
Chapter 41: Chapter XXI Confession

Sera: John, sometimes, we need to help ourselves before we focus on others, otherwise we're doing no one any service. I'm gonna ask you a question that will determine how the rest of our relationship can grow, John-

Are you willing to let me help you?

Sera: John, sometimes, we need to help ourselves before we focus on others, otherwise we're doing no one a service. I'm gonna ask you a question, and I'm not gonna lie to you, this will determine how the rest of our relationship can grow, John-

Are you willing to let me help you?

John looks at Sera and just looks at her, not knowing what to say, he then stands up to hug her. Heating her up with his body heat as he squeezes hard.

John: Yeah, yeah I think I will.

Sera and John hug for a while, just hanging out for the rest of the day and night, as they lounge around she then notices John acting funny. Like a clown in a circus, it almost made her giggle at first.

John: Is there something wrong?

Sera: No, I just wanna stay like this.

Sera starts to lean over, staring into John's face, his eyes specifically, those golden eyes, not like most people's, there was something different about his....

Sera: I just, I'm glad you weren't the one who was in danger.

John: Huh?

Sera hugs John, she presses her face in his chest.

Sera (muffled): Because when you went off to Oklahoma city, I didn't even know what it was like to do what you do, but when I heard the explosions and I turned on the news to see that giant monster I just…. I got so scared for you. I didn't even realize how dangerous some people can get.

Sera takes her face off of John to show her tears running down her cheek.

Sera: I was so scared John. I know I don't show it, but I was so freaking scared. Everything that I saw there, it was all so horrifying. I just-

John pushes her face back into his chest, comforting her as he runs his hand down her hair.

John: Hey, it's okay, listen. I won't ever make you feel like that ever again.

Sera: No it's not.

Sera wipes her tears, at this point she is on top of John, pushing him into the bed.

Sera: Because if something were to happen to you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I-

Sera wipes her tears, trying to think of a way to lighten the mood.

Never got to get taken out on that date you know hehe.

Sera looks back at John only to realize what she just said out loud, embarrassed she blushes. Her cheeks are hotter than any seat warmer in a car, melting her away as they burn like stove burners.

John: If I'm gonna be honest I forgot everything that led up to Rein that night.

John lied, feeling horrible about it but not wanting to misinterpret what he heard her say, he decides to play dumb. Hoping he could keep the friendship, scared of his own judgment, and decided to play it safe, keeping what he already has, and not getting greedy for more.

"So, maybe you wanna go out sometime?"

John: I think I took two Hum pills that night.

Sera: Oh, yeah, it's fine I totally under- wait, you took what?

John: Hum, I got anxiety and PTSD from my "profession" so the doctors prescribed Levium and Hum.

Sera: Wait, how many are you supposed to take?

John: Uhh, two a week, I think.

Sera: And you took two right, no more?

John: Yeah.

Sera looks at the orange bottle in John's pocket, she takes the bottle and looks at the label.

John S. Doe.

Sera: S.?

John: Yeah, I never found out what it meant, my mom gave it to me but never told my dad or me.

Sera: Oh, well you should be careful with these, they look hardcore.

John: I know Sewa but, I just, sometimes really need a chill pill, the voices, the fear, it can get to me, demons whether they're real or fake have an effect on me.

Sera: John, are you okay, you just slurred my name?

John: Y-yeah.

Sera looks in John's bathroom, something catches her eyes that makes her get up and walk toward the door. She picks up a blue bottle that reads Sky on the label.


John: J-Just a little.

Sera: It's empty!

John: There was only a little left.

Sera: John, any is a lot for taking meds!

John sighs as Sera wraps her arms around John.

Sera: Now I'm not leaving, cause clearly you need me around.

John laughs a little as he returns her hug.

John: That's fine by me.

John in his head: Shit, I only feel a little tipsy, but if I just pretend to get drunk....maybe I can just calm her down. I mean this is sweet. She's, so damn warm too!

Sera and John sit around in silence before Sera breaks the ice, she asks him what happened with Rein trying to see if he can remember anything.

Sera: Wow, so you were just, fine, ready to do your duty?

John: Well, something last night, but there was this one thing that was in the back of my mind, and I-

John looks at Sera, the combination of his "low Alcohol tolerance" and Sera's sweet smile makes him "speak his mind".

John in his head: Alright, here goes nothing, stay calm, besides, if she says no, we have an excuse, we were drunk, come on John Doe you can do this! We read it in a book, it totally worked, dude was even getting some action, no stop it! I just want her, not her body, her fine, curvy, DAMMIT SHUT UP ALREADY!

Suddenly John feels a stab in his heart, his act turns real when he suddenly remembers what he actually felt that night.

John: That night, I was scared that I might have not made it home, and well, I wanted to tell you something, but never had the guts to. Fearing it would ruin, something very dear to me.

Sera: John?

John: Yeah?

Sera leans close to John, their faces barely an inch away from each other.

John: I do remember how pretty your eyes were though. Tehe.

Sera is taken by surprise, for John to just say something so blunt and sweet, with no embarrassment, it must have been the alcohol, until she remembers her driver's ed class she took a while back, the teacher explains how alcohol in the body works.

"Drunk words are Sober thoughts"

Sera in her head: Why am I thinking about that now?

Sera blushes, remembering what John said to her. She sits there looking at John, now clearly looking like he's under the influence of something not so child friendly.

Sera: Oh, thanks, uhh. So uhh, what were you gonna say?

John at this point speaks his mind. Not even caring if he comes off as sober or drunk, but trusting that his feelings are genuine.

John: I really like you. Like, really REALLY like you.

Sera: R-Really?

John gets closer to her.

John: Yeah, I uhh, wanted to tell you before I left, but got cold feet.

Sera at this point is overfilled with joy as she feels her soul almost leave her body, her heart beats really fast, she goes up to John and hugs him. John blushes, feeling something strong in his heart, for the first time in so long, he felt romance, and it wasn't fake. John and Sera cuddle on the bed for a little while, not talking, just breathing, before John tries to crack a joke to break the awkward silence. At this point he's "sobered up" a little, but still is "drunk enough" to tell awkward jokes

John: So, you believe in a God? He points to her ear rings, remembering the cross symbol from his history class.

Sera: Yeah? Where the hell did that come from?

John: So, that thing they say about the church, how every person on the planet is like a brother and sister in God's house or something, are we like, sibling's now. (in a drunkish voice)

Sera: What the fuck John?

John: What, I kinda like the name "step bro".

Sera wacks John with a pillow before she wraps her arms around him.

Sera: Anymore stupid questions numb nuts?

John: Yeah

How does this feel?

Sera: How's wha-

John finally locks up his lips onto hers, Sera is laying down to where John was. Sera's eyes widen as she looks at John's eyelids. She slowly closes her eyes as she gets used to the funny position she's in and gives in to John's kiss. The two fix themselves and start to kiss all over each other's faces. John moves lower inch by inch, from Sera's lips to her neck. He puts his hands in between the spaces in her buttoned up shirt. She pulls them out and starts to take off his shirt, he does the same to her. She starts to rub her finger across his muscles as their heavy breathing could be heard in the room.

Sera: Oh my, John, I loved it.

John: For the past three months, I just-

He strokes her cheek as he gets on top of her. Pausing his sentence.

John: I just think about kissing you, your head in between my hands as I just, kiss your gorgeous face.

John smiles like a dumb ass at her, he then goes for another kiss, wanting more of the snack that was right in front of him. Sucking on her neck like a lollipop as she moans in his ear, he keeps sucking on her sweet skin. He then stops and pecks at her lips, he then holds her hands and takes her finger and looks at it, he notices the nail that was missing.

John: Sera, what did they do to you?

Sera: How did you know it was-

John: I'm too familiar with this kinda thing.

Sera: John, it's not that bad, it'll grow back.

John: Are you sure, I just worry that it won't....

Sera: You already did what you could, come on, let's just forget about it. Come on, let's just cuddle a little.

Sera rests her head on John, he feels her shake a little, like a cat that's resting in your lap.

John: Yeah, alright, sorry about that.

Sera: Don't worry.

Sera said giggling before she went to whisper in his ear.

I enjoyed every bit of it.

John: Haha, I know ;)

John looks at her ring finger and kisses it before he goes back onto Sera. He kisses Sera all over her neck. He looks down at the beautiful magenta haired queen that was his crush. Blyke walks into the dorm after he hears some rumbling in John's room.

Blyke: Yo, John, would you keep it down....

Blyke see's John on top of Sera on his bed.

Blyke: I was never here, I SWEAR, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!

Blyke slams the door and runs to his dorm.

John: Should we....

Sera: Naww. I'll take care of him later.

John: You sure? I swear though he always does that.

Sera doesn't respond with words, but rather with actions. She starts to put her hands on his chest.

Sera: Come on, let's just, see where the night takes us.

John and Sera keep going. John unbuttons Sera's top out of instinct. He then puts his hands under her bra, messaging them for a little bit while he locks his lips on her neck. Sera whimpers and moans as John moves his hands over all of her body. He then kisses her again, after a solid minute without air the two break free gasping to fill their lungs back with some of that good old oxygen. A trail of saliva connects the two new found lovers together as they pant for breath with sweat on their face.

Sera: John?

John: Yeah.

Sera: Are you sure you're not just on the meds?

John: Haha, what?

Illena in Sera's head: You're nothing now, no one cares about you!

John's eyes are glowing as Sera recalls what Illena said to Sera.

John: Hey, what are you talking about?

Sera: Huh?

John grabs Sera's shoulders, the two look at each other, both Shirtless and left with just their lower half covered.

John: Don't let her EVER get into your head like that. I know you're thinking about Illena right now.

Sera: Haha, you gotta stop doing that.

John leans closer to Sera.

John: Cause I'm always gonna be here, even if you hate me, break my heart into a million pieces.

Sera: John, but, I won't ever do that.

John wraps around Sera. Sera grabs John's hands from her back and moves them down her skirt and up to her waist, as his palms feel every inch of Sera's thigh his face gets really red. John grabs her waist and holds it tightly, he pushes Sera down on the pillow and starts to kiss her with more passion and intensity, not ever wanting to stop.

John: I think, I think I like you.

Sera giggles to John's dumb comment.

Sera: I'd hope so.

John: I wanna be King of Wellston.

Sera: Hehe, what?

John: I wanna be King of Wellston, and I want you to be my Queen.

Sera: But, what about Arlo?

John: I'm pretty sure Arlo was trying to get me to be King for a while anyways.

Sera: I just, don't see why you would want this?

John: Sera, it's because I'm not gonna let anyone ever even get the chance to even think about hurting you, I'll do what I have to do.

Sera: John?

John gives Sera a warm smile, his eyes glowing the whole time as he snuggles his head against her neck taking in that sweet scent of hers. Sera starts unbuttoning John's shirt.

John: What the, what are you?

Sera: Just give me that cookie Doe already. Haha, did I really just say that?

John: I'll give you more.

John throws Sera down on the pillow, he pulls her skirt down very fast, he throws the blankets on his bed on top of them. The two cuddle for a bit before he realizes what he just did. It felt wrong and rushed, selfish, dangerous.

John: I uhh, I swear I didn't mean to.....

Sera: John, you dirty dog!

She laughs and smiles at him, not aware of John's mindset.

John: I swear I wasn't trying to do what you think I was doing I swear!

Sera smiles and turns her back to John. She then lies down with him hugging her, feeling the body heat from him. John moves her hair and kisses her neck, wanting every ounce of her.

Sera: Then what were you trying to do, idiot?

John realizes how primal he's acting and stuffs Sera's clothes back on. After rolling her up in a sushi roll he joins her in a warm embrace under their blanket, hotter than hell itself as they lie on the soft mattress.

Sera: Why are you so sorry John?

She asks as snuggles into his neck.

If anything I should be scolding you, not you scolding yourself. You know I don't do that kind of stuff on the first date.

She says with a smile as John turns around.

John: Of course you don't do this on the first date, you're aware, a lot more than most.

John says with his golden eyes glowing.

You know how hookups end, but I took advantage of you, because unlike most of the boys in middle school you let take you out on dates none of them you actually liked. They liked you but you never felt the same back, so you kept a distance to keep you and them safe. Yet this time, this time the feelings were mutual.

Sera pauses as she listens to John, losing her smile as her eyes start to water.

John: I'm not perfect, even after New Bostin. I took advantage of your feelings and went for the "kill". That's why you're smiling right now, that's why you're letting it happen. If it wasn't me right now you'd be ten miles out the door.

Sera puts her hand on John's cheek and whimpers a little.

John: You were afraid I'd just leave you if you said something, and I knowingly just kept going.

John says as his eyes start to tear up with Sera's. The two look into each other while lying on the pillow.

John: So yeah, I'm sorry.

Sera's face turns as red as a beetroot. She wanted to slap John with the force of a neutron star. She felt exposed as John read outloud her worst fears within their relationship.

Sera: Don't ever do that again.

She says softly, she then smiles as she puts her hand on his cheek.

Sera: I'm sorry for assuming the worst. I know you well. You're better than that. I know you wouldn't leave me like that.

John smiles as he caresses her face.

Sera: You're still here.

She says whispering as John gets closer to her.

John: Of course I am.

Sera: So none of this was a dream?

She asks as she takes in the shock of the moment.

John: What do you say Sera?

He asks as he holds her right hand with both of his.

Will you be mine?

The two eventually fall asleep that night exhausted. Keeping each other warm with their body heat. John however couldn't go to sleep right away, he rested his head on Sera's chest, watching his nightmares wash away as he slowly fell into a deep sleep of warmth and comfort.

The Next morning John wakes with Sera in his arms as he spoons her.

Sera: Wow, you're up?

John: Yeah, I wanted to go for a run but I didn't wanna leave you.

Sera: Aww, you're sweet. Last night was real then.

John pecks Sera on the lips, she kisses him back and the two make out for a little bit, until suddenly John's suit starts beeping.

Sera: Hey, you wanna check that?

John looks at the watch at the side of his bed, he puts it on.

John: Shit, duty calls. I gotta go!

Sera: What is it?

John: One of the satellites I stole from the feds is locating an incident.

Sera: Oh, sounds fancy and expensive.

John puts on his suit, Sera gets up to hug him goodbye, John kisses her one last time.

John: I'll see you later.

Sera blushes, she was caught off guard, as John says see you later he strokes his finger across her cheek and on her lips, he then jumps out of the window, his cape flapping in the wind as he takes off into the city. Once again, as The Golden God.

The End

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