Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 183 Overturning the physical world, 【Prove the existence of the Creator】

Time flies by.

After coming to Oxford University, Li Mu adapted quickly and did not encounter any problems.

But the biggest problem he encountered was diet.

Before coming here, he had already heard all kinds of rumors about the British gourmet desert, and it was only after he came here that he felt the truth of this statement.

There is a saying that goes: He who can endure English winters and English food can endure anything. \b

Fortunately, Yun Rongshang, who has been here for more than half a year, has figured it out and found a very good Chinese restaurant nearby.

The owner of this Chinese restaurant is from Huaguo, and the Huaguo dishes are very authentic.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Mu to go to this Chinese restaurant to eat every day, so the toast, which is indispensable almost every day, fills his taste buds, and only fish and chips can make him feel a little bit delicious—— — But this kind of high-calorie fried food is normal.

In the end, he had no choice but to buy a small induction cooker by himself, and occasionally eat it by himself, with some seasonings or something, and it still tastes fine.

What's more, Laoganma can also be bought here in the UK.

Even if it is noodles in clear soup, adding more old godmother can make it more delicious. \b

Only after solving the problem of eating can I start working.

Of course, he doesn't have too much work to do, he just continues to perfect the relevant theory about that new fundamental force.

This new fundamental force exists in many phenomena of the universe, including many unresolved problems in physics. Li Mu found that after introducing this new fundamental force, these unresolved physical problems have been perfectly explained theoretically.

"It's just that, about the source of this new fundamental force..."

This is the only issue that remains to be resolved. \b

It's like gravity.

Relativity scholars have shown that the source of gravity is the curvature of space-time, while quantum mechanics scholars insist that the transmission of gravity must come from gravitons.

The former has been proven through various experiments, including but not limited to the famous phenomenon of gravitational lensing, gravitational waves, black holes and so on.

But regarding the latter, so far it has not been possible to prove whether gravitons really exist, but this is a very critical issue, because it involves the microcosmic transmission of gravity, just like other interaction forces, to understand its microcosmic How it is transmitted is the most critical question.

It's just about the source of this new fundamental force...

Li Mu could only feel the mystery.


Time passed quietly.

March 30.

For the earth, this may be just a normal day, and it may not be a special day at all.

But for the physics community as a whole, and perhaps half of the mathematics community, the average physicist and mathematician of all kinds is moving far faster than usual today—because they all leave the university or the research institute , took various means of transportation and headed for Geneva.

And their purpose is to participate in the world-renowned report meeting the day after tomorrow.

Three months have passed since the release of Li Mu's paper, and the prediction of the mass of the W boson has been one of the core points of contention among physicists during these three months.

And the Zcs (3985) neutral companion state particle he proposed in the paper, even though it has been officially discovered by the Huaguo High Energy Physics Institute and published in the "Physical Review Letters", has not attracted much attention.

After all, this neutral adjoint particle has been predicted by various models in the past, and it is a discovery within the plan.

But the problem of the quality of the W boson is unexpected.

So every physicist wants to know how Li Mu will explain this problem in the report meeting.


CERN, the full name of the European Nuclear Research Center, is located in the west of Geneva, Switzerland, on the border with France.

As the largest research institute in the world, the Large Hadron Collider here spans two countries, Switzerland and France.

And scientific research needs money, so it may be appropriate to call this place a huge gold-selling cave.

Just to maintain the operation of the Large Hadron Collider, they have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year, plus various expenses, they can reach the envy of any other research institute.

Of course, for the physics community, especially the particle physics community, the Large Hadron Collider is also a symbol that they are all proud of.

After all, there is probably only their purely theoretical research in the world, and there is almost no investment in any substantive output, which can always allow various countries to invest such a huge amount of resources to support it.

Because what they study is the truth of this universe.

Of course, there are always various twists and turns on the way to find the truth.

Physics is a science that pays attention to face-slapping, just like the history of physics, it can also be called a history of face-slapping.

In this period of history, the first thing that must be mentioned, and also the most famous slap in the face in the past century, is "the building of physics has been completed".

The theory of relativity that appeared a few years later and the gradually mysterious quantum mechanics caused the newly completed physics building to be shattered even before the foundation was warmed up.

And a little closer, then we have to mention Wolfgang Pauli, who is known as the whip of God in the physics world.

This great god was also hailed as Einstein's heir - just like he once wrote to Born and said that on the day he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, Einstein's speech at the celebration banquet was like When an old king abdicates, he is chosen as his heir like the eldest son.

The slapped face can be said to be slapped. After Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao proposed parity non-conservation, he received strong opposition from him, because he firmly believed that the universe is symmetrical, and God cannot be left-handed. He even expressed his willingness to Take out all the family property to gamble.

As a result, it didn't take long for Wu Jianxiong's experiment to prove the law of non-conservation of the universe.

Ever since, in the book of the history of physical face-slapping, it has left a strong stroke for it.

Of course, this kind of slap in the face is basically because the truth is always unbelievable.

And today, such a familiar plot reappears.

In CERN, a place dedicated to finding truth, will a new truth be confirmed again?

"Why do you think Li Mu put the report on April 1st?"

At this time, a lot of people were standing at the gate of the CERN Institute, probably waiting for someone to come.

The greeter hasn't arrived yet, so these people are all chatting away.

And this question comes from an old woman who is about 60 years old.

The old woman's name is Fabiola Gianoti. She is the director general of CERN and has won the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. \b

In a circle where women scholars are scarce in the physics world, she is already extremely good at being able to do this.

And the person she was asking was Peter Higgs.

The old man had a lot of free time every day and didn't have much energy to do mental work, so he came over to welcome Li Mu together.

Hearing Fabiola's question, Higgs touched his chin and pondered: "This is indeed a question. April 1st is supposed to be April Fool's Day."

"The report held on April Fool's Day, could it be that he wanted to make a shocking joke?"

Fabiola smiled: "Maybe?"

A shocking joke played on the entire physics community.

If this is the case, she must also admire Li Mu's courage.

Later, she said with emotion: "Speaking of which, I saw a survey on the Internet, so far, there are still a quarter of physicists who believe that Li Mu's theory is wrong, and the same is true of George Parisi. express."

"George Parisi?"

Higgs nodded. "It's not surprising that he would deny me."

George Parisi, who was announced as the winner of the Wolf Prize in Physics this year, has made great achievements in quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, and complex systems. One of the most creative and influential theoretical physicists.

There are even rumors that he is the most promising scholar to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in recent years.

It's just that there are still many famous physicists who don't believe in the Li's expansion of the Standard Model, and there is no lack of such doubts from great gods.

Higgs said again: "But you also said, now it's only a quarter, and there are still three quarters."

Fabiola: "There are still one-half of the people who have not expressed their views, so now, supporters and opponents are evenly matched."

Higgs: "...well, exactly what I thought the physics world would look like."

Fabiola smiled: "Actually, I hope he can give something different, at least it can give us CERN more topics to do."

Higgs sighed: "It's better to find the most perfect theory as soon as possible before the world leaves me. I can't wait for many years."

Fabiola did not give an answer to this question. How far has the physics community developed now?

There are many problems that they face alone.

The most perfect theory...

The 21st century probably cannot wait.

At this moment, a Mercedes Benz drove towards us in the distance.

"Here he is," Fabiola said.

At this time, people also looked over.

The man they greeted arrives.

The Mercedes Benz stopped firmly in front of them, the back door opened, and a young figure came out from inside.

It was Li Mu.

Yes, these high-level executives from CERN, as well as all the bosses, are here to welcome Li Mu.

It can be said that Li Mu in the recent period is the protagonist in their physics world.

Fabiola walked up with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and said, "Dr. Li, hello, I am Fabiola Gianoti, Director General of CERN, and I welcome you on behalf of CERN."

Hearing the "Dr. Li", Li Mu was taken aback for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and shook Fabiola with a smile: "Hello, Director-General, I am very grateful to CERN for making special preparations for my report. And publicity, and provided a venue, your attitude towards science is very respectable."

Fabiola smiled and said: "This is the responsibility of our CERN, and it should be. What's more, we also want to thank Dr. Li for his trust in us, and we are willing to hand over such an important report to CERN. I look forward to your wonderful speech at the report meeting the day after tomorrow."

Li Mu nodded with a smile, but this "Dr. Li" still needs to be corrected, so he pointed to Andrew Wiles who came down from another car door, and said, "This is my doctoral supervisor, Andrew Wiles. Wiles."

PhD Tutor?

Fabiola was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, yes, the young man in front of him hasn't even graduated yet.

The "Dr. Li" just now was just subconsciously shouted by her. After all, people who can communicate with her on the same level, don't all of them have graduated with a Ph.D.?

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, it's really surprising how young you are."

The people around also realized the mistake in Fabiola's address just now.

They can only express their understanding about this, after all, it is impossible for anyone to really treat Li Mu as a student.

Li Mu was used to it, so he didn't say too much.

Soon, he entered CERN under the welcome of these people.

As for Andrew Wiles who came with him, he didn't come with him. The protagonist is Li Mu. He is just a person who came to attend the meeting, so don't join in the fun.

In this way, under the leadership of Fabiola and the others, Li Mu had a good look at the interior of CERN, especially the Large Hadron Collider LHC.

Such a magnificent scientific device can be regarded as the unique romance of scientists.

In this way, after a stroll, it was finally time to separate.

Being able to treat Li Mu like this has already shown that CERN attaches great importance to him.

However, when leaving, Peter Higgs grabbed Li Mu and said to him: "Young physicist, I look forward to your performance the day after tomorrow, so that an old guy like me can experience physics again." Great learning."

"Even if it overturns our physical world."

Li Mu couldn't help laughing at Higgs' words, and then whispered to Higgs: "Believe me, there is a reason why I put the report on April 1."

"Is it April Fool's Day?"


Li Mu smiled and nodded, then waved goodbye, he was going back to the hotel.

Higgs waved to Li Mu, but thoughtful in his heart.

Fabiola next to him asked, "What did he just tell you?"

Higgs grinned: "He said, to overturn our physics world."

The other people around suddenly showed puzzled expressions.


Two days passed quietly.

The first of April has arrived.

The report meeting on the Li's expansion of the Standard Model was officially held today.

Physicists from all over the world, as well as some mathematicians who are interested in Li's expansion, have come here, waiting for the start of the meeting with anticipation.

CERN does not have conference rooms that support thousands of people, but Geneva has many large conference centers because of its unique status.

Such an important report was selected by CERN to be held at the Geneva International Conference Center.

However, when all the scholars came to the conference center, they were confused by the propaganda posters outside.

Because the above shows that the topic of Li Mu's report today is: [Prove the Existence of the Creator].

God, what is this?

These scholars who came from afar were at a loss.

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