Chapter 288: Chapter 288
The crew, armed with their microphones and cameras, was determined to get the scoop of a lifetime. The lead reporter, with beads of sweat forming on his forehead, bravely stepped forward and began to communicate with the ogres. The four ogres were surprised to see human humans approaching them. The other two reporters quickly snapped photos, recorded the interaction, and broadcast it live, capturing the attention of the entire news world.
It was towering over them. The lead reported feeling a sudden burst of adrenaline, as he knew this event would propel his career to great heights, but he was wrong. The orge grabbed him and quickly took a bite of his half-body, instantly killing him while the other two ogres were toying with their meal. One of the cameramen got his limbs and legs torn off the camera he was holding to the ground, but the small body camera attached to his vest was broadcasting all of the horrifying events to the world.
Despite the tragic outcome, the cameraman's dedication to his work allowed the world to witness the horrifying events in real time. The broadcast served as a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurk in unexpected places, leaving viewers shocked and disturbed by what they had witnessed.
Amisha saw this and couldn't help but feel a mix of disparity and fear for the reporter's foolishness. She realized that capturing such footage requires indeed immense courage and a commitment to bringing important stories to light, but letting pride and ego consume their mind was a dangerous mistake. It is crucial for journalists to prioritize their safety and well-being while reporting in dangerous situations.
She was 10 meters away from the scene; she was insignificant to them as they were still hungry and eating a single human per monster was not sufficient, so after swallowing the last human body part, they looked toward the area where they saw a group of people running away out of fear and desperation, but the 25-foot-tall ogre was faster. It only took a few seconds for the ogres to reach them.
When ten members of the Bayangan Licik Guild headed by Aji Baskoro , ran past her as they all rushed toward the four fully armed ogres, she realized the severity of the situation. The Guild members seemed determined and well-prepared, but the sheer size and strength of the ogres made her doubt their chances of success.
She hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to join them or find a way to escape herself, Amisha never felt helpless in her teen years, even at a young age. She never backs down from a fight, especially if she is on the right side of justice and fairness. Bullies at her high school were beaten down, and even when she was overwhelmed, wounded, and hurt, her courage never faltered. But facing these monsters made her question her own abilities for the first time.
The ogres towered over all of them, their grotesque features and menacing growls filling her with a sense of dread. Their sheer size and strength seemed insurmountable, causing her to doubt whether her skills and bravery were enough to defeat them. Amisha's heart raced as she weighed the risks of joining the others versus finding a way to escape on her own. Their menacing growls echoed through the landscape
Amisha took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. She knew that if she chose to join the Guild members and rise from the ranks and become a leader solely by using her skills and ability to save lives, now that her enemies were unlike those creatures she had encountered and defeated in the past, she would have to push past her doubts and rely on her training to overcome this seemingly insurmountable challenge.
She was able to regain hold of her fear and decided to face the enemy head-on. The screams and panic were heard, and Aji Baskoro guild members were helpless to secure the lives of the reporters as they were being slaughtered and eaten mercilessly live on the news that everybody was seeing.
Aji Baskoro knew that the situation demanded immediate action. With his heart pounding, he swiftly devised a plan to protect the remaining reporters and put an end to the carnage. He rallied her guild members, reminding them of their duty to save lives and restore order, determined to prove that they were not powerless against this new and terrifying threat.
Meanwhile, Amisha was enraged. She burst into the battlefield without fear or hesitation. Her fists were filled with mana flame, and her martial arts were now being tested. attacked the nearest ogre at its knee with a massive explosive flame fist strike.
The ogre roared in pain and stumbled backwards, giving Amisha time to dodge its retaliatory swing. She quickly followed up with a series of lightning-fast kicks, each one precise and deadly. The ogre was no match for her speed and agility, and soon it fell into a kneeling posture with a smashing, disfigured, bleeding head.
Her attack worked the 25-foot-tall monster to its knees. Amisha's relentless assault continued as she unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, each strike fueled by her unwavering determination. With every hit, the ogre's strength waned, and its resistance crumbled under the weight of Amisha's skill and power. But there was no time to celebrate, as more enemies were approaching.
Amisha's eyes scanned the battlefield, calculating her next move. She knew that she couldn't let her guard down for even a moment, for the safety of her guild members and the innocent lives at stake. With fierce determination, she charged towards the next enemy, an ogre armed with a huge spear. Amisha utilized her knowledge of pressure points and weak spots to make swift and precise strikes. She could feel her adrenaline pumping and her body moving with a fluidity that she had never experienced before.
She was in her element, and nothing was going to stop her from protecting those who needed her. As the battle raged on, Amisha's skills and abilities were put to the ultimate test. She had to continuously strike the ogre while evading each swing, stab, and slash its spear weapon, which was huge and heavy. It carved the concrete floor of the airport runway like it was made of chalk, and dust and concrete debris flew everywhere. Amisha's heart raced as she anticipated each move, her instincts guiding her every action.
She felt the burden of responsibility growing with every hit, knowing that people's lives were in her hands. However, the strain increased when she observed the others around her failing. She lost focus as a result of this, and she committed a mistake that would cost her her right arm. Aji Baskoro saw Amisha fall to the ground and scream in agony as the giant that had taken her right arm was already eating it. Despite losing his left eye and breaking his right leg, they were able to kill one of the ogres.
The sight of Amisha's excruciating pain and the gruesome act of the ogre devouring her severed arm left Aji filled with rage and hatred toward it. He knew that he had to do more to help her and ensure that no more lives would be lost to these monsters. He orders his remaining guild mages to cast aerial bombardment spells at the ogre that was attacking his fellow guild leader. Soon, the sounds of thundering explosions echoed and shook the entire area. It only took a few seconds.
It was enough for Amisha Guild members to aid her. She was carried while making sure the monster was still trapped inside the explosion. Her own few mages also contributed by adding trap spells to the area. Knowing this aerial spell attack might not be enough to kill it, they were almost far enough when the fourth Orge lunged at them with its huge axe. All six that helped Amisha lost their lives while she flew away and landed a few meters away from the fourth ogre.
Her fall was enough to break her rib cage and fracture her leg, but she knew she had to keep fighting. With a surge of adrenaline, Amisha summoned her remaining strength and cast a powerful attack spell on her left fist. She waited and assumed it would pick her up to eat her. Despite the pain coursing through her body, she waited and prepared to face the fourth ogre. Aji Baskoro was desperately trying to rush toward her.
The remaining Ogre stood towering near her body. She was waiting for this; she planned to unleash all her power in a single punch as it picked her up, but the Ogre was smart enough to see her plans. It lifted its huge axe and positioned it above her body, and with a creepy smile, it swung its weapon downward, ready to deliver a fatal blow.
Just as the axe was about to make contact six feet above her body, somebody intercepted the ogre's swing with his own weapon. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. The mysterious figure stood tall, wearing a half mask covering only his lower face. His golden eyes were filled with power, and his black armor was somewhat alive and moving as he blocked the ogre's attack effortlessly. With a swift motion, he pushed the ogre back, giving the woman a chance to catch her breath and be saved.
Ramiel no longer needed to retrain himself; he was confident the Beta spell erasing everybody's memories of him was definitely successful. As he prepared to finish off the ogre, a sudden realization struck him: he needed to establish a relatable background story of his sudden appearance and prove the legitimacy of his plan in order to gain the trust of those around him. He knew that without a convincing backstory, his presence would raise suspicion and potentially jeopardize the task at hand.
Ramiel quickly devised a plan to weave a tale of being the leader of a powerful secretive clan that carved their name in history throughout human history. Grandpa Tang was watching at home when his grandson did something unexpected again. He was able to identify him easily because he and the other elders were strong enough to resist the Beta Memory Wipe spell, which erased the memories of ordinary humans and lower-level Ethereals. While his mother and sister watch, who might that person be?
Grandpa Tang gave out a sigh, while Grandma Mao increased the TV sound, trying to drown out the conversation happening in the room as she was concerned that Amelia and Ariella Laila would uncover the mas warriors' true identity. As the sound grew louder, Grandpa Tang's thoughts drifted back to the tales of his clan's ancient battles and victories he shared with the young Ramie before, wondering if his grandson was destined to follow in his footsteps. Grandpa Tang reminisced about the countless hours spent teaching Ramiel the art of combat and passing down the family's sacred techniques and wisdom, even if he was just a young lad.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that his legacy would live on through him, who possessed a natural talent and determination unlike any other.
As Ramiel continued to spin his intricate web of lies, Grandpa Tang couldn't help but be impressed by his grandson's ability to create such a believable narrative. However, he also couldn't shake off a sense of concern about the potential consequences of Ramiel's actions.