To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1587 I feel like a ghost

Chapter 1587 I feel like a ghost

Wu Bin came up with another plan after hearing this: "This plan is mainly aimed at the reform of Boqun Media's business."

"First of all, all accounts controlled by Boqun Media must issue a statement. The content of the statement is: the content of the previous accounts more or less exaggerated facts and guided emotions. In the next period of time, Boqun Media will stop rectification The previous manuscripts or videos were either edited and re-uploaded, or deleted completely!"

"As for whether to modify or completely delete the content, the department will conduct self-examination and self-examination! After a while, I will review the content again. If any omissions are found, the corresponding department will be responsible."

"Secondly, for those small accounts that plagiarize and wash manuscripts, all of them will be cut off, and all energy will be concentrated on a few large accounts!"

"We must get rid of all plagiarized and plagiarized content, and be strict with self-discipline!"

"In the future, the content published by each account can be to promote positive energy, or to expose problems or to popularize science. But the premise must be realistic, objective and fair, and strive to achieve the greatest degree of professionalism. For doubtful views, Be sure to indicate that it is a controversial point of view to prevent adverse effects!"

"In addition, we have to spend a lot of money to recruit a professional team. When it comes to relevant content, we must find a professional team to check, and delete unreasonable content in a timely manner."

"On this basis, the operation team of each account can consider combining the characteristics of the account before to make some differences. For example, some accounts can take a relaxed, humorous and daily route, while some accounts can take a professional and serious route."

"This is roughly the plan. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone looked at Wei Jinghui speechlessly.

Obviously, everyone felt that there were too many inadequacies in this plan, but Wei Jinghui didn't speak, and they didn't dare to raise doubts.

Wei Jinghui didn't expect Wu Bin to make such a ruthless attack, so he coughed twice in embarrassment: "I think Mr. Wu Bin's plan is very good, everyone must follow it!"

"However, the changes to this plan are relatively large. If you have any questions, it is best to raise them now, and complete supplements to this plan must be fully implemented on paper!"

Wei Jinghui was worried that some clauses were too broad, and the subordinates took advantage of the loopholes in the implementation process, which might lead to disputes.

At that time, if Wu Bin and Tengda Group say that the plan is okay, but that Boqun Media's people are of poor quality and that there is a mistake in execution, it will also greatly reduce the power of this bullet of public opinion!

Completely finalize Wu Bin's plan, then implement it on paper, and implement it carefully according to this plan.

In this way, if there is any problem with Boqun Media's business, it will be entirely the fault of Wu Bin and Tenda Group!

As soon as Wei Jinghui said this, the meeting room immediately came alive.

"Mr. Wu Bin, I have a question. You said just now that the small accounts for editing manuscripts were completely abandoned, so what should the people who were in charge of operating those small accounts do?"

Wu Bin replied: "Incorporate them into the operation and content teams of other large accounts as much as possible, or organize them to establish and operate new accounts."

The person who asked the question asked again: "What if they are not capable enough to do these jobs?"

The main business of these small accounts is manuscript laundering and plagiarism, and the people responsible for operating these small accounts are often incapable of doing originality and content output. What they do is purely physical work, and their wages are also very low.

Now they are not allowed to wash manuscripts and plagiarize, but to let them operate new accounts by themselves, which is completely beyond their ability!

Wu Bin said: "It's very easy to handle. I will be dismissed according to the company's regulations and give corresponding economic compensation!"

Another person asked: "Mr. Wu Bin, I think this strategy of not working overtime is a bit too idealistic. After all, we are a self-media company."

"If there are any hot spots that happen in the middle of the night, we can't publish the manuscript until we go to work the next day, right?"

Wu Bin asked: "Why not? Time is important, but quality is more important!"

"Other self-media are trying their best to catch hot spots, which is already a highly reversed state. What does it matter if it is earlier or later? The important thing is to put forward insights, and have completely different content from other self-media!"

"These insights come from daily understanding and accumulation. Not working overtime is to ensure that everyone has enough time to accumulate!"

The person who asked the question asked again: "Mr. Wu Bin, what should I do if the day's work is not finished before the end of work and the overtime quota is used up?"

Wu Bin replied with a smile: "For this reason, first of all, it depends on whether the workload is reasonable. If the workload assigned is too much, it is the supervisor's problem. If there is a shortage of manpower, you can recruit again. If the supervisor arranges the workload improperly, then criticize the supervisor. Education. Secondly, if it is a problem of personal work ability, we should have a persuasive talk, and the department will help him improve his work efficiency.

Everyone asked questions in turn, including some regulations and definitions of concepts.

For example, how to select the professional team, what to do if no professionals can be found to check, whether the content selected by each department is reasonable, how to define it, etc.

Wu Bin gave all the answers one by one.

In short, it is to follow two principles: first, a clear conscience, and second, professional support!
If you don't understand it, then go to a professional. If you can't find a professional, then even if the topic is very popular, you will never do it!

Some hotspots are harmless if you have enough ability to rub them, but if you don’t have enough ability, you must not rub them.Because once you rub it, you are abusing the influence of your self-media account, and you will definitely be backlashed!

Everyone asked questions while recording.

The more Wei Jinghui listened, the happier he became, because he already felt that Wu Bin's business improvement was absolutely impossible to succeed!
For self-media, popularity is life!
Because self-media is different from traditional media, it is extremely lack of exposure channels.If the self-media wants to get ahead and get enough attention, it must always pay attention to the current hot spots, and try its best to catch the audience's attention, or stimulate discussions and enthusiasm by leading topics, posting in comment areas, etc. , resulting in viral transmission effects.

But each of Wu Bin's plans is on the lifeline of the self-media, which is the popularity!

With this set of changes, these accounts controlled by Boqun Media have indeed become some very positive and sunny accounts!

But where does the heat come from?Will anyone actually watch this kind of stuff?

Based on Wei Jinghui's understanding of the self-media industry, he believes that this thing will definitely not be popular!

It is already a certainty that these accounts of Boqun Media will lose fans and become cool on a large scale!

Thinking of this, Wei Jinghui knocked on the table with a smile on his face: "Okay, the plan is very clear, please follow this plan to carry out rectification immediately."

"All rectifications are based on what Mr. Wu Bin said!"


Wu Bin left the conference room and did not go back to his desk directly. Instead, he pretended to go to the bathroom, came to an empty corner, and called Pei Qian.

"President Pei, I have something very important to report to you about Boqun Media."

Pei Qian's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly surprised: "What is it?"

Wu Bin calmed down his excitement and said, "I suspect that Boqun Media may be an undercover agent sent by the Anti-Tengda Alliance, because their attitude is obviously wrong!"

Pei Qian was even more surprised: "How to say?"

Wu Bin explained: "Most companies are relatively unfamiliar with Tenda's management model and business model. When they hear about these plans, their first reaction must be doubts or even resistance."

"Even Min Jingchao encountered all kinds of resistance when he implemented this plan in Tianhuo Studio and Longyu Group, but he has strong professional ability, so he was able to solve these problems smoothly."

"Zhou Muyan from Tianhuo Studio is your close friend, and Longyu Group has already obtained enough sweetness from the project "Bullet Scar 2", so their cooperation with Tengda is urgent. In addition, Min Jingchao has GOG's successful operation experience is a recognized expert in game operation, and his words still carry a lot of weight!"

"The situation of Boqun Media is a bit strange."

"Firstly, Wei Jinghui, the person in charge of Boqun Media, did not show admiration for you, which is enough to show that he doesn't know you well, and he doesn't trust the Tengda model. Second, Boqun Media has always I don’t have any business dealings with Tenda Group, and I don’t have any professional background in self-media.”

"Under such circumstances, I proposed a drastic reform plan, and they didn't raise any questions at all. They just asked for some details, and then completely followed and implemented it!"

"Wei Jinghui seems to have never considered that these plans may have a huge negative impact on Boqun Media in the early stage, but has repeatedly expressed complete trust and firm support to me."

"This is really unreasonable!"

Pei Qian smiled on the other end of the phone, but said seriously: "Maybe you just met a sensible company boss?"

Wu Bin immediately denied: "Impossible! If this Wei Jinghui is really a reliable boss with a relatively high level of ideological consciousness, he will definitely not turn Boqun Media into what it is now!"

"In my opinion, Boqun Media is not fundamentally different from other self-media companies. It is nothing more than plagiarism, selling anxiety, and creating hatred. Behind these actions must represent the intentions and values ​​​​of the company's boss! "

"It can't be that Wei Jinghui just sat comfortably with the traffic, and suddenly regretted it? The possibility of this is too low!"

"Mr. Pei, I think that if necessary, we can terminate the cooperation with Boqun Media. The Tenda Cooperation Department is to help those companies with positive energy and willing to fight side by side with Tenda. For these companies, the origin is unknown, and even clearly harbors Malicious companies, we can refuse to cooperate!"

On the other end of the phone, Pei Qian hurriedly stopped, "I don't think so!"

Wu Bin was taken aback: "How to say?"

Pei Qian explained: "First of all, your arguments are all based on your guesswork, and there is no real evidence. We can't arbitrarily doubt every company that wants to cooperate with Tenda."

"Secondly, even if your suspicions are true, this cooperation should continue."

Wu Bin was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses: "You mean, the more such a company is, the more it should be reformed by Tengda's thinking and turn our enemies into our allies?"

Pei Qian held back his joy and said calmly, "You can understand it this way."

Wu Bin suddenly felt enlightened, and said excitedly: "Mr. Pei, I got it!"

"We must believe that the spirit of Tengda can turn decay into magic. The more such a company is, the more obvious the effect will be!"

"Even if Wei Jinghui has some ideas in his heart, as long as he fully supports my reform of Boqun Media, then the final result must be beneficial to us."

"Thank you, Mr. Pei, I fully understand. I will definitely reform Boqun Media and find a way to make him really a firm ally of Tengda!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Bin felt that his thinking was clearer than ever, and his thoughts were firmer than ever!
So what if the company is suspicious?
The spirit of Tengda is a truly kingly spirit, and any tricks are vulnerable!

As the person who knows the Tengda spirit best, Wu Bin has strong confidence in the Tengda spirit.

Just like what Pei Qian said when he saw Wu Bin off, most of the truths can be understood!
The strong department of Tenda Group lies in the game and film departments, which are all cultural industries.

Self-media can also be regarded as a part of the cultural industry. As long as Wu Bin strictly implements the corresponding rules, then Boqun Media will definitely be able to regain its new life!
(End of this chapter)

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