Chapter 52: Chapter VII
Currently I'm dealing with all my content being nuked off of wattpad for a copy right violation that I am unaware of. It's all fan fiction and I have no idea what to do. On the bright side with no access to wattpad and no more school since I'm on externship I'll be able to focus full time on this if I'm not doing any creative non fan fiction writing. I hope you're all having a wonderful fay and I can't wait to see you soon. Enjoy and God bless.
Blyke stands outside waiting for Arlo, he calls him to meet up so they can talk. Blyke feels himself unable to focus on anything but all the times he's been weak and helpless.
Arlo: Hey, you wanted to see me?
Blyke: Yeah.
Arlo: Then spit it out already.
Blyke in his head: Jeez man, I need you right now.
Blyke: Well, I need some advice.
Arlo: On what?
Blyke: Well, when you graduate. I'm next in line for King right?
Arlo nods his head.
Arlo: Yeah, what about it?
Blyke: Well, I don't know if I am able to lead a whole school.
Arlo: Huh?
Blyke: Well, I don't buy into the whole tier system, I'm a 4.5 and yet I can't even take care of myself. How can I be put in a position to protect everyone in the school when people in masks run around and can one shot me? I feel unqualified.
Arlo nods his head a little.
Arlo: Well, you've already done the work a King usually does already, monitoring halls, organizing school events, Leading turf wars, keeping students in line. You're the strongest male in the school, so students will naturally follow your lead as King.
Blyke: Yeah well, that guy who's running around school with a mask, he's on John's level, If I-
Arlo interrupts Blyke.
Arlo: Blyke, forget what I said earlier, you're not like most people so you know why you have to be king.
Blyke: Hmmm?
Arlo: You may not be the strongest, but you're a natural leader, you have students who are on your side who are gonna surpass you in strength, so why does it matter that you're a little weaker than everyone else. Isen is weaker than Cecile, but he can run the press way better, that's why I put him in that position. If Rei was right about one thing, then it was about qualification over everything else.
Blyke: Oh, well, I don't think-
Arlo cuts him off once again.
Arlo: Shut up and listen. John isn't gonna take the king position because he knows he's a cruddy leader, so that leaves you left. Whether you like it or not you're gonna have to take this role. Besides, you won't be alone, you have your class with you.
Blyke thinks to himself for a second as he lets Arlo's words sink in.
Blyke: Yeah, our class is pretty stacked.
Blyke in his head: But so is he.
Blyke remember's Joker not only dodging his laser beams, but also maneuvering himself towards the energy wielder. Blasting chunks of concrete out of the ground as he darts up towards him.
Arlo: Just make sure you keep those freshmen under control.
Blyke: Hehe, yeah, I remember when me and Isen were freshmen.
Blyke and Arlo flashback to two years ago.
Blyke: What are you looking at?!
Isen: Hey, get your hands off of me!
Blyke: Don't think I didn't notice you staring at me since we got here you creep!
Isen: Dude, don't flatter yourself.
Arlo: You two, cut it out!
Blyke and Isen look at Arlo.
Arlo: This isn't the place to fight, take it outside if you need to.
Blyke: Who the hell are you?
Isen: You can't tell us what to do!
Arlo: I'm the King, so you better watch yourself.
Blyke and Isen break out in laughter.
Blyke: Hahahaha!
Isen: You the King?!
Isen: Yeah right little man! A lame kid couldn't possibly be the GREAT KING of Wellston! Just walk away before I crush you with my pinky.
Arlo walks up to a purple haired girl and takes her fork, not knowing that this would be the day where he got a second ability, Arlo, 6.3, his passive would be that his barrier allows him to increase his natural strength, and his second ability being fork, 1.2. The ability to call any kitchen utensils nearby for battle.
Arlo throws the fork like a trident, almost hitting the two boys as it pierces the dry wall of the cafe.
Isen: Hey, you could have hit my eye!
Arlo throws Blyke on Isen.
Isen: OOOF!
Present day.
Blyke: Haha, yeah, we were kinda a pain in the ass.
Arlo: Please, you were the least of my problems.
Blyke: Huh, yeah right!
Arlo: Nope, I had to run the school all by myself. The lack of unity left behind from Rei.
Blyke: Huh? Like from what?
Arlo: Well, Rei made it so that low tiers would have hope, that they could compete with high tiers in life. Which caused High tiers pride to be tarnished. On top of that, none of the royals listened to me, they thought because I was Rei's predecessor that I would turn out like him.
Blyke: But how did you handle it?
Arlo: Well, I found all of the royals that wouldn't follow my orders, and I would get them to meet me at the turf war site, and beat them into submission.
Blyke: Jeez dude, that sounds rough.
Arlo: Well, it's not like John does when he's acting delusional, running around with a cape and breaking arms out of sockets.
Blyke shivers at the thought that Arlo put in his head.
Arlo: The reason we don't encourage low tiers to reach for the sky is so they don't get hurt, so that they stay in their lanes, the system already looks out to prevent as many injuries as possible.
Blyke: Oh jeez, so you had to break the system for a bit to fix it.
Arlo: Precisely, but that's not where it ends, you see, Rei was the most powerful at the time. You couldn't even kill him if he let you. So we all had to listen, but when he left. Everyone hated him, they wanted to do their own thing, the low tiers wanted to feel powerful.
So they got ballsy and challenged the high tiers, and the high tiers who's pride were already hurt were pissed, so fights would break out like crazy, and all the principle does is act passive, saying that powers can be expressed on campus as long as it doesn't interfere with class. Leading to countless injuries, but once I beat them in their place, things started to settle down, people would fear me, and I took that and used it to lead as an example.
Blyke: Woah, that sounds way harder than what I'm with, you had no one.
Arlo: So trust me, things will get better for you, besides, you got a cute Queen who's kinda into you who's willing to help.
Blyke: Heeey, who told you about that? Wait, she's into me?!
Arlo: Hahaha, oh man, Isen was right, that does get funnier by the day.
Blyke: Man that rat, just wait till I beat his ass.
Arlo: Yeah well, just trust me, you'll do great.
Blyke: So, about Rei, was he just a bad King, or naive about how the world worked?
Arlo: Oh both, but I'm not holding anything against him, he wasn't a bad guy or anything, he just really wanted to help and please everyone. He just didn't understand why things are the way they are.
Blyke: Damn, that's crazy. It's kinda sad he died the way he did, a vigilante without a clue.
Arlo: Yeah well, what can you do?
Arlo sheds a tear.
Blyke: Hey man, thanks for that, I think I can handle it now.
Arlo: Good, now leave me alone.
Blyke: Huh?
Arlo walks away from Blyke.
Blyke: Arlo, wait?
Arlo wipes his eyes before turning around.
Arlo: What?
Blyke: You know how you beat every student into submission, what about John, I mean he would always act like a cripple, avoid his royal duties, and you would always try to get him to use his powers for the good of society, then he would go around and do the exact opposite whenever Seraphina got hurt, but you never....
Arlo puts his hand up to motion for Blyke to stop.
Arlo: Listen, you have to promise on your soul not to tell anyone, if John found out what I told you, he might just kill me.
Blyke: Uhh, yeah.
Arlo: I couldn't take John head on, he was way too strong, he barely matches my strength without an ability or any passive ability, he could easily crush me with anyone's lower than mine. So I had to take a different route to get to him. I had to break him down.
Blyke: So what happened?
Arlo: Well, you don't wanna know, but I'm gonna tell you so that you don't make the same mistake as me.
Blyke: I'm listening.
Arlo: I got Meili and Ventus involved, NEVER, and I mean ever, get people involved in something that you wouldn't do yourself. At least with him. He may be our friend, but he is something else. I got Meili and Ventus to break John's phone after Cecile snitched on Seraphina, I took what was bad and tried to make it an opportunity. I thought by separating him from Seraphina I could get his emotions out of the picture, from there I would slowly get students to pick on him so he could see the importance of his power, without Seraphina helping him maintain his secret. However my plan was cut short when he directly challenged Meili and Ventus to a turf war. They thought he was some kinda mad man who was just talking smack, so they accepted. However, when he showed up to the turf and used his powers, I thought I finally won. I got him to use his talent, from there I could convince him why he was important to the hierarchy.
Blyke: Listen man, this just sounds like normal conflict.
Arlo: You ever stop to wonder why Meili had back problems for a week, and Ventus's arm wouldn't stop shaking whenever he used his ability.
Blyke: Yeah, some kinda permanent inju...
Blyke pauses for a moment.
Arlo: Turns out John is sick in the head, and he knew it, he couldn't lead the school if his life depended on it. All he does is take things to the next level, he'll fight until his opponent has something to remember the fight left somewhere on their body if you pick up what I'm putting down.
Blyke was left speechless.
Arlo: I always wondered why he wouldn't use his powers in school, then I realized it's because he isn't mature enough, being a late bloomer gave him a low tier perspective, he'll literally beat anyone to a pulp for simply being a high tier if he didn't get alone with their morals on low tiers.
Blyke: Damn, well that makes more sense.
Arlo: Well, it's kinda annoying, he's such a brat about things.
Blyke: Yeah, can't imagine what that clone freak of him is like, I don't mean to bash him but you got a point.
Arlo: Yeah well, as the Joker he's better at doing what he does, if he ever became king he would put the school in terror, people would be too afraid to use their powers.
Blyke: Wouldn't that be good, We wouldn't have to worry about fights.
Arlo: I suppose, but that also means people won't master their ability, he'll hold everyone back from their true potential, no one would wanna settle disputes or work on their abilities if a low tier, no, a cripple had the power of a maxed out God Tier.
Blyke: Yeah well, I couldn't imagine doing the stuff he does as The Golden God, or putting a school back together.
Arlo: No one knows what to do when hit with a challenge, that's the whole point, your character is measured when you're in adversity, not when you're comfortable, so I wouldn't sweat it. You're fine, in fact I'd say your power level has nothing to do with your rank as King, like I said earlier with Isen and the press, your a better leader, your class is powerful so ranks wouldn't matter at this point, it's your overall view on the system, so relax and enjoy the rest of Junior year.
Arlo starts to walk away.
Blyke: Uhh yeah, sure, thanks man!
Arlo: Don't mention it.
Blyke in his head: Yeah, he's right, I got this...
Arlo in his head: Damn, I pushed him that day, I caused this. So if his clone is running around in this dimension, I must have really fucked up in the last universe. John must have become king, and destroyed the school, got bored like my John claims, and is now on a violent interdimensional rampage.
Arlo bumps into someone.
Arlo: Oh my bad, watch where you're going through.
Joker: Yeah right, don't act like you have any authority over me.
Arlo freezes as he hears Joker's sinister voice.
Joker: Hello there, been a while, guess I've been so busy shooting up your friends here I forgot that you're my top target.
Arlo: What the hell do you want?!
Joker: What do you think, I want your John dead, but first I want to kill everyone who he cares about right in front of him, that'll make things very, exhilarating!
Arlo: You're sick....
Joker: Yeah yeah yeah, sick freak, I've heard it before.
Arlo: So, you gonna beat me to a pulp now?
Joker: No, I just wanted to make my presence here, so enjoy your time while you can spend it, because when I'm done with you, I'll send you to a place where time won't help you.
Joker fades away from Arlo, thinking about his interactions with him, one stuck out to him in particular.
Arlo: John, I'm sorry for everything.
Arlo: I shouldn't have tricked you, I should have left you alone.
Joker: Yeah no shit, because now your regretting it, everyone around you is getting hurt, people are suffering and there's nothing you can do about it, IS THAT WHY YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY?!
Joker: PISS OFF!
Arlo: I'll make it up to you.
Joker: I knew it, you just wanted to save your precious hierarchy...
Arlo: No. That's not....
Joker: Shut the hell up, there's nothing you can do, you screwed up my life, now it's my turn to return the favor.
Joker: Even though you dragged me into yours. Innocent blood. You dragged your John into your mess. All he wanted to do was just hang out with that girl he calls a friend and be left alone. You told Blyke yourself you had his phone broken and you targeted him while Seraphina was suspended.
Arlo: STOP MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, you had a responsibility and you were neglecting it.
Joker: Look, I don't know what you're complaining about? I'm just climbing up the ranks, so wait your turn. I'll get to you when I get to you.
Arlo grits in anger.
Arlo: Enough John!
He powers up, his eyes glowing a raging blue.
Arlo: You're not going anywhere till we settle this.!
John turns back and puts his hands up, a cocky smile spreads across his face.
Joker: That isn't for you to decide. Go ahead, beat me up all you want.
Arlo: ??????
John: I won't retaliate.
Arlo: What, why?!
Joker: But if I were you, I wouldn't start a fight with me, because if anyone sees us, you'll be in trouble...
Arlo: And why is that?
Arlo still wears an angry face, frustrated he can't get anywhere with John.
Joker: Joker is running around the school knocking down the king's horseman, but the king is out beating up a peasant rather than taking care of the Joker. If word spreads, an uproar would burst. You'll only be making things worse.
Arlo's face goes from angry to scared real quick, his opponent was smart, had the advantage, and control of the battlefield that was Wellston.
Joker: Accept it Arlo, you have no choice but to wait, we'll fight on my terms whether you like it or not. So just give it a rest and relax already, think about what you'll do after I beat you up, oh wait,
Present day.
Later the next day, John and Seraphina are walking together to the mall. Sera takes a sip from her drink as the two walk along.
Sera: Feels like we haven't hung out in a while, what are you doing in your free blocks? I can't ever find you.
John: Well, I'm either on my computer looking up those weird dudes from New Oklahoma city, or tracking down Joker.
Sera: Oh I'm sick of him, kick his ass already.
John: Well it's not like I can when I'm ready, we're all kinda forced to work around his schedule.
Sera: Damn, that sounds tough, how about those dudes from New Oklahoma city?
John: I've been putting them off, so far they haven't been doing much activity wise, it's kinda sus but I've got more important things at the moment that need my attention.
Sera: Um, one's a school issue and one's a national country issue.
John: More like a seed to become a world issue, he can do more destruction than you think.
Sera: Yeah well, forget I asked, how are your grades after all of this?
John: They took a dive, teachers have been making me do extra work to try and keep my average up.
Sera: You know if you ever need help in school, I'm always here, right?
John: Bruuuuh, you always give me shit for being slow!
Sera: Hmmm, I don't remember that.
John: Besides, I'd rather spend time like this. Away from the other students, and all that nonsense with you. It's way more relaxing, and I don't have to worry about anything.
Sera leans close to John.
Sera: Me too.
John grabs her hand, the two walk around. John looks at her face and notices a bruise.
John: Hey, what happened to your face?
Sera: Oh, Evie and Roland got jumped by some mid tier, so I schooled her.
John: Jeez, another fight, you should be more careful, what if...
Sera: I don't care anymore. That's what you say all the time. So you can get in all the trouble you want, but I can't? Why should it be any different for me?
John: Because I don't want to see you get hurt!
Sera freezes.
John: I've gotten myself into a lot of dumb shit, but now that it's you it is different!
John: When I saw you tied up against that wooden pillar, I told myself I would murder everyone in that room who didn't have magenta hair. I was gonna do it, send them six feet under. I hated every last person that day. And all I could think was how weak I was, how all I could do was just play pretend while you got hurt. If I wasn't so cowardly, then maybe you'd be happier right now. If only this stupid hierarchy didn't exist. If only we didn't have to worry about other people's abilities. Then neither of us would have to deal with this bullshit. Then we'd...
Sera rushes towards John and grabs his hands.
Sera: John, stop thinking that way! You have to do what you have to do for the better of The world, don't blame yourself for my mistakes.
John: Yeah well, the world doesn't deserve any kind of mercy.
John grabs her hand again.
John: I want to protect you though, you're my world, the only world I need.
Sera blushes.
Sera: John, I'm flattered, but you have a job to do, please don't quit it.
John: Ugh, yeah I know.
Sera: Please John, for me.
John: Of course, I'll be whatever you want me to.
Sera hugs John.
Sera: Listen, I know you just want me to be safe.
John: And that's what I'm gonna do from now on.
Sera: ???
John: People are starting to think that The Golden God isn't the only aura manipulator. I'm gonna use this to unmask myself.
Sera: John, I don't think that's a good idea.
John: Sera, what do you want from me?
Sera: John I....
John: No I'm serious, I'll do whatever you say.
Sera: I want you tooooo, stop being so cheesy with that "I'm your whole world crap" and come and follow me.
She playfully punches him in the arm as they both head into the mall.
Later that day Sera and John are running.
Sera: Hey John, you ever worry that you'll find someone who's stronger than you.
John: Well, I don't know, I mean, technically if you get your powers back, you might be stronger than me.
Sera: Huh?
John: Well, you're an 8 right, and I'm a 9.5. But you're an 8 at your ability, I'm an 8 at my maximum capability, that involves me trying, and on top of that I have to use your ability if I'm going to even stand a chance, which I'm not used to since I haven't used a lot.
Sera: A lot? Have you ever used my ability?
John: Well?
(Play montage of John using Sera's ability to go from place to place and do errands).
Sera: WOW, so I'm just an errand girl to you.
John: Um, well just your powers, and a cute one at that.
Sera playfully punches John's arm.
Sera: Haha, catch up slow poke.
Sera flashes back to her eating lunch with Terrance, Evie, and Roland, and Sheene. She meets a new kid there.
Evie: Hey guys, I want you all to meet someone, he moved here from Agwin, his name is Jake Lawn.
Jake: Hi guys.
Nice to meet you.
A boy with green eyes and white hair stood in front of them.
To Be Continued......