Chapter 36: Chapter XVI
John stood in the mall thinking to himself as people passed by him.
John in his head: This can't be good, students are starting to buy masks, those fucking snakes, copying my idea. Who the hell even sold them?
John asked himself as a flashback shows Uru Chan sitting behind the booth charging $15 a mask while she smiles Menacingly.
At that moment John remembers him and Joker, Joker laughing hysterically at the masks that John bought, a wave of fear floods John.
John walks back to Sera with their drinks in hand. Sera comes out of the dressing room with a sports bra and leggings on.
Sera: Oh, look who's back.
John: Hey the lines were really long. Uhh, wow. That looks really good on you.
Sera: Um Okay, then I'll get it.
The two blush as they stare at each other, checking each other out as they soak in their cringey feelings for each other. They then walk out of the cloth store to explore the rest of the mall.
John: Wow, I finally got a new phone.
Sera: So wait a second, you're a "government agent" who has to respond to calls from the authorities and you don't even have a phone.
John: They would contact the school security system, I use it now.
Sera looks at the booth, she remembers when she and John took it down together.
Sera: Huh.
John: What's up?
Sera: There, that's where this whole thing started, the ability guy. He's gone. A bit of me wanted to find him here. So I could finally get some answers. What they did to me, and are these reversible?
John: It's too bad the two I caught wouldn't talk, all the pain they went through was for nothing.
Sera: It's no use dwelling, we'll just get more frustrated.
John: So, did the authorities get back to you?
Sera: No, they said they're overwhelmed right now, they claim that there are these devil men running around New Oklahoma city, the ones we saw. They got Ember to deal with, and on top of that my housekeeper texted me saying that some people broke into NXGen and stole some equipment.
John: Yeah and?
Sera: I think it was Cecile's crew. Great now she has ability compromising drugs.
John: Well, Arlo texted me to meet him on the roof again.
Sera: Why, I thought you two were beefing.
John: We just forget about it, honestly I don't really care.
Sera: Ugh, I can't even remember how I got into your house. I just got jumped by some weak mid tiers. So lame, I couldn't even fight them off with powers.
John: It isn't just you, Arlo, Elaine and I had trouble with them as well.
Sera: Against a borderline god tier, an elite, and whatever the hell you are and they still got away?
John in his head: And whatever the hell you are, what the hell is that supposed to mean?!
John: Well with that kinda drug it levels the playing field, anyone can beat anyone.
Sera: I'm curious where they got this drug from. This is groundbreaking, no way it just appeared overnight. They need money, test subjects, time, and a dedicated team of specialists. No way this is a gang of mid tiers, there has to be more people behind this. People with great power.
John: I got a couple people in mind.
Sera: Could you imagine only a couple of weeks ago this place was a war zone?
John: How many people died?
Sera: I heard it was fourteen. All government workers fought her off.
John: This world is going mad, all these villains popping out of the dirt, and now your kidnappers-
Sera: Well, to be honest, you should have let them kidnap me. I'd probably get the answers by now.
John gives Sera a narrow look.
John: Or you'd have been tortured and ended up dead.
Sera: Yeah, you're probably right.
Sera: Well, we should probably get going, I'm gonna ask Remi more about the bears at the mall.
John: Yeah, I'll meet up with Arlo.
Meanwhile Arlo picks up his phone.
Arlo: What is it it's Saturday, you better be calling for-
John: Meet me on the roof now.
Later that day John and Arlo meet up on the roof, John looks down from the roof into the courtyard, memories of him being a tyrannical king flood his mind. How Claire cried to his dad after the incident.
John in his head: Dammit, that's the last my dad got to know of me, just as some big jerk, and mom...
Faint memories of a woman with brown hair holding John.
Wait, I thought her hair was blonde, or was it white?
John asks himself before Arlo arrives on the roof.
John: Hey.
Arlo: John, first I need you to be honest with me, were you the one who beat down Zeke and Juni?
John: Why do you need to know, shouldn't you be happy that Zeke's little bootleg Hierarchy was taken down?
Arlo: Then what about Juni huh, she basically doesn't have the ability to defend with. How did you even beat her up that badly when she doesn't even have a punch to pack?
John: I just copied some abilities, this blue haired girl and some red headed asshole were fighting in the lunch line. One was a speed type and another was just some way to pack a punch. You'd be surprised how far amplifying speed and strength can get you, having her flash forward is almost unfair, haha.
Arlo: Well, don't you think you went a little too far?
John: No, not after what she did to Sera.
Arlo: John, Cecile doesn't have anymore control over the press.
John: What does this mean?
Arlo: Well, what's your next move?
John: Well, she's gonna be upset at your decision, she'll think I've manipulated you and come at me, then another confrontation starts, I need these so that I can fight her like I'd fight her on the streets.
Arlo: Well, figure it out, I'm sick of waiting.
John: Wasn't waiting your suggestion?
Arlo walks off the roof as John looks off in the distance, he sees the sun lowering in the distance. The light is seen glowing in his eyes, lighting the pupils gold like they once were.
Meanwhile with Remi and Sera.
Remi: Oh, hey, how are you holding up?
Sera: Well, not too good, can we talk.
Remi: Of course, come in.
Sera: Thanks.
Remi and Sera walk in.
Remi: So, how's your... ability coming?
Sera: I don't know yet, it's kinda... I'm still waiting.
Remi: Hey, if I were you. I wouldn't wait for the authorities.
Sera: What?
Remi: Sera, they're not as reliable as you think.
Sera: Why do you think I'm here, John can't even get an answer.
Remi: Huh?
Sera: Listen, when you were at the mall did you encounter someone with the ability to sense others' level?
Remi: Yeah, did you experience the same thing?
Sera: Yeah, someone else who also had the same thing, I think they were part of the same group, me and John busted him.
Remi: Yeah, we just chased after him but ended up losing him. He had someone who can turn invisible with him.
Sera: Damn, I was hoping for more. It's fine if that's all, I won't waste anymore of your time.
Remi: Wait, hold on!
Sera: Yeah?
Remi: Your attackers injected you with something, right?
Sera: Yeah.
Remi: I've done some research and I, look you have to promise not to tell anyone alright.
Sera: Yeah, alright.
Remi: I've been doing some more superheroing lately, and I found some people who-
Sera: Wait, John didn't stop you and make a scene?
Remi: No, shhh, he doesn't know yet.
Sera nods.
Remi: I've come across a drug that has the opposite effects.
Sera: What?
Remi: But get this, a little while ago NXGen had drugs stolen from.
Sera: My parents own that!
Remi: As far as I know, the drug is very heavily linked to Ember. So it's possible that they're linked.
Sera: Well normally I'd think that was a bit of a stretch, but with everything that's been going on, I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
Remi: Besides, disabling your opponent's ability and increasing your own would make that job easy. Like stealing candy from a baby.
Sera: If candy you mean a life.
Remi in her head: Oh my, that's dark.
Sera: Well, thanks for the info, I gotta run.
Remi: Okay then :)
Meanwhile John is about to head off the roof, the sun starts to set, the door opens as he turns around.
John: Oh, it's you.
John says as he sees Cecile staring at him right down the hall.
Cecile: So, you think you're tough because you got me off the press?
John: That's the least I could have done.
John's eyes glow black as he starts to let rage boil up inside of him.
Cecile: Oh, new color? Don't think you scare me because of your rank.
Cecile remains still not powering up.
John: What gives, not gonna fight back?
Cecile: Oh, you'll need me soon.
John: Three days, in the courtyard. That's when we settle this.
For good.
Cecile laughs sisterly.
Cecile: Oh, I won't need that long. Besides what makes me think this will be the last time, your little beat downs are petty and annoying but don't think I'll just give up that easily.
Cecile walks away, John stares her down with his fists clenched.
John: Hey!
The halls grow quiet and time slows down as she looks back at the raven haired boy. His eyes turn into an intense gold for a split second, as if John was trying to return to his old self.
I know what you did to Sera.
Cecile turns to face John. Her eyes start to widen as she bites her lower lip, trying to hide the fear as she gets confirmation that John was the one who butchered her squad mates in that alley way.
John: I'll make sure you die for it, JUST LIKE I DID TO THEM!
Cecile smiles, pushing down her fear with every last bit of energy she has.
Cecile: Looking forward to it.
Cecile in her head: Oh you got it twisted, I have control of the situation.
Cecile pulls out her phone and sends a group text.
The next day at school
John: Hey, did you talk with Remi?
Sera: Yeah-
John: Well, what did she say?
Sera: Umm...
John: Was it anything about doing some super hero-ing?
Sera: Wait....
Sera takes John and the two hide in a janitor's closet.
Sera: How the hell do you know about that?
John: Isen texted me, I just sent them a confirmation text, we're going out tonight.
Sera: Oh...
John pulls Sera out of the closet before anyone sees them.
John: Sera, I will make sure we find Ember.
Sera: John, it's fine, even if we don't find them, it's not like I have any hope left anyways.
John looks at her with pain in his eyes as his lip slightly quivers. Seeing his best friend so defeated just broke him.
Sera takes a turn back.
John: Oh, you're not going to class?
Sera: Nah, I already know the material, I'd rather practice more reps.
John: Well then, I'll join you!
Sera looks back and smiles as John catches up with her.
Sera and John both head to the roof, they see a boy harassing a girl, his hands hot as an oven, he's grabbing her wrists, almost burning them.
Evie: I'm sorry, I- EEEEEH!
Evie squeals from Hower's painful heat palm.
Sera's eyes grow mad, but before she can act John charges at the boy.
John: Hey asshat!
John lands a punch on Hower, knocking some teeth out. Hower looks back as he activates his ability, his eyes glow blue as his hands glow red.
Heat palms: Well well, isn't it the two cripples...
He charges at John with his hands ready to grab him.
He screams as he darts out towards John, his blue eyes leave streaks of light as he goes for a throat punch. John however doges Hower and trips him, he then rolls to the side of the hallway as Sera jumps up and lands a punch to his face. Hower then lands on the ground shocked at how hard Sera hit him right in the jaw. He looks up with fear, almost completely ignoring John.
Hower: Don't think you're tough shit princess! YOU'RE JUST A-
John kicks heat palms repeatedly in the gut, as he keeps kicking Sera moves Evie out of the way and puts her shoulder on John.
Sera: John, enough.
John looks at Sera as if she told him he couldn't buy his favorite toy.
John: Fine, whatever.
John kicks Hower one last good time in the gut, at this point he coughed up a good amount of blood, his breathing sounds like a faint pant, he coughs up some more blood. Evie covers her eyes, Sera pulls on Evie and John to the roof.
Evie: Th-thank you.
John approaches her but notices Evie starting to get scared.
John: Hey hey hey, you're alright, he shouldn't be messing around with you anymore.
Evie: Is he gonna be okay?
John: Uh-
Sera: John, word?
John: It's fine, I didn't know what came over...
Evie: Wait, Sera, this is John right, he's the school cripple?
Sera: Yeah this is him, he's kinda like the jester of our royal group, he's a lot tougher than you think, but he's kinda weak.
John: Hey!
Evie: Oh so he's like not an actual royal.
Sera: Yeah, basically.
John: Aww come on, what the heck?!
Evie: Yeah I heard about that, it's kinda why everyone hates him.
John: GUYS, I'm right HERE!
Sera: Just ignore him.
Evie gives John a smile and a wave.
John: haha, you're so freaking hilarious Sera!
Sera and Evie continue to talk about John as if he were absent.
John: You guys done yet?
Sera: Yeah, this got boring quickly.
Evie: Thanks again for the assistance.
John: It's nothing, I know what it's like.
Evie: Oh yeah, Terrence told me about you and Gavin. You threw him out a window once.
John (boasting): Oh yeah, no biggy, I'm just super strong.
John Doe, ability cripple level 2
Evie: Wow, for a cripple level 2 is god tiered.
Sera: Oh he's just boasting, I give him a 1.5 at most.
John: Hey!
Sera: You know it's true.
John: Hey, why don't I teach you those moves I did.
Evie: I don't know, I don't wanna hurt anyone like that, it was so horrible, I mean, I'm grateful and all, uhh....
John: Don't sweat it, I just got emotional. Okay, screw class, let's start this one.
John proceeds to train Sera and Evie. As he does this Sera flashes back to when she and John were running.
Sera: Huff, huff, huff. John, how do you do this twice a day?
John: Survival.
Sera: But you have powers?
John: Well they don't help me in school. Water?
Sera snatches the water out of John's hand. She drinks it, licking the entire open end of the water bottle, sipping every ounce of liquid in the plastic container.
John: See, it's like those little dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, you make yourself look small and cute, then if someone decides to attack you, observe, if you think you can fight, that's when these skills help, because no one will suspect how strong you are!
Present day.
John: Alright guys, I should be going.
Evie: Wow, that was helpful.
John: Well I'm glad, I'm sick of keeping these to myself, I should start my own classes.
Sera: Yeah come on John, let's look for more people to fight.
John: Woah woah chill, I'm not trying to die.
Sera: Ahh not so cocky now huh?
The two take off as Evie stays back and giggles.
Meanwhile Remi is walking in the halls, she checks her phone and smiles.
Remi in her head: Alright John, finally joining the party. Isen has Volcan's location, and now we....
Arlo: Long time no talk.
Remi: Uhh, Arlo? Yeah it has been a while.
Arlo: Come with me!
Remi: Uhh, I got somewhere to be, it's called CLASS!
Arlo stares at Remi like an angry parent.
Remi: Well, you got anything to ask me?
Arlo: Yeah, Remi, or is it X-Rei?
Remi: Yeah, and what if it's both of them?
Arlo: Why are you still pursuing this, don't let John drag you into a dangerous life, you still have responsibilities down here.
Remi: Like what? Just sitting around a bunch of whiny low tiers while I could be protecting people who deserve it more.
Arlo: Oh, so people here don't matter now?
Remi: People here don't need anything!
Arlo: I still got people terrorized, anonymous tips that I STRUGGLED to get out of people that there is still a group of mid tiers out here terrorizing others. The weak bully the weaker, we have a power struggle that's been created as a result of a hierarchy and we've been neglecting it.
Remi: And, you are more than enough to handle them on your own you border line god tiered control freak!
Arlo: Quit pursuing them, everyone around you out there including John outranks you, report everything to the authorities.
Remi: NO, that was our agreement with John!
Arlo's eyes widened with shock.
Arlo in his head: Wait, John said what?!
Remi storms out of the room.
Arlo in his head: So, even John doesn't fully trust the authorities, interesting.
Arlo pauses.
Arlo in his head: Dammit, what the fuck is wrong with everyone?!
John, Sera, Cecile, Rei, and Remi all flash in his head.
Arlo in his head: You're all high tiers, act like it. This system I built, it's not gonna last at this rate.
Later that day Sera is texting John
John: Holy shit, this guy sucks, I can't even understand this.
Sera: You should have skipped with me.
John: Yeah yeah, hey what's this guy talking about, saying our abilities and Quantum physics are connected.
Sera: Oh so now you wanna learn :p
John: Fine then, I'll just look it up. cya later.
Hower, Wenqi, Krolik, Illena, Rouker, and Tanner all approach Sera.
Sera: Oh, you again?
Meanwhile on the roof.
Cecile sends a text to Valcon.
Valcon: I expect to make the deal with you tonight, No Golden God means you get your money.
Cecile: Oh don't worry, everything's coming together.
To be Continued...