To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1654 Is the final judgment coming?

Chapter 1654 Is the final judgment coming?
Qiao Liang was completely stunned. He never expected that Mr. Pei would answer this question like this.

How is this possible?
Mr. Pei even made it very clear that he made games and movies to blacken himself.

Do you really think that the reputation of Tenda Group is too good?
If this is the case, then the current trend of public opinion is not difficult to understand. Boss Pei is equivalent to cooperating with the anti-Tengda alliance.All movies have been released, and they are all in the Heitengda Group.

Under the double blessing, it is a matter of course that netizens feel distrust of Tenda Group.

Seeing Qiao Liang's expression of doubting his life, Pei Qian couldn't help but chuckled inwardly.

Old Qiao, old Qiao, I didn't expect you to have today.

He was afraid that what he said was not clear enough, so he added two more knives: "You can record the next paragraph and put it in the video."

"In fact, I have always had one of my biggest wishes, that is, I hope that all consumers can regard Tenda Group as their biggest enemy."

"But these consumers just regard Tenda Group as their greatest friend."

"I think Tenda Group is a very dangerous and terrifying existence. It's just that many people don't know enough about his danger."

"I hope that through the opportunities of games and movies, everyone can deeply understand this point. Judging from the current situation, this goal has been perfectly achieved."

"So, I think The Future You Choose has been a huge success so far, and I don't want anything more from him."

"If you are going to make a video, I hope to convey this concept to all gamers and consumers."

"Tengda Group is the most evil company in the world, everyone must join forces and attack it, and let me lose all my money!"

After saying these words, Pei Qian felt refreshed.

It's comfortable, it's comfortable.

In fact, he wanted to say this two or three years ago, but he couldn't say it at that time, and it was useless to say it.

Because Tenda Group was still a small company at that time, and it was still in the stage of vigorous development.It's really not dangerous at all.Even if Pei Qian said it, no one would really take it seriously.

But things are different now.

Tenda Group has developed rapidly and gained market dominance in many industries, and the entire company has grown into a behemoth.It does have certain dangers, this is an undeniable fact.

So what Pei Qian said at this time is true to a certain extent, and it can indeed have a very good effect, ensuring that this kind of information will not be misinterpreted or missing during the transmission process.

Seeing Qiao Laoshi's suspicious expression on his face, Pei Qian smiled slightly.

He has even imagined a picture of turning his back on him in the new video and refuting everyone in the Tenda Group because of love and hatred.

If that's the case, it's perfect!

Until he returned to his home, Qiao Liang was still in a dazed state.

Meeting Mr. Pei should have been something to be happy about. Hearing Mr. Pei interpret the games and movies himself is even more pleasing.

However, the combination of these two kinds of happiness brought great confusion to Qiao Liang.

He was already very confused, and now he is even more confused.

Because all the judgments made by Qiao Liang before have the same prerequisite: that is, it is impossible for Tengda to really blackmail himself.Whether it's a game or a movie, treating Tenda Group as a villain is just a form of artistic expression, and there must be a deeper connotation in it.

But now Mr. Pei has directly hammered it, saying yes, I was just blackmailing myself.

He also provided a recording, saying that Tenda Group is a very dangerous and terrifying existence. I hope everyone can realize this, and everyone must join forces and attack it.

This is simply inexplicable.

Qiao Liang was still wondering why he couldn't come up with the correct answer no matter how hard he thought, but now it seemed that he had ruled out the correct answer when he came up.

But this correct answer made him feel very unbelievable. How could the boss of the company hack his own company?
If it's a company with a complicated power structure, it's fine. Maybe the president often doesn't have absolute control, and the company's development doesn't depend entirely on the president's will.

The top and bottom of the Ketenda Group are obviously convinced by Boss Pei.It can be said that the Tengda Group is the intuitive manifestation of Mr. Pei's will. Isn't Mr. Pei blacking the Tengda Group equal to blacking himself and denying himself?
Could it be that Mr. Pei meant that the thing he regretted most was founding Tenda Group.

Well, Mr. Pei seems to have said something similar, but.No matter how you think about it, such words are just pretending.

Qiao Liang sat in front of the computer, very depressed, and deleted all the manuscripts he had prepared, because these manuscripts were obviously no longer needed.

But he still didn't give up and was still thinking hard.Can some new breakthroughs be found in the cracks?

"Boss Pei's expression is very sincere when he said this, it doesn't look like a fake at all."

"What if I use this as the starting point for my analysis? Assuming that Mr. Pei really wants to black Tengda Group, then what exactly does he want to black?"

"Is it blackmailing a specific employee or person in charge? That's definitely not possible. If Mr. Pei dislikes someone, he would have fired him long ago."

"Is it the corporate culture and internal atmosphere of the black company? It shouldn't be. Although these are troublesome, as the president, Pei can always change slowly."

"Could it be that Hei is the president himself? This is even more outrageous."


"It's not these things that Mr. Pei is black, but something else that exists inside the Tenda Group. That is... that invisible will!"

"It may be because Mr. Pei saw this invisible will flying over the Tenda Group, so he came up with this way to make everyone wary of him."

"Like I said earlier in the video, it's more of an introspection."

"In this way, Mr. Pei's fundamental goal of making games and movies is not to win the public opinion war with the anti-Tengda alliance, at least this is not the primary goal."

"The real goal is to restrict Tenda Group!"

"From this point of view, President Pei is indeed the biggest insider in the Tenda Group, but it also means that Pei is always the one who has been working hard to keep capital in a cage. What he is fighting against is actually the entire Tenda The will of the group to expand and add value to itself."

"For this reason, President Pei even did not hesitate to be on the same front with the anti-Tengda alliance for the time being, using such an extreme method to restrain himself."

"It's all connected, it's all connected."

"That makes a lot of sense."

Qiao Liang suddenly realized what his problem was.

Shallow, or the number of layers shallow!
In fact, there was a problem with the major premise he set at the beginning, so he couldn't deduce the correct conclusion no matter what.

But if I negate my previous major premise, and then raise the whole idea to a higher level, I will suddenly find that all the problems that were bothering me have been solved.

And in this way, a deeper connection was finally found between the content of the game and the movie.

Once this connection is established, it will bring heavy shackles to Tenda Group, but the same.That too.The strongest armor and the noblest crown.

Thinking of this, Qiao Liang immediately decided to explode another video.

What he wants to interpret this time is not just games or movies, but to make this public opinion war a final conclusion.Let Boss Pei's true intentions be revealed to the world, and let everyone work with Boss Pei to firmly contain that invisible will!



October 9, Wednesday.

Pei Qian was in a good mood watching the online discussion in the office.

The current trend of public opinion is very beneficial to him. If he can use this trend of public opinion to reduce Tenda's various performances and match it with some money-burning activities, then the settlement of this cycle will be completely stable.

It's just a pity that the anti-Tengda alliance has not been able to give the final blow so far.

It seems that this role can only be played by Qiao Laoshi.

Pei Qian still remembered the shocked, confused and puzzled expression on his face after he shared his inner thoughts with Qiao Laoshi in the coffee shop.

Thinking about it this way, it should only be a matter of time before love turns into hatred.

If Qiao Laoshi can change his past, cut off his connection with Tenda Group, and make Pei Qian's recording public.Then it should be able to play a decisive role.

It was a great help to Pei Qian's loss-making business.

At this moment, the Air Lidao website APP popped up a notification sound of special concern.

Qiao Laoshi finally released a new video!
"Oh, is my final judgment finally coming?"

With great excitement, Pei Qian quickly clicked on the video to check it out.

(End of this chapter)

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