Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 187 You Can't Really Let Me Eat It

Chapter 187 You Can't Really Let Me Eat It...

The announcement of Fermilab gave the entire physics community a hard blow.

Is the W boson really overweight?

Many physicists were a little overwhelmed for a while.

This is true even for those physicists who originally supported Li Mu. After all, even if they support Li Mu's prediction, they also understand that it will still take a long time to re-measure the mass of the W boson.

Just as CERN has already started preparations, the re-measurement plan for the W boson mass has been put on the agenda, and the plan is expected to be completed within three years.

As a result, they never expected how long it would take before Fermilab announced.

Although Fermilab's status in the particle physics world is not as good as that of CERN, it was once regarded as the world's top particle physics laboratory.

So no matter what, their announcement directly aroused the concern of physicists.

true or false?


Inside CERN, in a discussion room, a group of physicists are watching the live interview on the big screen in front of them.

Most of these physicists have attended Li Mu's lecture and have not yet returned to their institutions.

Like George Parisi, David Gross is among them.

As for the live interview they watched, it was an interview with the New York Times in the United States, and the subject of the interview was Dave Bartok, the spokesperson of Fermilab.

"...Although the CDF has been dismantled, it used to collect a large amount of particle collision data between 1985 and 2011. Our researchers used about 4 million W glass The collision data of dice finally got this result..."

"In fact, we discovered this result last year, that is, the mass of the W boson is one-thousandth higher than that predicted by the standard model under the perturbation expansion, but we have always been a little unbelievable. "

"After all, you know, it doesn't just mean that something is wrong, it also means that something fundamental is wrong with our understanding of nature."

"So we started to re-check the calculation for a long time. As a result, at the beginning of this year, we were very surprised by the results derived by Li Mu. His theoretical prediction results were so similar to our experimental results. It gave us a lot of confidence.”

Dave Bartok's face was full of excitement and emotion. It was a wonderful coincidence that their experimental calculations collided with Li Mu's theoretical speculation.

The New York Times reporter who was in charge of interviewing him said with a smile on his face: "Then why didn't you announce this immediately at the beginning of the year?"

Dave Bartok said with a smile: "This kind of thing needs to be cautious, not to mention that our second calculation at that time has not yet been completed. Although physics is not as rigorous as mathematics, it does not mean that we have to give up rigor."

"And now, we can confidently show that the mass of the W boson is definitely overweight. We are correct, and Li Mu is also correct. Similarly, the dimensional force obviously exists, and the resulting various There is no mistake in guessing."

"Our universe is more complex and exciting than we ever imagined..."

Dave Bartok's voice resounded in this discussion room at CERN, and then brought the completely different expressions of the physicists.

"Hahaha, well said!"

David Gross laughed and clapped his hands.

Then he turned his head to look at George Parisi next to him, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say yesterday that you would eat up the Large Hadron Collider? Why don't you apply to Madam Chairman now?"

"By the way, I remember that there are still many people who support you, saying that they want to eat together? Like Yousup Strick, Devon Gill... these guys."

"Tsk tsk, the Large Hadron Collider worth tens of billions of euros, I really envy you who can eat it."

George Parisi had a bad look on his face.

He only accepted the interview yesterday afternoon, but he never expected that this kind of thing would happen after waking up.

Hearing the cynicism from David Gross next to him, George Parisi snorted and said, "Don't be happy, don't forget that this is Fermilab."

"One of the cables between the Physics Building and the Fermilab must be loose."

George Parisi's words caused laughter in the discussion room again.

Fermilab's cable is a well-known stalk in physics.

A research team once discovered a superluminal particle, and according to the principle of Einstein's theory of relativity, it is impossible for any matter to reach superluminal speed.

As a result, the entire physics world suddenly vibrated, just like the discovery of dimensional force.

The emergence of superluminal speed definitely means that the physics building will collapse again.

However, when the physicists were gearing up, after repeated investigations, the research team found that a certain cable in the equipment was loose, which led to errors in the statistical data.

As a result, the physics community was immediately disappointed, and this incident became a well-known stalk in the academic circle.

Surely such a top laboratory will make the same mistake twice?

David Gross was the first to express disbelief.

"Don't be delusional, George."

"Accept it."

Patting George Parisi on the shoulder, Gross said with a smile: "Even if you eat up the Large Hadron Collider, it won't affect your Nobel Prize."

George Parisi: "..."

The fist is a bit hard, and I really want to hit someone.

In the end, he resisted the urge to hit someone, and said: "Don't get excited, let's wait for their paper to be released, maybe they are wrong?"

At this time, Dave Bartok said in the interview: "In addition, our papers have been placed on arxiv in advance, and I believe that for many physicists, April 7th will not be possible. "

"We also hope that all physicists can help us verify whether there is a problem with our calculation process, of course—"

Speaking of this, Dave Bartok smiled slightly: "I believe we will have no problems."

Dave Bartok's words made the physicists in the discussion room react immediately.

"Quick! Go to arxiv and read the papers they posted!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

David Gross didn't talk nonsense at all, he went straight up, opened arxiv, and found the paper.

Later, so many physicists read this article together. \b

The paper is not long, only a few pages, and it mainly introduces the data processing method, as well as the processing process and results.

As for the data, it is definitely not possible to show all the data, just like what Dave Bartok said in the interview, they counted the mass of about 4 million W bosons, and it is obviously impossible to include all these data in the paper. It was released.

In this way, they quickly read the paper of just a few pages.

David Gross was the first to laugh.

"George, what else do you have to say now?"

George Parisi said nothing.

After reading the whole paper, he couldn't find anything wrong, and he even admired the paper.

The Fermilab research team used a new data processing method, which is very good, at least much better than those data processing methods in the past. \b

No wonder they were able to calculate different results than before.

At this moment, George Parisi has a deep understanding of why physics is a science that slaps faces.

This time it wasn't just him, there were many physicists too, all of whom were slapped on the face.

And it's fast.

He couldn't help looking out the window, toward the direction of the Large Hadron Collider.

I can't really let him eat this thing...

He slapped his face, feeling like crying for a while.


As Fermilab's papers were released on arxiv, the number of downloads quickly exceeded 1,000.

As Dave Bartok said, although the paper will be published in Science on April 7, physicists can't wait.

Particle physicists all over the world have read this paper almost immediately.

Afterwards, this also officially proved that Li Mu was correct!

There is no longer any doubt about the existence of dimensional force.

The physics world is now ushering in the era of the fifth fundamental force! \b

Similarly, in the third miracle year, there is no longer any doubt.


"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the task [problem hidden in the new theory?]."

"The host successfully used the theory to negate the experiment. When the mathematical derivation process is absolutely rigorous, it represents the absolute rules of the universe, because the rules of the universe are also written in mathematics."

"The discovery of dimensional force also means that you are one step closer to the truth of the universe. The ubiquitous dimension constitutes the ubiquitous space in the universe. Of course, there are many secrets about dimensional force. These The secret is still to be explored by the host."

"This mission brought 15,000 energy points to the upgrade! The current upgrade progress is 43201/30000."

"The energy value has met the upgrade requirements. Would you like to upgrade? Note: You cannot downgrade after upgrading."

In a hotel room provided by CERN.

Li Mu's eyes lit up when he heard the system's notification sound in his mind.

Finally, after so long, finally came the harvest time.

The energy of 15,000 points is already the most energy he has obtained in such a long time.

As for whether to upgrade...

This is of course nonsense, "upgrade now!"

He immediately confirmed it in his mind.

"Confirm the upgrade, the brain computer upgrade has started, and it is loading the four-level brain computer architecture..."

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