Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 185 Revealing the Existence of Multidimensionality!

"Gift Crab! What is this?!"

"Witten, did you see it? What did he find!"

"Dimensional force... Dimensional force... Do you think there really is a Creator?"

On the other side of the first row of seats, Nathan Cyborg stared wide-eyed, lowered his voice as much as possible, and exclaimed to Edward Witten next to him.

Of course the two of them came too.

This report is indispensable for every theoretical physicist, not to mention Edward Witten, who is here to meet Li Mu.

However, the derivation process of Li Mu just now, and the new fundamental force derived in the end, have far exceeded their imagination for this report meeting.

In order to prove the correctness of Li's expansion of the Standard Model, Li Mu discovered a new fundamental force?

Before participating in this report meeting, they never thought this way.

"There is such a force in any corner of our universe... and we have never been aware of it before..."

Neige Cyborg still didn't stop his surprise: "Yes, just because this force exists everywhere, it means that it doesn't exist everywhere, and we naturally classify the effects it brings as other fundamental forces effect."

Just like the numbers 7, 8, and 9 can all be written as 1+6, 1+7, and 1+8, this "1" is actually special, but among these numbers, this "1" is completely integrated into the In the past, the academia has never had a mathematical method to separate it separately.

But now, Li Mu has successfully extracted it from these physical phenomena by using this inverse quantum statistical method.

This mysterious fundamental force reveals its prototype.

After marveling for a while, Nathan Cyborg suddenly remembered that Witten seemed to have been silent, so he couldn't help asking: "Hey, wake up, what are you thinking, what are you thinking at this important moment? Why don't you say anything?"

However, Witten just shook his head and said in a low voice: "Don't talk, I'm thinking about something in my heart."

"What are you thinking about?" Nathan Cyborg didn't notice Witten's emotions, and still asked with a smile: "Thinking about the existence of God?"

"To be honest, I'm already thinking, does God really exist? Dimensional force... Dimensional force, where is the source of this force? Could it be that there are dimensional particles?"

"The Gifted Crab, Li Mu's name is really appropriate."

"Where is the source of the dimensional force..."

Hearing this question, Witten suddenly smiled for some reason, but the smile was a bit bitter.

Where else can it come from?

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be a string.

Because in string theory, string is not a force, it is just a basic unit of the universe predicted by the theory, which constitutes various examples, and then the interaction force is formed between those particles.

However, it now appears that the role of the string has been replaced by this sole force, or in other words, completely covered.

The basic unit of the universe...

Witten already had a faint guess in his heart. Under the dimensional force, what is hidden is the real basic composition of the universe-this is the intuition of a top physicist.

As a top physicist, your intuition is often very accurate, and sometimes even outrageously accurate.

The former Pierre Deligne expressed emotion about this. He was not very optimistic about the mathematical ability of physicists until he met Edward Witten later. He found that these physicists always It is the ability to apply some strange mathematical methods to physics, but often the correct results can be obtained.

In particular, Edward Witten can always see through the intuitive appearance behind complex mathematical formulas and proofs, which he has to admire.

Therefore, the current Edward Witten has seen through Li Mu's complicated mathematical formulas and proofs to see through the essence that may be involved in dimensional force.

Of course, the reason why he can be so sure lies in another point.

Li Mu was able to compare the problems that Witten encountered with the problems he encountered, and then discover the existence of dimensional force, so Witten can naturally use Li Mu's derivation just now, and then make a guess based on his own discovery .

"Perhaps, my lifelong obsession has come to the present..."

"What did you say?" Nathan Cyborg asked next to him.

Witten shook his head, now, it is better not to tell Nathan Cyborg about this blow, let him enjoy the fun of witnessing new physics first.

After that, all the string theorists in the world will know sooner or later.

"I didn't say anything." His face was full of calm: "Tell me, is this dimensional force just like the basic force of the basic force?"

Nathan Cyborg was taken aback.

"Fundamental forces of fundamental forces?"


"Dimensional force does not directly act on our world, it only exists in the fundamental force, it acts on the fundamental force, so that they can become the fundamental force."

On the rostrum, after Li Mu revealed the dimensional force, a discovery that shocked all the physicists present, he continued his explanation.

"Just like the electromagnetic interaction force, electrons and electrons exchange photons to realize the transmission of electromagnetic force, so what motivates electrons to conduct photons to another electron?"

"For another example, the gluons that transmit the strong interaction force, and the W and Z bosons that transmit the weak interaction force."

"The energy source that stimulates these particles to propagate the interaction force is the dimensional force."

"Of course, this is also in line with our previous conjecture that the vacuum zero-point energy is the source of exciting virtual particles."

"And now, where the vacuum zero point can come from, I think it will be more appropriate to use dimensional force to explain it."

"Of course, I also believe that many friends have been able to deduce this point."

"And it's simple."

Li Mu smiled slightly, turned his head and began to deduce on the blackboard.

What is vacuum zero point energy?

Its meaning is very simple, that is, in a vacuum, there is no matter, absolute emptiness, but energy still exists.

This idea comes from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: It is impossible to measure the momentum and position of a particle at the same time, so even if you reduce a particle to absolute zero, it will still keep vibrating.

And the energy that keeps it vibrating is the vacuum zero-point energy.

This theory, which sounds very fantastic and incredible, does exist and has been verified by experiments such as Lamb shift and Casimir effect.

But regarding the source of this zero-point energy, the physics community has never had a harmonious explanation. Until now, the dimensional force discovered by Li Mu has perfectly revealed it.

"...Dimensional force, that's it, affects our material world in the tiniest!"

"And the mass problem including the W boson can be best explained by the dimensional force."

"And...very obvious."

When he said this, Li Mu looked at the audience in the audience with a smile on his face.

After a long while of reaction time, the audience burst into applause. \b

Especially those physicists who have always supported the Li expansion of the Standard Model, cheered even more at this time.

Because the problem of the mass of the W boson has been perfectly explained theoretically in the hands of Li Mu!

The W boson is the key cause of this report.

Now, this problem has been successfully interpreted.

Therefore, in the eyes of those supporters, the weapon that those opponents relied on most before has been completely dismantled. Faced with this iron-like fact, what reason do they have to oppose.

Of course, even the previous opponents on the field had to give Li Mu applause, because the X-dimensional force proposed by Li Mu, this brand-new basic force, is so perfect that they couldn't find any points that can be refuted.

After all, the vacuum zero-point energy explained by dimensional force alone is already a major experimental evidence of dimensional force.

Not to mention that Li Mu successfully explained the problem of virtual particles again.

So far, before the start of the report, two of the four questions raised by Li Mu have been perfectly explained in his hands.

These two questions are all discussed over and over again by physicists all over the world, but they still can't do anything about them.

And their resolution is enough to prove the existence of dimensional force.

There is no need to use experiments to verify it anymore, because the experiments in the past are enough to prove it.

Standing on the podium, Li Mu calmly waited for the applause to stop.

He didn't press his hands until the applause had almost subsided, and the entire meeting room quickly returned to silence.

Afterwards, Li Mu said, "Of course, let's not forget that among the four questions I raised at the beginning, there are still two that haven't been resolved."

"Why is there a vacuum catastrophe? Where do dark energy and dark matter come from?"

"These two most difficult questions, please let me introduce the dimension force for you, the real meaning behind this name."

What is the real meaning of Dimension Force?

The physicists in the audience were stunned again.

The meaning of dimensional force...doesn't it mean the force covering the entire dimension?

Besides this meaning, what else can it mean?

But suddenly, those physicists with a more sensitive sense of smell have realized what Li Mu is about to reveal.

Li Mu didn't say much, but turned around and started writing on the blackboard again.

But first, he introduced a new formula into the original formula.

Then, the physicists in the audience shook again, what Li Mu introduced was an extra dimension!

"Introducing an extra dimension here, we will surprisingly find that the dimensional force is still incomparably harmonious."

"After that, we continued to add extra dimensions, and we didn't realize until after the twelfth dimension that our formula finally became disharmonious."

"Why? Then please let us integrate the previous eleven dimensions—"

Li Mu began to deduce the integration in his hands, while the physicists off the field all held their breath, waiting for the result.

What happens after integration?

After Li Mu integrated all eleven dimensions, everyone was amazed to find that under the unification of the eleven dimensions, the whole model became perfect and harmonious.

So, that's why there are only eleven dimensions!

And this is also in line with the prediction of M-theory on the number of extra dimensions.

"...After explaining the problem of the eleventh dimension, we can easily explain the cause of the vacuum catastrophe at this point."

"That's because the vacuum zero-point energy we calculated, that is, the energy of 10^87 joules in 1 cubic centimeter, is dispersed in all dimensions."

"The dimension we are in, because the dimension is low, the vacuum zero-point energy allocated becomes very small, only 10^-18 joules!"

"This is the vacuum catastrophe!"

There was another uproar in the audience.

The vacuum catastrophe is also an unresolved physical problem related to the vacuum zero-point energy.

In terms of its status, it is comparable to any of the seven millennium problems in mathematical conjecture.

To put it simply, the vacuum zero point energy calculated by physicists is as high as 10^87 joules, but the vacuum zero point energy measured by experiments is only 10^-18 joules.

Such a huge gap also makes the prediction of the zero-point energy energy density of the vacuum known as the worst prediction ever made by the physics community.

And now, a dimensional force perfectly explained it!

In the midst of people's amazement, someone finally couldn't help asking: "Li! According to what you said, does it mean that there are really extra dimensions in our universe?"

Extra dimensions have always been hotly discussed by the physics community, but in any case, they cannot be verified.

But looking at it now, according to Li Mu's dimensional force theory, doesn't it already prove the existence of extra dimensions?

Regarding this question, Li Mu pondered for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "If there is no problem with my calculation, then I believe in the existence of extra dimensions."

The physicists present felt a kind of tremor for a while.

Existence of extra dimensions!

Their dimensions are not alone!

In the universe, multi-dimensional space really exists!

And the physicist who asked the question said even more excitedly: "If you say that, isn't string theory correct!?"

Everyone was startled again, and the introduction method to prove string theory included verifying the existence of extra dimensions.

Now that the existence of extra dimensions is confirmed, doesn't it mean that string theory is correct?

However, regarding this question, Li Mu fell into silence.

Without rushing to answer, he turned his head to look at Edward Witten over there.

Witten's expression, as he expected, showed no excitement at all, even Nathan Cyborg next to him was about to stand up and celebrate.

Li Mu sighed softly, let the string theory scholars reveal this cruel truth by themselves.

So he just smiled and said, "Maybe?"

Then he didn't say any more, and said again: "When I get here, I won't explain too much about the source of dark energy and dark matter, because the answer is also obvious, so I will give the answer to this question to you." Let's solve it for everyone."

"But in the end, I still have to leave a question - what is the source of the dimensional force?"

The question he raised at the end caused the audience to ponder, and they couldn't help but think of the theme of this report - to prove the existence of the Creator.

What is it that can bring something like dimensional force into this universe?

But at this moment, Li Mu took out his mobile phone and checked the time - he really didn't have a watch.

Then, he sighed with emotion: "Before I knew it, it was already 12 o'clock."

It was only then that people suddenly remembered that the report had already been opened for two hours.

They were so immersed in it that they all forgot the passage of time.

Because, this is a report that overturned the physics world.

But the overthrow of the physics world is like a feast for physicists.

Because, only when the physics building collapses, they don't need to do sewing work, but become one of the designers of the new physics building!

Just like Planck, Fermi, Pauli, Yang Zhenning... those physicists.

At this time, Li Mu smiled again: "According to the tradition of April Fool's Day, after twelve o'clock noon, no jokes are allowed."

He coughed twice, put the phone back, and then said solemnly: "So, what I want to prove is that there is no creator in the world, no matter how magical it is, above certain rules and details, there is There seems to be a sense of accident, everything is as delicate as design."

"But this is the greatness of the laws of nature."

"I only hope that our physics can always follow the guidance of the laws of nature and gradually understand it!"

"My report is over, thank you all!"

A clean end.

There was thunderous applause.

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