
Chapter 53: Chapter VIII Demons Rise

Jake: Hi guys.

Jake introduces himself as he stood in his uniform. His very aura gave off the vibe of heroism. The rest of the group introduces themselves in an awkward manner.

The group begins to talk about life, movies, you know, everything that's normal to us until Terrance gets up to leave for class. From there Sheene asks the forbidden question.

Sheene: So um, you mind if we ask what your ability is?

Jake has horrible flashbacks. The immense training he had to go through to master his ability. The infamous question for many affects his mind in ways many would find unnatural.

Jake: Haha, ummm, well I don't know if we should do this here.

Sheene: Oh um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....

Jake: No it's fine, in fact lets meet up after school, I can't really tell you because well, it's not something normal.

Evie: Great, let's all meet up then.

Sera: Oh, I can't. I'm hanging with John, you guys should go.

Jake: Aww come on, it'll be quick.

Sera: Alright then.

Sera with John present day.

Sera: Hey John, you know why I asked you about abilities?

John: Uhh, no why?

Sera: Well, this kid named Jake he uhh, moved here and started school today. Well.

Sera, Evie, Roland, and Sheene all meet up after school.

Evie: Ohh, I forgot to invite Terrance.

Jake: No, don't bring Terrance.

The group looks at Jake in shock.

Jake: Look, I'm not trying to start anything, and you have the right not to like me for this, but just trust me on this.

I don't trust invisible rats.

Sera: Invisible?

Sera in her head: Just like Wellston mall, me and John were jumped by someone with that same ability!

Jake: Ahh, sorry about that, let's just get this going.

Evie: Why are we in a secluded location?

Roland: I'm kinda nervous!

Jake: Um, everyone stand back.

Jake has a montage of all the training he had to do, the physical workout to buff his body for the recoils of his ability. The nightmares his demon gave him. The horrible memories of fighting them off, constantly losing to their suffering. All of that work builds up to this very moment. Jake starts to power up, his right eye glows a mean red as he pulls out three swords. A large demonic entity appears from behind him. Jake raises a massive sword above his head that literally reaches the sky as flames burst out from all around him. His eyes glow a sinister red as he stares back at his new friends. Black aura emits from his body.

Jake Lawn: Ability, Devil Man.

The area starts to fill with Red smoke. A loud Roar can be heard before the dust settles as a large silhouette casts itself across the land. Jake then starts to settle down as he de-powers his ability.

Jake: Hey guys.

Sera in her head: Holy-, this guy could dethrone Arlo, hell even John. He's so damn strong. I can feel the power, it's not even aura, otherwise I wouldn't be able to feel a thing. It's something far more sinister.

Sera has flashbacks to her overhearing a conversation between her parents.

Sera's mom: Honey listen this man is the least of our problems, Dr. Negative, he's well, he may have anti aura, but we've found a person who's much higher in power level compared to him. We need to start focusing our efforts on him.

Sera's dad: Absolutely not, we'd get our funding pulled.

Sera's mother: Who cares about order's.....

Sera's dad: Just think for a second, we have enough to study, from a criminal who's been incarcerated, this boy you're talking about hasn't even done anything, and even if we were to go after him for samples, think of the destruction it would lead to....

Sera's mom: Oh who cares if he did anything or not, I specifically.....blah blah blah!

Jake: So, what do you guys think?

Evie: WOW! WHAT THE.....

Roland: Dude, that was awesome.

Sheene: Damn dawg even I'm impressed.

Jake: So, you guys wanna practice our abilities.

Roland: Um, well we kinda are,

Evie: We don't have cool abilities.

Sheene in her head: Maybe I should go along, I can't tell him about mine, I haven't even told them yet.

Jake: Well, that's okay, I'll power down to your level. Besides, I'm a cripple anyways.

Evie: Huh?

Jake: Yeah, this isn't your typical aura, I'm actually using anti aura.

Evie: What?

Jake: Here, I'll explain everything you need to know, hey Sera, you coming with us?

Sera: Oh, I gotta go meet with John.

Jake in his head: Right, that guy, I'm gonna need to talk with him. From high tier to high tier.

Besides, I always wondered what the Golden God looked like in person.

Sera to John: He seemed very open, just willing to reveal a huge ability like his right out in the open.

John in his head: That's what he was talking about last night?! Last night in a dream, John meets with the silhouette figure again. The one made of light.

John: You, your the....

God: So, you've been uhh, busy lately.

John: Hmm?

God: I've been watching you.

John: Okay, kinda creepy.

God: Relax, don't flatter yourself not like that.

John: What are you doing here?

God: Listen man, I don't know how to explain this to you, but you've been acting nuts, and you're starting to go off trail.

John: Off trail?

John asked, offended.

God: I have a plan for you, the world, well, kinda...

John: Messed up?!

God: Yeah, that. I need a champion to kinda clean up some of the messes that you humans have made.

John: But why don't you do it, you could get so much more done than I ever could.

God: Cause that wouldn't fix it. That's me cleaning up the mess and leaving you with no lesson to be learned. Listen, if I do all the work for you guys, how are you going to learn not to do it again? I'm like a parent.

John: Well, what the hell am I supposed to do, I'm in highschool?

God: Yeah nice try, Golden God.

John: How do you.....

God: JEEZ dude you literally claim that I'm God and you think I wouldn't have noticed what you're doing off school hours.

John: Uhhh, that was a test, to see if you're God.

God: You really are something else. Look, people think you're me right now, and I would normally be kinda upset about this, but since it wasn't your fault I'll let you slide, but you need to do me something in return.

John: Ight, I'll bite. What's it gonna be?

God: I need you to go somewhere pretty soon, though I can't tell you when, though.

John: So, I'll hear from you?

God: Looking forward to it.

John: Hey wait, how am I supposed to believe your God? You say you've been watching me but you haven't named something that happened in my life.

God: ahh I see, testing the spirits again.

His smile goes from a happy joyful one, like a babies, to a dark and somber frown.

You're battling Joker because you fear he's going to destroy this universe.

Because he can.

John shudders as his worst fears are brought out into the light.

John: Oh, you've really been watching me.

God: I won't allow it so you won't have to worry, but he's trying to become like me.

John: Is it possible?

God starts to laugh at John.

God: Man you really are scared aren't you. Of course not. But he's not what you should fear.

John: Hmmm?

God: You see, long ago like we're talking millions of years before Earth and the universe existed, I was chilling with my angels.

John pulls out a bucket of popcorn with some melted butter and sets up a lawn chair in the middle of his dorm.

God: And I was thinking about creating some more universes when one of my most prized creations betrayed me.

God starts to shed a tear.

God: His name was Lucifer.

John: Oh man, is this a bible study? What's next veggie tales?


He takes a deep breath.

God: Okay so anyways, he tries to pull a military coup on me. After everything I've given him he wants more. So now I have to kick him out, and all who chose him over me their own father.

John: Oh man, is this a bible study? What's next veggie tales?


He takes a deep breath.

God: Okay so anyways, he tries to pull a military coup on me. After everything I've given him he wants more. So now I have to kick him out, and all who chose him over me their own father.

John: Damn, I don't mean to be insensitive and interrupt. But even though I wasn't in the right.....

I can relate to having at least feeling like I've been betrayed.

John says this all while remembering his time in new Bostin.

And what it's like to betray someone.

God: Yeah well, try throwing a third of your kids out of Heaven. That's millions of people, being's, all gone.

John: Wow, I guess I can't complain.

God: Anyways, that day, the universe's biggest evil was born. And what would be the multiverse.


John: God-

Before John finishes his sentence he instantly looks at who he's talking to and shudders.

John: Oh, right, my bag G.

God: G?

John: Uh yeah, you know, your Big G, then there's JC. I'm JD. Ahhh forget just, just keep going. I'm just trying to make light of the dark situation cause I still can't wrap my head around all of this.

God: Well, he made some worlds of his own, that well, don't end too hot for you.

John: Is that where Joker came from?

God: Yeah.

And so did everyone's powers too.

John's face drops in horror.

John: WHAT?!

God: Well, I didn't intend on giving anyone powers.

John: So is it like a sin to use them?

God: Well, the way a lot of people are using them, yeah. Heck you kinda use them badly here and there. But overall they're not inherently evil, so I still allow their existence. I believe good can come out of them. It's up to you to fulfill that but I know that possibility exists.

John: What?!

God: I mean, you did kinda mess Ventus up.

John looks down.

John: So, guess I haven't changed.

God: Well, it's not like you're the only one, you're not to be perfect. No one is.

John looks up to God.

God: Just keep working on yourself to be better. Alright?

John: Yeah, I can do that.

God starts to fade.

God: before I go, I need you to know something.

John: Huh?

God: After you hang out with Sera tomorrow, I'm going to temporarily put you into one of the Devil's fake worlds he made. You'll be fighting yourself in preparation for Joker. You need more training.

John: Wait why.....?

This catches John off guard.

God: Just trust the plan.

God starts to fade away.

John: Wait!

John wakes up in a cold sweat.

Present day

John to Sera: Hey Sera? You think I could meet this guy?

Sera: yeah, he's probably hanging with Evie Roland and Sheene right now. I think he's moving in with Isen.

John: Hmm, great, I'll meet him there then.

Sera: Now come on, let's go, one more mile left!

Meanwhile Joker is on the roof of Wellston. Recalling back to when he was in Wellston.

Joker: So, that's how she found out.

Joker watches Arlo walk up to Seraphina. He begins to stress out as he watches the two fight. Arlo tells Sera nothing but the truth, however she wouldn't take it and accused him of dragging John into his mess. All while John really was Joker, and was lecturing Cecile on why they shouldn't worry about Remi. Right after he'd then begin to beat Isen to a pulp for spying on them. Joker grows angrier and angrier until he grabs a rock and throws it across the roof.

Joker: DAMN IT!

He yells as he chucks it across the roof.



Joker looks around.

Joker: WHO ARE YOU?!

It's me, and I can give you what you desire, you just have to let me in your life.

Joker looks over.

Joker: You, you look familiar.

Meanwhile in the real world, John is heading to Isen's dorm.

Isen: Well Jake, nice to meet you. That's a cool ability.

Jake: Thanks man, you seem like a dope dude.

Isen: So, you planning on becoming King?

Jake: Actually, I don't want to become a royal.

Isen: Huh, someone just like you told me the same thing.

Jake: I'm more like a knight than a King.

Isen: Ahh, speak of the devil.

John swung open the door oddly gently as he stared into the room. His black hair swung a little as he shook his head.

John: Oh hey, Jake was it? I'm John Doe!

Jake: Hey, I was actually going to look for you.

Isen: Well, you guys should go meet each other, Jake this is John.

Jake: John huh, so, I heard you're the strongest here.

Isen freezes in fear.

Isen: Uhh, dude, I think you got someone mixed up with Johnny boy.

He looks at John as if to say I didn't tell him.

John: It's okay Isen, I actually know a lot about our friend Jake here, he's uh, 10 now?

Isen in his head: UH OH, HE TOLD ME HE WAS JUST A 4.2 CRAP MAN!

Jake: Come on, let's go get drinks.

John: Actually, can we just head back to my dorm, I got to meet up with the Queen later.

Jake: Sure.

The two head back to John's room where they talk, just the two of them. Once the doors behind them close the facade is up.

Jake: So, you're The Golden God?

John: Hmmm, looks like that God guy was who he really claimed to be.

Jake: Yup, I'm Jake Lawn. Nice to meet you John Doe.

Jake puts out his hand to shake John's. John reciprocates and the two shake.

Jake: Look man, sorry if I gave off sinister vibes, if we're being real here, I'm not gonna be at Wellston for very long.

John: You're here to assist me?

Jake: Later God's going to call for us, we have to go somewhere and free their people from their own government. Otherwise it's bye bye world. That's all I know.

John: Do you even know where this place is?

Jake feels a deep cut in his heart.

Jake: Actually yeah, it's where Remi's family ran away from, they defected, Remi's fathers side.

John: How do you know?

Jake: Dude, if we're gonna be real here.

Jake turns his head around

I'm not a human...

Shivers go up John's spine.

Jake: I'm a Devil man, and I hate hell.

John: What the?!

Jake: Okay, let me explain, basically my parents were both devil sinners, they went to hell because they were horrible people, they had me in hell and tried to make me a demon, but I didn't like the idea. However I'm not pure so I wouldn't make it to Heaven. So God said one day I would rule hell and make sure that everyone suffers down there, in return I serve him and accept him as God.

John: So you're an upcoming glorified prison guard.

Jake: Yeah, but hey, I get all the perks from Heaven. I'm basically a servant up there and a god down there!

John: Oh God, that's a lot to take in.

Jake: Well, yeah. But hey, I look forward to seeing you in school.

John: Yeah man, me too.

Meanwhile in Joker's realm, Joker hears voices in his head.

Remi: You're the clear victor, so why do you keep taking it to the next level?!

Arlo: You had no reason to beat her to that extent!

Joker: Both of you shut up, I HAVE A DEVIL ON MY SIDE, I'M UNSTOPPABLE! Besides, they beat me when I was down, even though they were the clear victor! Why can't I?!

That's because high tiers don't operate like low tiers. We're supposed to be responsible with our strength.

Joker looks around to see a golden silhouette as he watches his past unfold.

Joker: You, I was warned about you?

God: Oh, but I'm here to warn you, if you don't stop now, you're gonna be burning with him.

Joker: Well, so is everyone else right!

God: Don't change the subject, you know exactly why low tiers are so brutal, they're less than high tiers in strength, so they have that insecurity, so they take as much out on the weak as they do. You pick on their insecurities. If you would have just used your powers to change that, then you wouldn't be in this position now would you.

Joker: So what now, you're just gonna judge me?!

God: I'm here to offer you a chance at salvation.

God reaches his hand out.

God: Just take it, I can change your world, give you a second chance. You can become good again. You can repent and live a normal life. A life under me and not the father of darkness who made you. You can just be a normal kid.

Joker: Yeah, that sounds nice.

But you never made me, because you knew I'd never succeed in life.

God: I can make you succeed! I didn't wanna bring you pain if it's inevitable! Please!


But I have a better idea.

I'm going to become a God and make those who hurt me pay.

God: So then you're not taking my offer, my gift.

Joker: Nope. Why would I? You put me through hell and made others weak in a world with a strong rule! So go cry about it to your followers

God's eyes open, the silhouette starts to rise in the air as gold light shines off of him.

God: Yes, I'm I will be crying for you, I've given you so much, and this is how you treat me, you deny my face! You liar! You knew damn well it was your father the devil who made these cursed abilities!


God: I gave you free will, you had a choice to beat your classmates, only to then choose to be a cripple, then you chose to become this. I gave you the powers, most peoples were a curse from Satan, the very man who you're working with, but I gifted you with something that most don't have, and you wasted it!

Joker looks above in horror.

God: So now, I cast you in the lake of fire when you die. Depart from me, for I never knew you!

Joker: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, See you in hell then fool.

A loud blast sends Joker away as a wicked smile crosses his face despite being the loser of this fight, and God crying as he wins. The irony was so thick it was almost what kept Joker smiling the whole way down.

God: I think that's from hell, you meant to say.

He sighs as he starts to fly up off the roof.

God: I don't get paid enough for this.

His joke fails to cheer himself up. Only making him wanna rip his heart out more and chuck it, but he had none. Only a spirit that felt intense pain.

Meanwhile John is sitting in his dorm as he and Jake finish their secret handshake they made, waiting for Remi, Blyke, and Isen. The trio walk in as Jake walks out. They talk to Jake a little and introduce themselves before they get down to business with John.

Jake: Oh, one more thing. I was told I can't help you John.

Remi, Isen, and Blyke stand there in confusion.

Jake: Sorry.

John: Hahaha, you dumbo, I don't need your help.

Jake: Hahaha, I love to hear it bud.

They both smack their hands together, the painful sound from their manly handshake is enough to make everyone shake.

Remi: Okay then, well, I hope you know what you're doing John.

John: Don't worry, we don't need a plan, you guys should start fighting him and I'll take him by surprise, as long as I show up, it'll outnumber him.

Remi: Okay, then. So what are you still doing?

Isen: Oh, well if John doesn't want a plan then we don't need one, let's get going then.

Blyke: Ight, I'm going back to my room. Remi, can we talk for a bit.

Remi: Umm, okay.

As Isen walks out and John starts to work on homework, Remi and Blyke go to Blyke's side of the dorm.

Remi: Blyke, what's this about?

Blyke sits down on his bed, recalling back to when he and John came back from fighting that Devil tier.

Blyke: Listen Remi, what was that about, when John and Elaine left you just.

Remi starts to blush.

Blyke: And, I'm just feeling confused. Sorry.

Flashback to when Elaine and John were leaving the room to their own dorms

Blyke: Fine, I'll let you know next time I do something alright?

Remi hugs Blyke tightly.

Remi: See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

Blyke doesn't respond.

Remi: Hey, Blyke?

Blyke: What?

Remi: Please you really need to be more careful.

Blyke: Look, I never see you press Isen like this, so what gives?

Remi in her head: I, I don't know if I can tell.

Blyke notices Remi getting red, she turns away from him, she starts to get up and walk away when Blyke grabs her hand.

Blyke: Remi, please, I don't want to be guessing the whole time.

Remi in her head: If I don't do something about his reckless behavior, he's gonna get hurt. I don't know what to do to save my Blyke.

Remi grabs Blyke's hand and pulls him towards her.

Blyke: Remi wh-hmmfmfm

Remi locks lips with Blyke. She starts to squeeze her hug on Blyke as she continues kissing him.

Present day

Remi: But it felt so good.

Blyke: Remi?

Remi: Look, I don't want it to ruin our friendship. So, can we please not talk about it?

Blyke grabs Remi's hand and pulls her to him.

Blyke: Are you kidding me?

Blyke takes his hand and places it on her chin, he lifts her chin up to him.

Blyke: I loved it so much too.

Remi starts to get pink all over.

Remi: You mean it?

Blyke: I always wanted you, you know.

Because I like you Remi.

Remi: So now you know why I'm so upset when you get hurt like that.

Blyke: I won't make my queen worry anymore. Alright?

Blyke pecks Remi's soft lips. Remi jumps on Blyke, Blyke gets frantic and puts his hands down her waist, the two proceed to make out a little. As Blyke starts to move down her neck with gentle kisses Remi speaks up.

Remi: Hey what time is it?

Blyke stops for a moment but is ready to resume.

Blyke: It's 5pm.

Remi: Oh shoot, I'm going to be late for Sera and my study session.

Blyke: Whoops I didn't mean to make you late.

Remi gives Blyke one last kiss.

Remi: Let's go out some time, just the two of us.

Blyke strokes Remi's face.

Blyke: I'd like that.

Remi runs out of the room.

Meanwhile Joker is in his void state.

Joker: I'll show him, I'll show this world,

Who's the real God.

To be Continued....

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