Chapter 37: Chapter XVII Worst Nightmares part IV
John texts Sera but gets no response.
John: She should be here by now.
Remi: Okay guys, you ready?
John: Oh we're gonna do this now?
Remi: Is now not a good time?
John: I was gonna hang with Sera, but she's not showing up.
Remi: Check back with her later. I'm sure she's just tired.
John: Yeah, alright.
John goes into the basement and suits up.
Three hours later John, Isen, Blyke, and Remi are all on the town hall roof.
Blyke: So, what are we going to do?
Isen: Well I got a hold of Cecile's texts, they're gonna meet twice, today it's near New Oklahoma and tonight where we are right now.
John: Okay, we intercept Valcon, but no one goes near the city, that's still under Quarantine.
Remi: Why, we just cleared it?
John: New demons occupied the area, there it's a whole lot worse, I'll take care of them later.
Remi: What about us? We should work together, this city sounds more dangerous than you think. Besides I've never seen "The Golden God" take on a city full of demons.
John: Regardless of who takes part, it happens later, now is not necessary since they're keeping to themselves.
The sun starts to lower as Volcan shows up in her usual outfit. Dark black trench coat with big diamonds for earrings and short blond hair.
Cecile to Volcan: So, are the three royals there?
Volcan: Blyke, Isen, and Remi.
Cecile: Good thing I gave you those names.
Volcan: A useful piece, but I didn't need them now.
Remi drops down from the roof, her eyes are in a fit of rage, Blyke and Isen follow.
John: No, wait!
John drops down behind them, his suit glows grey on muscle tones while the majority gives off a black aura. Remi, Blyke and Isen land, John creates a sudden thud sound when he drops. Valcon loads up her flame claws when she hears them.
Volcan: Aww, it worked.
The Bounty Hunter: What, it was a trap?
Lazerbeam: Who gives a shit?! We can kick her ass!
X-Rei: I'll make you pay!
Remi screams as she dashes towards Volcan with lighting sparkling all around her body.
Volcan: Haha, you think a couple of children could... who are you?
The Dark Knight: That's not the question you should be asking.
Volcan Charges at the four, she slams the ground in front of Remi, Remi jumps back with her electricity, Blyke shoots his laser at her, she doges and charges again, The Bounty Hunter charges and lands a hit, knocking her slightly back he breaks the ground under him causing a fault line. She jumps up and slashes him on the chest, he bleeds profusely.
Lazerbeam: You bitch, I'll...
Volcan knocks out Lazerbeam with a headbutt. She then slashes at Remi's face, she misses but lands a stab at Remi's leg, she sends Remi flying into a wall.
The Dark Knight: Well well, who do we have here?
Volcan: Surprised you're not mad, didn't I just knock out all of your friends?
The Dark Knight: Oh, I'm pissed alright.
The Dark Knight charges at Volcan with grey variants of Isen's Blyke's, and Remi's abilities. He shoots laser beams at speeds of light while sending consistent rounds of grey and black lighting to back them up, all while he kicks the ground causing a fault to appear and send her off balance. She manages to catch herself.
Volcan: Your friend, the one with purple hair, what's her name again?
The Dark Knight freezes, his grey side turns dark black. The Dark Knight fades away in the recces of John's mind, and out comes a more sinister foe.
Joker: What the hell did you just ask me?
John asks as tears start to leak out from his eyes. The anger in his voice mixes with pain and sadness, giving him a voice with a choked sound.
Volcan: Your friend, shouldn't you be looking for her?
Joker copies Volcan's ability, he slashes her till her coat flew off, he strikes her with lighting all the way up from the clouds, blasts her with lasers from all his fingers to her joints, then he beats her with Isen's strength and his own, his muscles ache with every strike, each movement of the tendon more painful than the last, but not as much as the pain the fists are dealing on the other end, but the pain is nothing compared to his feelings.
Volcan: Wait, don't-
Joker goes for a killer blow when his eyes turn gold, showing that he's been shoved back and away into John's mind. He waits to hear what Volcan has to say.
Volcan: You'll find her, with Cecile.
John pauses for a second, a tear falls out of his eye, Joker takes over and slams the ground, Volcan kicks Joker sending him flying, she jumps up on a roof top and retreats as John looks around in his own head, he sees himself as a kid, Joker, The Dark Knight, and The Golden God all sitting around.
Joker: Oh hey there Johnny boy.
The Golden God gets up, so does the Dark Knight, the two fuse into one being and zap into John, John storms up to Joker and punches him in the face.
Joker: Oh sorry what did you want me to do?
John: You used me, you're nothing but a-
Joker fades away slowly half way through John's rant.
Joker: We'll meet again in time boy. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!
John wakes up in his senses, he sees Remi, Blyke, and Isen on the ground. He picks the three up and takes them back home.
John in his head: No, I'm sorry Sera. Please hang in there.
I'll save you!
This I swear.
A couple hours later, he sets them down in his dorm. He runs out in a panic all over campus, he tries to unlock the door when he sees Zeke approaching him.
John: No, not now!
Zeke: Oh hey there Johnny boy.
Zeke sends him flying with a dash kick that breaks a rib.
John: What the fuck do you want asshole?!
Zeke: Oh nothing, just my followers back, you know the few that left after some asshole wearing my lunch bag beat the crap out of me!
John: You don't even deserve people who pretend to like you, besides, your not the rightful king, so quit acting like you're ever gonna-
Zeke: Shut up and cry!
Zeke beats John down, as John takes each blow he sheds another tear, Volcan's words flood his head.
John in his head: How does she, no way, Sera, she's in danger, I....
Sera appears in John's mind. He sees her clearly as he tries to get up from Zeke's beating session.
John: Se-Sera?! What the hell?
Sera: John, don't lose yourself okay?
John: But.....
Sera fades away in the distance.
John: But how am I supposed to find you??!!!
Zeke kicks John across the campus. John breaks his nose as he lands on the pavement.
Zeke: Whatever, I got what I wanted. I'm out of here.
Zeke in his head: Jesus, that boy has lost his mind.
John in his head: Dammit, I'm too weak, I'm a coward, why didn't I kick his ass?
John gets up after his tumble with Zeke.
John in his head: God, if your out there, if you even exist, give me a sign, you I know I'm nothing, I'm just some evil prick, but she's all I have left, I, I think I'm-
God in John's head: Just say it out loud then.
John is spooked out of his mind, he looks in his pocket and sees a phone glowing. He checks his phone. Arlo is seen running behind him as John sees a message from Sera.
John: No way, what the....?
Arlo: JOHN!
John: You're real, your fucking real! Hahahahahahaha, oh my fucking!.....
Arlo: John, what the fuck are you staring at, we got to go to Blyke's room!
Arlo grabs John's arm and they both head over to Blyke's. When they open the door they see John and all gasp at once.
Remi: John, were the fuck did you disappear off to?
Isen: Oh John, please stop doing that...
John: Guys, shut up, Arlo, get Elaine, I have to get this message.
Remi: John, now's not the time to....
John starts to tear up.
Remi in her head: What the? John never cries so suddenly, or ever.
John looks at his phone, Elaine and Arlo rush back to heal up Blyke, Isen, and Remi. When she finishes she heads to John. John texts Sera the whole time.
John: SERA, are you okay?!
Sera: Hey, sorry.
John: Sera, where are you?
Sera: Look, I'm fine, I don't feel well now so I'll just be hanging in my room.
John: Elaine, was Sera in your room when you left.
Elaine: No, in fact she hasn't showed up yet, I'm starting to get concerned.
Remi: John, what's going on?
John texts Sera another text.
John: So, you feeling any better now, can I stop by?
Sera: Yes, for sure, oops actually don't, I gtg, ttyl.
John: Oh yeah, you're going to visit your Brother at Agwin, I forgot, tell your brother I said hi.
Sera: I will.
John walks out in the halls and sends a voice message.
John: Sera doesn't have a brother.
John sends another voice message to Sera's contact.
John: Listen up, I don't know who you are, but I won't need to, because when I find you, Sera will not have a fucking mark on her, OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOUR.....
John sends the message before finishing, he breaks his phone with his fist, his eyes and pupils glow black, like a void as he turns into a silhouette like humanoid. Everyone backs away in fear as John just unlocked his unnatural ability.
Joker: I'll kill every last one of them. Humans, such fucking weaklings!
Elaine: John?
John looks around to see everyone terrified. He turns back into his more human form.
Elaine: Where's Seraphina?
John pauses before he responds, he throws what's left of his phone.
John: Some assholes in our school have her.
Isen: How the, what, how...?!
John: WHAT DO YOU THINK?! Volcan told me when you guys were knocked out and.... ugh sorry I just.
Elaine: John, no...
Elaine starts to cry, Arlo comforts her.
Remi: Oh jeez, we gotta do something!
Blyke: Get's up.
Remi: Easy Blyke.
Blyke: NO, now I'm pissed, it's time we do something, forget being superheroes, our own school needed us, and we neglected it. Arlo was right, and now we can only see it when it comes for us.
Isen gets up with Blyke. He activates his ability.
Isen: John, there's no way we'll be able to stop you from starting the search tomorrow. But I'm not sure if we are in good shape to do any effective work now.
John gives off a scary glare, his eyes narrow and ready to watch someone bleed.
John: ...
Isen pulls out his keys.
Isen: Now thank Arlo for making me head of press.
Blyke and Remi in their heads: Wasn't this dude complaining about that earlier?
Isen: Stupid leadership position.
John: Let's go then, COME ON!
Isen: Uhh, right!
The two rush to the school entrance as the others try to catch up.
Isen: Dammit, it's night, the schools are closed.
They hear Arlo from behind.
Arlo: You're forgetting something boys.
Arlo unlocks the front doors to the school.
Arlo: I get the keys to the building.
The three head to the press room, Blyke is flying onto the roof of the school, Remi and Elaine are running to the front of the school. Elaine insists that Remi rests but she refuses.
The group all head to the press room. Isen puts the key into the door but it doesn't fit.
Isen: Dammit, Cecile changed the lock!
John: No, what the?!
Arlo uses his ability and punches down the door. The group rushes in and turns on a computer. Isen boots up files he has on everyone.
John: Well?!
Isen: I need information, details on who these people look like?
Isen: Cecile, yeah of course she obviously orchestrated this. Alright forget the computers then, since we don't have any details someone will go over and get them out of Cecile and then we can put them in the system here and...
John: But it's eleven at night…...
Arlo puts his hand on John.
Arlo: I'm sorry, we're gonna have to wait here then.
John: No-
John drops to his knees.
John: I'm-
Remi pats John.
Remi: It's okay, just breathe. We're gonna find her. We won't leave our friend behind.
Remi in her head: Jeez, it's already bad enough that Sera is now MIA, but we also have a crazy high tier on the loose, no, god tier on the loose.
The group stays in the computer lab comforting John, all trying to convince him that Seraphina is fine, when deep down they fear for the worse. Hours go by and John finally starts to get his first wink of sleep, it's one in the morning and Elaine and Arlo are still awake.
Elaine: Arlo, can I speak with you?
Elaine and Arlo go out in the hall.
Arlo: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Elaine: Yeah, I'm getting worried, John can't be in a good mental state, and Seraphina isn't safe right now. And, all I can think about is-
Arlo goes to hug Elaine.
Arlo: It's gonna be okay, we're gonna save our friend.
Elaine: It should have been me.
Arlo: WHAT?!
Elaine: It's just that, well, I've been more of a jerk than Seraphina ever has. I feel like, since my ability isn't all that useful, I should have been the one to get that injection. Not her.
Arlo: Don't say that kinda stuff, we've all been jerks to low tiers. Let's just stop thinking about it. We'll talk about it later when everyone is safe, no point in feeling guilty now. We move on from the past, not dwell on it.
The two embrace for the rest of the night as they fall asleep outside in the hall hugging, Arlo wipes the tears off Elaine's face before he clocks out for the night mentally.
Meanwhile in John's mind. John is looking around for Joker.
Joker: Oh for God's sake, WHAT?!
John: What do you think?!
Joker: You gonna blame me for your little friend's disappearance now?
John charges at Joker with Isen's ability. He pumbles Joker to the ground, the two wrestle in a dark ink like mud, it suffocates John, forcing him to see images of Joker's past.
Joker: Now, all my life I've had to go through everything you did, nothing you do changes anything, the small details don't matter, everyone will suffer in the end. People will die, I will deliver that!
John: No, you're wasting my time, I have to find Sera.
Joker: How dare you boy!
Joker attacks John but has no effect.
John: I said, fuck off!
John sends Joker flying, he crashes into a wall of mud and smiles.
John: What the fuck are you laughing at?
Joker: You think you've won, but I just got the royal flush, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Joker sinks into the wall of mud.
John wakes up. The clock in the room reads six in the morning.
Cecile: What the?
John gets to his senses and runs out of the lab door, Cecile runs with John in pursuit of her, the rest of the friend group wakes up to find John gone.
Cecile runs up to the roof, John grabs his mask and puts it on as he corners her.
Cecile: How the, why were you in the press room?
John: Volcan told me everything, you're gonna talk if you know what's good for you.
Cecile powers up and jumps off the roof, John coils up his tight ropes and springs after Cecile, he rams into her mid air and slams her onto the ground. She coughs up blood. John punches her as she kicks him off, he charges back at her.
Cecile: Oh John, you silly fool, when the morning bell rings, teachers are gonna rush out to see two high tiers fighting, and in this position it looks like you're bullying me.
John chuckles for a bit as he looks down at Cecile.
John: Oh and you think they'll care about that?
He asks as Cecile looks up and smiles at him.
Cecile: I'll tell them you "assaulted" me. And with my contacts you'll be suspended at the very least if not expelled.
John smirks back at Cecile.
John: And my contacts will make sure the truth prevails.
He says back.
Cecile: Then we'll just have to see what happens.
John: Guess we will.
John sits there with a smile on his face, his black glowing eyes reveal his dark side, his smile says he won. The bell rings but no one rushes for class.
It's Saturday.
John: Well Cecile, looks like you lose.
Cecile's eyes grow fear, she sees the rest of the royals pour out to witness her defeat as John's eyes widen with pleasure, a sick kind like he's about to release all his anger and hate.
I win.
Now, start talking.
Meanwhile in a secluded location. Illene walks into a room with Sera tied up.
Illene: Wakey wakey, it's time for a day of fun.
Sera wakes up to see her captors looking over her. Illene plays a voice message that John sent.
John: Listen up, I don't know who you are, but I won't need to, because when I find you, Sera will not have a fucking mark on her, OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU'RE.....
Illene: Ugh, your crippled friend is so annoying, I almost want to get him here with you.
Wenqi: That doesn't matter, let's start the fun shall we?
Green haired girl: Yeah, I'm gonna shove your head in a wall.
Illene breaks Sera's phone.
Sera: Hey, I'm gonna make you pay for that!
Illene punches Sera in the gut.
Illene: Oh how cute, you can't threaten us.
Wenqi: This is gonna be the easiest person we take care of.
Sera looks up angrily at Wenqi, not realizing what was yet to come.
To be Continued.....