The richest man in the leisurely country

Chapter 160

Chapter 160
"In this way, let me set the tone for you first. Our first-level members must spend 15 in the store, second-level members must spend [-], and third-level members must spend [-]. Fourth-level members must spend At least [-], the highest level of membership is only level five.”

"The basic discount for first-level members is [-]% off, the basic discount for second-level members is [-]% off, and the highest discount is [-]% off. At present, this is only a whole. If there are any other discounts for members of each level in the future, we will It can still be developed.”

After a meeting, the current strategy and tactics of the fruit and vegetable store were divided. Su Mu was more excited and happy than anyone else.

Only with good strategic and tactical support, the business will be better and better, and the business will grow bigger and bigger.

"Okay, I understand. From the second-level member to the third-level member, you can enjoy the corresponding discount for every 5000 yuan spent. For example, 1 yuan is 5000% off, and [-] yuan is [-]% off. "

When Su Mu said this, everyone was a smart person, so they understood it naturally.

After reaching the third-level membership, you have to spend [-] yuan to get the next discount.

For example, the base for a third-level member is [-], and you can enjoy a [-]% discount after spending [-].

"Yes, this is our strategy in the future, we can start implementing it now, first get the number of members, so now our [-]% discount strategy is still going on."

It is said that in crisis, there is opportunity in danger.

No, after this battle, after summing it up again and again, there are very good gains.

"Okay, our strategy will be carried out according to these steps. Now we are competing with Honghua Darun for the market, and we will take this opportunity to promote our members."

"As for the specifics, I will leave it to Li Huan to operate, and let Xiaoying assist you. The two of you belong to two stores. You should get this matter right and implement it as soon as possible. First, go to apply for a card. We have a cash register system. It's a great opportunity."

Everything was arranged properly, and Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, it is very good to let Li Huan do this.

The two of them can cooperate with each other and develop into operations. As for marketing, it is still better to leave it to Lin Lan.

"You must remember that our battle has just begun, and the horn has just blown. Let's take this opportunity to develop members. What I said just now will be implemented after we finish fighting the battle."

In view of the many variables in the battle, Su Mu decided to let them do the basic work first.

"Li Huan, do you know what to do next?"

After all, this is a heavy task. In the end, Su Mu couldn't help but ask a lot.

It's not that you don't trust her, but let her understand the direction of her work.

"Well, I got it. Let's take advantage of our discount to increase the membership base. I don't think there is any need to apply for a membership card. That will only increase our costs."

"Don't we have a complete cash register system? We can use the existing cash register system to collect customer information, and then start to implement the point system, and this is also very beneficial to us in this battle."

"For example, if we want to suddenly increase discounts, we can send messages to customers to inform them, which is very convenient."

Li Huan quickly understood what Su Mu meant, and explained his next steps one by one.

Su Mu nodded in satisfaction after hearing this.

"That's right, the cash register system we have introduced is very complete. The next step is to collect customer information. We can see how much they spend at a glance, and it will be very convenient for our future work."

With Li Huan thinking like this, Su Mu felt relieved.

Next, Su Mu arranged other detailed work before the meeting adjourned.

In view of the seriousness of the matter, Su Mu did not go back early.

After the meeting ended, he chose to go out for dinner with Lin Lan.

"I'm already trying to find the supplier of Jinxin that you asked me to contact. If I find it, as long as conditions permit, their supply should be distributed to us, so that we can stabilize the low-end products."

"However, I feel that this battle is really difficult to fight. If it is not done well, although the entire army will not be wiped out, it will definitely hinder our future development."

Since the opening, this is the first time the two have discussed something so seriously.

The two are business partners, even friends, and they are both on the same front.

Although the results of the meeting and discussion just now are very good, they are all preparations for future development and growth.

"I know, to be honest, the entry of Honghua and Darun disrupted my steps."

"You see, I want to expand production in the village, and I am still carrying out land rectification. Although I have opened two stores, the production is still limited. Moreover, our business has just started, and it is not perfect in all aspects. We are completely feeling the stones. river."

"They stand up to suppress us at this time. To be honest, they are really fast and ruthless."

For these, Su Mu is more worried than anyone else.

So, money is really not that easy to earn.

The current Su Mu can make a small amount of money, but definitely not a lot of money.

"My idea is to first rent the land for rectification and carry out large-scale planting, so as to increase the production, and then steadily, step by step, open branches, and steadily increase the traffic."

"Although my overall layout is not chaotic now, it will be a matter of time before the production increases, but if I can't seize the market share at this time, it will be more difficult to develop in the future. You also know that the prices of our fruit and vegetable products are relatively high. , in the low-end market, there is no advantage at all.”

"If you want to make money, you have to make money from the rich. Our strategy was correct at the beginning, but the middle and low-end market is blank. To be honest, the way I am currently using this method of snapping up is just drinking poison to quench my thirst."

According to Su Mu's original intention, the first thing to open is a boutique fruit and vegetable store to seize the middle and high-end consumer groups in the county.

The tactics and the like at the beginning were all correct, and they were all walking steadily.

But just at the beginning, it aroused the vigilance of the other party, and the other party was also fierce, and came to dismount as soon as he came up, which really made Su Mu feel very difficult.

"So, your starting strategy should be to accumulate capital. After all, you don't have any capital now. You mainly want to rely on this quality to seize market share and accumulate original capital. It's a pity that you were discovered by others at the very beginning."

"If I'm not wrong, when your capital accumulates to a certain level, you will definitely choose to lower the price to gain more customer support. Although it is impossible to win the share of the entire Ming County, 70.00% is definitely no problem. of."

Lin Lan immediately understood what Su Mu meant.

She understood Su Mu's approach very well, but the reality was too difficult.

"Yes, what products do you look at? Only high quality and low price can attract more customers' support. I took the road of differentiation at the beginning, although it has always been such differentiation."

"But only in this way can I complete my capital accumulation. If the price is kept low, then the cycle of my capital accumulation will be lengthened, which will be detrimental to my development. Now Honghua and Darun are forcing me, want to Let me give up this market, so I am very embarrassed."

Su Mu shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his face.

High prices and high profit margins are to take the first step and earn the first pot of gold.

But this step was about to be completed, and it came suddenly, which really gave Su Mu a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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