Chapter 10: My Oh My
"My Oh My" Commented Philip teasingly even though he felt like his world was coming to an end. Literally.
And at that time he really wished to have Jake's gut and his shameless love sacrifices plots of staying where it hurts just because it's the only place that they felt seen.
"Please leave" Amidst the chaos from Philip's head, he clearly heard Aiden mutter the words though they were weak and all but, hey. He wasn't needed there and he certainly didn't leave anything in his apartment.
"Yeah, you go!" Supported Mia haughtily.
So, he spurned around ever so majestically but, feeling more like a shitty peasant inside to march to the elevator when he felt a hand stopping him ever so, gently and when he saw It was Aiden's, he didn't know what to feel.
Should he be touched? He who came from a somehow broken home. A family were people only stayed together due to morals and obligations.
"Not you baby" Said Aiden in panic before turning to Mia who was dead shocked, "You" Said Aiden weakly.
"What about the baby?" Asked Philip to the already drained Aiden.
He really felt sorry for the guy but, couldn't help the anger too. They could have been using condoms or better yet abstain from sex altogether! He's a church boy for heaven's sake!.
"What are you saying?" Questioned Mia to nobody in particular. The shock was just too great and she expected to be welcomed in open arms. I mean, it was her and he was Aiden. Why was everything out of proportion?
It was literally yesterday when they broke up. What couple doesn't make up after a fight? So she cheated, big deal. People make mistakes, though. Aiden was the love of her life.
"Mia... That apartment behind you is never yours to come and go as you please anymore. Call first, text but, never come here unannounced ever again like this" Said Aiden curtly before pushing her on the side coldly and opening the door making space for Philip to enter the apartment but, Philip chose to stay glued to the place.
Was this the sign that Aiden loved him? Too soon, right? Plus, he needed Aiden to make it clear to both of them.
"Wait for me inside, please" Urged Aiden as he escorted the guy inside, "Oh" Replied Philip simply but, obliged and Mia happily took the opening to enter behind them.
"Tea anyone?" Called Philip when they were inside making Aiden's brows furrow slightly when he saw Mia in there. The girl has no shame at all or, pity on his heart.
"Who's this old geezer to you, Aiden?" Asked Mia when she saw Aiden's angry glare on her. Great. She can even get him to glare? She wasn't far gone in his heart yet. He still cared.
"That's my boyfriend you are talking about in that tone and I thought I told you to leave already!" Came Aiden's angry voice making Mia and Philip stun.
For Mia is that she never heard Aiden yell at her for anything. Not even when she made him lose a major deal, and for Philip? He never thought Aiden was the type to even think about yelling on a pregnant lady. Did he still want to be with a guy like that?
"What did you say?" Retorted Mia with the same heat she received making Aiden all the more angry and walked to her menacingly.
You can't break somebody's heart and expect a warm welcome just because you are pregnant. That's petty but, that's what Aiden believed.
"Out of my apartment!" Ordered Aiden with a finger pointed at the door. Mia was stunned after realizing that Aiden wasn't letting that up. Where would she go now? Was she that disposable?
"But I'm_" Trailed off Mia after rudely being interrupted by Philip who put the tea pot and cups down before making Aiden sit on the chair next to him.
Aiden really needed that for he rested his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes instantly.
"You are pregnant. Yes we know all about that and impeccable timing if you ask me" Said Philip pouring his and Aiden's tea in a cup respectively, "But, you both can take a chill pill. Nobody cares about you two so, be those adults who think for their unborn child"
"What are insinuating?" Mia narrowed her eyes at Philip and his every move. He was weird from all the men she ever knew. He was just too girly for her comfortability. Doesn't Aiden see that?
"That you are being immature? Or maybe just desperate?. But, then again I don't know shit about you for me to assume anything and as you can see... We had a long day today" Said Philip patting Aiden's thighs to make him open his eyes.
Aiden didn't want to be a part of any of that but, he had enough of Mia for the day.
"You two..." Trailed off Mia when he saw Aiden intertwining their fingers together with Philip and Aiden breathing a shaky sigh.
Like that's what he needed the most. Aiden's love language has always been physical touch. She should know that.
"Does Grayson know about you two?" Asked Mia, disgusted looking from Aiden to Philip and back at their intertwined hands.
Philip's heart was in a coma at that time. How could Aiden just out them so casually like that?
"Mia?" Called Aiden after he regained a part of his brain and strength, "What is it that you want from me? Why are you here?"
"I'm carrying your child!" Replied Mia somehow confused. Was everything between them fake? Did Aiden use her to hide his sexuality?.
"I heard that" Replied Aiden with so much patience he didn't have, "Which is something you could have texted or called to inform" Said Aiden with a shrug.
"You have already decided to keep it. Your body, your choice. My slip up, my responsibility. I get it. I actually don't even care if it's not mine at this point or that you only want to tie me down. Just get out of my face!" Said Aiden meaning every word.
"You have changed, Aiden" Stated Mia genuinely hurt by Aiden's reaction. Yes, she wasn't sure if the child was his but, was the blow from being cheated on that great that it turned a man gay?
"How can you be so cold to the mother of your child?" Attempted Mia again, heart broken. In her mind, Aiden was the only guy who she thought would pamper her even at her worst. Guess, she's wrong this time around.
"Give him some space, darling. He'll get around to you, don't worry" Suggested Philip sipping on his cup of tea casually.
"Shut your twat, you sick faggot!" Said Mia feeling so overwhelmed to distinguish the feeling.
"Okay, that's enough" Said Aiden before grabbing Mia by the arm that was going to slap on Philip's face and dragged her outside kicking and screaming before closing the door to her face.
Was something wrong with Philip to escape two slaps in a single day.
"That was cruel" Commented Philip before he walked to where Aiden was standing leaning on the door.
"Philip, I feel sick" Mumbled Aiden rewinding everything that transpired that night. There's nothing he did that he felt proud of. He was going to be a Dad!?
"That's to be expected though" Said Philip offering to hug him and he silently accepted.
"Do you think the child is mine?" Mumbled Aiden in a muffled tone. His heart was bleeding so much that he was crying without his knowledge.
"Well, did you ever do unprotected sex with her?" Asked Philip going at Aiden's pace. Letting him come to terms with what just had happened.
"Just that one time..." Replied Aiden thoughtfully.
"And that's all it takes, honey" Said Philip with no emotion whatsoever but, he was hurting too.
What the hell did he run from Stanley for? Oh, yeah, the guy was engaged to be married and they had two children together with the first being eleven that year when he stayed with him for fourteen years!
"I can't deny that child, Philip. I can't cut Mia clean from my life now and I do want you by my side. Am I greedy and cruel for wanting all of that?" Thought Aiden out loud.
"Yes" Replied Philip dryly making Aiden drop his face a little, "But it's life and my choice to cater to your choices. Maybe I want you enough to think that this isn't fucked up and maybe I'm cruel enough to have felt happy when you chose me instead of her or maybe I just need to know if I love you or not"
"You don't know that?" Inquired Aiden in panic. Was it because of that day's drama?
"Don't tell me you do" Retorted Philip with a raised eyebrow.
"I dont know about that but, I swear to God that all I wanna do now is you" Declared Philip before hoisting Philip by the waist and going to the bed.
"What do you want to do to me?"Asked Philip in a whisper before biting the flesh there making Aiden shudder.
"Everything I can do to you" Replied Aiden before kissing Philip like his life depended on it!
Philip could still feel the tension of their situation but, he decided to make Aiden forget about it at least for a minute.