What Are We??!

Chapter 11: Did tell you to stop?

Philip was starting to get the picture on how Aiden function when it comes to making love to his mouth. He was just such a good kisser!.

He started off desperate, demanding and possessive even but, then he left Philip to take the lead when he felt him reciprocating to his assault with more need and desperation.

Aiden liked setting the pace but, how it goes from there? Depended entirely on his partner.

With Aiden, it was always all or nothing. It hurts sometimes but then it doesn't, it's sweet, tender, innocent and quite too pure to be a kiss to another man.

Sometimes it stings and you might fear for a broken skin on the part where he didn't bite. It was a mind numbing experience.

Philip felt like his mouth was on fire, his breath became more laboured than he wanted to admit, his feet became too heavy to support him so, he let it fall to the bed giving Aiden the view of his hard dick in the open. His body was already in Aiden's command. What more did Aiden want from him? He was certainly searching for something.

And there he was the whole day thinking that Aiden had only shown him that intensity in bed the other night because, he was drunk and heartbroken and so he thought their first sober day would be awkward and, it was but mostly on his part.

"Where did you go, baby?" Came Aiden's hoarse whisper when he felt Philip slipping away from him emotionally, "I missed you"

"I need to use the bathroom" Came Philip's reply, abruptly standing up from the bed. Confusing Aiden.

"That sudden?" Asked Aiden worriedly. How can Philip ever admit that although he wanted to be taken by Aiden desperately like that for most part of the day, he forgot to prepare himself for it?

He better get busy to it and fast!.

"You are having second thoughts about us?" Asked Aiden cautiously, tugging Philip's heart strings. Was Aiden that insecure?.

"Oh honey I'm going in there because, I want this! I want us!. I want you and not having to deal with literal shit later on" Explained Philip, cupping Aiden's face before kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Oh" Answered Aiden as soon as Philip's lips were gone from his. He missed him in his embrace already.

"Yeah oh" Countered Philip defensive before he saw the face Aiden was making, "What is it?"

"I'm... I'm scared, Phil" Spoke Aiden not really sure if he could form words from his feelings.

"Phil? Really?" Asked Philip who was upset.

It was obvious that he hated being called that so, Aiden obliged, "I'm sorry, Philip"

"And why are you scared?" Asked Philip returning them both to the topic in hand.

"Did I ever... I mean, how did I do before when we had sex?" Asked Aiden before he closed his eyes not to let the shame sink in. That was way awkward than everything else he ever asked in his life.

"I'm not following" Teased Philip holding back laughter.

"This is embarrassing" Mumbled Aiden before making a resolve once more, "How was I when I had sex with you. Bottoming or Topping?. Did you ever enjoy it. Did I ever enjoy it?"

Philip was stuck between laughing his fears away and feeling sad for deceiving the guy. It was his first time and for him to rush into things like that wasn't ideal nor fair but, the heart wants what it wants! And he was no saint.

"Do you want to have sex with me though?" Asked Philip, instead of answering his questions.

"I do" Replied Aiden with full determination.

"Do you know how to have sex with me?" Asked Philip again pulling Aiden to him by his shirt.

"From behind?" Answered Aiden getting sidetracked by the pucker of Philip's lips. They were swollen and kind of purple.

"Did you ever watch gay porn?" Asked Philip avoiding Aiden's lips on his.

"I kind of did before..." Trailed off Aiden feeling ashamed of that fact. Why was Philip serious all of a sudden.

"And you obviously made love to Mia so, you have nothing to worry about. It's not that different except with me your only option is my mouth and anus. And I really need you from my behind or I'd go bananas" Explained Philip before leaving him there to walk to the bathroom.

"Then teach me how to prepare you" Suggested Aiden running to hold him back.

"It's not as romantic you'd think. It's rather disgusting" Said Philip taken aback. Can the guy ever cease to surprise him? Aiden was a walking contradiction to his character and image.

"Can't I judge that by myself?" Begged Aiden making Philip resign in his determination.

"Don't fucking say that you can't get it up later on because, I'll rape you if you do" Threatened Philip making Aiden laugh giddily.

"I hope we don't get there for my sake" Said Aiden in mock fear before taking the lead to the bathroom.

Aiden was unfamiliar with everything that was unfolding since that morning but, he wanted that. He needed that. It was no secret how much he fantasised having anal sex with Mia before but, didn't know how to bring it up with her.

"You look so beautiful" Aiden breathed the words as he unbuttoned Philip's shirt and kissed his shoulders tenderly.

Aiden's hands were everywhere in Philip's body, tracing every curve and crease as he whispered all those sweet nothings in his ears.

"I love everything about you that's not a lie, babes. But, do you know what I love more?" Questioned Aiden kissing the back of Philip's ear, to the back of his neck and nibbling there making him moan more and shudder at the sight he was seeing from the mirror.

Aiden wasn't even done stripping him and he was already on edge. Just a kiss his way and he will cum again without even strok_.

And just like that he found himself cumming just from a touch of Aiden on his overly sensitive dick. Weird.

"I like this part of you more" Whispered Aiden clueless on what he did to Philip. He was busy feeling the girth, how it twitches in his hand, the way it was wet and the smell of it. Yes! The smell of his cum was more than an aphrodisiac.

He couldn't stop tracing the veins to the opening at the tip of his dick before squeezing Philip's ball sacs.

"I want to suck you off" Whispered Aiden in a tone so raw and carnal. It was like Philip could hear Aiden's need.

"What?" Asked Philip but, before he could permit it or not, he was already being turned to face Aiden.

"I want you in my mouth, I want to smell you so bad" Said Aiden in all seriousness.

"Then let me just..." Trailed off Philip on his quest to clean his dick first when he got a slap from Aiden. It really stung.

"No. No hiding this sight from me" Commanded Aiden holding Philip's hands back against the faucet before going on his knees without breaking the eye contact.

"I like it like this" Breathed Aiden before smelling the shaft to the root before tracing back up with his tongue, "Magnificent!" Muffled Aiden as he took it in his mouth and kept it there for a second or two before moving up and down in a slow pace, groaning at the sensation of it hitting the back of his throat and the musk making it hard for him to think about anything else than to take Philip, right then and there.

Philip was never a fan of those fetishes. Like being a personal urinal, being spitted on, cum on the face or even swallowing that thing, it was disgusting to him. And he told Stanley that, before when he brought it up.

But, seeing Aiden on the floor like that? Licking his dick clean and for him to like it that much made him hard again. He wanted to make Aiden a gay whore. Woah, that's a lot a single wish.

But, Philip wanted to control those lips and body in return, so bad that it made him buzz with excitement or was it just a building tension?

"You're getting hard again" Said Aiden in amazement. He didn't know that he was doing wonders to Philip with that mouth of his.

"Did I tell you to stop?" Questioned Philip, fiercely.

"No" Replied Aiden excitedly returning to his duty but, this time with Philip's commanding presence and guidance.

Philip didn't know what came over him but, he liked fucking that mouth and making the guy gag and tearing up for him. He didn't care about Aiden until he came so strong in his mouth.

He obviously didn't know about Aiden but, he felt like the guy was changing him and he didn't know if he liked that change in him. Or even if he could run from it.

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