
Chapter 35: Chapter XV

Arlo meets up with Holden outside the school gate.

Holden: Oh hey, didn't think you'd show.

Arlo: What did you want to see me about?

Holden: Listen man, there's been another anonymous beat down.

Arlo: Why wouldn't you wanna be recognized if you dethroned someone?

Holden: No man, this was a weakling, poor girl could only see a couple seconds into the future, no kit. Barely a mid tier.

Arlo in his head: Shit, that sounds like John, she must have written the article about Seraphina, I saw her in the press room, otherwise why would he beat her down like that.

Arlo: Well, at least this person is asserting their presence within our school.

Holden: Yeah, sure.

Holden puts some attitude in his words.

Arlo: What?

Holden: Dude, is there another high tier you're not telling me about?

Arlo: No, why?

Holden: It just,... seems weird, these people were beaten by sheer force, Sera doesn't have her powers, they weren't crushed by your barrier, Isen wouldn't go out of his way for such trivial things, and there's no sign of Blyke's laser in any of the wounds.

Arlo: Are you accusing me of something?

Holden: Arlo no, you're missing the point, I'm asking if you know anything about this.

Arlo: It's none of your concern.

Holden: Hey man... Did you send someone to do this?

Arlo's eyes start to glow.

Arlo: Enough, just drop it, do you trust me?

Holden: Yeah man, we're boys right, please just drop the eyes?

*"Drop the eyes'' is like "drop the weapon" or "drop it", it's a slang term to say deactivate or to drop a subject.

Arlo: Good, then just know I got him under control.

Holden: Hold on man. I just wanted to know who he was, you seem to know so at least drop the beans.

Arlo sighs.

Arlo: How much time do you have?

Holden: I'm free all day today.

Arlo: Good, let's grab a drink.

Meanwhile in Sera's dorm

Sera: I'm sick of all this moping, He has the strength to do it, so why can't I? He has to hold himself back, that's gotta be harder than what I'm going through.

Sera gets up.

Sera: Alright then, let's actually make my time useful.

Sera starts to spar with herself when Elaine walks in on her.

Sera: Oh hey.

Elaine: What are you doing, I could hear you from my room?

Sera: Good, I need your help.

Elaine: Sera, whaahhh?

Sera pulls Elaine in her room.

Sera: Punch me as hard as you can.

Elaine: What, why?

Sera: I need to practice sparring.

Elaine looks at her with hesitance.

Sera: Don't worry, you can heal me afterwards.

Meanwhile Arlo and Holden are leaving Wobba Bobba.

Holden: I knew you were, ugh, Jeez Arlo, you know how many people harassed John?! Hell, I've given him a hard time. Letting him run loose around the school might-

Arlo: Yeah well, one problem for another am I right? A stick for a stone.

Holden: Jesus help us, you sure you have control of him?

Arlo: Yeah, it's not like you could do anything anyways so don't think about it.

Holden: Yeah, you're right.

Holden looks down as he takes a sip out his drink.

Holden in his head: Yeah, guess I am too weak for people like him anyways. But still, what he's done to them…..

It's sick.

The next day Sera and John are walking in the hall.

Sera: Didn't get any sleep last night.

John: Again, you gotta take better care of yourself, don't let this ability thing eat you up.

Sera: Don't worry, I was sparing with Elaine.

John: Ahh, you see, I knew you had in you.

Sera: Yeah, but I ruined my workout clothes.

John in his head: Oh God, I don't think I like where this is going.

Sera: I'm gonna stop by the mall to pick out a new outfit. You're coming too, right?

John in his head: Okay God, if you bail me out this time, I'll donate to uhhh, shit!

Meanwhile in human resources in Heaven, Gabriel prints a file from his computer and heads into an office and knocks.

God: Who is it?

Gabriel: It's me sir.

God: Oh, come on in.

Gabriel: It's about a person named John Doe sir.

God: What's his real name?

Gabriel: Sir, that's his name.

God: Bawhahahaha, wait, wasn't he named Brian or something, I gave him another name right, cause that just means missing person. No? Wait no I don't give names parents do. Man, I'm just waking up here. It's too early for this.

Gabrial: Sir, it says here on his files you named him John Doe. You decided to take time away from the other universes for this one, and told William the names of his boys would be John and Ja-

God: Right, right, well it's been eternity since I made him! What does he want?

Gabriel: He wants to skip out of the mall with his friend Seraphina.

God sighs as he puts his hand on his head.

God: I gave him like the coolest super power, and what does he do in return, he gels his hair and whines when he's not being a superhero, in fact you know what, throw in a homeless guy when he leaves, I want to make him feel guilty since he has it good yet all he does is cry like a little, you know, can't say it cause I'm God but. Anyways, plus he'll learn to appreciate more and stop complaining. That way I can help two people with one event.

Gabriel: But sir-

God: Hey, when you create a universe, you can do what you want with it, this is mine so huptoit.

Gabriel: Ughhhhhh, Yes sir.

Gabriel sighs as he leaves the office.

John meanwhile back on Earth is still walking with Sera

Sera: Wow, you're gonna make your crippled friend go all by herself.

John: Uhhh.

Sera: Okay, so that's a yes.

People are heard talking about Juni in the background.

You hear that girl Juni, she was found brutally beaten in the hallway.

Yeah, some dude did it, same as Zeke.

Yo, what if he comes after us?!

Sera: Wow, she got what she deserved, too bad he's gonna come after me next.

John: What do you mean?

Sera: Before I lost my abilities I was the biggest jerk around, even when I was hanging around you I'd still beat people up. Just not as badly if they weren't targeting you.

John: Yeah well, something tells me he won't be hurting you.

Sera: How come?

John's eyes start to glow, he gives Sera a warm smile, almost reassuring her. Sera picks up what John's putting down, the two take a corner were no one is around. Sera jumps on John giving him a warm hug. She takes John by surprise.

John: Woah there, you scared me a little.

Sera: Sorry I just feel safe around you. I'm almost a little mad at you.

John: Why?

Sera: I wish you told me about your powers earlier.

John: Sera, I-

Sera: It's fine, I understand why. I just, I just wish I knew.

John: Hey, uhhh let's get going.

Sera: But we have class.

John: Don't worry, I can get us out.

Sera smiles at her prince as her cheeks heat up like hand warmers.

Sera: Okay.

Later that day at the mall, John is finishing up his text with Isen.

John: Tonight, meet on the town hall roof, you three and me.

Isen: Bet, I'll go tell them!

Sera: Who you texting?

John: Oh, Isen, I'm just talking about Facewars.

Sera: We should play some BombBuild later today, Elaine has it on her computer we can play on a realm.

John: Aw that sounds fun, let's do that on a weekend though. Hey, how is Elaine doing? I haven't seen her in a while, still fearing me since she was a meanie beanie back in the day.

John laughs at the thought of her pissing herself whenever he goes near her. He often laughed at the thought of people fearing him, just not everyone.

Sera: Oh you know, nervous as usual.

John Laughs.

John: Oh my every time I'm around her and I feel so much as a fraction of pain She'll power up.

The two laugh about their friend.

Sera: I really needed her though for that training seesh, I feel like it really helped me boost my morale.

John: Oh look, we should grab ourselves new phones.

Sera: Oh yeah, I forgot yours broke.

A homeless man approaches John on his way out of the phone store.

Homeless man: Please sir, I could really use some money for a sandwich.

John in his head: Aww come on, I only have fifty left, alight, giving up five won't kill me. I won't be an ass.

John: Here you go sir.

Homeless man: Thank you son, God Bless you.

John in his head: Yeah okay pal keep calling to him. I tried that once.

John: No problem man, take care now.

He gives the man a warm smile, remembering how good it feels to be out as The Golden God, helping those that never get it. The man smiles back and as he looks at John's eyes John gets a feeling of familiarity.

Later John watches Sera pick out clothes for hours.

John in his head: Oh my, get me out, GET ME OUUUUUT!

Sera: What do you think of this one?

John in his head: It's literally the same thing!

John: Uhh, it's soooooo pretty!

Sera in her head: Jesus why can't boys just be more like us?

John: I'm gonna grab a drink for a second, you want anything?

Sera: Yeah, grab me the usual.

John: Coming up.

John in his head: OH MY, it's just cloths, why does it have to be complicated, it's not like you have a choice to wear cloths, you can't just-

John pictures Sera naked for a solid second, he shakes the thoughts away at the absurdity of them, his nose starts to bleed.

John: Oh come on, not now.

John says to himself as he looks over at the mask shop, the same one's he bought were now sold out, he stops and stares for a while in horror.

John in his head: Oh dear lord, this can't be good.

John heads over to buy a mask, he asks the clerk where the one he bought was.

Clerk: Ah, sorry kid, these were all sold out yesterday, people went nuts, I guess it's a new trend you kids like.

John flashes back to when he put one on as Joker.

John: This can't be good.

To be Continued....

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