Chapter 289: Chapter 289
The man in the mask and black hoody jacket seemed to be a figure straight out of a fantasy world. His jacket was unlike any other, with its constantly moving and swirling fabric that seemed to be alive. He introduced himself as Lā mǐ'ěr, a name that struck fear into the hearts of those who heard it. As the last Ogre standing in front of him raised its axe to strike, some brave camera men were able to capture the moment. To everyone's shock, the human warrior was able to take the Ogre's direct strike with ease, barely flinching as the axe met his bar mace.
The impact was so strong that the Ogre's axe was chipped, a testament to the incredible strength of the man in front of him. The beast soon realized that its opponent was not to be underestimated and let out a deafening roar, alerting its companions to the danger.
It jumped backwards, gaining about 10 meters of distance from the human warrior. The chill that ran down its spine as it looked into the golden eyes of its enemy was enough to make it realize that this was not a battle it could easily win. Lā mǐ'ěr never once looked away or broke his gaze, his focus unwavering.
He summoned his trusted companion, Beta, and gave the order to begin the eradication of the Ogres and to capture their leader for interrogation. It was clear that these creatures possessed intelligence that could be valuable for them,
This was the very first time Beta was seen publicly, but like her master, her face was covered with the similar mask the man named Lā mǐ'ěr was wearing. Ramiel didn't need to order his forces of his plan because of the collective connection of all those under his command who understood his plan instantly.
They had been trained to communicate silently through a network of encrypted messages, making verbal commands unnecessary. Ramiel's leadership style relied on this unspoken understanding, allowing his forces to act swiftly and efficiently without the need for explicit instructions.
Beta steps forward, casts a voice-amplification spell, and introduces his master to the remaining people in the area. As the amplified voice boomed through the air, Beta's eyes scanned the crowd, searching for any signs of resistance or dissent. she gave out instructions that their organization will help them in reclaiming the land they desperately trying to take back from the enemy.,
"Greetings, I am Imperial Grand Vicegerent Beta serving under the command of Crimson Throne, the Black Battle Arch Mage Lā mǐ'ěr. "
"Our organization has heard of your struggles, and we are here to offer our assistance in reclaiming the land that rightfully belongs to you."
Beta's words resonated as they were broadcast all over the news around the world.
Many speculate this was a secret ethereal group created. The news of Beta's announcement sparked curiosity and intrigue among the masses, fueling rumors about the origins and intentions of this mysterious ethereal group. People wondered if they possessed supernatural powers or had access to advanced technology that enabled them to intervene in such conflicts.
Thundering sound was heard as the other Ogres came to their fallen companions aid , their presence sending shockwaves through the airport runway.. As most of the Jack of Iron came out, most of the ethereal Guild members that saw this were shock as these towering creatures were running toward them bearing all their anger and force, all twelve fully armed Jack of Iron came.
The very ground tremble as the enemy ran, like hundreds of elephants were stampeding toward them. the remining news reported were still broadcasting while the ethereal guilds were preparing fr the worst, they could not leave their post , knowing very well what will happen if they didn't fight the in coming monsters,
They were all exhausted and hurt, and even Amisha Hartono, with the few people left, was shaking with fear as their leader was still being treated by their healers. She was aware of the seriousness of the situation and was relieved to be alive, but she thought it was crazy that two people were facing such a large force.
Lā mǐ'ěr and a five-foot-five woman with short black curly hair were waiting for the enemy, who was just 100 meters away from them. Soon, the man who called himself Lā mǐ'ěr raised his hand and gave out a command.
"Begin, come forth my Army!"
Multiple small rifts opened, and numerous warriors wearing black-clad armor poured out. The warriors moved swiftly and skillfully, their weapons gleaming with mana, as they dashed toward the enemy. The Jack of Iron saw the vast army coming out of the Rift; they were all trembling in fear as they seemed to know who they were dealing with.
One ogre uttered a word that, while incomprehensible to the Jack of Iron, sent a chill down his spine. The Ogres were known for their immense strength and brutality, and the fact that they were afraid meant that the warriors pouring out of the Rift must be truly formidable. The Jack of Iron tightened his grip on his own weapon, preparing himself for a battle unlike any he had ever faced before.
"To sú Pekelní rytieri!"
"Those are Hellknights!"
"Prečo sú tu na Urthe?"
"Why are they here on Urth?"
"Nikdy nespomenuli, že táto ríša bola pod jeho ochranou!"
"They never mentioned that this realm was under his protection!"
"Rýchlo o tom povedz druhému veliteľovi kmeňa!"
"Tell the tribe's second commander about this quickly!"
As the two ogres turned around, the entire force of their army was already running toward them, including their tribe's second commander. The Jack of Iron's heart raced as he watched the ogres react with shock to the approaching Hellknights.
He quickly realized that their presence meant that this realm was under the protection of a powerful entity. Without wasting another moment, he sprinted towards the tribe's second commander, urgency fueling his every step.
Their distance was around 100 meters, and the Jack of Irons number was around 80. They were massive in size, comparable to the army in front of them, which only stood an average height of 6 feet, but this wasn't the reason they stopped running toward them.
As the wearing black-clad armor were still growing, the army was nearing more than ten thousand, filling the entire end of the airport runway with their sheer numbers. The commander knew that if they didn't act quickly, they would be completely overwhelmed. He could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he prepared to lead his tribe into battle against this formidable enemy.
They roar, trying to gauge the enemy, searching for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in their formation. The commander's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the gravity of the situation—their survival depended on their ability to outsmart and outmaneuver this massive army.
The stories they heard when they were in the home world said that these warriors were un killable, as if the god of chaos and death were leading them. The tribe's second commander was searching for the Hellknights leader. It spotted Beta, who was imitating a powerful aura, and beside her was another warrior who seemed to be her guard.
This foolish assumption was a huge mistake. The tribe's second commander was given a summoning artifact in case of an emergency by their benefactor. With a deep breath, the tribe's second commander activated the summoning artifact, unleashing a powerful force that engulfed the area. As the energy dissipated,
The summoning spell was the ogres' secret weapon, shifting the tide of battle in their favor. Thousands of different sorts of Chimera emerged, standing around five feet tall. These beasts looked like they had been subjected to experiments, and each had an insignia visible on its infused metal plate skin. Their tribe's future now depends on these barbaric creatures.
Beta recalls the insignia and wanted to discuss her finding as soon as the battle was over, she could only mention one thing to her master:
"My lord, somebody is watching this fight; please be careful."
"I know Beta; the moment I came here, they were already watching beyond the Red Gate."
"Echo, Alpha, come here and protect his highness!"
Information flowed to all the Hellknights, and Ramiel already knew that the enemy causing chaos in Sheol was moving on to other realms since there was still a small amount of residual energy lingering around the Red Dimensional Gate. The two reappeared, but this time Echo was silent and had already begun to cast powerful spells around their master, while Alpha was already in her wolf dragon form.
This was the third time Ramiel had sensed a connection or familiarity with the specific unknown energy; it was tiny but incredibly strong, and he still didn't know why it felt familiar to him. Ramiel couldn't get rid of the notion that the energy had deep significance when he considered how familiar it seemed.
He pondered whether he was somehow connected to this unidentified energy or if it was something completely different that he had to discover. In any case, Ramiel was aware that he needed to conduct additional research and get more data.
As Beta observed the ogres on the airport runway, she couldn't help but notice their immense strength and agility, despite their crude appearance. It was clear that these summoned chimera had also been enhanced through some sort of experimentation, which only added to their formidable presence on the battlefield. However, what intrigued Beta even more was the distinct insignia she spotted on their infused metal plate skin. It was a symbol she had seen before, and it raised questions about why the tenth Demiurgos lord realm was behind these modified ogres.
She knew that once the battle concluded, she needed to discuss her findings with her master and warn him about the potential threat of someone watching their fight.
After a few minutes, a loud roar came, and the earth trembled as the 17 thousand square meter Husein Sastranegara International Airport terminal shook under the weight of an approaching Ogre army running on the two thousand-meter runway.
Everybody that was watching both live on the scene and watching at their homes and online, as their hearts raced as they realized that the battle was about to begin, the hellknights gave out a shout to affirm their king's command. In unison, they all shouted.
"For the glory and honor!"