
Chapter 50: Chapter V

John sits in his room looking down in his lap scared of what he thinks is about to come.

Sera: John, listen. You need to stop repeating your past! You're going down the same road as that maniac who wears that mask. I don't think this cycle of behavior will help you. You'll just end up like him!


John pauses as if he can't speak. He felt an intense anger and lashed out in his own mind.

John in his head: Huh, I can't speak?!

A shadowy figure is seen in the distant recess of John's mind.

John: What the hell do you want?

Perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else young one?

John freezes, he swore he heard this man's voice before, man? Is it? More like a thing, maybe taking on a man for John. This wasn't someone who he has seen before, someone who he has interacted with before, but someone who he feels he has and hasn't heard of. Someone he both can, and can't see. An anomaly to a human who can't comprehend the power of this individual.

John: Who are you?

I am what you would call fake, made up. None existent. You've lost touch with me. We last met when you prayed for power on the rooftop of New Bostin high. Well I could say that, but a phone ring a week ago has proved me otherwise. Has proved my existence to you. Maybe we haven't lost touch, but it's up to you.

John: A phone ring?

John asked the mysterious figure as he walked away. John suddenly recalls what the man meant by his words.

John, make sure you actually listen to Seraphina. She only means well. Expect to meet up with a fellow man by the name of Jake in the future.

John: Hey wait, who are you?

The figure pauses and turns as if to look at John.

That is for our next meeting.

John wakes up and looks around the room. He sees Sera snapping her fingers in his face.

John: Huh, what the?

Sera: John, what happened?

John: I, I don't know?

Remember to listen to Seraphina.

John: Sorry, go ahead.

Sera: Wait really, you're not gonna yell about how wrong I am and how you're the one who's awake? John do I even know you, you're so laid back.

Sera in her head: Where did all that come from? Why did I say that?

John: Huh?

Sera: John, I know you better than that to think your just gonna let me-

John interrupts Sera.

John: Sera, you're concerned for me right?

Sera: Huh?

John holds Sera's hands.

John: I hear you, you wanted to come and talk to me. I'm here. It's okay. I'm listening.

Sera gets on a knee to match his eye level.

Sera: John, I think you're going on a destructive path.

Joker: Don't listen to her, she's just afraid of your true potential.

Sera: Please, I don't wanna lose you John. I know he's trying to talk to you, I can tell. Please don't listen!

Sera and Joker's voices go back and forth to the point where John could feel his ear drums split. And then with a snap of a sudden moment John silences them both.


Sera is startled by John's sudden reaction. All while John starts to laugh with himself. Joker pauses in John's mind, his gray eyes stare John down as John looks up at Joker, and Seraphina indirectly.

John: You really think I'll listen to you...


John looks up at Joker with a sinister look. The confusion between all that's happened in his mind and in real life blend like a milkshake, so mixed that not even one hearing the story could truly tell what was what. However John doesn't let the confusion win. He brings clarity to himself, regardless if it's right or wrong.

John: I'm so sick of you, so KILL YOURSELF!

John slams Joker's head in the ground as his harsh words penetrate the demon's heart..


John creates a blade with nothing but his hand, he rushes at and stabs Joker in the gut on repeat, but his stabs do nothing. Not even producing a drop of blood from his opponent.

Joker: Just wait till the end of the week. I'll kill all of your friends!

John: Yeah right, they're not gonna show up to anything you set up.

In John's wrath he slowly slits Jokers throat.

John: See you in Hell!

John yells as he finishes the demon off….for now.

Joker: I'll be waiting.

And suddenly John once again found himself being pulled out of the recess of his mind.


Sera slaps John across the face. Her hand makes a red print on her lover's cheek.

Sera: John, that's enough, snap out of it. He's not real!

John: Sera, where is he? What do you mean?!

Sera: John, I think it's time I train you how to act as a royal.

John switched off like a light bulb as he heard the word royal enter his mind, the cool kids who thought of themselves higher than the average Joe. Maybe not his royals, but if not for him he knew things would be different, things might still be only different because of his powers. However John never really wanted this idea to settle in his mind. He can see their characters improving and it's all because of his powers opportunity. He just hopes that one day everyone will hatch from their fake ego's of eggshells and blossom into real people, but until then he must navigate the world of fake mankind.

John: NO.

With a single word John gave Sera an entire speech.

Sera: Huh, John.

John: I need to humiliate Joker, brutalize him! Show the world that-

Sera interrupts John's brutish philosophy that he's learned from his life with the fake.

Sera: No, this is the last thing you need! John please, let me help you. I want to save you, he's gonna make you into a monster!

John: Sera, what do you possibly want from me that I'm not doing?

His eyes grow narrow as he looks into hers.

Sera: John, tomorrow morning, I want you to meet me on the roof. I'm gonna show you how I ran the school when I was queen. Do you trust me?

John sighs as Sera asks the question again with more tone.

Sera: Do you trust me?

John takes a good look at Sera and loosens up. He then smiles as he lets her presence make him feel safe. His expression was almost fake, until his loving eyes let Sera know that he truly was the real John Doe.

John: Alright, I trust you.

Sera smiles. She hugs John, burying her head in his shoulder. He returns her hug with a warm wrapping of his arms.

Claire in Sera's head: I want you to forget what you know about John. Right now he's not himself, he's in a dangerous mental state, he doesn't care who you are, what you're capable of, or what you mean to him. Right now he's lethal and dangerous.

Sera: Guess you were wrong. Or even better, you made him right.

What are you to him, acquaintances, friends, best friends, maybe even, you know?

John: You talked with her, didn't you?

Sera: Uh, I what?

Sera looks up expecting to see John's eyes glowing with Sheen's ability, but finds those gold eyes nothing but dull. Rather a cool earthy brown. She starts to blush, realizing that these were the brown eyes.

John: What did you tell her? How'd you explain all of this.

Sera: I uh.....

Sera gets shy on John realizing he got her cornered to explain all her dialogue to Claire in a single move, but rather with creepy intentions she knew he only cared about them and nothing about his actual behavior. No just what he and Sera were.

John: Haha, I'm just messing with you. I have no idea what that was but you definitely saw someone before, ahahaha.

John plays off everything, realizing that even without Sheene's powers he can often creep more than he'd wish he would.

Sera: Stop, that's not funny!

John: Hahahaha, naw, it's pretty funny. But you know I was right.

Sera looks away.

Sera: Alright, tomorrow on the roof alright?

John: Yeah, alright.

Sera walks out of the room when John grabs her hand.

Sera: What are you....

John: Come here will you? I'm sorry I kinda went off on you back there. I should know better now to not just let Joker do that to me.

John hugs Sera close, she reciprocates as the two start to merge together like slugs.

Sera: It's, it's fine.

John: Something's off, I can tell.

Sera: Well, you never told me I wasn't your first.

And just like that John knew the two talked more than just about John's actions. Claire told Sera EVERYTHING.

John: You expect a loser cripple to get with someone else before the Queen of an elite high school? You'd think I was capping. No you'd know I was, even if I wasn't.

Sera: I just thought that you know, I was gonna be your one and only.

John smiles as he looks deeply into Sera's eyes.

John: You are.

Sera: But how can I be if-

John: Sera, I almost killed for you. I risked my secret persona for you, I was gonna keep on protecting you and loving you after you found out about my ability, regardless of how you felt back towards me. The King always looks after his Queen.

Sera: Really?

She takes a moment to process what he told her.

Sera: Those are all sweet things.

John gives a sweet and tender kiss to Sera on the forehead.

John: Hey, you remember that show where there was a drunk Grandpa and his grankid who turned the world into bug-like people. And all that was left were the Grampa's daughter and her husband.

Sera: Oh yeah, I love that show. What's it called again?

John: Vick and Mortin?

Sera: No, but close, I think.

John: Rick and Morty?

Sera: Yeah, that show. Wow that's my favorite episode.

John: Wanna go watch some? Get our minds off this madness.

Sera: Fine, only if you let me help you though, until then we're just staying right here.

John: Haha, okay.

Sera: And if you bring me over to the couch.

John picks Sera up and holds her in his two arms, lifting her off the ground as his two strong arms hold her light delicate body.

Sera: Woah, you can't just pick me up without warning!

John: Yeah you're right, you're heavier than I thought.

To him at least she was light. Yet despite being gossiped about as a heavier girl around school John didn't care. He loved every inch, every ounce and every pound of her. He'd always keep himself strong enough for her, because carrying her, holding her, will always be better than letting her go.

Sera: HEY!, you can't just call a girl fat like that!

Sera however can't read John's intentions, and frankly they don't matter she's right.

John: No I wasn't.

Sera: Yeah you were jerk!

John lays Sera down and pulls her legs up so she's closer to him, and puts his hand on Sera's thigh so his hands can fit in her pockets. His eyes spelled out his flirtatious message he was intending on saying out loud, but the blush on Sera's face says it all. It burns a bright red, until the blood in her face boils like water on a stove.

Sera: You're just saying that.

John: It's true.

He kisses her on the lips in between his sentences, light and delicately.

Sera: John, do you really love me like you said you did?

John: Sera, if it were you and me in that show and there were like insta models around me, I'd "start over" with just you.

Sera giggles, but also cringes at John's terrible flirting.

Sera: You expect that to sound romantic. You're hopeless John.

John Kisses Sera's soft drippy lips again.

John: Fine, but I wanna rule the school with you. No ace bull.

He pecks her lips once more.

Sera: Really?

Sera asks after receiving another tap on the mouth from John's.

John: Yeah, just the two of us.

Sera: That sounds nice but, my powers are gone, and you can't exactly show yourself to the world. So…..

But before Sera can propose Remi helps, John interrupts her.

John: I'll figure it out. I promise.

Sera gets up and looks into Blyke's room as she feels John's intense passion overflow into his heart's aura valve, emitting a red energy that can be seen. Something known as high tier horny syndrome, or if you prefer the less trailer sounding name, the lovers ability.

John: What are you doing?

Sera: Aw, good, Blyke's gone.

Meanwhile with Blyke, he engages with Isen.

Blyke: Dude, I'm having trouble with Remi!

Isen: Huh, what do you mean?

Blyke: She and I are, I don't know, kinda distant lately. She's so hell bent on catching this Joker guy, that she's been completely ignoring me. And well, she kinda, when me and her were alone she just suddenly…..

Blyke takes a moment to finish his sentence.

Isen: She what?

Blyke: Uhh, never mind.

Isen: Ugh jeez dude, I'm sure it's fine, she's our friend, she'll wanna hang out at some point.

Blyke: Yeah, right.

Remi: Hey, wait up!

Blyke and Isen turn to find Remi running after them.

Blyke: Oh, hey Remi...

Remi: Hey, I need you two to help me, I think we can finally take back the school from this maniac.

Blyke in his head: Of freaking course it's this crap!

Isen: Whatcha thinking?

Remi: Well, I think I should take him on head on, Blyke, you'll snipe him from a distance and Isen will point out the target. You two together are like a better Meili and Ventus. I'm telling you it'll work.

Isen: What about Arlo?

Remi: He's well....

Arlo to Remi in a flash back

Arlo: I don't think you should do this Remi, you're basically fighting John, he's dangerous and unpredictable enough already, now try an evil version of that same maniac. There's a reason that little devil is struggling to fight him.

Remi: But, if we all work together, we can defeat him and save our school. It's our job Arlo.

Arlo: Yeah well, I think we should let John handle this then.

Remi: What's John gonna do, he can't go around without a mask on him.

Arlo: Then get him one! Stop dragging me into your mess.

Remi: This is our mess! We all go to the same school!

Arlo in his head: I'm just getting sick of this school, running it is starting to take away my life. Especially from her...

Arlo remembers all the time he spent with Elaine as he desires more. He grits his teeth in frustration.

Arlo sighs and walks away, Remi turns around in a huff and runs off to go and find Blyke and Isen.

Remi: Well, it didn't go as planned.

Blyke: Yeah, alright.

Isen: Hey, why don't we just ask for John's help, and get him to wear the Joker mask again.

Remi: I don't know, he looks worse and worse by the day in class. I don't wanna make whatever he's going through worse. He looks like a mess right now. I think he needs help.

Blyke: Come one Remi, it's worth a shot. Plus what if you get hurt really bad, we shouldn't take unnecessary risks for things we don't even know about.

Remi: Well, let me think about it. I gotta get to class.

Isen takes a turn into his history class.

Isen: Ight, see you guys.

Blyke and Remi walk together in the halls as they head to their same math class.

Remi: Hey, look, can we talk?

Blyke: Oh, I was actually gonna ask you the same thing.

Remi: Hehe, then I guess it's about the same thing then.

Blyke: What do you mean?

Remi: Well, I didn't want you to think I've been ignoring you lately.

Blyke's skin starts to sweat a little, his face and hair match color by the exact shade.

Remi: Hehehe, oh my you're so funny when you do that.

Blyke: Nooo, stop it!

Remi: Okay fine.

Blyke and Remi pull up to their class but before the go in Blyke stops Remi, he checks for the halls to be empty.

Blyke: Remi, what was that all about?

Remi: What?

Blyke: You know, when I came back with John, you uhh, when everyone was gone, just?

Remi starts to blush in embarrassment.

Remi: Hey, can we not do this here?

Blyke: Yeah sorry I just.

Remi: No, it's fine.

She turns around and walks into the classroom. Blyke heads into his class as the awkwardness between them starts to settle.

Blyke in his head: Dammit!

Meanwhile Joker sits alone when Cecile walks in.

Cecile: So, you realize you created a masked army that John can hide in right?

Joker: So?

Cecile: So John can hide within that army now, making my efforts to suspend him meaningless. Sure okay we threw the school into chaos and madness, but this will only last for so long. Eventually the jokers won't be able to trust each other once John keeps beating them down. We have less high tiers on our side too.

Joker: Now why would I want Johnny boy to miss all the fun, by Friday I'll have everyone together watching me, and he'll have to witness his friends getting the stuff knocked out of them.

Cecile: Look, you're not doing your part in this, I said I would help you if....

Joker gives off a sinister glare.

Joker: Listen up, if you want to live after I blow this planet up, I suggest you do what I say.

Cecile remembers the time that Joker showed her his interdimensional powers. The same ones he fought John in. She shivers at the thought of her trapped on this planet during its end. Like being condemned to Hell.

Joker: Good. Now, here's how I'm gonna move forward.

Later that night, Doctor Darren was waiting in a restaurant for his date to come.


Darren looks over to see Leilah all dressed up just for him.

Leilah: How've you been?

Darren gets up and pulls out a seat for Leilah.

Darren: Hey.... uh.

Leilah: Hope I haven't kept you waiting.

Darren: No, I just got here.

Leilah hugs Darren.

Lielah: Oh it feels so good to be back. I missed you.

Darren blushes as Leilah wraps her arms around him.

The two sit down and have dinner, Lielah looks at Darren funny.

Darren: Uhh, is something wrong?

Lielah: Quit furrowing your brows like that, you always look mad, try smiling a little.

Darren: Haha, alright.

Darren struggles against the forces of gravity as he attempts to move his lip muscles in an upward motion, gravity pulls down on them for he frowned so much it was almost second nature.

Darren: Uhh, better?

Lielah: Yeah, kinda.

The waiter approaches with their food.

Waiter: Here you go, miss.

Leilah: Thank you.

Waiter in his head: Damn, she is kinda hot, gorgeous in fact. She seems nice enough.

The waiter commentates as he looks at Leilah getting lost into Darren's eyes, resting her head on her hand as the silence speaks for herself.

Darren: So, how was your trip? Haven't heard you talk much about it.

Leilah: Well, ZetaSci recently opened up a new branch across the country. They wanted me to fly over and train the new guys. It took a bit longer but everything is on track now.

Darren: ZetaSci is a company that focuses on the research of abilities right?

Leilah: Yeah, basically.

Darren: That's pretty similar to NXGen right? You plan on becoming a future competitor?

Leilah: Oh, well. Not really, we just kinda focus on new gadgets that we make. Besides, NXGen is backed up by the authorities, ever since they had a break in in one of their labs there, really hitting hard on other companies.

Darren: Gadgets, what kind?

Leilah: Ohh, well. I don't really know yet. My boss Mr. Davidson would know though. And well the higher up management team they've been watching over us, our department lately giving us special assignments so I'll just have to wait and see.

Darren: Mr. Davidson, isn't he the guy who was convicted a while back for attempted homicide?

Leilah: Huh, what do you mean?

Darren: Oh, it might be someone else I was thinking of, but the name sounds familiar. A guy broke into a high tiers home and tried to kill him and his family, that man Mr. Davidson only goes by that because everyone knows about Jack Davidson. The details are yet to be released though. Anyways our boy Jack ended up being subdued until the police came, got a sentence, then ended up cutting it short in exchange he be used for experiments over at NXGen.

Leilah however dismisses Darren's accusations.

Leilah: Probably just a familiar name.

Darren: Well, maybe he'll find a job for someone with my skill-set?

Leilah: Aww bae, you're overqualified for the job, but what about your students over at Wellston? Wouldn't you miss them?

Darren: Ugh, I hate those kids. I hope I won't ever have to see them again.

Leilah: Aww, you don't mean that right?! Who was the problematic one you keep talking about, John right?

Darren pauses. His thoughts fill with fear.

Darren: Most kids well, they annoy me, hell most things don't scare me.

Leilah: Haha, okay sure.

Darren: But that kid, that thing. He scares me.

Leilah: Oh you're just being dramatic. Who's this thing?

Darren: He comes in the school as a cripple, and chose to endure a whole year of pain from his class. Already a huge red flag.

Leilah: Hmm, probably dealing with some issues, some kids can't handle the extremes of abilities and it affects their mental state. Whether it be being crippled or a high tier.

Darren: That's just the thing, he went from being a cripple to a 10.

Leilah's jaw drops.

Leilah: Oh my. So he might have some huge mental factors playing in his behavior right now. A leap like that can take a huge psychological toll especially on the youth.

Darren: So then, he decides to befriend the Queen at the time, and somehow they click. Despite being in his cripple faze. THEN he gets himself into fights and I have to deal with them both everyday. I tell him to stop getting hurt, and he then goes around hurting others.

Leilah: Wow, sounds kinda reckless. That power must have gotten into his head.

Darren: It's all over the Queen who keeps getting picked on. She recently lost her ability and is crippled now. Some kinda drug was injected into her, ever since I still can't figure out a way to reverse engineer it. Not even with the help from the hospital and the authorities. Whatever that stuff is man it's horrifying.

Leilah starts to get chills.

Leilah: Wow, that sounds bad. So he didn't just ditch her despite her disability. Gotta say he sounds like a wonderful gentleman.

Darren: I tell yeah, even mention stuff like that around him, and he'll kill you. Literally. I swear he's head over heels for her. Which means hell for everyone else. He's super over protective, clingy, and if you're not his friend you're his enemy. No in between acquaintances.

Leilah: Aww, that sounds sweet actually. Send me a sample of her blood over to ZetaSci and we'll take a look.

Darren grabs Leilah's hand.

Darren: Thank you, I really owe you one.

Leilah: So, this girl, who is she? It sounds like this John kid really likes her.

Darren: Her name, is Seraphina, before the incident she was Wellston's top student.

Leilah freezes, she spills her wine on her shirt. Her green eyes widen as her nerves shake like a California fault line.

Leilah: On no, how clumsy of me.

Darren panics, realizing something is now off.

Darren: Here, let me help you out!

Leilah: Ah, it'll stain if I don't get it out.

Leilah in her head: Oh no, Sera.....

Leilah: I'm gonna head to the restroom real quick.

Darren looks back as Leilah walks farther and farther away from him.

Darren in his head: What the, how did this happen, what's up with the reaction?

The next day, Darren is chugging down his fifth cup of coffee.

Keene: Woah there cowboy, you gotta stop now that was like your fifth cup within the same hour.

Darren slams his cup down.

Keene: Come on man, it's not like she dumped you.

Darren: Everything was going fine until I mentioned those stupid kids, All I did was ask her for help with Seraphina, then she spilled her drink and left, when she came back she wasn't invested at all. I swear I hate this job.

Keene: Ohh, well you're pretty dense for making the same mistake over and over.

Darren: Keene tell me, how do you keep a girl interested?

Keene: How would I know, I'm single bro.

Darren: WHAT?!

A kid walks in with a broken arm.

Kid: S-sorry to interrupt, but I-I broke my arm, and I need meds.

Darren: Alright, let me take a look.

Keene: So, how did this happen?

Kid: I-I was well, j-just walking to class, a-and some kid with a ski mask just p-pulled up and k-kept hitting me, w-with my ability, Black and gold. Then when I-I was running away, another kid who looked t-the same just with, b-b-black and white color scheme. Th-they then started to fight, and I got crossed in the c-cross fire.

Darren in his head: John, what the hell are you doing now? Who the hell could you be fighting with this time?

Meanwhile John and Joker are clashing with their masks on.

John: So, you're gonna beat up your own allies now?

John looks down to a half beaten to death Cecile.

Joker: Just making it look realistic for you all. After all, I am just climbing up the ranks.

John pauses and looks at Cecile, covered in blood from the stab wounds that Joker inflicted, he looks off in the distance and sees the hole he and Joker busted in the school. Students are peering through all angles to watch the two "new kids" duke it out.

Man, two new high tiers we haven't even heard of? What the hell?

I don't know if I wanna come back to school?

Man this can't possibly end well.

John: So, you think you run these grounds?

Joker: I run the whole fucking universe.

John and Joker charge at each other. Both using Cecile's abilities they manage to stab each other countless times. They both send each other flying into the opposite walls. When the dust settled they both managed to severe each other's limbs off.

Someone get Elaine, they might....

Are you kidding me, Elaine can't heal that, someone call 911!


John and Joker use Cecile's energy whips as spider legs and charge back at each other.

Guys, can this be that Gold God guy?!

No way, there has to be multiple people with that same unnatural ability.

A blue haired kid named Otis appears, a friend of Cecile's who heard all the commotion go down from the other side of the school. His grayish blue hair, similar to Zeke's, and golden eyes, similar to Blyke's, stare at Cecile and John who both look like they've been raised from the dead like Lazarus as their wounds would prove they're otherwise.

Otis: Unnatural?

Otis asks.

Yeah, it's when someone has reached either their maximum capability or above a 10. Their ability takes on a unique form that only they can use. Like Keene for example, he can disable everyone's ability in the school for his unnatural.

Look, their-!

Joker and John's legs and arms at this point are healed 100% at this point.

Who are these people?

Let's get out of here!

John and Joker standoff.

Joker: Hey now it's like I said I'm just climbing the ranks like everyone else. Why don't you just wait until I reach you?

John: ...

Joker: There we go.

John: Wait.

Joker takes a step back towards John.

John: I get it, you're mad, you really hate the system, so do I, so why not use your power to change it? Protect those who can't protect themselves?

Joker: Because no one deserves my protection, nor yours, nor anyone's. They hit me when I was down, they did the same to you, they're gonna do the same to Sera. This world deserves to burn!

John: .....

Joker: I'll see you by the end of the week.

John: Wait!

Joker flees through a portal, John looks to his left and sees a facility running.

John: I gotta dip.

John jumps twenty meters to the roof. He pulls off his mask and looks down to see Cecile being lifted by the staff to the infirmary.

John: I should pay her a visit later today. See what the hell is up, why isn't she acting as a bounty hunter anymore?

Later that day in the infirmary. Cecile wakes up to find Otis next to her.

Otis: Hey there, how are you feeling?


Otis: That Joker guy, he's despicable, anymore damage and he would have sent you to the hospital, hell when he fought that other guy, his limbs were blown off, both of theirs were, healed them back like it was nothing.

Cecile in her head: Holy shit, so John's making a move on Joker. They are both most likely the same power level. Maybe I should check on him, see how we can stop this crazy guy. After all he....

Joker walks in in John's form, but he see's Otis standing there.

Joker: Ahh, sorry, wrong person. I'll be on my way.

Joker walks away.

Otis: Jeez, what an air head. You'd think that cripple would watch himself. Must be having royals as friends getting to his head. What a donkey, invading your privacy like that....!

Cecile: It's fine, it doesn't bother me. Could you leave me for now? I want some time to myself.

Otis: Yeah, of course.

Otis walks out of the room.

Joker: Well well, who was that?

Cecile: None of your business.

Joker: Oh, what's with the negativity?

Cecile: You couldn't even go easy on me?!

Joker: Oh don't act like that, you know damn well I had to treat you like everyone else, otherwise people would catch on, and unlike myself you can't just hop to another world. I did it for you, you know?

Cecile: What do you want?

Joker: Straight to the point huh, well I just wanted to see how you were doing that's all, I mean I did kinda hit you hard....

Cecile: You do realize that Remi is your next target? She'll be able to plan out her strategy.

Joker: Listen here because I don't like repeating myself, I can take the whole royal squad right as we speak. So don't think for a second that I'm at some kinda disadvantage here. I took on Johnny boy didn't I?

Trust me.

I got this.

Meanwhile Remi is walking in the hallway with Blyke, they overhear a conversation between two people.

Did you see it, he could heal himself, and use explosives, just like The Golden God.

No way, that's scary sounding.

It gets way worse, he didn't just heal small cuts, entire tissue systems, arteries and limbs can be replaced. Both of them, not just cuts and shit.

What? No way.

Dude, ask anyone there, I'm not crazy.

Yeah okay.

Remi: So, what are you thinking?

Byke: I'm surprised he didn't go for me or Isen before climbing the ranks.

Remi: Yeah, but that should be a good thing right?

Blyke: Well, I just wished I had a shot at taking this guy down.

Remi: We will, you, me and Isen.

Blyke: That's if John doesn't budge, right?

Remi: Yeah, but I think we need to show the people we are just as capable as he is, so that way people don't lose their faith in us. I'll explain the plan to him. Besides, people are talking about two mysterious high tiers. Pretty sure that's John.

Blyke: We should get to Isen, he just texted me and said he was one of Joker's first victims.

Remi: Okay, then let's get going.

Remi and Blyke walk in to find Isen interviewing Juni.

Isen: Hey guys, this is Juni, she was Joker's first victim.

Juni: I, hi Remi.

She bows.

Remi: Hello, don't worry, no need to be so formal, so what's going on?

Isen: I'm conducting interviews on everyone who Joker attacked, Zeke, some mid tiers, and Juni here. But she's different, she didn't get her ability copied, at least I don't think she did. See she can see into the future a couple for a couple of seconds, so she just had to out maneuver him in combat, which unfortunately she couldn't.

Remi: Hmm, interesting.

Blyke: What if he was using her ability, and was able to be slick about it, I mean how could he just beat her like that.

Juni: Yeah, but the way he was moving, it wasn't like anyone who could see into the future, because he would move like he was reacting. And on top of that I was able to trick him into letting me run away, if he could have seen any of that I wouldn't have been able to run away.

Blyke: So, there might be some abilities that Joker can't copy.

Isen: Ugh, doesn't matter though, we all are most likely copy able, plus that "other kid" he was fighting, he was able to copy his abilities too, just not amplify them.

Remi: Then we should find this "other kid" and see what he has to say.

Blyke: Thanks Juni, we'll stop this maniac, I promise.

Remi, Blyke, and Isen all head out to visit John and Blyke's dorm room.

Meanwhile Joker is leaving the infirmary. He throws Otis across the hallway, mask on and everything.

Otis: What do you want?!

Joker knocks Otis out brutally.

Joker in his head: Watch out who you talk about pal.

Joker flashes back to a time when Blyke was friendly with him.

Blyke: Oh, hey John, you're back!

John: ....

Blyke: Hope that conversation didn't scare you, you know the one about that guy in the mask.

John: It didn't.

Blyke: Okay cool well so you know, I'm working on identifying this asshole and unmasking him. So don't worry.

John: I'm not.

He then snaps back into the present.

Joker: Why was I just thinking about that just now?

He walks away.

John meanwhile is walking in the infirmary.

John: Cecile, we need to talk.

To be Continued.....

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