To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1655 Capital never sleeps

Chapter 1655 Capital never sleeps

"Hi everyone, dads in the audience! I am still your good friend, Qiao Laoshi."

"Today's video is the second half of the previous video."

"Today I will finish the second half of this video in a relatively serious manner, and I hope everyone can participate in the interpretation with me."

"Because the more I delve into it, the more I feel that I can no longer complete the interpretation of these contents alone. It should be President Pei's deep meaning to allow everyone to participate and conduct an in-depth analysis of this topic."

"Please start today's content with me with questions and thoughts."

After reading the beginning, Pei Qian already felt something was wrong.

what happened?

Could it be that what I said to Qiao Laoshi in the coffee shop were all my hallucinations?

Why does it seem that Qiao Laoshi didn't listen to a word.

I have already had a showdown, and what I have said is so clear. The blow to Qiao Laoshi's belief shouldn't be a blow to me with a burst of mentality, right?

Why did he still have to interpret it seriously, and even pulled everyone to interpret it together?

Could it be...he misunderstood something?
Pei Qian felt that he was facing an enemy, so he hurriedly continued to look down.

"In recent days, many people have left comments under my last video saying that my prophecy failed."

"Because I said at the end of the video, I am very sure that the core and viewpoints expressed in the game must also apply in the movie, and they will reach the same goal by different routes."

"As a result, after the movie was released, many people felt that although the movie and the game were barely the same, they were actually completely different themes."

"Many people say that the content reflected in the game is more profound, while the content of the movie is for winning awards, and it pays more attention to details on the surface. Some people even say that "The Future You Choose" is inferior to "My Property" in terms of core and meaning It’s far away, and it’s far behind in terms of ideological height.”

"I don't want to be brutally right or wrong with that statement, but it must be very one-sided."

""My Property" is indeed a very good movie, but there is no need to use it to step on "The Future You Choose". Because the two movies are only different in the direction of expression, the actual core is completely different. Consistent, and even complementary effects can be achieved in some respects.”

"Next, let's start with the movie "The Future You Choose" combined with the game "The Future You Choose" and "My Property" to unravel the biggest puzzle Mr. Pei has left us so far."

"Of course I have a very precious recording before that, and I want to show it to everyone. This is what Mr. Pei said to me when I had an interview with Mr. Pei."

"After listening to it, you may have some doubts, but with my analysis, you will find that everything is perfectly connected together, pointing to a definite answer."

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Liang released what Pei Qian had said to him before.

"In fact, I have always had one of my biggest wishes, that is, I hope that all consumers can regard Tenda Group as their biggest enemy."

"But these consumers just regard Tenda Group as their greatest friend."

"I think Tenda Group is a very dangerous and terrifying existence. It's just that many people don't know enough about his danger."

"I hope that through the opportunities of games and movies, everyone can deeply understand this point. Judging from the current situation, this goal has been perfectly achieved."

"So, I think The Future You Choose has been a huge success so far, and I can't ask for more from it."

"If you are going to make a video, I hope to convey this concept to all gamers and consumers."

"Tengda Group is the most evil company in the world, everyone must join forces and attack it, and let me lose all my money!"


Looking at the question marks floating across the screen, Pei Qian's head was also full of question marks.

Apparently he's as confused now as the viewers of the video.

Although the content of the two parties' confusion is not the same.

Qiao Laoshi did not cut a single knife, and released all his original words.

Judging from the literal meaning of these words, it is obvious that they hold a very hostile and vigilant attitude towards Tenda Group.

The "Future You Choose" movie and game are also made to portray the danger of Tengda.

And this kind of portrayal has gone far beyond the category of self-deprecating.

Even at the end, Mr. Pei still used a very sincere tone, hoping that everyone would attack the Tenda Group and make him lose all his money.

Mixed with question marks all over the screen is the confusion of the audience on the barrage.

"Good guy, Mr. Pei, this is the ultimate Versailles."

"Is it really remorse?"

"This is making too much money, so if you start to want to lose money, it's outrageous."

What Pei Qian was puzzled about was that Qiao Laoshi really released all the original words without cutting the knife, so how is he going to explain it?
Judging from the current situation, Qiao Laoshi seems to have his own understanding. This understanding is not the reason for losing money, but it is not what the barrage audience understands.

As if he had already foreseen what the barrage would say, Qiao Laoshi immediately explained: "Many people may think that Mr. Pei is in Versailles, but I can assure you very clearly that this is not in Versailles. The words are all Mr. Pei's sincerity."

"Mr. Pei has indeed been very vigilant about the power of Tenda Group, and even he himself regards Tenda Group as the most dangerous and evil company in the world. The purpose of making the "Future You Choose" game and movie is to use Let everyone work together to contain the Tenda Group."

"That's why Mr. Pei said that everyone must join forces and attack him, so that he will lose all his money."

"As for why this is Mr. Pei's sincere words, let's start with the content of the movie."

"There are already many analyzes on the Internet about the movie "The Future You Choose", so I won't go into details here."

"From the current point of view, the best aspect of this movie is that it describes the life struggle of the poor protagonist in a rich and detailed way, from a tramp to a disguised rich man. It created a strong sense of substitution.”

"Especially when the protagonist jumped into the air and was blown into fireworks by the law enforcement unit of Tengda Group, and the stone fell to the ground and shattered, I believe all audience members will have a complex emotion in their hearts."

"It's not just anger, or despair, or pain. It's a much more inarticulate, complex emotion."

"Many people say that compared with games, the presence of Tenda Group as a villain in movies is not strong, and the exposure effect of movies is relatively less obvious than games."

"Everyone has fallen into a misunderstanding here, that is, they regard games and movies as competitors on the same track, instead of seeing them as close partners fighting side by side."

"In fact, we should not look at games and movies in a comparative way, but look at them from a complementary perspective."

"Games and movies are actually two sides of the same coin, and combining them can see a complete theme."

"And it's that invisible will that runs through it all."

"Everyone must still remember the plot in the game. The other chaebols used the power of the rebels to overthrow the Tenda Group, but the invisible will did not die with the destruction of the Tenda Group. Instead, it parasitized on other chaebols and made a comeback. .”

"So the plot in the game is from a macro point of view, from the overall situation, and describes it from the main perspective of the protagonist of the rebel army, Captain Lude. It can also be said that the power at the top cannot destroy this invisible will."

"On the other hand, the film focuses on the microcosm and the details. It is described from the perspective of an ordinary homeless man and a gang member. It expresses that the power at the bottom cannot destroy this invisible will."

"Some people may disagree with this and think that the movie does not seem to show the content of 'destroying the invisible will.'."

"But please think about it, the ring stone of the homeless protagonist in the movie."

"It was interpreted that this stone represents the remaining innocence and humanity in the protagonist's heart, because it is a symbol of his mother's love."

"This kind of analysis is of course no problem, but it is not comprehensive enough."

"It is clearly stated in the film that while the protagonist is constantly expanding his influence and gaining more wealth, his career is rising step by step, but the number of times he touches, touches and observes that stone is getting less and less."

"That means the stone represents the opposite of the idea of ​​making money and getting rich."

"If the common interpretation is that the stone represents innocence and humanity, and the stone represents making money and getting rich, then one will naturally come to the conclusion that only by giving up humanity can one get rich, which is obviously a relatively simple and superficial way of thinking. explain."

"I am more inclined to interpret it as the confrontation between human nature and the will of capital, that is, the struggle between human nature and that invisible will."

"Because the protagonist chose to embrace the invisible will and strengthen his own strength in order to defend humanity, so he embarked on this irreversible path of no return step by step."

"Actually, a careful analysis reveals that in the movie "The Future You Choose", invisible will also exists in all aspects."

"It goes without saying that the protagonist of the poor man, every step he takes seems to be seeking more wealth and a higher status for himself, and seems to be fighting for his own happy life. But think about him What was my original intention? I just wanted to defend my dignity and not be insulted, I wanted to keep the good memories with my mother, and I wanted to get rid of the predicament of life."

"But in the middle of the film, he had already lived a rich life, but his pursuit of higher wealth and status never stopped, and his methods became more and more outrageous. Until the kidnapping and killing of the Young and rich, the outrageous behavior has also reached its peak."

"Then, on the surface, it seems that his business is going smoothly, but in fact, it is not him who is going smoothly, but the invisible will. His human side is already dying out quickly."

"It is also the protagonist who dies in the end. It is the remaining good thoughts in the protagonist's heart. That invisible will is parasitic on the few gang members at the end of the film. It is conceivable that they will inevitably embark on the same cycle as the protagonist."

"Isn't that rich man controlled by invisible will? On the surface, he seems to be a kind rich man, but he suffered an unreasonable disaster, was kidnapped by the poor protagonist, and was occupied by doves and magpies."

"But in fact, if we analyze it deeply, we will find that this rich man is also controlled by an invisible will to a certain extent. It's just that he has been fighting hard and trying to maintain his bottom line."

"At this time, the invisible will found another way to defeat him, and that was to replace him through another spokesperson."

"In other words, the young rich man controlled his inner demon, but the demon immediately used his clone to occupy another person. Physically eliminated the young rich man and replaced him."

"Even we can see some buried details in the film."

"Because the young rich man is too sticking to the bottom line, he is out of tune with other rich men. At this time, other rich men look at him with murderous intent hidden in their eyes."

"We can't be sure whether it's a coincidence that the poor protagonist is eyeing the rich man or whether there are other rich people secretly supporting and arranging it. Just like in the game "The Future You Choose", those chaebols support the rebels."

"But no matter what, the world from the bottom to the top to the top to the Tenda Group, which occupies the highest position in name, is actually operating under the control of this invisible will."

"The reason why Tenda Group is not described too much in the movie is because the top part has been described in detail in the game, while the movie focuses on the middle and lower parts."

"The lower level worked hard to climb up to become the middle level. While the middle level was calculated by the lower level in the process of climbing to the upper level, it fell into the clouds and was smashed to pieces. Even though the Tengda Group at the upper level seems to be stable and difficult to be replaced, there is a way to replace it after all."

"Only that invisible will is the only winner at any time."

"Capital never sleeps, and capital never fails."

(End of this chapter)

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