Chapter 51: Chapter VI The Joker and the Jack
Cecile: Great, you gonna find some bullshit charge on me now Mr. noble?
John: I need info on Joker, everything you know. That's it.
Cecile: Oh? What if I refuse? Can't pull your little torture trick in broad day light can you, you sick freak.
John just stared at Cecile.
John: You don't seem very shaken up by it, and considering the circumstances of the situation you left me no choice.
Cecile: Well can't say I haven't done it myself, so I know the rationality behind the action.
John: I'll drop all current charges on you. How's that? I really shouldn't but I have perspective.
Cecile just stared at John with confusion.
John: This is serious, more than just our school's structure is at stake, talking about entire civilizations. This man you're working with is not anything like me. He's more powerful than you could imagine.
Cecile turns her head.
Cecile: Well, if I haven't seen what you've seen then I might've called you crazy, but can't say I'm that ignorant. Alright here's what we have agreed to.
One hour earlier
Cecile: Honestly, I don't see the point in this, why run around with a mask and take out each royal, why not just go to Arlo directly without a mask.
Joker: Just focus on following my orders.
Cecile: So, who are you going after next?
Joker: Hahaha, you should know Cecile.
Cecile looks at John puzzled.
Cecile: Um?
Joker: My next target is you.
Joker starts to laugh. Cecile stands there salty about the situation.
John: Ha ha! You should have seen your face just now!
Cecile: Hey, that's not not funny!
Joker: Hahahaha!
Cecile: Don't joke like that!
John gives Cecile a little smirk as he turns his head slightly away from Cecile.
Joker: Awww that's cute…..
Who said I was joking?
Cecile to John: The rest is history.
John: Jeez, you really screwed yourself over.
Cecile: Yeah, guess I did.
John: I swear I won't be a happy camper if that's it. Come on he didn't tell you anything else, your only conversation consisted of his rise of power?
Cecile looks at John with shame in her eyes.
Cecile: I'm really sorry John.
This takes John by surprise.
John: What the?
Cecile: I guess I got in over my head. I know you're a late bloomer, but people who claim that high tiers are privileged are pretty ignorant.
John: What the hell are you talking about?
Cecile: Well, you think I wanted this lifestyle? Yeah the powers are pretty cool, but what's the point? It's not like I need to fight my whole life. I never asked for responsibilities of a high tier, if it were up to me, I'd actually rather be lower ranked. Hehe, and to think about a month ago I looked down on them. Irony.
John scoffs as he gets up to leave the room.
John: Psh, save the pity speech for someone who cares.
John walks out of the room as Cecile tries to think of something to say but comes up speechless. As John walks out he sees Otis stumbling in the hallway towards the infirmary, he walks by Otis, looking down at him.
John in his head: Seriously, should I even help this guy?
William in John's head: Everyone has something to offer.
John sighs as his fathers words play over and over in his head.
Meanwhile Sera is in the cafe taking her lunch to Evie's table.
Sera: Hey, thanks for your help when I was stranded in that old dump of a house.
Evie: Huh, how did you know?
Sera: Everyone told me about you.
Evie in her head: Everyone of the royals remember me, EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!
Evie: Oh it's nothing, I was only doing my part.
Evie in her head: SHE'S SO COOL!
Sera: Hmm?
Evie: Oh, I-I don't see you eat in the cafe often.
Sera: Yeah well, I used to be able to eat on the roof, but then I lost my rooftop privileges.
Evie: That shouldn't be right, the roof shouldn't be a privilege, heck you shouldn't lose privileges after losing your ability, it's not right at all!
Sera: Yeah well, nothing about this world is right. I guess I'm just your everyday low tier now huh.
Evie: R-right but you're still able to stick up for yourself!
Sera: Yeah well this far down the ladder, abilities become irreverent, Hower's only weapons are his hands, just avoid them and he's just like any cripple. It was an easy fight.
Evie: Woooow, so cool.
Sera: But I....
Horrible memories of her time in the abandoned house floods her mind. Then those memories are replaced with John, charging at her kidnappers in a golden suit of armor. Slaying the demons in front of her. She blushes at the thought of John saving her, risking everything for her, she brushes them aside, remembering her words and how she wouldn't let those low tiers get to her, when her thoughts are interrupted by Evie. One moment she considered never helping another soul again, only to be replaced with positivity, and reassurance of her right doings.
Evie: Yeah but, you don't let anything bog you down. I wish I could be like you. You're so confident, always looking like nothing bothers you.
Sera in her head: Confident, huh?
John is walking in the halls, thinking about all he's done in his life. His past, all the people he's hurt. Then all the moments of people hurting him, the torment of not knowing if he's in the right or wrong.
John: Maybe it was for the best.
John flashes back to when he stumbled upon Otis.
John: Hey man, you need help, you look pretty roughed up?
Otis: Whatever cripple, I'd just focus on yourself!
John: Hahaha, you're funny kid.
John kicks Otis in the gut, forcing him to cough up blood.
John: Next time, accept the help!
And just like that John realized he was no different then Joker. No different than whoever put him in that state of pain. Yet he felt so enraged that he had to deal even more damage to the dead horse. He let his morales get corrupted in exchange for a cheap satisfying thrill. John sighs in defeat as he just keeps walking. Otis lies on the ground, groaning from the pain that was just inflicted on him.
John in his head: I'm sick of this school, can't wait to just go off into the real world, everyone here is trash, even the low tiers picked on me, they all-
Evie and Roland as well as Terrance flash into his mind.
John: Well, maybe not ALL low tiers.
Right after, Sera flashes into his mind. A smile forces itself on John's face, followed by a wave of fear. The memory of Keon wanting to enroll Sera in a re-correction class fills his mind.
John: Yeah, I gotta pay him a visit tonight, show him the consequences of his actions. Show him that this is my terrain. I'm the king around here.
John bumps into someone at an intersection.
John: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Evie: Sera, you okay?
Sera: John you dummy dum. Watch where you're going!
Sera yells as she drops some of her things.
John: Oh, hey Evie.
Evie: Oh, uh, hey John.
The three walk together outside talking about life. John and Evie get to know each other better. Then Evie departs from the group to meet up with a friend.
Sera: Hey, is something up, the whole time you were talking to Evie, you seemed like you had a headache.
John: Nah, I was just thinking about some stuff.
Sera: Hmm.
She stares at John as if she is examining him, studying him, looking for something out of line, even if it's something unnoticeable by most.
John: Haha, alright, let's start heading back.
The two walk for a minute in uncomfortable awkward silence, they both know that something is off, but none of them want to acknowledge it.
Sera: Soo, you sure nothing is going on.
John: No, I...
John pauses, unable to think of anything to say.
Sera: John, why is your hand shaking so much?
John looks at his hand, he tucks it in his pocket.
John: I uhh, I don't know.
Sera grabs his arm and pulls his hand out of his pocket.
Sera: John, tell me what is going on.
John starts to freak out, in a panic he pulls his arm loose.
John: Let go!
The two stand there in silence, John coming to the realization of what he just did, Sera looking confused as heck.
John: I don't know what came over me.
Sera: John, do you trust me?
John: Sera, of course I do.
Sera: Then just tell me what's up, please.
John pauses for a moment, not knowing where to start.
John: I just, I don't know, being suspended kinda got to me, I'm constantly looking over my shoulder because I'm not even supposed to be here. Then add the time that Keon was gonna sign you up for those classes. It's all just screwing with me. I'm vengeful and paranoid right now.
Sera: John, what happened in those classes?
John: Well I, I don't know if I wanna talk about it.
Sera: John!
John turns his head.
Sera: Since I've lost my ability, you've always had my back, and helped me get through everything, but this goes both ways.
John: ...
Sera's face grows meaner.
John: Meet me in my dorm, I don't wanna talk about it in the open.
Sera: Fine.
Sera walks away as John heads to his dorm room.
John in his head: Compared to your problems, mine mean nothing.
Meanwhile Sera is walking along to the meeting place Evie is always talking about. She finds Evie being pushed around by a blue-haired girl with two pigtails. Next to her is a boy named Roland.
Evie: You should leave him alone you big meanie!
Clio: Shut up already, was I talking to you?
She punches Evie to the ground. Her orange glowing eyes turn to Sera.
Clio: OHHH, hi Seraphina! Didn't expect to see you here.
She grabs on to Sera's collar.
Clio: You want a part of this fun too, HUH?!
Sera in her head: So, either get beat up now, or later.
It isn't fair!
Sera grabs on the blue haired girl, her eyes change from orange to red.
Sera in her head: Oh, so because your eyes change colors like you have some unnatural ability you think you're hot shit! Who cares if you've mastered your first one. I'm still gonna kick the crap right out of yeah!
Sera headbutts the girl's head. She then punches her, once she falls she kicks her in the lower ribs.
Sera: Get lost.
Clio: W-what?
Sera tends to her fallen friend when Clio gets back up and charges at Sera. She hits her in the head.
Sera in her head: Dammit, she doesn't hit hard, yet I'm seeing double, it must be her ability then.
Evie gets up and puts her hands over the girl's face, the light from her hands blind the blue haired girl. Her watermelon eyes glow a fierce ember-ish red. Sera gets back up while the girl is stunned and knocks her out with a punch. By this time Roland gets up, the three look down at the girl, out numbering her three to one.
Clio gets back up.
Clio: You....
Sera: Leave us.
Roland: Phew.
Evie: Yay, we won!
Roland: You were really brave!
Evie: I can't believe we actually managed to fight her off!
Sera looks back at the two celebrating.
Sera in her head: What's the point in celebrating, we still have to survive tomorrow?
Evie: Sera, this is Roland.
Roland: Hi, nice to meet you, where did you learn to fight so well?
Sera: Oh, well it's actually not that hard to learn, I'll have John teach you.
Roland: Oh, that guy, I think I remember him, he's the cripple guy, right.
Sera: Yeah, cripple.
Images of John's violent methods flash in front of Sera. All the times he's beaten students up as the infamous Joker.
Sera in her head: Right, I gotta show him how to run this place, otherwise he'll just feed into Joker's trap.
Sera: Come on guys, I'll show you two some tricks John taught me, I have fifteen minutes so let's hurry.
Roland: That sounds good.
Evie: Yeah, let's go.
Meanwhile Blyke is walking back to the dorms when he feels the presence of someone familiar. A looming presence overwhelmed him as it's shadow just lingered behind him.
Blyke: Hey John, watcha.....
A masked figure stands behind Blyke confirming its existence.
Blyke: What the f-
Blyke gets hit hard with a powerful punch. He stumbles back and gets in a fighters position as he looks at his opponent.
Blyke: Damn, you're gonna have to hit harder if you wanna...
Joker slams a kick in Blyke's gut.
Blyke in his head: Can't let him copy my ability, I should stall for a bit.
Joker takes Blyke's arm and slams Blyke to the ground, pinning him. People from the school look at the current battle.
Come on Blyke, show this prick who's Jack!
Yeah Blyke, kick his ass!
Blyke in his head: So, this is the Joker? What a monster. Is John like this? Doesn't matter right now. I need to protect everyone from this thing.
Memories of John brutalizing the jokers and Sera's kidnappers flood his mind. Scared that Joker can do the same as John did to them, Blyke freaks and starts to throw punches at Joker.
Joker starts to bend Blyke's arm in an awkward position, continuing to move it. The bone starts to break and bend, Blyke freaks out and blasts Joker with his Laser. He throws laser-like balls at The Joker, his eyes glow yellow like a light bulb.
Blyke: Alright asshole, you wanna screw with me, then let's get this over with!
Joker charges at Blyke, Blyke charges forward, the intensity in the air thickens as they approach each other closer. Everything goes dark, until Blyke sees a version of himself, his eyes glow red, his hair is yellow, he locks eyes on Blyke and his hair turns blood red. He charged with his red eyes. Shooting lasers out of his hands and eyes, something Blyke couldn't even do.
Blyke: What the hell, who are you?
The evil Blyke wrestles Blyke to the ground, Blyke panics and shoots his lasers out his hands and fingers all at once, he shoves evil Blyke off and pushes him to the ground. His eyes power up and shoot a yellow laser. His eyes turned from Yellow to red in a matter of seconds, his hair spiked up and turned yellow, electricity formed around him, yellow electricity was striking Evil Blyke, while dark black electricity was striking Blyke. Blykes shock wave strikes evil Blyke. Unable to control his aura he powers down as evil Blyke disintegrates. The darkness fades out into light as Blyke is back against fighting Joker. He charges a kamayhamayha at The Joker.
Yo, there is no way anyone can dodge that.
Blyke in his head: So, you think by climbing the ranks and hurting my friends, that you're gonna get anywhere? You think that by tormenting my friend, that you're stronger?
You think you're gonna dethrone Remi and take Arlo's stat as King?
Joker out loud: Oh yeah, gonna enjoy the look on your face when Remi's face is pounded on the pavement.
Blyke in his head: What?! He can hear me... no forget about that, you're not gonna lay a finger on my girl you sonofa-!
Blyke couldn't even finish his sentence from the stress he felt from intense pressure in his body.
Blyke Releases the energy he condensed in the kamayhamayha. Joker slides underneath him and charges up all ten of his fingers.
He shoots lasers out of them, penetrating every non vital spot in Blyke. He then elbows him to the ground, knocking him out. He then punches Blyke in the spine, knocking him for good. Joker looks around at the scared student body, he then sees someone familiar in the distance.
Joker: Oh look who it is, you looking for your friend here?
John: Where the hell is Blyke?
Joker picks up Blyke by the hair and throws him to John. John then puts his mask on.
John in his head: Can't draw any attention with this fight.
John: I'm gonna break you.
Joker: You would have already if you really wanted to.
John: SHUT UP!
John charges at Joker, Joker shoots John with his laser beams, the black and white lasers shoot at John as he dodges them left and right, returning black lasers back with Gold where the white light is supposed to be.
Joker: Hahahaha, now you see me now you don't!
John: Gives off a confused look when Joker uses Blyke's shockwave to send John flying. Joker disappears, leaving Blyke injured. John gets back up as students around him comment on what just happened.
Woah, maybe the yellow high tier guy is on our side?
Man, just goes to show you how weak Blyke is, and he calls himself a jack.
Screw off, you can't comment you're a low tier.
Shut UP!
Wait, so you think the black and white guy is some kinda-
Joker, that's what he is, the only place left on the hierarchy for a maniac like him.
Blyke get up!
John gets up on his two feet, he rushes to Blyke who is bleeding profusely on the ground.
Blyke: Ugh, dammit. Where is he?
Blyke looks up to see two gold eyes looking down on him.
Blyke: J-John?
John picks up Blyke and rushes to the infirmary.
Shit, he's taking Blyke.
Should we be concerned?
No you idiots, they just fought the same guy. They're most likely on the same side.
John rushes through the hallways to the infirmary, he busts open the door and drops Blyke off.
Doc: Hey, who the hell are you?
John rushes towards a window and jumps out. Leaving Blyke on a bed.
Doc: What the? So now we have some asshole acting like he's the baby pelican for hurt people, fuck off!
Doc picks up Blyke and places him on a nearby empty bed that has curtains.
Doc: Alright, let me patch you up.
Meanwhile Arlo is walking around when he overhears a conversation between some rando's.
What the, how did Blyke get hurt?
I heard it was the same guy who beat Gavin and Juni.
No, that was the Gold dude, and besides those two jerks deserved it, acting like he owns the roof despite his lack of ability, and that other one who acts like she's Wellston material.
Yeah but, he kinda went overboard, tracking down Juni like that and beating her to that extent.
Yeah well, they both are two different people, and both have the same ability as The Golden God.
Wow, so there are at least three people running around with that kinda unnatural ability. That's kinda scary.
Yeah well, I just hope the Gold dude can just show the shadow guy who's boss. I don't wanna have to fear for my life in school anymore.
Who does?
It's crazy, they're calling the shadow guy Joker, and the Gold guy The Prince.
What if one of them was Arlo?
What, come on that's ridiculous, his ability is barrier, now whatever the hell that was.
Arlo: Yeah, that guy right there, I like his logic.
Haha, thanks, ARLO?!
Oh my, Arlo, Don't listen to her, she's an idiot.
Arlo pulls out his phone to text someone. Later that day John is in his room.
John: Dammit, I couldn't fight him hard enough!
He punches his punching bag
John:DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! If I didn't find him, Blyke could have died. I'm too weak to...
A phone ring interrupts John's thoughts, a text from Keon.
Keon: Hey, how's the Oklahoma case going?
John grabs his phone.
John: We need to talk later tonight. You don't ask me how my work is going. I don't work for you.
He turns off his phone and goes back to his punching bag.
Meanwhile Blyke wakes up in the Infirmary. Remi and Isen rush in.
Remi: Blyke!
Isen: Arlo wasn't lying.
Blyke: Huh, what happened?
Remi: Arlo called us to let us know what happened. Are you okay?
Isen: Shit dude, you got kicked like a rock.
Blyke: Hey, how long was I here for?
Remi: Most of the day, school just ended.
Blyke in his head: Damn, what the heck just happened?
Blyke remembers fighting some sinister version of himself, his eyes glow red and his hair was yellow, it shifted colors to all red. Blyke on the other hand had his eyes shoot yellow beams, only for the color to transfer red. His hair is all yellow. The two gave off electrical currents, electricity that subdues everyone, his counterpart also had the same ability, Blyke comes to the realization that he's starting to unlock his unnatural ability.
Blyke in his head: No, I can't be doing this now, I'm only a 4.5.
Blyke looks down, ashamed to look Remi and Isen in the eye.
Remi: Blyke, what's wrong?
Blyke: Oh, it's just that, I got mopped by that psycho who can hold like four different abilities all higher than mine.
Isen: OOF, can we get an F in the chat?
Blyke: Shut up, OUCH!
Blyke screams as he pushes himself out of bed.
Remi: Blyke, take it easy.
Blyke sits himself up to look Remi and Isen in the eye.
Remi: Blyke!
Blyke: No, I'm sick of taking it easy, there's a maniac running around the school hurting my friends and not even our number one can take him out. We're in a huge dilemma here and I feel like no one wants to just point it out, THIS IS FREAKING SERIOUS!
Remi and Isen sit in silence as the three reflect on Blykes words.
Blyke: Hell, we have to work around his schedule, he's the one who gets to pick and choose when he attacks. All we can do is sit around and wait.
Blyke: Sorry, I lost it for a second.
Remi: Well, I'll be back, I'll go get you some more ice for your wounds and some water.
Remi walks away to get Blyke some ice and water.
Isen: So, didn't think this is how your day was gonna go, huh?
Blyke: You know, I'd thought I'd at least come out looking like a leader, strong and capable.
Isen: Oh yeah, muscles busting out of that Chad body of yours, clothes ripped off, you'd be all sweaty and roaring.
Blyke: Haha, yeah, as ridiculous as it sounds.
Isen: And then you'd break his back, throw him across the campus, and Remi would be watching and be all like "oh bLYke, yOUr sO sTRonG! PlEaSE mAkE oUT wItH mE!"
Blyke: Alright jackass that's enough!
Isen: And you two would be all like, BALalalalalalalalalalala OHHHH BLYKE!
Blyke starts to blush.
Isen: Hahahaha, man I'm just screwing with you!
Blyke: Man, I just wish I wasn't so weak!
Isen: Dude, it's just how it is, we could train more once you heal if you like, but you shouldn't stress it out too much. You'll take longer to heal.
Blyke sighs.
Blyke: Fine, I'm just gonna rest for the rest of the day.
Isen: Cool, I'll see you later.
Isen walks out of the room.
Remi: One sec!
Remi: Hey Blyke, here you go!
Blyke: Thanks.
Blyke chugs the water down as Remi sits down next to him.
Remi: Hey, what's this talk I hear about you being weak?
Blyke: I uhh, I don't know, it's nothing.
Remi: Yeah right, you know you can talk to me about it.
Blyke: I'm just, I'm just so tired of being weak, I can't even protect you, let alone take down some maniac with multiple abilities.
Remi: What do you mean?
Blyke: I just think back to the night we all went out and took down those gangs, I was barely able to fight off Lance, and when I managed to get to you guys, you were struggling with Volcan, if I had even missed one shot, I don't think John and Isen would have been able to pull you out of there. Hell I'm a 4.5, how can I look after you if you're a 5.4, and I can't even look after myself.
Remi: Aww come on now, you've got a lot going for you. You're still growing, we all are.
Blyke: Haha, now you sound like my mom.
Remi: Bruh shut up.
She punches Blyke lightly on the arm.
Blyke: Ouch!
Remi: Whoops I didn't mean to...
Blyke: Hehe, no you're fine.
Remi: Well, I'm sorry if I made you feel weak.
Blyke: No, don't ever think like that!
Remi: Huh, but you...
Blyke: It's not your fault you're talented.
Remi: .....
Blyke: I was just scared that if anything were to happen to you guys, I couldn't do anything about it.
Remi puts her hand on Blyke's hand.
Remi: Blyke, stop worrying so much. You won't heal properly if you're stressed.
Blyke: Alright then, I'll just chill here.
Remi waits for Blyke to fall unconscious. She then kisses Blyke on the forehead before she leaves.
Remi: Get better alright.
Remi gets up and walks out. Blyke then opens his eyes when she leaves, smiling to himself, almost forgetting his flaws.
Later that day the sun is starting to set and John is heading out to meet with Keon when Blyke walks in the dorm room.
Blyke: Oh, hey John.
John: So, how was the infirmary?
Blyke: What do you think?
Blyke walks towards his room.
John looks at Blyke walking to his room.
John in his head: Jeez, that loss must have really gotten to him.
John walks out of the dorms. He heads to the roof and puts his suit on. heading downtown at the speed of a freight train. He jumps from building to building.
Keon: It's about time.
John: What happened to "nO moRE GoINg oUT aS The Golden God" huh?
Keon: We've made a severe error in judgment.
John: Yeah, you have.
Keon: Your assignment is to scout out the New.....
John: Uhhh upupupupupup! I don't think so.
Keon: Excuse me, who's paying for the equipment you use?
John: Clearly not the government any longer. Nor have they ever have. You've read my text don't act dumb.
Keon: John, you can't be serious.
John: I can't keep neglecting Wellston, despite everyone being shit, I have a responsibility. Besides, I'm my own agent now.
Keon: Huh?
John: I'll call you if I need any information on something, but don't act like you're in charge here.
Keon: Boy, you'd be making a grave mistake.
John: I'd say the same thing, because you wouldn't dare go against me.
Everything around Keon goes dark, a sensation of falling fills him. He feels like he's locked in a void, no were to go, nothing to see. Yet he still locks eyes on John. He stands there looking down on Keon, his eyes pierce Keon's soul. Fear is all he can feel. Then everything returns to normal.
Keon: What the hell boy?!
John: So, guess that didn't work, let's try this again!
Keon: Wait, what do you want!
John: To send a message to the president and all the high tiers who run our society, let them know that the people will take back what's been stolen.
Keon looks at John in fear.
Keon: Y-you know that might just get you killed!
John: Trust me, there's only one person that can even beat me in battle, and that person I already know, so I don't think anything is gonna happen to me anytime soon.
Keon: ...
John: Oh and by the way, if I ever find you trying to sign up Seraphina for one of those classes again, I might just slip up.
Keon: What are you talking about?
John: Just don't test me, cause that little vision ability isn't gonna help you when I'm pounding your face in the ground.
Keon: Oh, so that's how you're gonna treat me, after all the help I've given you?
John grabs Keon by the collar.
John throws Keon against the wall.
John: And what makes me sick, is that you tried to sign her up for the same thing you did to me, for no fucking reason at all.
Keon: Who do you think you are?! You're not just some god who can run around and do what he wants.
John: Yeah well, it's not like the authorities could give a shit about you, how many people are detectives for the authorities?
Keon: Huh? What are you saying?
John punches Keon.
John keeps punching Keon repeatedly as he tells Keon the lies he's been told all those years ago.
John: Fight back, huh, how come you don't do anything, you just gonna sit there and CRY?!
Keon's eyes are glowing gold as John places his hand on his head.
John: You see, I can amplify your ability, making what everyone thought was special, and making it even more useful, which makes you useless. Now you get to relive my memories.
Keon: No, make it stop!
John forces Keon to relive his life for the next five minutes, Keon was forced to watch his friends suffer, get beaten and tormented, all while he couldn't do anything. Powerless and afraid.
John: Is that enough yet?
John takes his hand off Keon and stands up, he looks down at the old man, watching him slip into madness.
John: Don't ever go near my town again.
Keon: So what, you're just gonna quit?
John: Hahaha, good one.
Keon: Then give an answer dammit!
John: You want an answer, fine, I will give you an answer.
I'll start by tearing down the system. I'm gonna break the hierarchy.
John: How's that for a freaking answer.
Keon: Please, don't make me laugh! How can you possibly do that, one man can't take on a whole government.
John walks away, the moon light shines on him. He takes off his mask to reveal himself to Keon.
Just enjoy your power while you still can.
Keon gives John a stern look.
John: Oh yeah, hitting winy fourteen year old's isn't a real job, so go get one!
To be Continued….