secret realms is not the attitude of Cuckoo's Nest. Although Cuckoo's Nest doesn't mean to welcome me again, I can definitely break up with it peacefully." .”

Elder Guanghe: "Are you sad that you have done something that is beneficial to the secret realm but harmful to monks?"

Me: "No? I feel like I have made a friend in a secret realm? There are so many secret realms, so you don't need to grab a secret realm to dig meat. Even if you want to profit from the secret realm, you can find a win-win way, why bother to hurt the secret realm? Live well in the secret realm, Alive and healthy as a world, it will show greater value."

Elder Guanghe: "Then the topic goes back to the beginning, are you sure that what you are doing is beneficial to the cuckoo's nest?"

Me: "I think so, but I'm not sure. Can you give me an accurate word?"

Elder Guanghe: "In this world, there are no completely definite answers to most things."

Me: "I'm sure I like Yunxiazong."

Elder Guanghe: "Well, as an elder who can represent the Yunxia Sect that you like, I will give you a relatively positive answer: what you did will not harm the cuckoo's nest."

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