
Chapter 40: Chapter XX The Aftermath

Fifteen minutes later the Wellston Fire Department arrived on the scene of the house fire. An interview came as followed between them and the witnesses.

Fire dep to the group: Any idea what happened?

Remi: No, not at all.

Arlo: We just saw flames bursting and ran to the area since it's in a thick forest that can reach our school.

Fire dep: Okay, you're all dismissed, get off the streets so we can make sure no one else was affected.

The group of kids fall back to Wellston.

Arlo: Everyone listen up, I want you all to act like nothing happened. That's an order, got it?

Everyone nods in agreement. Arlo walks away.

Holden: Arlo, where are you going?

Arlo: This now affects just the royals from here.

Holden: How-

Arlo: Holden, please.

Holden: Uh, right, come on guys.

Arlo signals for Meili, Ventus, Blyke, Remi, and Isen to follow.

Remi, Arlo, Elaine, Blyke, and Isen all head to the Infirmary, John is sitting by Sera's bed, watching her sleep.

Arlo: So, how's she doing?

John: She's just sleeping.

Arlo: Alright, let's just let her rest.

Elaine: Yeah John, you should come to history with us.

John: No, I'm not. I wanna stay here. I wanna make sure she wakes up safely.

Arlo: Ight then, we'll stay, make sure she's alright.

Elaine: Yeah John, we'll stay for her too.

Arlo flashes back to Elaine's comment on John, her change of character threw him off.

Arlo in his head: Elaine, why you acting so nice around John, the first time you two met you'd belittled him cause of his "rank". Are you finally opening up?

Elaine: Can we talk, Arlo?

Elaine grabs Arlo's hand and takes him out into the hall.

Arlo: Yeah?

Elaine: Listen, I'm sorry about everything, about me acting like a jerk to you about John. And well, for everything that's been going on for a while now.

Suddenly Arlo hears a voice whisper into his ear, he starts to sweat when suddenly his emotions flick like a light switch.

Elaine in a flashback: Hehe, John's kinda cute.

Arlo's face starts to show sadness, he can't stop thinking about those three words, until he remembers them in the field. Elaine hugged him tightly, admitting the whole thing was a ploy to get him jealous. Saying all of this as she kisses him. His feelings soar around like a roller coaster.

Arlo in his head: What is even going on, why am I thinking about these things right now?

Arlo: Elaine, I'm sorry if I have been sending you the wrong signals, I'm kinda shy about my feelings.

Elaine chuckles.

Elaine: It's okay silly, as much as it's annoying, I actually kinda like it.

Arlo: Uhh, yeah?

Elaine: It makes me feel safer. You can act calm and collected whenever you wanna.

Arlo: So, are we good?

Elaine giggles as she hugs Arlo.

Elaine: I just hope this whole ordeal is over. Yeah, we're more than good.

Arlo blushes as he returns the hug. The two then walk to history class together.

Sera starts to flutter her eyes open.

Sera: John?

John: Yeah, I'm here.

Sera: John, you came.....

John: Of course I did, why wouldn't I, we all did, skipping class to look for you.

Sera in her head remembers Illena's words to her.

Illena: Now that you're powerless, no one cares about you. No one is coming, no one wants to be around you!

Sera: I've been nothing but whiny and a burden to you.

John: Sera-

Sera: No John, I, I thought for a second no one was gonna come, I'm sorry for doubting you.

John: Sera, it's alright. You don't have to apologize. Don't keep bathing in your own pity, I'll be here. I'll always be here.

Sera: I failed you. I tried everything you taught me, but it didn't work. I don't know if I'll ever be as strong as you. I.....

John grabbed Sera's shoulder and turned her around. She looks at him with a big bandage on her cheek, shocked as her nerves react to John's warm embrace. Snuggling in his presence as she accepts the hug.

Sera: John....I

John: Sera, don't think about that right now.

John recalled back to the night he went to confront Rein, he thought Sera was conveying her "appreciation of friendship" right before he left for battle.

Sera: No John, I,.....I,

Sera's heart pumps rapidly, skipping a beat as she tries to form her words. She stares into John's golden eyes, her palms start to sweat and her face turns red. She bites her lower lip, nervous for what's about to come, but also excited.

John: Well Sera, I should give you some space. Get better....

Sera grabs John's hand.

Sera: John, wait! Can you keep me company? I wanna just relax with you. Like the old days. Before the powers and all the madness.

John looks into Sera's genital eyes and returns a warm smile.

John: Okay.

Sera and John hang out in the infirmary when John notices Sera wanting to say something but she isn't spilling it out. Instead she zones out as she stares into a wall.

John: Sera, Sera?!

Sera: Huh, oh yeah. Just forget what I said. I'm out of it. You know, going missing for a day makes you say stuff you know?

John's face turns from confused to disappointed. Sera stops talking and notices John's body language.

Sera: Oh hey, is something wrong?

John: Huh, oh nothing, I gotta run.

Sera: Hey John?

John: Yeah?

Sera: Thanks, for coming for me back there, and getting everyone to look for me.

John: You're so silly, everyone wanted to look for you, we were all worried sick.

Sera: Oh I, haha, that's not what I meant. I knew that I just wanted to let you know that…

Sera trips on her words, not wanting to sound oddly cocky but also wanting to show her gratitude, when suddenly John interrupts her.

John: Besides, I'd do anything for you.

John says as he leaned into her ear, whispering it made Sera pull him closer by the collar for another hug.

John: Wow, you're taking this differently than I thought you would. You're just playing games like nothing happened.

Sera: You think I'm gonna let some dumb mid tiers scar me? I already got someone watching over me.

She fiddles with her cross earnings.

Sera: And they sent me you. Hehe, oh man that sounds so corny.

John: Yeah jeez Sera what the hell?

Sera takes her pillow and smacks John with it.

John: Ouchies!

Sera: Haha, you jerk, that's what you deserve.

Arlo grabs John by the shoulder.

Arlo: Come on now, we gotta hit up history. Besides, she needs to rest.

John: Ah, right.

Arlo drags John as every fiber in his being hesitates to move. As Arlo and John walk in the halls he keeps thinking about Sera. He sits down in History class and zones off into his own world. He couldn't understand why he was such a coward. Never able to put his feelings out there. How he can't ever just fight someone without a stupid mask on.

John in his head: Dammit, I was able to tell her how I felt, but why not Sera. She means so much more to me, more than Claire ever did. So why, why am I such a fucking coward? Hell for the past three months all I would do is think about Sera. Cause she's the only light in this dark pit.

John looks out of the window, he thinks about the five words that he wants Sera to say to him. I like you John Doe. No, make that Love. Wanting to hear those for the past 3 months. Fantasizing scenarios where she would tell him this. John gets up and leaves the classroom, somehow undetected, as if he was meant to fulfill something. He starts to run in the halls when some blonde kid trips him.

Brent: 2.4: Ah, sorry there Johnny boy, you shoulda watched where you were going.

John Closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His anger starts to fade away with a calm feeling. A silhouette, only made out of light, appears out of the dark corners of his mind.

Don't go too rough.

John: Huh?

Aren't you glad I made Illena send that message from Sera's phone?

John: Wait, who are you?

I think you know that, you just gotta think a little harder.

John: God?

The man starts to fade away.

John remembers what he said to his therapist from two months ago.

No, God doesn't exist, if he does why the hell would he be here of all places. Give a crap about a species that preys on each other.


The light left from that figure starts to fade. The immense amount of arua now undetected.


The light completely fades away, all that is left is some mist. It spells out a message. Saying

We will meet again.

John is back in Wellston, he faces Brent, remembering what the man told him, he swings and nails a perfect punch at Brent's nose.

Brent: AGH, FUCK!

Brent throws a punch, his fists ignite into flames. John dodges the punch, closes his eyes, and opens them up again, a feeling rushes into his system, like he's falling off a building, he takes Brent's arm and snaps it. People look around, so sick of John's cocky attitude.

I've had enough, this cripple is gonna get what he deserves!

Let's get him.

Fucking kill him this time, make sure he dies!

John runs for his life as a mob of students chase him, they eventually catch up and pin him to the ground.

Not so tough now huh?!

John takes the kids face and smashes it to his forehead, he gets back up and looks for a nearby window before he jumps out and lands in some bushes.

Awww fuck, everyone fan out, we need to find him and put him in his place!

John takes off his jacket and vest, he then takes out the mask he got from a while back, he puts it on. His eyes glow as he makes his way back into the school. A black mist trails off of him.

John: Dammit. I'm not letting anyone get in my way.

John enters the building closest to the infirmary, he spots the group of kids re-grouping there to find him.

Hey, who the hell are you?!

Keep walking asshole.

No no, we wanna see these pigs face ourselves right?!

Yeah come on guys!

They approach the masked figure with their abilities glowing, then suddenly they charge at him. John flashes back to New Bostin. Claire's army charges John as he stands there, watching his empire crumble.

John in his head: So, history does repeat itself.

John powers down, refusing to repeat his past. Until an image of Sera all bloodied up flashes before his eyes. It scared him, to points where it physically hurt his body just to think about it.

John in his head: No, she means too much to me. I have to do this! I HAVE TO GET OVER MY TRAUMA AND FEAR!

John says this all to himself as he raises his hand, ready to fight back once more as his true self hiding behind a mask.

Meanwhile Sera is thinking to herself in the infirmary about her life.

Sera in her head: Wow, so this is the rest of my life, just getting hurt and resting in a bed. Being friend zoned by the one person who could get me through this. I don't know if I can take this anymore. Maybe I wasn't meant to survive the attack...

Sera flashes back to when she was ambushed by the people in a van. John appearing out of the shadows, risking his own skin and identity to save her.

Sera: No, stop thinking like that, I'm strong, confident, I need to stop acting like I deserve this. Shit just happens, this world sucks.

Sera has a flashback of her talking with her mother at home, this was when she was suspended from having unOrdinary.

Sera's mother: Seraphina, what are those hanging from your ears?

She points to Seraphina's cross earnings that she will occasionally wear.

Sera: Oh well, I thought they just looked pretty, so I bought them.

Sera begins to walk away when her mother says something that will change their relationship forever.

Sera's mother: Well, you better not be part of that fanatic Christian Cult.

Sera pauses, she looks back at her mother.

Sera: And what if I am?

What are you going to do about it?

Sera's mother takes this as a challenge, her eyes start to glow in anger towards her disobedient daughter. In the next moment however, she takes the opportunity to keep her cool and discipline her daughter.

Sera's mother: Don't be silly, a magic man comes from no were and creates the world. Sera, you sound ridiculous. You realize how many fanatic cults were out there in the world that all had a similar idea, yet they all somehow contradicted each other, and it only led to war. And on top of that Science is the only thing that can explain where we came from, how our powers came from existence.

Sera: Well, why can't we just disagree respectfully and live life through our own values, yours being evolution, and mine coming from these?

She points at her earrings.

Seraphina's mother: Because the world doesn't work like that. Not everyone was made equal, so therefore no one should be treated equally. It's not a hard concept.

Seraphina's mother in her head: Damn, that book actually corrupted her. I must shut down the wifi and take her phone, try and get her back to the way she used to be.

Meanwhile John is throwing bodies at people, his eyes glow a raging gold as he slams people into walls, floors, ceiling, each other. His rage and passion fuel his power at this point.

Sera's mother: Seraphina, Your father and I have been studying these things longer than you have, we have seen what the world is like. So take our word for it. Besides, why would you even want to believe in some higher power, you're already at a Goddess stat.

Sera: Well, it's kinda boring being at the top, I want someone or something to be able to fight me and win, something that can help my ego. Otherwise I'll never grow as a person.

Seraphina's mother: Sera, stop complaining over such trivial things. Grow up and live your life the way you are supposed to.

Sera: Oh so now I can't even live it for what I want to live it for.

Seraphina's mother smiles in a sinister way.

Seraphina's mother: Oh that's funny, don't they tell you to live for "God" and not yourself.

Sera: Huh?

Seraphina's mother: Well, by living life the way you want to, you'd be doing the wrong thing by that system you are living by. So therefore you'd be contradicting yourself.

Sera looks down on the ground.

Sera: Why does it matter to you then?

Seraphina's mother: Hmmm?

Sera: Say I'm wrong then, and that I'm living my life as an idiot, let's apply your logic into the picture, I'm a high tier, so I get to live my life the way I want to because it's a privilege I earned because I naturally contribute more to society, so there for, I get to be Christian, not an atheist. So if you believe I am wrong, and that I don't know what I am talking about.

Then why are you trying to change the way I live?

Seraphina's mother didn't have an answer.

It's almost kinda suspicious, of course someone like you wouldn't know anything about the answers of life, saying that would be complimenting you.

Seraphina's mother looks at her daughter in horror, like she raised such a brat.

Sera: And one more thing, don't tell people you're atheist, because you'll just make the others in that community look bad.

Seraphina's mother: That's enough you brat, go to your room!

Seraphina looks at her mother with an intense look, she then marches up to the second floor.

Seraphina's mother: Your father and I will discuss the repercussions of your actions today. Don't become a failure like your sister.

The flashback was interrupted by a blue haired girl slamming into the wall, a boy with red hair looking back at her.

Catchup kid: Hey man, who the fu-

His head gets slammed into the floor, the blood that pools out of him almost looks like an extension of his hair. After every last person is knocked down to the ground he rushes the infirmary.

Doc: What the, who are...

John takes off his mask and heads over to Sera's bed. Doc rushes out into the hallway to see a pile of injured students.

John in his head: Man, maybe holding on to Sheene's ability isn't the best idea, that coulda went by quicker if I left an extra slot open for something more.....

John's thoughts are interrupted. He hears Seraphina's voice in his head, reading her thoughts unintentionally.


John: Oh yeah, can you just call the hospital for that?

Doc: You, you're sick you know that?!

Doc in his head: What the hell are students even doing here on a Saturday, like come the fuck on, why are there twenty idiots outside my office unconscious!

John pulls the curtain over and hides him and Sera. Sera crosses her arms.

Sera: John, what did you do now?

John pulls open the curtains to Sera's bed.

John: Why am I in the hot seat?

Sera in her head: Because, you just hurt a bunch of people. I can tell, your eyes are glowing.

John makes a cute face to try and cheer Sera up.

Sera in her head: Oh no, it's working, that face...

John: Yeah, I know you can't resist this.

John looks at her seductively.

Sera: What the, how are you-

John interrupts her.

John: Hey, can we talk for a sec?

Sera: Hehe, yeah sure thing.

Sera in her head: Maybe I should tell him now.

John: Tell me what?

Sera: Uh, what? How did you?-

John: Oh, I uh, sorry I thought I heard something.

Sera: Kaaaaaaaaaa.

Sera and John sit on the bed and talk, despite John's concern for her after the"incident". Sera talks about things like games, movies, stuff they would usually talk about.

Sera: John, is something on your mind?

John: It's nothing, I'm just-

The demons from John's mind haunt him, the horrors from his life fill his head. Unable to produce any other type of thought as he just sat there with his crush.

John: Nothing, it doesn't matter. I should be asking you that.

Sera puts her hand on John's hand.

Sera: Stop asking if I'm fine, I'm great actually.

Sera in her head remembering what she told her mother: I'm so bored being on the top, I just want something that can beat me back.

Sera: I feel like I finally found something in my life.

John: Wow, me too, but I don't think it's what you have in mind.

Sera: Hehe, well, it's actually two things.

John: Well, what are they?

Sera: Well now, it wouldn't be fun just telling you right off the bat, you're gonna have to work for it.

Sera smirks at John.

John: Hmm?

Doc: Okay Sera, you're good to go.

Sera: Thanks doc.

Doc: They said you wouldn't have to work on Saturdays, bullshit!

The two get up and leave the infirmary, they walk the empty school halls in their uniforms.

Sera: Hey, you're so tense. What's up?

John: Sera, I just don't understand, you've been through a whole day of torture, and yet your doing better than I was when I survived my first day of torture.

Sera: Well John, I haven't been through what you have, plus we're different people, so we'll naturally have different reactions to things.

John: I don't know, it's just weird, I was so scared of going in that house, part of me thought you might have been dead.

Sera: John, you're overreacting, they wouldn't kill me, they have a lot to lose.

John: Yeah well, my experience with finding missing people usually says something else.

Sera: John?

John: Yeah?

Sera: What happened to you, what did you see as The Golden God?

John explains everything, what he went through with Keon, his parents, the wasteland, finding out Isen's father was a fugitive there. Watching him die. Explaining to her about how Isen would spend some of his nights wondering if he would ever see his pa again, all while his body rots in the sand that the government refuses to deal with. All while he was too much of a coward to tell him the truth. By this point he went into the city to fight Rein, despite all the bodies of countless mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters, he was used to humanity's worst. Joker's taunts and threats, All while he told himself life had no purpose. That there is no God. We don't go anywhere to relax for eternity . No, all your pain stays with you even after you die. The world hates, plunders, and kills, and the only reason why he even does what he does isn't so he can change the world, it's so that those who had to live like him can at least keep their sanity for what little time they have. Sera soaked it all up, realizing what John is going through, the pain and trauma from John's life, and PTSD kicking in all while he's having an existential crisis, is why he's what he is right at this moment. Then two make it to John's dorm.

John: Oh wait, you never went to your room.

Sera: I wanna hang with you for a bit.

John: Haha, my room is your room.

Sera: Thanks.

John goes into the bathroom and opens his cabinet, he takes the last two pills from a bottle labeled Levium and one pill from a bottle labeled Hum with some Sky Alcohol. He takes the empty bottle of Levium and puts it in his pocket to throw out later, he then goes and lies on the bed.

Sera: Hey, you know, about that whole thing where we die and that's it, how come you never just believed in something else, hoping for it to turn out for the best? Like it just sounds boring, nothingness.

Sera in her head: Hopefully that'll lead to him talking about an existential crisis, I can help him cope with it if he comes out of the closet. Reassure him that it's all going to be okay. Oh God John what did this world do to you? What did they do to you?

John: Well maybe it's easy for you to do that, but I'm not like that, I need to see it, and no, I mean something that can prove the existence of a higher being, without some jackass high tier finding contradicting evidence. Besides, living as a cripple can be pretty exciting, and going out at night to beat the snot out of bad guys with op powers, that's enough for one person already.

Sera: Oh, I see.

John: Besides, no one really chooses what they believe, they choose what they think is facts, and from there come to their own conclusion. We don't choose to believe that 60 seconds are in a minute, we just know based on the facts. Sorry about the rant, I'm just, so freaked out about this, all of this when you see what I see, you have to deal with missing people sometimes and-

Sera: John, it's alright.

Sera says, trying to prevent him from going in a loop.


John starts to hide his face in his hands. Sera sits right by him and pats his back. Sensing John isn't his normal self.

Sera: John?

John: I'm sorry, I'm just really in a fucked state right now, but I can't say anything. I have no right to complain because I chose this life. You didn't choose to lose your powers. You didn't choose to be treated like trash over something you couldn't control.

Sera puts her arm around John.

John: When I was older, my parents sat me down, and explained to me that, well, I had a twin. And someone just decided you know what, fuck it lets take him.

John sheds a tear, but stays strong for Sera. Trying not to bawl like a baby.

John: But, it wasn't just any normal person, I remember the description my dad gave me. They matched. His mask, everything, and well, I thought, the same thing was gonna happen to you, you know. Once is already too many times for someone.

John says as he remembers the description of the man very vaguely. A giant Bethlehem at least six feet with a hockey mask on. Looking like he came straight out of a horror movie.

Sera: Oh God, John, I'm so sorry.

Sera in her head: So that's what all of this is really about. It's not the existential crisis amongst everything else. It's his PTSD. My abduction was a trigger.

John: It's fine, I shouldn't get worked up over it, you still had to-

Sera: John, stop it, I'm fine, I'm better than fine. I'm gonna fight them again if I see them picking on anyone. You think I care. Because I know someone has my back up there.

Sera points to the roof.

Sera: And I have friends with op powers ready to raise hell for me, just like what I would have done for them.

Sera stands over John, tall and proud.

Sera: John, sometimes, we need to help ourselves before we focus on others, otherwise we're doing no one any service. I'm gonna ask you a question that will determine how the rest of our relationship can grow, John-

Are you willing to let me help you?

To be Continued…...

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