Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 184: April Fool's Day? No, he seems to be really proving the existence of the Creator!

【Prove the existence of the Creator】.

What title is this?

A strong air of civil science rushed over, making these physicists who may have come here from a long distance feel a burst of consternation.

Although scientists will always wonder whether the Creator really exists, but if scientists all believe in the existence of the Creator in the shape of a person, it must be false.

There is always an argument on the Internet that the end of science is theology, and some people even use Newton and Einstein to study theology in their later years to prove this point.

But in fact, this is pure nonsense. It is said that Newton believed in theology. In fact, people not only believed in theology in their later years, but also believed in theology in their early years. In Newton’s time, they themselves were very popular in theology. A theologian first, a physicist second.

As for Einstein, he often expressed his disbelief in God in public. Rumors say that he believed in God in his later years, mainly from a letter he wrote a year before his death. This letter is called It is "God's Faith".

But in fact, it talks about Einstein's thoughts on God and Judaism. After all, he himself is a Jew. In the letter, he stated that what he believed in was not the God of Judaism, but an invisible God, which is the law of nature.

More figuratively speaking, it is Spinoza's God.

In addition, in 1998, "Nature" also published a paper titled "leading scientists still reject god", which used actual survey data to show that in 1998, the proportion of scientists who believed in "God" From 27% in 1914 to 7%.

Let alone now in the 21st century.

If someone says that there is really a Creator in the world, the scientist will definitely slap him in the face first, and then curse, "Put your nn's p away".

but now……

Surrounded in front of the poster, some people expressed doubts: "Are you sure that what is going to be held here is Li Mu's report?"

"Isn't he the one on the poster?"

The person next to him said.


When everyone was confused, someone suddenly said: "Oh! Friends, don't forget that today is April Fool's Day."

April Fool's Day!

At this time, these physicists suddenly realized, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that Li Mu is planning to play a big joke with everyone."

Only then did everyone feel relieved, and then walked in with peace of mind.

Of course, they were also very curious about how Li Mu would prove the existence of the "creator" in the form of a joke in this report.


The spacious conference hall is full of people and there are no empty seats.

This conference hall can accommodate more than 3,000 people.

It can be said that almost all the researchers in CERN could come, plus those who flew over from other places, directly occupied the entire conference hall.

If a meteorite falls at this time and destroys this place, it will cause the entire physics community to fall into a catastrophic stagnation, and even set back decades.

The report hasn't started yet, so people are talking about their ideas.

"George Parisi, why are you here? I remember that you expressed strong opposition to Li's standard model on the Internet? You also said that the non-perturbative method is correct."

In the first row of seats, an old man asked George Parisi next to him.

George Parisi is the winner of this year's Wolf Prize in Physics. He is already a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics, and he is basically queuing up now.

However, the old man who asked the question was not simple at all. David Gross, the 2004 Nobel Prize winner in physics, mainly studies particle physics and superstring theory.

Hearing Gross's question, George Parisi said lightly: "When faced with such an obvious mistake, someone must stand up and reveal it?"

"What's more, he actually put the report on April Fool's Day. Think about it, does this mean something? Even the title outside said that he wanted to prove the existence of the Creator."

"It can be seen that this is probably a fool's report."

David Gross smiled and said, "Then I'm going to expect you to point out his mistakes then."

"Of course, maybe you won't find a reason to refute because of his report?"

George Parisi laughed: "Don't make such a joke, even if he can't find any refutation points in his report, the problem of the quality of the W boson will always be in front of us. Do you think he can put Solve this problem on the spot?"

He waved his hand: "It doesn't exist."

Regarding George Parisi's words, David Gross still just laughed: "Of course, this kind of problem cannot be solved on the spot. After all, it needs experimental data to prove, not theoretically, but if he can How about using his theory to solve other problems in a compatible way?"

"At least for now, the standard model under Li's expansion and the calculated mass of other particles are more accurate than the standard model under the perturbation expansion, but there are some problems with the W boson."

Hearing Gross's words, Parisi fell into a moment of silence. Indeed, as Gross said, the standard model under Lee's expansion should be more in line with the experimental data when calculating the mass of other particles. Only in W There are large errors on bosons.

So this is also a point of constant debate in the physics community.

In the end, George Parisi shook his head: "I still say that, until the problem of the W boson is solved, I will never believe in this theory."

"All right."

Gross shook his head and stopped arguing with Parisi, because he knew that such an argument was meaningless.

As a string theory scholar, he definitely supports Li's expanded standard model.

Now he just wants to wait for the official start of the report meeting, and then witness how Li Mu persuaded the physics community.


Time passed quietly, and it was ten o'clock in the morning.

The report is about to start.

As the moderator, Fabiola Gianotti first stepped onto the rostrum, faced more than 3,000 scholars in the audience, and said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to come here and participate in this report meeting."

"I believe that physicists all over the world have been looking forward to this report for a long time, just like the webcast room we opened, which has already entered tens of thousands of viewers."

"The Standard Model, our most successful and most hated theory in physics, haunts us and predicts all kinds of problems for us."

"However, just now, it has appeared in two forms, one form is derived from our perturbation expansion long ago, and the other is derived from our genius physicist, Li Mu's Li's expansion .”

"Then which form of unfolding is most in line with the Creator's rules?"

"Then please ask Li Mu to give us an explanation."

There was warm applause, and everyone in the audience turned their attention to the figure walking out from the side of the rostrum.

Even the physicists who opposed Li's development did not hold back their applause at all.

The rebuttal of truth is a cruel zero-sum game, where what is right is right, and what is wrong is absolutely wrong.

But this did not prevent them from paying tribute to this young "opponent".

Stepping on the applause, Li Mu finally walked to the center of the podium and expressed his thanks to Fabiola first.

Fabiola nodded to him and said, "I wish you a successful report."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Thank you."

Afterwards, Fabiola left here, leaving only the only protagonist on the rostrum.

Facing the audience.

The last time I gave a report in front of so many people was the last time.

Only this time it's a little different.

Topple the physics world...

"Sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth curled up.

The introverted focus in his eyes gradually spread to the audience.

Then, he finally said, "Hello everyone."

"Welcome to my presentation."

"Before the official report begins, please allow me to leave a few questions."

"Where do virtual particles come from?"

"What is the cause of the vacuum catastrophe?"

"Where does the vacuum zero-point energy come from?"

"And... how are dark matter and dark energy produced?"

After talking about four questions in a row, Li Mu paused.

The meeting room, which was already very quiet, became even more silent.

Each of these four questions is an unsolved problem in physics.

Hanging in the sky of physics, like dark clouds, so that physics can not see the bright blue sky.

However, what did Li Mu want to do by raising these four questions suddenly?

Isn't this report about the Standard Model Lee? \b

Everyone below felt a little puzzled.

And Li Mu smiled slightly, and continued: "Of course I can ask more questions, but time is limited, so I will only ask these four questions now."

"Then, next, I will use these four questions to prove the existence of the Creator to everyone."

Li Mu snapped his fingers, and on the big screen behind him, the PPT moved and entered page 1.

[Proof of the existence of the Creator].

This title actually caused a burst of laughter from the audience. After all, everyone knew that today was April Fool's Day, so they thought Li Mu's title was just a joke to them.

So they didn't take it seriously.

Regarding everyone's reaction, Li Mu smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

"I have already explained the derivation process of Li's expansion in detail in the paper, so I will not repeat it today."

"I'm going to start directly with what everyone cares about the most."

Li Mu walked to the blackboard and wrote a big W on it.

"The mass problem of the W boson."

"What factors lead to problems with the quality of the W boson in the Standard Model under Lie's expansion?"

"If I release the conclusion now, everyone may express disbelief, so please follow my derivation and use your own thinking to gradually believe this conclusion."

Li Mu's words once again made everyone in the audience feel curious. What kind of conclusion would make them unbelievable?

But Li Mu's narration has already begun. \u0001

"To find out this question, we must use the thinking of quantum statistical mechanics."

"But it is not our traditional quantum statistical mechanics, but a reverse thinking is needed."

"According to the driving law of quantum dynamics, a quantum many-body system evolves from a non-equilibrium state to an equilibrium state."

"The mass of the W boson obviously belongs to a balanced state."

"So, from what kind of non-equilibrium state did such an equilibrium state evolve?"

"Presumably everyone will say, it's the Higgs field."

"That's right, the W boson and the Z boson apply the Higgs mechanism to the Higgs field to gain mass."

"Now, I'm going to use the reverse quantum statistics method to reveal the details of this process, maybe we will find something strange..."

After speaking, Li Mu began to calculate on the blackboard.

It's just that other people present fell into doubts because of Li Mu's inverse quantum statistics.

What new method is this?

However, following Li Mu's first few steps listed, many experts in quantum statistical mechanics immediately became serious.

The method Li Mu came up with was novel, but it brought them an inspiration.

It's even possible!

Then, as Li Mu continued to deduce, people were more and more surprised. This new method, they had to describe it as unbelievable!

The auditorium, the first row of seats.

George Parisi frowned, watching Li Mu's deduction process.

He is also a professional quantum statistical mechanics expert, so he can clearly see how creative Li Mu's method is.

This is an epoch-making improvement for the entire quantum statistical mechanics.

Such mathematical ability...

To be honest, George Parisi is a little envious, even if his mathematical ability is very outstanding among physicists.

Of course, the envy in his heart had just risen, and suddenly, Li Mu's next step of substitution made him suddenly stare.

"Wait, after this import, the extra item is..."

Not just him, all physicists who could understand were stunned when they saw Li Mu's current step.

Because there is an inexplicable term in the formula... This term should not appear!

"It seems a bit like a virtual particle? Wait! It's a bit different, why is it like zero-point energy in a vacuum?"

Many physicists suddenly had associations.

In an instant, they suddenly remembered the four questions Li Mu raised before the report started...

They feel a little bad.

This report seems to be about to show something incredible!

And when Li Mu wrote this item, he sighed lightly.

At the beginning, he was troubled by this problem.

Later, Edward Witten's request for help allowed him to find a comparison from Witten's question.

Well, it's here too.

It's also time to start taking the first steps to upend the world of physics.

He didn't explain much, but just raised this special item that should not have appeared, but fully complied with mathematical derivation.

Then start processing for this particular item and parse it.

Try to find out, what exactly caused it to appear.

Then, following his analysis, all the physicists in the audience also gradually became sluggish.

what did they see

a new one……

Until the end, Li Mu stopped writing.

He finally spoke.

"After dealing with this, I believe everyone has already seen that there must be an unknown factor here, which caused that special item to appear after we performed inverse quantum statistics on the mass of the W boson."

"And judging from this property, it seems to be a kind of 'force'."

"But whether it is the strong interaction force, the weak interaction force, or the electromagnetic interaction force and gravity, it is completely inconsistent."

"So obvious, let me make a bold inference here!"

"It's a new new fundamental force."

"But its appearance seems to have no source, but spreads all over our space."

"Therefore, I named it Dimensional Force."

"It exists in our dimension!"

In the silent meeting room, it finally boiled up.


Li Mu didn't seem to be joking.

He seems to be really proving the existence of the Creator!

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