To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1656 It seems to be right, but it seems to be wrong (add more monthly tickets)

Chapter 1656 It seems to be right, but it seems to be wrong (add more monthly tickets)

Qiao Laoshi paused for a moment, and continued: "So, the game and the movie seem to have nothing to do with each other on the surface, but in fact they are firmly connected by a dark thread."

"What it expresses are two forms of resistance to this invisible will, but both forms fail."

"What the game introduces is actually the upper-level form, whether it is the persistence and change within the Tenda Group, or the resistance and interference of external forces represented by the Rebel Army. In the end, it is just forcing the invisible will to change to a carrier and the host. But it will soon intensify and make a comeback.”

"What the movie introduces is the form of the lower class, whether it is the alienation and struggle of the poor protagonist, or the persistence and change of the young rich man; or the obstruction and calculation of other rich men, and the arrogance and ruthless harvest of the Tenda Group. In the end, nothing can be shaken. .The more people resist, the more clones of the invisible will will be bred in more carriers."

"You may be wondering why the protagonist of the game is called Captain Lude."

"Captain Ludd's full name is Ludd York. If you only look at the first name or surname alone, you may not have any associations, but when combined, you will think of a famous event, the Luddite Movement."

"One of the main places where the Luddite movement took place was Yorkshire. The coal mine strike that happened at the same time in Yorkshire was the last glory of this movement."

"The Luddite movement was a spontaneous movement of workers who resisted by destroying machines. In terms of results, this kind of movement is sympathetic, but it doesn't really make much sense."

"This is actually suggesting that the rebels are doing the same thing. They are fighting and causing damage. But from the results, it is also sympathetic, but it doesn't make much sense."

"Whether it's a game or a movie, it eventually fell into a seemingly unsolvable cycle. No matter what form it takes, that invisible will will find a new host and carrier, and make a comeback quickly, and whether it's Captain Lude or Regardless of the other protagonists, they are just passers-by in the process."

"From the perspective of the audience and the players, maybe their lives are full of songs and tears, wonderful and heroic. But from the perspective of the invisible will, they are actually not different in essence. They are just pieces on the chessboard , Which chess piece is eaten and which chess piece contributes the most to oneself is not worth caring at all."

"Looking at "My Property" from this perspective, this movie will find that it is actually about the same content."

"It's just that "The Future You Choose" tells about the process of people's struggle against this invisible will, while "My Property" tells about the continuous expansion of this invisible will with humans as the carrier, and finally wipes out all human beings. the end of man."

"Many people say "My Property", but I don't think so. What the two sides express is actually the same connotation, but they are at different stages and expressed in different forms."

"Because "My Property" chooses a more extreme situation, it will be more eye-catching in terms of expression. Without in-depth analysis, it is difficult to find the games and movies of "The Future You Choose", as well as "My Property". property and the deep connection between the three.”

"So I think the movie "My Property" is excellent. At the same time, it is not in direct competition with "The Future You Choose", but a complementary relationship. Its appearance only further demonstrates what President Pei wants to express. Content."

"When you compare the two movies, it doesn't make any sense at all. It's like arguing which is more important, Chinese or mathematics. They are both subjects that are necessary for high scores."

"What we should really pay attention to is the true connotation behind these three works. And their deep connection with reality."

"Here, let's listen to what Mr. Pei said again."

"Boss Pei said:"

"Consumers, please don't treat Tenda Group as your greatest friend, but as your greatest enemy."

"The main purpose of the "Future You Choose" game and movie project is to make everyone clearly aware of this, and it has been achieved so far."

"Please treat Tenda Group as the most evil company. Let them attack and let him lose everything."

"What do you mean by Mr. Pei's words?"

"Obviously, Mr. Pei is not targeting a certain employee or senior management of Tenda Group, nor the overall atmosphere of Tenda employees, nor himself, because these are all within Mr. Pei's control."

"In fact, if other companies are used as a reference comparison, Tenda Group has done almost perfect in these aspects, which is beyond reproach."

"So Mr. Pei's meaning is very clear. What he is targeting is not a tangible entity of the Tenda Group, but the intangible will that will eventually appear on the Tenda Group."

"In fact, Mr. Pei never seems to regard the anti-Tengda alliance as a danger, but as an external help."

"On the one hand, Tenda Group is rapidly expanding, setting off new business model changes in various fields, and providing better services to ordinary consumers. This will inevitably hit the forces of the anti-Tengda alliance, which puts the two sides at a natural confrontation."

"But for Mr. Pei, the anti-Tengda alliance does not pose any threat to the business model at all, so naturally it does not need to be taken seriously."

"But on the other hand, as the power of companies like the Anti-Tengda Alliance continues to weaken, that invisible will will eventually find a better host, which is the Tenda Group. The moment the dragon-slaying warrior picks up the sword, he becomes a dragon The danger has been hovering over him."

"Boss Pei has been very vigilant."

"Everyone should be impressed by the empty seats in the last scene of the game "The Future You Choose"."

"In the game, all the decisions of Tenda Group actually reflect the self-will of the entire company. It is constantly expanding and developing, and the reason why it can be defeated by the rebels is because of the will of the company embodied by the people in charge. Part of that is the last act of kindness in not letting that will take over the corporate army and defense."

"The throne in the game is empty, but in reality there is someone on the throne, and that is Mr. Pei."

"This throne is not a kind of power, but a kind of shackle."

"Sitting on the throne, Mr. Pei, what he thinks about every day is not how to continue to expand his territory, but racking his brains to think about how not to be controlled by this invisible will. Not to become its puppet, It will not become the spokesperson of the invisible will in the world."

"It's a danger that no one else feels."

"Netizens feel that Tenda Group is flourishing and rejoicing, and the people in charge also think that they are doing very meaningful things and constantly realizing their own life value. But only Mr. Pei saw all this from the highest angle and realized a A dreadful shadow is slowly looming."

"So this work can be seen as a warning letter from Mr. Pei or as a crusade."

"It warns everyone that we must always pay attention to monitoring the changes of Tenda Group. We must always be ready for the possibility of Tenda Group becoming the most dangerous enemy. At the same time, we also hope that we can use the strength of all netizens and all employees of Tenda Group to work together. Lock this invisible will firmly in a cage so that it will never become Tengda's true master."

"This is a very difficult task. President Pei alone cannot accomplish it alone. It requires everyone's joint efforts."

"No one stays on the throne forever, but the throne lasts forever."

"I think this is the most serious challenge for Pei in general."

"And why the title of the game and movie is called "The Future You Choose" is very clear."

"What it implies is not a definite future, and it does not mean that Tenda will definitely develop into a terrible monopoly in the future, and when there is such a terrible monopoly, it is not necessarily the Tenda Group."

"The name suggests a big trend."

"It can be interpreted as if everyone is not vigilant, then in the future, scenes in games and movies may appear. Although they will not be exactly the same, they will be similar in core."

"At the same time, it can be interpreted that in reality, how Tenda Group will develop depends on everyone's common choice. The future is still in everyone's hands."

"And that's what this game is about."

"Of course, the above is just my family's opinion, there must be many immature places."

"This time I hope that everyone can complete this interpretation together with me."

"As an interpreter, I have analyzed many Tenda games and movies, and there are comrades like Senior He An who once fought side by side with me."

"This time, I hope that everyone can join in this interpretation, and work together to solve the puzzle that Mr. Pei left us in virtual and reality, and do our best for the next step of the development of Tenda Group."

"Thank you everyone!"


After watching the video, Pei Qian was completely stunned.

Can it still be like this?

Pei Qian originally thought that he had blocked all the roads of Qiao Laoshi.The only thing Qiao Laoshi can do is to interpret it according to his original intention.So as to get the last truth buried in Pei Qian's heart.

But I didn't expect Qiao Laoshi to make a coquettish drift. On the surface, he followed the path given by Mr. Pei, but in fact he was walking backwards.

It's all messed up now!

Not only is the plot of the "Future You Choose" game and movie well combined, but "My Property" is also incidentally included.

These three works, together with what Pei Qian said before, point to reality and endow them with brand new meanings.

If it is a misunderstanding of Pei Qian's original intention, it seems that it is not entirely a misunderstanding.

There are many words in it, especially "Boss Pei regards Tengda Group as the biggest enemy." This sentence is quite correct. "Mr. Pei hopes that everyone can fight side by side with him to contain the Tenda Group." This sentence is also quite correct.

But the specific interpretation seems to be very wrong.

The direction of interpretation seems to be right, but not quite right.

Misunderstood, but the final result seems to be not far from Pei Qian's original expectation.

From Pei Qian's own point of view, what Qiao Laoshi said was a complete misunderstanding.

But if Pei Qian didn't put his own subjective emotions into it, and evaluated Qiao Laoshi's video from an objective point of view, but felt that what he said seemed very reasonable, he would almost be convinced by Qiao Laoshi.

And judging from the results, if everyone can unite together according to what Qiao Laoshi said, and be vigilant against Tenda Group, then it seems that it is not a bad thing for Pei Qian's money-losing business.

Pei Qian is very helpless, the current state has completely exceeded his expectations, and it has also completely exceeded his ability to control.

Forget it, take one step at a time and let nature take its course.

 Push a friend's book, heal the director, the path of spirituality and entertainment
(End of this chapter)

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