Chapter 43: Wastelands IV
John and the Golem go head on battle with each other. The Golem smashes John across the Golden God across the room. The Golden God gets back up and pounds his fists together.
John in his head: Okay then, this thing has more weight than me, so it's super strength is more effective than mine, on top of that it was definitely made in a lab so it is most likely in it's unnatural form.
Remi in her head: On top of that, this robot, it has my ability so it definitely got the power from somewhere, could this be Ember?
John in his head: It doesn't matter, just as long as we finish this thing.
Remi charges the robot with her lighting, despite the robot's size it is overpowered by her electricity. Blyke gets back up and shoots a laser beam at the window of the robot, an engine is revealed. Now at this point the robot short circuits and starts to catch on fire. Remi overloads it's charge causing it to explode with electricity. She jumps back down and grabs Isen and Blyke as the explosion blasts them down the pit John fell, the three get knocked out for a bit.
John fights the rocky beast, his mask is partially broken at this point, he gets flung across the room. John gets back up and looks over at the trio with fear in his eyes.
John in his head: Dammit, this thing, it might have me beat, I'm so sick of this shit. I'm not that weakling from New Bostin.
John flashes back to his past self and experiences.
Claire: Hi there, you alright?
John: No, stop!
Haha, he can't even fight back, what a loser.
John: Enough!!!!!
News reports, They say after being dethroned in new Bostin twice, a new self proclaimed "Super villain" has been roaming around the streets killing people at random, he says he won't stop until he finds a worthy opponent, officials have ruled that this sudden personality is due to mental illness that was not treated. The man was described to be around five ten, he had greenish blue mixed hair with green eyes and an ability described as crescent slash. The news reports in John's mind fade as he snaps back into reality.
John: NO, NO MORE!
John jumps up in the air with his legs so high he touches the roof, he then slams back down using his super strength breaking the Golem into shards. Then he gets back up with his half broken mask and looks around the room.
The Golden God: We're not alone.
John sees a net shoot out at Remi, Blyke, and Isen. The three lay unconscious as the net traps them. The Golden God rushes over to defend them from a pair of yellowish eyes. A woman's voice can be heard from a distance.
Dead shot: Hahaha, you think you're so tough because you were able to spot me?
John in his head: Oh perfect, another cliche villain.
The woman turns visible, she holds a special type of crossbow, her eyes dim turning yellow and her purple hair flies in the wind from a draft, as she explains her reasoning to her actions, why she is the way she is, her ability, John lunges at her and knocks her out with a devastating blow to her head.
John: Jesus, you'd think people would shut up once in a while? We don't-
Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he catches some large figures moving his way, he cuts the net with a knife in his suit and rushes at them, A large figure with a crown slams a sword at The Golden God, but misses, another smaller but purple figure slams it's swords at The Golden God as well, a third figure swings her battle axe at The Golden God and knocks him back to the wall.
Susan Wojki: A cripple who suffers from mental illness that convinces her that she is a viking. She swings a battle axe around as her weapon of choice.
King: A 7.3 ability war lord who has an urge to beat his foes with his blade.
Ojobi: A mysterious warrior that wields two swords and has a constantly activated ability, it's super ability is lightning burst which shoots lightning when it's body is pronounced dead.
Behind them comes out a man holding a concrete boulder.
James Bourdon: Ability, spherical. Can take any amount of rock, gravel, concrete and turn it into a ball, level 3.5.
Remi, Blyke, and Isen all wake up and look at John, powering up as he is about to take on all four of the maniacs by themselves.
X-Rei: Wait, stop! Why are you all doing this?
King: Why do you need to know pinky? It's not like you care anyways.
X-Rei: Well maybe-
The Golden God: No, he's right, we don't give a shit why your here or what happened to y'all.
James in a British accent: Ahh, see I told you. The bloody government won't ever care about us. Even our powers couldn't save us.
John: I'm not done asshole, you're right though. I could care less, because at the end of the day I don't discriminate. If you do wrong, you're in the wrong. If you look down on others on ability level and not character, you're a bigot, and IF YOU'RE A CRIMINAL, YOU'RE A CRIMINAL. THAT'S THE END OF IT!
James: Well then, what are we waiting for?
James hurls a boulder at the group, Isen jumps in the way of the boulder, he punches it causing the shards to spray his direction. He then slams back on the ground forcing James up against the wall.
Ojobi swings it's swords at Remi, she doges and uses her electricity against the warrior. It's eyes power down from purple to black, the suit of armor laid empty. Then it turned on again, it's eyes turned on light purple, then blue, it's suit started sparking electricity.
Remi: What, that's my....
Remi in her head: No, Lightning is my ability, this seems to be electricity, there are two forms, yellow being a lower voltage and blue the maximum before it becomes out of control, lightning is blue at its lowest, purple at its strongest, and unNatural is white. And black is.....
Her thoughts are interrupted by Ojobis' swords slamming the ground. Remi doges and electrocutes the armored knight.
Meanwhile Blyke and Susan are battling, Blyke blasts the valk, she glows her eyes a bright orange and starts swinging away, her increased strength allows her to speed up and rush Blyke.
Blyke: Shit, she looks like a 4.3, good thing 3 is only 2 less than
Blyke uses his shock wave and slams the Valk away from him, her servants all surround Blyke, all with an ability level of 3.
Remi shocks Ojobi with all her strength, its electricity atoms get overwhelmed with her's causing it to explode, the metal fragments from the suit explode on James, Isen finishes him off.
Remi looks over to see all the valks surrounding Blyke.
Remi sends a massive wave of electricity towards the group, she shocks everyone including Blyke.
Remi: Oh no, BLYKE, are you alright?!
Blyke: Ahhh, that hurts.
Remi holds Blyke tightly.
Blyke: Haha, what are you doing?
Isen: Hey guys, you mind not cuddling right now?!
Remi: WHAT?!
John: Hold up.
John uses Isen's amplified hunter ability and looks around the premise.
John: Looks clear.
Remi: So, what now?
John: What do you mean?
Remi: Is this it, we just go home?
John: Pretty much, if we died you think the government would have cared?
The three pause after hearing what John said.
John: Listen, I can't stop you morons from doing what you want, but this isn't glamorous work. There isn't always a crowd for you that cheers you on. You just have bodies at the end of the day. That's if you're doing it right.
John walks out of the room, his cold speech leaves everyone speechless.
Remi: Yeah well, it looks like these are creatures made from aura, which means whoever broke into GNex was behind these things. So it looks like we have multiple groups out their that we have to apprehend before mass terrorism spreads through these things.
John looks back at Remi and smiles.
John: Alright then...
Let's save the world.
As the four return to their dorms, Remi pulls John aside.
John: Hey, you need anything?
Remi hugs John, catching him off guard.
Remi: Don't do that again, we were all worried sick!
John chuckles a little.
John: Remi, I'm fine, I've done this for a year now. I've made multiple trips there.
Remi: John, Rei told me he always looked up to The Golden God, not as some universal creator, but as a friend, wanting to meet him one day, to rival his strength, to protect the people.
John: Remi?
Remi: And I should have known that night your persona defeated those drug cartel members, saving that child from them in that low tier district, that he would go out and do that himself, I wish, I could have stopped him, knowing what I know now maybe he wouldn't have died a couple weeks ago.
John: Remi, I-
Remi: I'm not done yet, John, Rei always wanted to be like you, always talked about your persona unaware of who you were at dinner, I swear it even drove my parents mad, but it was inspiring, and I wanted to meet him too. So when he died, I swore I'd find the Golden God, I'd swear that I'd meet him for him.
Remi looks up at John with her eyes spilling with tears.
Remi: John, you're like a brother to me, you're like Rei, you were like a brother to him too, and I don't want you to meet him too soon. So please, please don't do anything stupid, cause losing Rei was my almost my breaking point.
John looks at the crying pinkette, he hugs her to comfort her pain.
John: Hehe, Remi, don't worry, Rei will keep me safe.
Remi: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Remi wipes her tears off and lets go of John.
Remi: Sorry, I just lost myself.
John: It's alright, we all lost a sibling, it's an honor to have Rei as a rival, can't wait to see him some day, if such a place exists.
Remi: Yeah, hopefully.
John: Come on, he wouldn't want us to dwell on the past, let's go to Isen and Blyke.
Remi: OKAY!
Remi smiles like a little kid, the two laugh and joke around, almost like Remi did with Rei in her childhood. Little did John know that such a place did exist, and his whole world would be turned upside down.....
The group of friends clear out, hours later a boy with black and red aura comes in, disappointed to only find bodies left.
Jake: Huh, so we don't get to meet yet? Oh well. Soon though.
Better luck next time.
The boy says as he takes out a long black sword from a book. His aura, if you could even call it that, gleamed red and black as a silhouette of a humanoid appeared behind him.