Chapter 9: Pregnant
It was excruciating the whole ride home to say the least.
Aiden was like this harmless beast type, unprovoked. Philip couldn't tell anymore if he loved that pull and push game, Aiden was playing anymore.
With all the tension building up and falling by command, a light tease, hard squeeze or maybe a heated look his way and Philip would be a goner. He didn't like that, not even one bit.
That never happened to him before. It felt pleasantly alien. That never happened with Stanley, it always felt like a him problem and maybe he was just too much in his head to feel anything sexual but, with Aiden his head tend to shut up and listen, linger on his every word and breathing, his cold touch on his hot skin... It just was too much. And it was unfair to be on the road for more than three hours experiencing just that!
It was either they stopped at the red light too late or too early, they couldn't tell for they were always being cursed at and being beeped at by others on the road. The good thing remains that they were surprisingly still alive when they arrived.
"We are not driving again" Aiden breathed the words as he was done switching off the car engine and turning to Philip who was laughing his butt off at building parking basement, remembering the journey.
"Oh God! Don't be such a party pooper. Today was kind of fun!" Asked Philip breathlessly from the laughter before he noticed Aiden's hungry gaze on him. So he wasn't just playing along?
"We are here now. Can I kiss you in peace please?" Begged Aiden making Philip's breath quickened and caught in his throat. What was it with him? He was like a new project in another language manual. Nothing made sense.
"What is it that you see in me?" Questioned Philip out loud wishing he could reverse the question for how corny and lame he sounded even to his own ears.
"Oh, Philip... baby?" Started Aiden pained and hide his face in the crook of Philip's neck, sucking there hard and lick it better shortly after, "I honestly don't know how to answer this. I just fucking want you so bad that it's making me insane" Said Aiden trailing kisses and light touches anywhere he could.
He just wished he could satisfy his thirst in just a single gulp of Philip. And even with that he's not sure if it would ever be enough.
"Let's take this party upstairs. How about that?" Suggested Philip not really sure if he could handle Aiden in that small of a space and to his surprise even though Aiden seemed so far gone in his assault, he more or less rested his head on Philip's shoulder for merely gaining his composure, "Okay, just give me another minute or two"
"So, I won't be home for the whole day tomorrow" Said Aiden while in the elevator getting Philip's naked body out of his head while Philip was feeling like Aiden was acting indifferent to him.
"It's Sunday though" Said Philip cautiously for he didn't know anything about Aiden's schedule and everything beyond his phone gathered information.
"Or you could come with me? It'll be like a date!" Suggested Aiden getting excited and almost pouncing on Philip who was quick to his feet and shoved him back with a scoff, "I don't think so, Mister"
"But then again you are right. That's not a place for you to be at" Said Aiden like a sad wet puppy.
"I don't know if it's just me but, I feel like you are dancing around the subject of 'pronouns'? Or how to act around me at times. I could be tripping though" Stated Philip on the one thing that was weighing heavily on his mind. Aiden was uncomfortable.
It was like Aiden was trying so damn hard not to make a mistake which was endearing no lie there but, worrying at the same time.
"I don't remember your preferences so..." Trailed off Aiden sadly but, just like that all his baby puffy features were morphed into horror when the elevator reached his floor and the door opened to the sight before them.
There in the hallway was a girl, a model type but with big jugs, like too big to be real. She could be the human form anime character. She was standing on Aiden's apartment door talking to some guy on the opposite apartment door.
"There he is!" Said the guy next door when he saw Aiden on the elevator, "I was offering her to wait for you inside my crib. Good thing you are here" Explained the neghbour before getting back inside.
Aiden for the life in him and the fondness he had for Philip he couldn't fucking move. He still wanted Mia and that wasn't a good look for him.
He didn't know what to do. How to react to that situation? It was overwhelming. He hated himself for being so weak. So, he was frozen there, cliche as it may sound.
Philip knew that face from Aiden's phone and albums last night and he knew just how much that girl had a space in Aiden's heart but, when he saw that reaction from him? He was hurt and practically dragged Aiden to walk to her.
"Hi love, You must be Mia" Greeted Philip with a kiss on both cheeks, "Why are you out here? Forgot your keys somewhere?"
"Not quite" Replied Mia with a faltering smile since, nobody was allowed to question her like that before so, it was simply strange and plus, she didn't know Philip, like at all.
"But since you are already here how about we go inside and talk?" Mia suggested to the frozen Aiden. He was living in a nightmare.
"You know what? I don't think so Mia" Philip said as he blocked Mia's advance to touch Aiden which enraged her even more.
"Who the fuck are you?" Questioned Mia facing Philip fully.
At first she thought he was just another client of Aiden but, by just how much he's getting involved in their business and Aiden letting him? He could be another Grayson. What a pain!
"Aiden we need to talk" Demanded Mia but, when she didn't get any reaction from Aiden, she had to spill it out there, "I'm two months pregnant and it's your child!"
"Woah! That's a story to tell" Commented Philip dryly but, to say that the said story doesn't change anything? That's a fantasy.
"Look here mister. I don't know your relationship to him but, I'll tell you this whether you like it or not, this child is his and I'm not going for abortion" Said Mia very much determined.