Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 186 The third miracle year! I ate the LHC

The report meeting is officially over.

And what followed was the climax of the entire physics world.

As I said before, the physics world has been overturned, and what will usher will only be the boiling of physicists.

Just like before planting the land, it needs to be plowed first, so that the land can breed new seedlings.

This is especially true for the physics community.

In the last century, after the study of quantum mechanics began to rise, all kinds of famous physicists sprung up like mushrooms, and finally constituted the famous photo, as in the "Solvay Conference Photo", Big guys gather.

As for the theory of relativity, it was established by Einstein alone, which is why it is said that Einstein is the only one among physicists.

But now, the new fundamental force provides a vast research space for all physicists, because no one knows what new things they can deduce based on the dimensional force.

And most importantly, according to the characteristics of dimensional force, it cannot be completely classified into the category of quantum mechanics. It should be said that quantum mechanics can be completely embedded in the theory of dimensional force. Once the two are combined, it will become a more perfect new architecture.

In addition, the theory of relativity can also be combined with dimensional forces. There is a fundamental reason here. The unity of relativity and quantum mechanics is impossible in three-dimensional space, and can only be realized in high-dimensional space.

And the multi-dimensional space revealed by the dimensional force has shown that it can achieve a good fusion with the theory of relativity.

However, in order to achieve the real fusion of the two, some research is still needed in the middle. After all, there is still such a thing as graviton, which is still a mystery.

But as long as this can be achieved, quantum mechanics and relativity will be truly unified, and the theory of everything in the physics world will also be established.

So next, the direction of physicists is to strive in this direction.

Of course the physicists were excited, and so was the news media.

Compared with new breakthroughs in other scientific circles, new breakthroughs in physics attract more attention. After all, when they hear the theory of relativity, people will feel awesome, and when they hear quantum mechanics, people will feel mysterious, not to mention various nouns.

What multi-dimensional space, what kind of grand unified theory, the theory of everything...

It seems that their universe is going to be subverted.

All of a sudden, all kinds of eye-catching news headlines appeared, and there was no need to worry about being called a headline party.

"The Fifth Fundamental Force of the Universe—Dimensional Force!" "

"The Four Fundamental Forces? No! There is a fifth! "

Fundamental Forces of Fundamental Forces - The Fundamental Composition of the Universe

"Multidimensional space really exists! "

"Shock! Li Mu is actually Einstein's..."


In addition to various news articles, well-known physicists also accepted interviews with reporters after the report.

As a Nobel Prize winner in physics, David Gross was naturally invited.

"...The proposal of dimensional force will officially add an important part to our physics, making our entire physics framework more complete, which is very important to us..."

"Physics, the purpose of which is to reveal the complete framework of our universe, whether it is the four basic forces we discovered in the past, or the current dimensional force, a complete framework is the most important..."

"In the future, as our physicists study more and more dimensional forces, our understanding of the universe will become more and more complete."

Facing the interview with the BCC reporter, David Gross was very positive about the interview questions, and the smile on his face seemed to never stop. The reporter could see a new life in his 80-year-old eyes as bright.

After hearing Gross finished speaking, the reporter asked curiously: "In this way, will the research on dimensional force become a new hot spot in the physics world?"

Gross laughed, then reached into his trouser pocket, and finally took out a 10-euro note, and said, "I can make a bet with you that for a long time in the future, about Research on dimensional force will occupy the mainstream of the physics world, and papers on dimensional force will occupy their pages in top journals such as "Science", "Nature" and "Physical Review Letters."

"It's something that's definitely going to happen."

The reporter suddenly laughed: "Of course I believe that, I don't want to give away 10 euros for nothing."

Gross shook his head with a smile, and took the euro banknotes back, "That's it! Maybe after a while, when you wake up, you will find that the physics world has discovered something new—in a word, on the basis of dimensional force , we are not surprised to find anything again."

"A multidimensional space?"

"Maybe? Of course, for now, the multi-dimensional space is already a certainty, otherwise we would not be able to explain the cause of the vacuum catastrophe."

"It's amazing!"

The reporter was amazed.

Physics is like this, as long as the results are shocking enough, even a layman can feel very interested.

Next, the reporter asked a series of various questions to ensure that each question would attract a lot of traffic.

till the end.

"Thank you, Professor Gross, for your patient answer. Now, I want to talk to you about Li Mu again."

The reporter said: "We all know that Li Mu completed the theoretical framework of dimensional force. It can be said that he alone has brought our physics world into a new century. Then I would like to ask you what do you think of his current achievements? view?"

"What do you think of Li Mu?"

David Gross fell into a moment of contemplation, and then asked first: "Do you know the Miracle Year?"

The reporter was taken aback: "The Miracle Year?"

"—Oh, of course I know this. You should be talking about the two years when Newton and Einstein discovered gravitation and the theory of relativity respectively."


David Gross nodded, "But what you said is actually not complete."

"The reference to the Year of Miracles comes from the English poet John Dryden, who celebrated the year 1666 in his poem subtitled The Year of Miracles."

"And it was in 1666 that Isaac Newton miraculously completed the light decomposition experiment, invented calculus and various works on gravitation, and laid a solid foundation for the three major disciplines of optics, mathematics and mechanics."

"It's a miracle for the entire history of science."

"So 1666 is called such a miraculous year by us, but it is a pity that John Dryden did not mention Newton's achievements in his poems, probably at that time he was completely unaware of Newton's achievements. What a great achievement."

"The second miracle year happened in 1905. Einstein published several papers, respectively revealing the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, the determination of molecular size, the mass-energy equation, and the most important paper " On the Electrodynamics of Bodies in Motion, the Special Theory of Relativity."

"These two miraculous years have brought about new changes in our physics community."

"And this year..."

Gross smiled, and then said to the reporter: "Probably you can understand what I want to say when I say this. Yes, I want to call this year the third miracle year."

"Whether it is the Li's expansion of the standard model at the beginning of this year, or the current dimensional force, they can appear in the same year. I think it is not an exaggeration to call such a year a miracle year."

"And Li Mu is the creator of this miracle year."

Hearing that Gross gave such a high evaluation, the reporter showed a surprised expression on his face: "Are you... sure? But both Newton and Einstein have made more achievements!"

Gross laughed suddenly: "You seem to have overlooked one point, that is, how old were Newton and Einstein when they were in their miracle years."

"At that time, Newton was 23 years old, and Einstein was 26 years old. Of course, when Einstein proposed the general theory of relativity, he was already 33 years old."

"And how old is Li Mu?"

The reporter was taken aback, yes, how old is Li Mu?

He found himself neglecting this important question.

"21 years old." Gross gave the answer, "Do you think this is very suitable for the age of the creator of the miracle year?"

"Of course." Gross continued: "The criterion for defining a miracle year is not how many achievements are made, but how important the achievements are."

"The Lee expansion has completely replaced the perturbation expansion that we have used for so many years, and the dimensional force theory has revealed a more real side of the universe for us, which is something that even the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics cannot do, such as Talk about the proof of multidimensional space."

"Prior to this, we could only speculate on the existence of multi-dimensional space, but we have never been as sure as we are now. Now, the dimensional force has explained this."

"It's like its name, because it exists in every dimension, so it is called dimensional force."

"The most important thing is the emergence of dimensional force, which has also laid a very important foundation for us to unify the theory of relativity and quantum physics and realize the true theory of everything."

"Ordinary people who don't study physics may not realize how important it is, but I know it very well."

Gross sighed and looked at the clouds in the sky: "This...is a miracle!"


With the end of the interview with Gross, the theory of the third miracle year also came out, and for a while, another wave was set off in the physics world.

The miracle year has a very special meaning for physics, but now, it has been taken out again and placed on a 21-year-old young man.

It didn't take long, however, for many other physicists in the physics community to agree with this statement.

Especially those scholars who have always supported Li's development, they also believe that this year is a miracle year.

Dimension force deserves such praise.

Of course, there will still be naysayers.

Although most of the physicists who opposed Li's development before had changed their minds to a certain extent after this report, after all, as George Parisi said, the mass of the W boson, Before it is solved, the dimensional force theory based on Li's expansion will always have fatal flaws.

George Parisi said in an interview: "A miracle year? Maybe time will decide whether this year is a miracle year or not."

"But definitely not now."

"I admit that the use of mathematics in the dimensional force theory is very ingenious, and there are no loopholes at all, but my friends, we must never forget that physics is an experimental science, and we must pay attention to rigorous experimental results."

"Even after Einstein proposed the theory of relativity in 1905, the physics community did not immediately agree with it, but it was not verified until after the total solar eclipse experiment in 1919."

"As for the mass of the W boson, many particle physics institutes around the world have calculated it, and they all basically conform to the prediction results of the standard model of perturbation expansion."

"So, for me to accept the dimensional force theory, the premise is that the mass problem of the W boson is solved."

"But I think that to solve this problem, there is no need to think about it in the past two years, because calculating the mass of the W boson requires a huge amount of work, and restarting the calculation of the mass of the W boson requires a lot of effort."

"Otherwise, I'd just eat the Large Hadron Collider."

George Parisi's statement once again inspired a new quarrel in the physics community.

Physicists who are also opposed, said that they are also willing to join George Parisi's gamble, and everyone will eat LHC together!

However, not long after George Parisi's statement——

The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States officially announced that after several years of work, they finally determined that the W boson was 0.1% heavier as Li Mu predicted!

And the paper will be published in "Science" on April 7!

All of a sudden, the physics world was shocked again!


[This matter is true, the W boson was indeed confirmed to be overweight, and it was indeed published in "Science" on April 7, 2021, the paper URL

[Take a leave tomorrow, and then continue to change from July 3rd]

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