Chapter 4: I'm gay
He didn't want to kill his brain cells for there was nothing to do in the apartment alone. It was one of those boring Saturday mornings with nothing but, his brain going a mile per hour. Plus everything felt strange and foreign in their apartment without Philip. THEIR apartment...!!? Does he believe Philip now?.
An interpersonal conflict is more brutal than world wars. Anybody disagreeing?
That was another reason why he needed space and time from his apartment, to believe that he wasn't crazy or that amnesia was a step too far and the best psychiatrist would be none other than his best friend, Grayson. He was doomed.
You see, Aiden couldn't believe his eyes when he saw pictures of him and Philip from two years ago in the album and another one was framed and put under the bed. Turns out he even went abroad with Philip!. One can't just come up with a scheme like that in one night. Philip must be telling the truth he took all that morning doubting him. Pathetic.
"There you are!" Greeted Grayson when Aiden peeked his head to his dorm room, trash was everywhere and the music was a blast making Aiden regret being there. What was the point of texting him before going then?
"Didn't think you'd be alive after last night" Said Grayson with losing focus on his game on the screen.
"What happened last night?" Asked Aiden making his presence known in that tiny room. If anybody had an idea of what happened yesterday should be Grayson.
"The usual" Replied Grayson with a shrug throwing Aiden a game controller and scoot over for him to seat beside him. What did that mean?
"That wasn't my first time drinking?" Asked Aiden shocked. He even forgot that he's a drinker now?
"Dude, how would I know? You could be lying!" Said Grayson, annoyed. What got the guy that wound up in the first place?.
"I'm going in better have my back!" Barked Grayson before they got immersed in gaming.
"Bro you smell like shit!" Commented Aiden some time later when it was clear that he won't survive that smell.
"Well, please let it be known that it was in fact you who came to me" Said Grayson casually before he tensed up, "I've lost a wing! I've lost a wing! Aaaand, I'm dead. Thanks so much" Said Grayson before throwing the pad on his bed.
"So, how come you are here on the weekend? Mia is sleeping next door now in case you bump into her on the hall or something" Said Grayson giving Aiden the important heads up.
"Do you know Philip?" Questioned Aiden straightforwardly. Grayson was that one friend who were with him every waking moment ever since they met six years before so, If anybody would know Philip would be him.
"That hacker nerd from engineering third year? I don't approve!" Came Grayson's disapproving tone.
"What the hell, Grayson! I wouldn't dare!" Strongly disagreed Aiden .
"I don't know man, I'm just making sure. You tend to replace Jesus with the saving sometimes" Went on Grayson with a shrug, "He has a court hearing date already"
"Dude, I get it!" Said Aiden holding onto his temples. The headache was killing him. Did he say that he wouldn't be drinking ever again?. Yeah, he meant it.
"Then why are you here asking about him and shit?" Asked Grayson all sceptical before narrowing his eyes at him, "Was he there last night? Made a deal and everything? Did you fucking get involved with him? It's jail time we talking about here!"
"Not that I remember shit any way" Said Aiden with a sigh, resting his head in his hands.
"But, all in all Bro that was the liveliest I have ever seen you be!" Commended Grayson patting him on the back
"And hopefully never again" Said Aiden with a sigh.
"Why? The chick decided to dip because of your two while hard inch dick?" Inquired Grayson seriously.
"I don't have a two inch dick!" Excused Aiden offended.
"Ew Dude, that's too much information! Plus I don't remember asking" Said Grayson pushing Aiden off the couch.
"Such an ass!" Commented Aiden with a scoff.
"So, what happened? You were all over her last night... Offering to move in together and shit" Said Grayson with a laugh, "What? She robbed you or anything?"
"Gray?" Called Aiden somberly after some silence alarming Grayson.
"She did? Didn't she? Don't worry, We got this! We can call the police or track her down ourselves" Said Grayson standing up and pacing back and forth before, Aiden held him to sit back down.
"You're right! We don't got this. I don't know shit about her and you were shamefully wasted last night_" Halted Grayson in his line of thought when he heard Aiden.
"She was a dude" Said Aiden curtly eyes glued to the already blue screen.
"A homie indeed! I didn't know why you dated Mia to begin with. There was nothing good on her than her big boobs_" Said Grayson as he gestured for boobs with his hands.
"Dude, She had a dick! A man cross dressing! A drag queen" Explained Aiden further before feeling like throwing up.
He made somebody a secret for two whole years! What if he died and nobody knew about Philip. Would he still come to the funeral?
"Okay, I hear you. Damn! He was A fine specimen though. So, you didn't get laid?" Questioned Grayson so seriously that it made Aiden laugh aloud. That was Grayson, alright.
"Heck if I remember" Replied Aiden with a shake of his head. Nothing was ever serious with Grayson. What made him that scared to share that part with him for so long?.
"Better not to remember, Imagine sleeping with her, I mean him when y'all were that wasted and waking up just to feel like a rapist?" Painted Grayson shuddering at the mere thought making Aiden terrified at that thought. Did they have sex last night?
"Grayson, I think I'm gay" Said Aiden somberly.
"One night with a drag queen could do that to a person? You told me you didn't get laid last night!" Accused Grayson feeling betrayed.
"He's not a stranger, though" Said Aiden ignoring Grayson's outburst.
"What do you mean?" Asked Grayson facing the fidgeting Aiden.
"I was dating him in secret for two years" Replied Aiden with a sigh. So sick to his stomach.
"TWO...?! What about crazy Mia then?" Asked Grayson not really trying to hide his shock and something like pride. So, Aiden wasn't that into Mia?
"She was means to an end apparently" Replied Aiden not really believing himself saying that aloud. It doesn't feel like that at all. He cheated on Philip and led Mia on apart from using her as a shield.
"You cried for the girl... I can't believe I comforted you from a 'means to an end' though? Dude, you owe me big time!" Came Grayson's verdict before throwing himself to the bed.
"Did I took two years to tell you for the fear of this?" Inquired Aiden gesturing between them with a chuckle.
"What DID you expect?" Questioned Grayson not really caring for the response.
"It's my coming out moment, man! Show me some... I don't know... I guess I wanted know?" Aiden trying to explain the unexplainable.
"Some lighting on the stage and a little pinch of drama?" Finished off Grayson for him, "If it makes you feel better you were always gay. Born this way and everything" Explained Grayson seriously making Aiden laugh aloud.
"So, made your peace about Mia yet?" Asked Grayson back to seriousness.
"Strangely it still hurts" Replied Aiden sincerely.
"You are alright. You won't die from a broken heart and a confused sexuality in your case" Said Grayson dismissively making Aiden laugh in relief.
"I could be bi" Said Aiden out of nowhere.
"I see you did your research. That's the first step" Said Grayson before sitting from the bed, "Or you could be Aiden and he could be...?"
"Philip" Informed Aiden with a smile. He was a simp.
"Philip? What an unusual name to be gay with. Well, who am I to judge" Said Grayson thoughtfully, "Can you even moan the name?"
"I'm going!" Said Aiden blushing to the tip of his fingers. He honestly try picturing moaning to that name and it seriously was awkward maybe that's why he used Phi phi baby before. Yeah, much better.