Chapter 5: The sex or the money
The night before when Philip left the club, he felt like the biggest loser to ever graced mother earth but, when he walked through the door the next day? He felt nothing.
He felt like trash the other day but, when he looked at the bar sign? Why did feel like that when it's purely trash in there and Stanley? Made a dick move. That's what that was and he can't afford another around of that.
She was ready to leave that big block of a chapter behind. Trust her, It was scary to leave there but after the night before? She knew her worth.
Like everything she ever felt to be something major or a life altering experience turned out to simply be another thing in the long run.
She actually didn't need to impress nobody there, hate on anyone or even judge what had happened the night before and any other night for that matter. Because, she didn't care no more.
"Phi phi is here!" Sang the announcement another drag queen when she saw Philip and as if on cue Philip twirled around with a little dance and a big happy smile on her face.
"Girl? I thought that was IT, last night!" Said the drag queen with a dramatic snap making Philip feign a gag at how wrong the drag queen thought.
"Let's just say it was until it wasn't" Dismissed Philip with a shrug making the drag queen narrow her eyes curiously.
"Was it the silly customer, Phi phi?" Asked Julia, a waitress there with a knowing look. She saw the whole vibe the other night and she must say, Phi phi went home with the purest of them all.
"The all time golden Phi phi went home with a customer?" Asked another drag queen maybe much more louder than was necessary, attracting some avoidable attention from the others.
"Don't you start with me!" Warned Philip going to her side of the locker, for her work outfit and everything when he felt a presence behind her? She knew exactly who it was.
"What the fuck, Nona?" Inquired Philip to the first drag queen who welcomed him.
"So...? How was it?" Asked Nona not being able to keep her excitement under wraps, "Are you really done with that somebody you know who?"
"Girl, please remind me again who that was?" Asked Philip feigning ignorance.
"You know exposure to stupidity gives me amnesia, honey! I can even feel the migraines acting up again" Said Nona playing along making Philip chuckle.
"We are fine now" Said Philip finally going to her business.
"I really hope we are!" Replied Nona as she cupped Philip's face to plant a kiss on her forehead, "I thought you are going to sleep with me last night though. I even prepared some ice cream and a heartbreak playlist. Just for you"
"And chance a lecture from your man?No please. Thank you next, honey" Scoffed Philip at the idea itself. His man was too nagging to be a sponsor.
"Don't get me started with the guy. Men are dogs!" Commented Nona earning some deafening silent with judgement eyes from Philip before she went on with their conversation, "So what happened, Nona?"
"So, I told you how I found out that he had a wife and three kids somewhere out there, right...?" Started off Nona but, was cut off by an offended Philip, "No, girl this is breaking news to me! CNN type of shit. Are you okay?"
"Pretty sure I did but whatever, the week was hectic for both of us. Please, don't let me dwell" Said Nona with the wave of dismissal before going on with her story animatedly, "So, I did!"
"You did what?" Asked Philip confused, how many episodes did she miss on Nona's shenanigans?
"Confronted the guy? Where your head at?" Asked Nona already getting annoyed.
"On my neck. And what did he say?" Questioned Philip, invested.
"He had the audacity to look offended! Phi phi,, he dared to make me the bad guy again!" Complained Nona, pissed off a new.
"Tell me you dropped that man" Inquired Philip but, he knew better.
"You know I can't do that. Beggars can't be choosers and everything" Replied Nona fixing up her non imaginary creases on her thong.
"Is it because of the sex or the money, because the last time I heard, you didn't love the guy" Supplied Philip looking back at Nona.
"And I still don't!" Assured Nona "Judge me if I care but, the guy got everything I need in a man!"
"But?" Philip had to question the obvious or nobody will.
"He's not man enough, that's for sure" Finished off Nona before they busted out laughing like maniacs.
"I hope you know what you are doing" Said Philip after they had calmed down a bit.
"Do anybody ever?" Questioned Nona like the very suggestion her way, was crazy.
"There you two are" Came another drag queen and by the look of it, she just came from a blow job well done. She was insatiable, "Stanley is looking for you, Phi phi. He looked pretty pissed off to me. Tread carefully if you may"
"Okay, thanks Christe. Let me just finish what I'm doing first. I have some unfinished business with him anyway" Replied Philip continuing to empty her locker.
"Wait! You are leaving?" Asked Christe aloud making Philip panic, "Tone it down!"
"You are?" This time it was Nona who asked the question shocked beyond measures, "And you fucking decided to do that without me?"
"I'm sorry, Nona. But, I can't work with him" Replied Philip sadly.
"Then let's run from this place together!" Said Nona before jumping off the table to her side locker.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Questioned Philip what he should know best.
"Cleaning my existence to this place!" Replied Nona getting busy with her locker.
"That's being crazy, Nona" Said Philip with a laugh but, she was honestly touched and relieved.
"That's what I'm known for!" Nona shouted the words from her part of the room excitedly.
"Do you guys have any... A plan? For when you get out there?" Asked Christe earning some silence from them before they looked at each other contemplating.
"Do you?" Philip asked Nona who only shrugged, "Heck no. You?"
"Girl, FYI... I had just decided to quit this morning on my way here" Explained Philip seriously.
"So, we are royally fucked" Said Nona somberly, "But then again when were we not? Let's do this thing!"
"Fuck, I love you!" Said Philip feeling in need of some tears.
"I'm not doing this for you so, don't get it twisted!" Said Nona emptying her dressing table this time.
"Whatever you say, your majesty the queen" Joked Philip with a bow making Nona fan herself dramatically.
"Back to work... Some time later we will be free birds, with everywhere to go, Many things to do and nothing in our purses" Declared Nona with authority
"Life is an experience, Madam!" Shouted Philip in solidarity, going back to empty his things.
"Can I join you two?" Came Christe's question.
"It's a free country" Said Nona curtly, "But, before we let you in on this one. We might seem hyped right now but, that's the only thing we know how to do not to freak out. We are already this old with limited talents and inspirations and dreams... The only thing was going well for us was our history in this hell hole so, yeah be a dear and choose wisely"
"It's your future life that's on the line here" Added Philip looking at the weirdly serious Nona. It hurt that it was true but, it hurts more to make Nona step foot into the unknown world once more. Was this what they call 'Ride or Die' friendship? Or just somebody good at following Philip around?
"Let's do this thing!" Shouted Christe earning applause from Nona and Philip.
It's not wise but, it was happening. So, they decided to just roll with it. Judge them if you can. But you can't, can you?