
Chapter 38: Chapter XVIII Worst Nightmares part V

John ties Cecile to the chain linked fence on the school roof. He interrogates her all day and night as the rest of the royals sit outside and wait. Holden rushes into the school building to see what is going on after getting a text from Arlo.

Holden: Arlo, where the hell were yeah, I haven't seen yeah and I just got the text and-

Holden watches in horror as John beats Cecile senselessly. John turns around and steps toward Holden, horrifying the boy anc causing him to cower in fear as the demon within John starts to seep into the real world.

Holden in his head: So this is the real John? Or maybe something worse?

John: You better forget what you saw here kid.

Arlo: HEY HEY HEY, HE'S cool. I trust him, just don't do anything stupid.

Arlo stands in front of Holden, his arms and body acting as a shield as he protects his friend terrified of what stood in front of him.

John: I hope you know you have a good friend, most back at my old school would shit their pants if they got in my way.

Holden: Hey, what the?!

Arlo: Just, drop it! Both of you. Please.

Holden shuts up, he then pulls Arlo aside.

Holden: Arlo, what the hell is going on?

Arlo: Look, this is gonna take a while to explain so listen.

Arlo explains everything that's happened the last two months, John's ability, as if telling the whole story of their lives up until to this very moment.

John to Cecile: I can do this all week.

Cecile though finally had enough.

Cecile: Well well, I outsmarted you once again.

John: What the hell are you talking about?

Cecile: I purposely made sure not to know where she is, so it looks like your gonna have to work for-

John kicks Cecile in the chest, breaking a rib.

John: Enough, you know the names of the people who took her, now spill em, descriptions, to every last fucking detail!

Cecile looks down. She sighs as blood drips down her cheek.

Cecile sighs: Tanner, Illena, Krolik, Wenqi, Hower, and Rouker.

John throws one last kick to Cecile's face.

John: You're trash, you deserve nothing more than-

Remi: Enough, stop this senseless hatred, don't let it consume you!

John unties Cecile and walks off the roof but before he heads off he looks at Cecile.

John: I'll make a deal, we don't have evidence that you're The Bounty Huntress, but we do have your texts.

Isen pulls out his phone and with pictures to confirm.

John: You stay quiet about this, and you don't tell the headmaster about our little encounter.

Cecile: You're a sick fuck, I hope you get killed.

John: Looks like we will have a deal though, I'd suggest you keep it.

John walks off the roof, The group and Cecile part ways. Cecile stays on the roof for the rest of the day, recovering from her recent beat down. She then pulls out her phone and texts Volcan.

Cecile: He's finding the people right now.

Volcan: You sure you have this?

Cecile: This won't fail.

Volcan: It better not, for your sake.

John walks with the royals as he leads the group to their next location, no one is smiling, only doom and gloom surrounds them.

Remi: We're n-no different from them.

Blyke: Wow, I guess you're right.

John: No, just me, I'm the real monster here. I'll take this one for the team.

John says with defeat in his voice.

Remi: John?

John: No, it's fine, I get it. I'm not the hero I thought I was, but I'm fine with that. No one is good in this world, nor are they evil. I'm not the hero my dad wanted me to be, I'm not him.

I'm not the hero my dad wrote about.

I don't deserve this power.

Arlo: Yeah well no one cares about the pity speech, let's just get to where we need to go. We're not gonna sit around and sulk because you feel bad about what you did.

Arlo puts his hand on John's shoulder.

Arlo: You did what you had to do, we would've done the same, for all of us. I don't know what we mean to you, but you're one of us.

Whether you wanna be or not.

Meanwhile in the abandoned house

Illena: Wow, you really did take a hard tumble.

She slaps Sera across the face.

Wenqi: Get a load of this, she acts like she owns us even when she's tied down.

She then goes to kick Sera with her ability on, Sera feels her gut spill out blood through her mouth as Illena's fist sinks in her gut. She coughs as her bruised face looks up at her attacker.

You're not the same Seraphina you used to be.

Sera: You people are so two faced. Sucking up to me when I have powers, but as soon as I lose em you show your real colors.

Illena: You think we have a choice, if we don't you high tiers get all offended.

She then kicks Sera to the floor and crouches down to look her in the eyes.

Illena: Your ability has gone missing for a while now, hasn't it? So who's to say it's ever coming back?

Sera: Who cares what I think, when have I ever attacked you for being lower ranked, you're just jealous of the system, sorry I was born stronger, you think I asked for this?!

Illena: SHUT UP!

She kicks Sera while she lays on the ground.

Sera in her head: Dammit, humiliating!

Sera: When I recover, I'm gonna make you regret this.

Illena: Oops, that's if you recover. Don't act like we haven't noticed. Like I said your ability has been gone for a while now hasn't it? Who says it's gonna come back? I'd prepare for the worst if I were you.

Illena grabs Seraphina by the collar.

Illena: You might be stuck like this forever.

Sera in her head: You cowards, how am I supposed to do anything tied up like this?

Sera: Cowards, beating me down while I'm tied like this, why don't you face me head on.

Illena: Oh you think just because that crippled kid taught you some kung fu moves that you can beat all of us? How arrogant!

Wenqi: Hey Illena, she's gotta point. Tying her up hardly does anything, why don't we beat her down and show her what it's really like.

Illena: Hmm, okay then, someone unite her.

Hower goes over and unites her.

Illena: I'll make a deal, if you can take any of us down in a fight, we'll let you go. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

Sera stands up, holding her broken arm as she faces her attackers/abductors.

Sera: What makes you think I can trust you?

Illena: Again with the entitled bullshit, just be grateful we gave you a chance AT ALL!

Illena strikes Seraphina with a kick, Seraphina blocks it with her arms, the kick overwhelms her though and she falls down, her arm is now broken. Then Seraphina takes a kick to the gut and goes flying into the wall.

Illena: Oops, too bad, looks like you're still a loser. So who wants to give it a go?

The others snicker and laugh as one girl in particular walks over to Seraphina through the crowd.

Misa: Hey Seraphina, remember me?

Her eyes glow red as she looks down on Seraphina.

Misa: You smashed my face in a wall, I still owe you for that you know! Get up.

Sera gets up, her pain lingers all throughout her body.

Sera: For once, I just have to beat one of them, but how? They'll just send their strongest people.

She flashbacks to John training her.

John: It should work on any mid tiers who use close range.

Sera goes into a fighter pose but gets shoved into the wall by a ranged ability, she bumps her head knocking her out.

Misa: Wow, she's already out, that wasn't even satisfying.

Hower crouches up to Seraphina.

Hower: Not so tough anymore now are we, better watch out where you go from now on!

Tanner: Come on guys, this chick is lame.

Illena: Pathetic, couldn't even get through two of us, come on let's call it for tonight. We'll meet here again tomorrow. Hower, tie her up will you.

Hower: Yeah.

Hower goes over to tie Seraphina.

Meanwhile the Royals meet up with some extra help, Meili and Ventus. Along with some key witnesses to her disappearing.

John: Hey, what the fuck are these two assholes doing here?

Meili: Hey prick, we're helping you find your friend.

Ventus: Yeah, you forgetting who's arm you broke, what if I-


Remi: Arlo's right!

Isen: Okay everyone, here's the plan, right now we will be talking about something that cannot leave this room, this is the entire Wellston student body that has some position of authority, Royals etc. Anyone else who finds out will be a problem. Everyone activate your abilities.

Everyone complies.

Isen: Okay John, your turn.

John copies everyone's abilities, The key witnesses gasp in shock. The school cripple has an ability.

Remi: Everyone calm down, John can you use our abilities.

John: Yeah. Some of them at least, I'll need to figure out which set is best.

John shows off each ability and some combinations, the school staff awws at the sheer power of his aura coming off of him.

Isen: Okay now we know how John can play a role, here are the teams, Elaine and Arlo cover the first floor, Blyke and Remi the second, John you and Sheene will cover the third.

John: Who's Sheene?

Sheene: Uh, hey, sorry I'm late.

Isen: Dammit where were you?

Sheene: Mrs. Sheehan was giving me a hard time.

John: Oh, hey there, we're covering the outside court.

Sheene: Okay let's go.

A girl with long blue hair and eyes says with the most innocent voice. She wore her uniform similar to Seraphina, except her shoulder was bare.

The two run off.

Isen: Hey wait!

Remi: I think we know what to do.

Before John and Sheene leave the building Meili and Ventus bump into John.

John: What do you want?

Ventus: Listen, I don't like you, you don't like me, but since now we're on the same team, and you're officially my superior, I'd like to apologize, also to let you know we're here if you need anything, and we'd like to start off better.

John: Hey listen, How's the arm?

Ventus: Doctors said it wouldn't have healed properly if it was left in that broken state, thanks man, you didn't have to fix me up like that.

Ventus bows in respect.

John: Let me give you a little secret, cripples can't physically exist. At least as much as I know.

Meili and Ventus: WHAT?!

John: Yeah, it's always someone hiding their abilities, usually because they're very lethal, so NEVER, EVER pick on one who claims to be crippled unless you're feeling suicidal.

Ventus: I-is that true?

Meili: Oh my-

John: Oh yeah, because people like me, we love pain, and hate it at the same time. We love remembering how people really treat us, so that way when we come out as all mighty, we get to enjoy the look on every last face that tormented us as we beat them into their next life.

John and Sheene walk out of the building leaving Meili and Ventus terrified. The two start scanning everywhere for Seraphina.

John: Okay Sheene, I'll use Isen's ability to call them out.

Sheene: Okay.

John: And we don't talk about this, my eyes are glowing dim so no one can notice.

Sheene: You know, the Royals are good at keeping secrets.

John: What do you mean?

Sheene: Well, I can manipulate minds temporarily, I know you can too if you copy it, and I want you to have this ability so you can beat those kids down.

John: Huh?

Sheene: Don't wear a mask, don't let that devil guy win, use your ability and save her.

John: You're seeing into my mind right now aren't you?

Sheene: With your amplifications you can erase memories with my ability permanently, something I can't even do ever.

John: Sheene?

Sheene: I won't ever know your pain, I may never understand it, but I'll stand with you, you were tortured in those correction classes after your parents died, for months, all so that the government could get a drug that could make those who were weak like you stronger, and in this world you chose to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. To make sure that kind of drug wouldn't be used against others like you. You torture because it's all you know, you fear that if you don't then people will die.

John starts to shed a tear as he tries to hide his pain.

Sheene: Go, I found someone who knows.

John: Where? Wait what, how did you know about all of tha-

Sheene: In the abandoned house uptown, but get some abilities first. Real one's, make those who were involved pay, she's fine for now, but hurry.

John: Sheene, I don't know how I will ever thank you.

Sheene: You'll turn back into the Golden God.

John: Yes Ma'am!

Sheene: Go now, the rest will catch up, you need to save her.

John starts to run away, he goes off campus and heads up the street.

John in his head: SERA, HANG ON!

John looks up and sees Abel walking on the roof.

John in his head: Wait, I'm gonna need something strong.

John looked up and activated his ability, his eyes for the first time in a long time glew gold.

Like a morning star.

Meanwhile everyone is looking around frantically. Isen is running around looking for people with his ability while Blyke and Remi storm the infirmary.

Blyke: Doc, have you seen Sera?!

Doc: Uhh, no why?

Remi: Come on, let's go, we gotta be more discrete.

Arlo and Elaine meanwhile are patrolling the hallways. Eventually everyone is texting each other with no luck. Meanwhile John is running up to the roof to get the rooftop kid when a purple haired girl trips him.

Purple haired: Oops, sorry, just helping you follow school rules, you're welcome.

John: What the fuck was that for bitch?!

Purple haired girl: What's with the aggression, we were just trying to help-

John suddenly throws a haymaker at the purple haired girls face, breaking her nose.


Yellow haired girl: Hey, let her go, HOW DARE YOU!

John grabs her wrist and uses all his strength and crushes it, the yellow girl screams in pain, John punches her in the face knocking her out cold.


A boy with green hair chimes in with a punch, despite using his ability John doesn't move far back, He looks at the boy with death in his eyes.

Green haired boy: CHILL BRO! It was just a prank.


Green haired boy: Ha, why did you stop to fight us then? Can't be that important if you're here dropping F bombs and-

John cuts him off.

John: I'm looking for Sera.

Green haired boy: Ha, she's a cripple like you, there are plenty of other royals to leech off of, why don't you go for them, in fact, you can even be my lapdog.

John takes the boy's head and splits the skin on his scalp open with just his KNEE! The boy falls back and bleeds all over the ground. Kids start to freak out as three mid tiers fall to a cripple.

Jesus they all had powers!

What if he's cursed?!

Dawg I'm good I don't wanna die embarrassingly like that to someone like him!

John takes his fists and puts them together slamming them on the boy's chest, causing several ribs to break.


John then gets slammed into the locker and punched a couple of times, he then lies down, remembering the pain he's inflicted on everyone in New Bostin.


John looks down on the ground as everyone walks away. He then looks up letting the blood drip down his face.

John in his head: You're all pathetic, you're all weak. I'm gonna make sure you all suffer.

John's eyes glow a bright gold as he looks up from the floor.

John see's Tanner and Rouker walking along together, there talking to themselves about last night in their "penthouse". John puts on his mask and charges tackling Tanner.


John beats Tanner like an ape with its prey.


John keeps beating the boy, who's regeneration doesn't keep up, he uses Sheene's mind manipulation to give Tanner nightmares, Rouker sees them too, he fires his missiles at two silhouetted figures charging at Rouker, Rouker gets scared and fires at the figures some more. Terrified he collapses, the two figures beat him senselessly as he starts to fade out into a coma-like state. Then Rouker feels his gut get pierced by a missile.

Meanwhile; Ventus Meili, and a girl with white hair on the royal's staff are looking on the first floor now.

White hair girl: Oh God this is all my fault I saw her and didn't think much, I didn't realize...

Meili: It's okay, you had no idea, we're not all mind readers.

Ventus: Hey, let's just make sure that we focus, no more guilt tripping ourselves.

Meanwhile on the roof John spots the grey reddish haired boy Able. He beats him down, knocking his teeth out as he grabs the chain linked fence to look over his entire kingdom.

John: Now, I have to go find Sera.

John takes off his mask and walks off the roof, he leaves behind his vest and windbreaker and heads to the abandoned house. He sends a text group chat.

John: Guys, Me and Sheene found her, she's in the old abandoned house up the street.

Everyone stops to see this text and rushes out of the school.

Arlo, Elaine, and Evie are all busy with Hower.

Evie: You can bully me but Sera is off limits you jerk!

She uses her ability to blind Hower and causes him to cry as she burns his retinas.


Evie: You deserve it!

Elaine: Guys, head to the house up the street! Come on Evie, let's go!

Evie: Oh, um okay!

Hower lays on the ground blinded by Evie's ability as she smiles sweetly.

Meanwhile at the abandoned house Sera wakes up.

Sera: I'm still here?

She is tied to a pole now with Krolik, Wenqi, Crail, Green haired girl, and Illena around her. Illena slaps her awake.

Sera: I'm still here?

Illena: Of course you are stupid!

Sera: What, how long do you plan on keeping me?

Illena: As long as we want, your performance yesterday sucked! Oh you wanted someone to come to your rescue?

John is walking to the house, with all of hell behind him, the world behind him looks grey and black with darkness, trees are dying, silhouettes and demons following him, his eyes glowing brighter than the sun, his heart filled with rage, black aura comes off of him from Tanner's regenerating ability.


Illena's eyes glow blue as she grabs a tool used to rip off nails, she takes it and rips Sera's nail off with hatred and anger in her heart..

Sera: AAAAAAAGH! You bitch, I'll fucking-


Illena kicks Sera's head, knocking her out.

Illena laughs evilly as she looks down on Sera.

John walks on the driveway of the house. At this point, demons are seen following him in masses and hordes, thousands gathered to fill him with hatred and pain, suffering and anguish, pure evil at its worst.

Illena: You're a failure, no one loves you, no one will accept you, so repeat after me "I Seraphina have learned my place, I am a worthless student at Wellston and I will act as such. Well, what are you waiting for, SAY IT?

Illena hits Sera with her ability.


Krolik: Illena enough, this has gone too far! If we keep going we'll get caught.

Illena: Oh so now you wanna back out, how many times has she looked down on us?!

Sera gets a dark side to her. So sick of acting like a good person, so sick of acting riotous, doing what makes her happy, her highlights fade for a moment, she reverts back to her old self.


Illena smacks Sera's head into the wall.

Illena: No one was talking to you!

Wenqi: Illena's right, this is our only chance, we have to take advantage of this! I mean look at her, she still has some fight left. She clearly hasn't had enough.

Misa: I only wanted revenge for the stupid head smash thing.

Meanwhile all the royals are running up the hill.

Remi: Guys, this way, keep going!

The whole group runs up a hill that goes on for half a mile, determined to save their friend.

John walks into the room as the five argue with themselves on what to do with Seraphina. Suddenly Sera's highlights return, a shadow figure leaves her, everyone looks at it, horrified at its nature.


It goes to the front door and opens it, where they all see someone standing there.

A raven haired boy with two glowing gold eyes, standing there like the devil himself.

They all look at John horrified, his eyes glow the same gold that strikes fear into millions around the world who have ever thought about committing a crime. Illena quickly turns around with her ability on hand, ready to fight back if luck were to bless her with an escape.

John: All of you are gonna die.

John said with a wrath, as if he was talking to an entire society who he hated with all his heart.



Wenqi: No, stay back!

Crail: I-i-i-i-i-it's The Golden,

Wenqi: John, the school cripple, is the.....

Golden God?

To be Continued...

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