
Chapter 42: Wastelands III

John flies from rooftop to rooftop with his ability, running at the speed of light like a maniac.

Flash back to the wastelands, John was dropped off in the wasteland next to a small hut.

Keon: So boy, what made you change your mind?

John: Hmpf, beats me.

John flashes back to Claire and Adrion as he lets the question ponder in his mind.

Claire: You monster!

Adrion: Uhh, I'd like to report a rampant high tier.

John: I'll get back to you Keon, over and out.

John hangs up his communicator and breaks down.


John: No, I am, I did this. Claire I....

A man emerges from the tent next to John.

Agent 47: Young man, who were you talking to just now?

John: I uhh.

Agent 47: I see, you're a superhero? Thought those were criminals back in society?

John: Who are you?

Agent 47: Did Keon send you for me?

John: Huh?

Agent 47: I guess you don't know who I am, I was a former government agent, you can call me 47.

John: What are you doing out here?

Agent 47: What do you think? Trying to stop the invasion from these outlaws. The government thinks this is some day care to drop off criminals, but they got their hands on some crazy buried shit out here, and...

John in his head: Oh, I see, this man is Keon's friend who messed up. A bounty hunter. He might actually be useful, he knows the area more than I do.

John: How can I trust you?

Agent 47 pauses before he answers back.

Agent 47: You're right, you can't trust me, but why is that relevant, what could I possibly do to you? A god among gods.

John: How would you know my power level?

Agent 47: Who wouldn't, when you first arrived news spread like wildfire, people were freaking out about your arrival. Said you could kill any man you wanted to.

John: Yeah well, I need a way to get to the airport.

Agent 47: Here boy, let me show you something I made.

Agent 47 shows John a car he was working on, spikes covering the body, a bed behind the tent. Then John flashes to Agent 47's funeral. He looks at the grave in immense sadness, his only friend at the time rotting in the middle of some dessert. The rain soaks John, but his tears were watering the grass. The rain drops turn into shower water. John hears screaming in his head, he gets up and turns the water off. He remembers why he even took on the wasteland in the first place. Seeing how he hurt Claire and Adrion, the pain in their eyes to watch their friend turn into the devil.

Claire: Monster!

Adrion: Someone help! His name is John PLEASE HURRY!

John looks over at the two visions of his friends to see warlords choking their lives out. He sees their eyes glow red with hate. their aura luminates black with fear. People are running around the city in fear, low tiers are being slaughtered while the elite sit back and watch.

John in his head: I swore, on that day, to become feared by them, those who sit on the suffering of the weak, those who murder, steal, and pillage from the poor. I am, I am, I AM.... John sees a crippled Sera take Claire's place. Her hands on someone else as she struggles to escape.

Joker: So now what, you think crippled John is gonna save her, or KILLER JOHN?!

John: NO, I'm not a killer.

Joker: Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile Sera is leaving John's room, Blyke hides as she leaves the dorm complex, he then sneaks in the room, wanting to prank John and make him think he is Sera, but he finds the room empty he finds his phone on his drawer and reads a text from an unknown number.

Meet me at the capitol building, we got a situation in the wastelands.

Blyke: What the?

He see's John's window open, his phone left on his desk. He goes over to check his phone and sees the texts between him and Keon.

Blyke: What the fuck?! The wastelands! Those are so dangerous, people go missing there every year! Chances of not making it out of there are like 90%.

Blyke rushes to Isen's room.



Blyke: Get out here asshole.

Isen opens the door.

Isen: Dude it's Saturday morning, what?!

Blyke: Good, come with me!

Blyke takes Isen's hand.

Blyke: Okay now we're going to find Remi.

Meanwhile John is at Agent 47's grave remembering a conversation they had.

John: So, why's your name 47?

Agent 47: Because, that's just my number.

John: Huh, 47?

Agent 47: Yeah.

John: Huh?

Agent 47: Yup.

John in his head: Jesus this guy's weird, well living out here in the desert will do that to you.

John throws a flower on top of the grave site as he walks away.

Later on top of the capitol building.

John: Okay Keon, where is the location?

Keon: Oh, John? Didn't think you'd actually respond to this one. Thought the first encounter already gave you PTSD?

John: Someone needs to do this.

Keon: Okay then, you remember where the old airport is?

John: I'm familiar with it.

Keon: Good, head there.

Meanwhile Blyke, Remi, and Isen are all on the dorm rooftop.

Remi: Blyke, what do you expect us to do, the waste lands are a war zone.

Blyke: I'm trying to convince John not to go there, he thinks he can save everyone but he just can't.

Isen: Oh no way, what the hell is your problem Blyke?! Why are you always acting like he's your rival or something?

Blyke: Huh?

Isen: You're just pissed off that you're not number one in our school next year, so you go around John acting like you have a point to prove when you just DON'T!

Remi: Enough guys, we just gotta find John, besides, we didn't go all the way out here in this dessert to just quit, and-


Remi's words are interrupted by a loud explosion, they see The Golden God rushing towards the airport, hooded figures are seen shooting fireballs at him. The Golden God copies their abilities and creates a sea of flames, burning the whole crowd. Remi, Isen, and Blyke all power up ready to become their super hero persona's. As they launch themselves out into the desert they see helicopters hover over the area.

Isen: Holy shit, that's the media!

Blyke: What the?! Look up there!

They see a flying comet of some sort, a black and red kinda aura. He pulls out some swords and shoots down in the wasteland.

Mysterious boy: Hehe, finally time to make my mark, see if I rival the great Golden God.

Some low tiered grunts approach the boy.

Who goes there?!

Die freak, this is the master's land!

Without even looking the boy pulls out a sword and cuts down the members of the cult. He smiles knowing his true power. He feels a surge of rage entering his blood stream as he wields his aura like weapon. A giant sword that gleamed red with the rest of his body. He had a black robe on with a withered cow skull elbem over the heart.

The boy: That took longer than it should have, but at least I'm out of the pits of Hell.

Asha Jake Lawn, Known as Jake Lawn, power level is currently a 10. Aura level is 0

Remi: Come on, Let's follow him into the airport!

The three use their abilities to charge at the airport.

Isen in his head: I just wanna go home.

Remi, Isen, and Blyke rush in the airport base behind John, John is rushing through the battlefield snapping limbs on anyone who gets in his way. He breaches through an ice and rock wall covering the abandoned airport. A laser shoots from a statue on top of the base, it starts to emit a bright gold aura. People all around start to heal.

The Golden God: Shit a mass healer!

People start to rise from the dead, an ice priest and a ice golem start to appear. Blyke shoots the statue and lands a direct hit on it's head, killing the grand priest.

John in his head: WHAT THE, BLYKE?!

John looks behind him to see Remi, Blyke, and Isen all powered up blasting people off of them.

John in his head: Aw shit, I gotta....

John gets pushed into the airport entrance, a mass of ice traps him with the ice user, he looks at The Golden God with his cold blue eyes, his body dead from the freezing temperature.

Ice Priest: Ahh, I see, the great one has shown up.

The Golden God gets up not responding to anything he hears.

Ice Priest: Ahh, I see, well then, get em boys!

Ice wizards start to shoot projectiles at The Golden God, he copies the aura and uses his goldish Black Ice to block the attacks, he pushes the barriers he made into the minions crushing them. The head priest looks at his men in horror as they all lay unconscious, possibly dead.

Head Priest: Okay boy, your turn!

He nods at the ice golem creature to go attack The Golden God, it jumps up high and slams the ground hard enough to create a crater, The Golden God uses the amplified ice to move out of the way. He shoots a huge burst of ice at the creature trapping it in the ice. He then jumps up and kicks its head off causing the creature to turn into a pile of rocks and ice.

Head priest: What? How?! That thing was a high tier, almost God.....

John knocks out the head priest with his fist.

Meanwhile outside Blyke, Remi, and Isen are holding off hoards of henchmen and flying creatures, they spit a weird dark acid like substance, Remi uses a huge burst of Lighting shock-wave to fry up everything around her.

John emerges from the dust and heads towards Remi, Isen, and Blyke.

Remi: Oh hey, needed some help?

John keeps walking towards them.

Isen in his head: Oh no, please don't kill us.

Blyke: Hey man, you needed some back up? hehe.

John: What the hell are you guys doing? Do you know WHERE THE FUCK WE ARE RIGHT NOW???!!!!!

Remi: It was Blyke, he said he saw your texts and was worried, we just tagged along because we are his friend.

Isen: Yeah man, she's right.

Blyke: OH fuck off sell outs, you all could have stayed "home in your little dorms".

Isen: But then we'd be letting you go into the... wastelands.

John: Aw, Jesus, you do know, how are y'all even alive?

Remi: Just because we don't have uno reverse as our ability doesn't mean we're freaking snowflakes!

John: You know what, just follow me, do exactly what I say because now I gotta....

Isen: Hey, just think of it like we're hanging out.

The group of four heads into the airport.

John: I don't WANNA hang out with this suit on, nothing good comes out of this, this is the side no one was supposed to see, or know about.

Remi: Well I'm sorry if you wanted to play super hero all by yourself, but now it's time to share, it looks like this job is getting to your head.

John: No offense Remi but what would you know about me that I haven't told you.

Remi pauses, thinking her words carefully. Wanting to get to John as carefully as she can.

Remi: Your suspension, those kids who hurt you, you finally had the chance to fight back and took it, the school called you a monster but you didn't know how to act, you just got a burst of power suddenly, you....

John: Remi, drop it.

Remi: No, just because...

John: Remi.

A huge fist crashes on the group, Blyke and Isen move out of the way, John pushes Remi to the side.

John: We'll do this later, we got company.

A huge rock creature emerges from the darkness, it's eyes glow purple, right next to it is a huge robot, it carries a large hammer, it has a center piece that acts as an eye, it glows lighting blue as electricity flows through it. The group looks at the robot in horror.

Remi: That's my power?

Isen: What the hell?

Blyke: Aww shit, here we go again.

John powers up and charges at the two entities, he knocks the creature down another pit. The creature gets up and slams his two fists down creating a shock wave that knocks The Golden God down. He gets back up and copies the golems ability, he charges at the beast with his super strength but the beast's weight makes his more effective.

Meanwhile the robot slams the ground with his hammer, shooting electricity through the ground and shocks the three. Then it slams its hammer into them slamming them into a wall. Remi looks up at the robot and sees the robot.

Remi in her head: Electricity, that's my ability, how did they get it?

John squares up with the golem. The golems' rocks start to spike and turn black, it's eyes turn red.

John: Oh shit.

To be Continued.....

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