Chapter 290: Chapter 290
Ramiels hell knight's army rushed forward the Ogres forces, the dimensional gate he opened summoned was still active, as more of his army came out like an endless stream of water, the towering Jack of Irons were shock to see the Army of chaos and death were killing them at a fast rate, lie a swarm of locust the entire world was watching in horror as the the huge Ogre army were being butchered mercilessly.
the second tribal leader was able to reach the person assumed was the Hell knights commander and it was Beta, it was a foolish assumption as the towering Ogre stood in front of the two and firmly grip his weapon and with all his might horizontally swung its battle axe side ways to cut them instantly to death.
But as soon as the axe was within Beta reach, she grabbed the one-meter-long sharp axe blade with just her hand, instantly stopping it. The force she excreted was enough to crack the sharp axe blade. The second tribe Ogre leader saw that the man and woman didn't even flinch, and fear suddenly crawled up his spine, signaling the giant to move or else death would surely come.
The ogre had no choice but to force its axe to the ground, relinquishing its hold on the weapon. The short, curly, black-haired woman stood still, holding the battle axe with ease. She was talking to the man wearing a black hooded cloak and a half-lower mask, and his eyes were gold. He was the one actually commanding the hell knights.
The man possessed extraordinary power as if he were in complete control of the situation. His unwavering confidence radiated through their every move, instilling a sense of unease in the ogre leader.
The ogre was still confused, seeing that the man did not emit any mana. The man's lack of mana emission puzzled the ogre even more.
It wondered how someone could possess such power without any visible signs of magic. As the woman and the man continued their conversation, the ogre couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, realizing that its previous threat had been met with an unexpected display of strength.
While his fellow ogres were dying one by one, the ogre leader began to question whether they had underestimated the true capabilities of these seemingly ordinary humans. It started to doubt its own ability to protect its clan from this mysterious duo, unsure of what other hidden powers they might possess.
Ramiel turned around to address those who were still wounded and left everything to Beta. The Ogre second tribe leader was annoyed, knowing the enemy was just a few meters away and was in a crouching defense position.
Ramiel just walked past it while Alpha was walking beside him, as the towering giant could only hold his stance; a single mistake would be its end. Instantaneously, Ramiel emitted a powerful, potent, and raw killing aura that sent shivers down the spines of everyone in its vicinity. The air crackled with energy as Ramiel's eyes glowed with an intensity that could only be described as otherworldly.
The Ogre's second tribe leader, despite its size and strength, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and trepidation in the face of this overwhelming power.
"Order your force to stand down until there is still time."
"Or you all can die here; I know you can understand me."
Lā mǐ'ěr words echoed through the air, his voice carrying a chilling certainty that left no room for doubt. The tribe leader hesitated, caught between the fear of facing this formidable opponent and the instinct to protect their own. They exchanged glances, uncertainty evident in their eyes as they weighed the consequences of defying his warning.
But the ogre race is a stubborn race filled with pride and a deep sense of honor. They could not simply back down without a fight, especially in front of their own people. With determination, the tribe leader spoke up.
"Neskloníme sa pred vašimi hrozbami. Budeme brániť našu hrdosť a našich ľudí všetkým, čo máme."
"We will not bow to your threats. We will defend our pride and our people with everything we have."
"Then you will all die here!"
The Second Ogre leader stood up as Lā mǐ'ěr stopped walking and was standing as the huge Jack of Irons stood up and gave out a roar and introduced itself.
"Som Dakurg, veliteľ druhého kmeňa!"
"I am Dakurg, second tribe commander!"
The tribe leader's voice quivered with intensity as it continued,
"Vydržali sme nespočetné množstvo bitiek a vyšli sme víťazne."
"We have endured countless battles and emerged victorious."
"Nenecháme sa zastrašiť vašou prítomnosťou ani vašimi prázdnymi hrozbami."
"We will not be intimidated by your presence or your empty threats."
Ramiel turned around and instantly vanished in front of the Ogre Dakurg line of sight when a sharp pain shot through his chest. He looked down to see a huge hole , something just pierced its heart. Gasping for breath, qhile blood burst out from the wound, soon the 25 foot tall ogre named Dakurg collapsed to the ground, his words cut short. The remaining ogres stared in shock as their leader fell, realizing that their victory was not as certain as they had believed.
Beta smiles and orders Echo to persuade the remaining ogres to surrender; without their strongest, they lose all hope of winning the battle. Echo, with a confident smirk, approached the ogres and used his persuasive skills to convince them to lay down their weapons and surrender peacefully.
The ogres, now without their leader and faced with the overwhelming force of the Hell Knights army, reluctantly agreed and dropped their weapons in defeat. Three dozen both male and female ogres were still alive but severely wounded.
Echo and Sierra conducted proper handling of those who surrendered. Echo opened the gateway toward her speaking room. One by one, the ogres that surrendered entered the gate with hesitancy, but they could do nothing as they were being escorted by Gamma and Sigma. These two were so brutal and strong that they now felt fear for the first time in their lives.
"Toto nie je hrozba. ale ak odmietneš riadiť sa pokynmi našich majstrov, želáš si, aby som ťa už zabil"
"this not a threat. but if you refuse to follow our masters instruction, you wish i have killed you already"
As the ogres entered the speaking room, Echo assured them that they would be treated fairly and given medical attention. Because they were different, their master gave them the opportunity to regain their honor and redeem themselves. Echo explained that the king believed in second chances and saw potential in the Ogres to become allies rather than enemies.
She promised to provide them with training and guidance; she just needed information on why they entered this realm that their king was protecting, and she was hoping they would choose a path of cooperation.
She emphasized the importance of finding a peaceful resolution and urged them to consider it, or they would beg her to just kill them.
The 15-foot Ogres were filled with fear as a 4-foot girl could emit a murderous aura far bigger than their fallen second tribe leader, causing them to tremble in her presence. knowing that the girl possessed a power that could easily overpower them.
They understood that their survival depended on finding a way to coexist with her rather than challenging her dominance. They realized that underestimating her power would be a grave mistake, and they began to contemplate the benefits of forming an alliance rather than facing her wrath.
The speaking room gate closed. most of the Hell knights returned back to Arcane and continued their task of keeping their home safe, in only took a few minutes as the vast number of fully armored knights vanished, and a dark smoke just engulfed them.
Quickly the Indonesian and many other government agencies and military personnel were different countries scrambled to gather information and understand the nature of this unknown force that had caused the sudden disappearance of the fully armored knights. The reporter in the sky observed as they set up command centers and began conducting thorough investigations, hoping to uncover the truth behind this extraordinary event.
when a powerful surge of energy came out of the red-dimensional gate. This was the fear of the other guild leaders; something more powerful was coming out of the rift.
Amisha Hartono saw everything and was amazed that the huge Orge died without even giving a fight. The sight of the ogres surrendering without resistance left her in awe, realizing the sheer might of the Hell Knights' army. However, her amazement quickly turned to concern as she witnessed the surge of energy emanating from the red-dimensional gate.
She was still in pain as the healers tried their best to save her arm. When Lā mǐ'ěr approached them, the Ular Kemba League's remaining members who could feel mana were paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding them in place.
He was already controlling his mana, but some ethereal healers were sensitive to his energy. energy, he introduced himself again and told them he was there to help. He explained that he possessed the power to heal and restore their injured comrade's arm.
As he extended his hand towards the injured, including Amisha Hartono and the Bayangan Licik Guild headed by Aji Baskoro, as they all huddled beside a portion of an airport wall that was at the very far end of the runway, a warm and soothing energy enveloped her, gradually alleviating her pain and restoring her arm to its former state.
Cameras from reporters in the area were broadcasting this. The black wolf next to him suddenly became a young woman and bowed toward his master, as if she could assist in securing the human's removal from the area.
As she mentioned that the creature that would soon come out of the rift was one of her lower kin, Lā mǐ'ěr nodded and politely told the Ethereal to leave this matter to him. Aji Baskoro wanted to stay and continue the fight, but feeling the massive energy leaking out of the rift might be a level hearing a three-digit he felt compelled to reconsider.
He knew that facing a creature of such power would require a strategic approach and gathering more information. Aji Baskoro reluctantly stepped back, realizing that his force alone might not be enough to handle the imminent threat. He decided to trust Lā mǐ'ěr's judgment and focus on devising a plan that would ensure the safety of their people in the face of this formidable adversary.
And when Aji Baskoro saw how big and strong his forces were, he couldn't help but feel uneasy about the enormous force on the open runway ground. Since this guild had obviously gathered a sizable army, Aji needed to gather support and supplies in order to have any chance of surviving whatever was coming out of the red rift.
The Jack of Iron were already difficult for them to handle and seeing how easily his army could kill and subdue those ogres that had already killed many of their people, Aji realized that their previous encounters with the Jack of Iron were just a glimpse of the true power these creatures possessed.
The thought of facing them again head-on without proper reinforcements sent shivers down his spine. It was evident that their survival depended on finding allies who could match the strength and numbers of their enemy's army.