Chapter 3: I'm an art, Kitty
Good thing it was the weekend after final exams or Aiden would have killed Grayson for dragging him to the club.
He even cancelled all his work for the day. He felt that something wasn't adding up but, he just couldn't pinpoint what was or maybe, he just didn't want to find out. He liked Philip and the easy sense of life he carries about him. Or maybe because, he makes him want to have sex which is a new occurrence to him.
It was weird how Philip was more at home than Mia ever was in that apartment. He was everywhere and on top of everything in the apartment which was a breath of fresh air from the constant 'You should do this', 'You could have done that' comments.
But, it was no secret that Philip was more than a stranger to Aiden which was quite mind numbing when he realized that nobody he knows knew about him, not even as a friend!. And to make matters worse, his phone number was saved just the night before which was another terrifying clue. And how on earth can a person erase a past of only one person. He heard about a period in one's life but a person? What was he playing at?
Was keeping him a secret that important to the point of isolating him to his daily life? Not even bragging to his bl fan sister, Tina?. What was happening to him?
What if it's a selective amnesia and soon could be anybody else and in no time, he'd be a stranger even to himself? Blame the notebook the movie.
"And so? How do I look?" Came Philip's question, interrupting him from his head, he was standing like a diva from the corner of Aiden's eye and the jaw drop from Aiden explained everything to Philip.
"That's how you look everytime we go out?" Asked Aiden absent minded eyeing Philip up and down before swallowing his greed.
"I had THIS and I still agreed to date Mia?" Asked Aiden cementing his doubts. He could never date two people at once, that was engraved in him. He had this feeling that he was being lied too and facing the fact wasn't in the cards so, he decided to play along at the moment. Living life on the edge.
That is exactly what baffles Philip. The guy was straight and he took it pretty well to find out that he had a boyfriend for two years and even though it was over the top? He had to cross dress to get his reaction to that and so far? He couldn't tell if he was the greenest flag or a dripping red one. Was he colour blind?
"What. are. you. Trying to tell me, Mister?" Inquired Philip as he went up to straddle Aiden on his lap, who groaned at the contact to his groin. Aiden makes it so easy for a man to feel special.
"That you look breathtaking" Replied Aiden not really knowing what to do to help his case. He was hard and so not in tune with his brain. He was his own demise.
He honestly wanted to question Philip more about them and understand but, then also to make himself cum which was an argument in itself for he wanted to make the guy beg for mercy and leave him a hot mess but, by the way he was dolled up expensively? Looked like it took him a lot of work to get ready but damn, those lips_!
"Enough to make you hard apparently" Said Philip grinning devilishly like he knew exactly what Aiden was thinking. But, if he did? He would be screaming for the hills at that moment. Wait, can a person change his anatomy as changing clothes?
"Where's your cock?!" Asked Aiden, shocked when he felt Philip's front, flat. And the guy was packing a seven inch bafore so...
"Somewhere down there" Whispered Philip with a laugh. He realized that he liked Aiden maybe even more than he has to. As much as he liked his feral side, he couldn't help enjoying his goofy side.
"Doesn't it hurt?" Questioned Aiden cautiously but, with genuine concern.
"I'm an art, Kitty" Explained Philip simply as he stood up from there making Aiden face his stomach and subconsciously, Aiden kissed him there tenderly and holding him by the butt cheeks making Phillip's knees go weak and jelly. How does he do that so effortlessly without making him feel repulsed?
"I have to go, darling" Whined Philip like Aiden had an invisible glue keeping him there.
"Do you really have to go?" Questioned Aiden giving Philip the begging dog eyes.
"Yes, Kitty" Said Philip before kissing Aiden's tip of his nose, "Just because we live together now doesn't make you my keeper"
"How did I survive with you being a stripper?" Asked Aiden before kissing him once more at the navel and rubbing his face there.
"That's for you to tell, honey. See you next time" Philip kissed Aiden before walking to the fridge to show Aiden where every meal was, "Any questions... Shoot me a text"
"You got a key to the apartment?" Asked Aiden reminding the rushing Philip. Don't blame him, he didn't want that to be the last he saw Philip.
"Lost it, remember?" Replied Philip after a stunned minute.
"Right bedside draw" Nodded Aiden towards the direction making Philip scoff when he saw it, "Mia's?"
"Unfortunately yes" Replied Aiden standing from the couch to walk to him. He was too horny to think straight and was too magnetizing to resist.
"You could have forgotten about her instead. Just saying" Said Philip as he was looking at the copy of the key, "It's cute though"
"I'm sorry" Whispered Aiden inches away from Philip making him yelp but, melt afterwards. WTF, right?
"About what?" Asked Philip breathlessly, He always thought he was more than in control with his body than most. He even thought to be an ace before.
"About Mia" Replied Aiden ashamed. He was still hurt by her. That he was using him as her replacement or maybe he was making fool out of him just because, he could.
"It was my idea though" Said Philip letting his head back so, Aiden could devour his neck while he grind on his junk leisurely.
"But, I loved her" Said Aiden in a hurt tone killing the moment like it were an annoying fly.
"You still are, baby" Said Philip seriously while straightening his outfit and hair.
"Why did I forget about you?" Questioned Aiden feeling like shit and blaming himself. On the what if Philip was telling the truth and he was just denying for his peace of mind?.
"Something for the plot? So, you could love me all over again? Or you could have a chance to meet my world without prejudice this time? It could be anything!" Explained Philip with a warm smile, "Let's take it step by step, shall we?"
"The one song I could listen to every day" Said Aiden before kissing Philip goodbye who left the apartment in a speed of light.
Aiden was gay and though he didn't know when it happened but, it happened and he had a two year secret relationship with a bl actor/drag striper.
Did he believe that? Had his doubts. Did he want to believe that? Heck yes! Philip was a ten and he can switch it up pretty nicely.