The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 269 Aggressive

The Elder Council of the Crocodile Clan also tasted the unique and sharp methods of the leader of the Yongye Army for the first time.

During the preparation period between the two sides, the leader of the Yong Ye Army used the merchants to let go of those ordinary crocodile people. Not only did they publicize the crisis to them, but also publicized the friendly negotiations between the high-level leaders of the two sides. He vaguely pointed out that as long as the elders The council is willing to make a little bit of interest concessions, and the grain transport boats led by the Yong Ye army will go down the river, the number of which is large enough for most people to fill their stomachs.

These ordinary crocodile people don't have such a long-term vision of interests, and they don't even have such a strong sense of race. They are more concerned about filling their stomachs. When they hear about such a good thing, they are naturally full of expectations.

Compared with the Elders of the Crocodile Clan, the ordinary Crocodile Clan members of the ethnic groups who have traded with the Yongye Army Leader have a better sense of the Yongye Army Leader.

Not only did the other party bring in the necessities they urgently needed, giving them hope of survival, but the asking price was also quite reasonable.

At least in their view, it is more reasonable, most of the purchased products they can collect by themselves, but the consumption is not large.

Occasionally, I can still receive some gifts from the other party, most of which are grains that are about to go moldy, or meat that is about to rot, but no one will dislike them. In this famine, it is good to eat some, so how can I pay attention to that? many?

In this environment of public opinion, if the Council of Elders dares to say no to this meeting, especially for reasons that seem unbelievable, at least in the eyes of ordinary crocodile people.

The Yong Ye military leader is a little bit behind the scenes, and the reputation of the council of elders is likely to plummet. Many elders will be overthrown by the angry crocodile tribe, and new elders will be re-elected to negotiate with the Yong Ye military leader.

At that time, whether he will step down is secondary, and the worse situation of the crocodile tribe is the main one.

Because at that time, the re-elected elders would definitely go to the leader of the Yongye Army, and under the same conditions, the concessions made would only be greater.

For the first time, the Council of Elders tasted the pressure from public opinion.

At the same time, I also understand that the Yongye army leader tried every means, even at a loss, to open up trade with the crocodile tribe, because they wanted to plot something bigger.

But it's too late to understand now, they dare to cut off the trade with the Yongye Army Leader now, and if they don't need Yongye Army Leader to take action, those angry clansmen will be the first to let them go.

In the first round of confrontation between the Yong Ye Army Leader and the Council of Elders, the Yong Ye Army Leader completely won.

This confrontation does not seem to have any practical benefits, but the impact is far-reaching.

Negotiations pay attention to a momentum, you retreat and I advance.

This hasn't officially started yet, and the Council of Elders has already fallen behind. When it officially starts, I'm afraid it will be led by the nose.

The Yong Ye army leader will definitely not let go of this powerful weapon easily. Once the situation of the talks between the two parties is continuously disseminated to the Crocodile tribe, it will definitely bring them pressure from various aspects and affect their decisions.

Because some decisions are definitely not good things in the long run, but it is definitely full of temptation to start with immediate interests.

Those short-sighted ordinary crocodile people mostly see immediate benefits, and don't care about things that will happen in a few years, or even decades or hundreds of years.

In desperation, the Council of Elders saw the tricks. Except for the four elders who participated in the agreement as representatives, the other elders returned to their own clans to appease their clansmen.

The other party easily hit Sanshou, and let himself go all out.

The enemy clearly harbored evil intentions, but was recognized by the tribe.

They tried their best to plan and think about the future of the ethnic group, but they were made difficult and targeted everywhere, and even earned a lot of infamy.

For the Council of Elders, this is a tragedy.

This kind of sorrow is not unique to the crocodile people, the more uncivilized the people, the more serious the situation.

This kind of situation is not so easy to happen in the Yongye army. It is not that their general education has reached this level, but that they have always paid great attention to the guidance of public opinion, and now there are people who specialize in related affairs.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this respect, the Yong Ye military leader has already been at the forefront of the world, and in a short period of time, they are the only ones who use this trick to attack others.

The negotiators of the crocodile people are the four great elders Nidia, Weber, Bishop and Stephanie.

Klein, who tried to intercept and kill Brann and caused conflicts, disappeared. According to the intelligence of the Yong Ye army leader, after the interception failed, Klein did not return to the Council of Elders, but fled back to his lair.

He even summoned all the soldiers of his own ethnic group back to stick to his own territory, not only drove and killed the merchant ships led by the Yongye Army, but also did not allow personnel from other ethnic groups to enter and leave, completely sealed himself off, and almost broke with the elder council.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the leader of the Yongye army. It will be a lot more beneficial for this negotiation to lose the biggest shit-stirring stick.

The leader of the Yong Ye army is led by Sean himself, followed by Ban Hebrew, Eriksson and Marshall, the same four.

Compared with the crocodile tribe, the candidates for the Yong Ye army leader were carefully selected.

Needless to say, Ban Hebrew is not only the boss of the military staff department, but also an old fox in the political arena who has been struggling for many years. He has completely integrated into the Yongye military leader. Struggles, as well as the issue of trust, are now external, and for the benefit of the Andes people, but this problem does not exist, and no effort is spared.

Eriksson represents the military led by Yongye Army, the commander of the four major armies, he is the most suitable choice.

Skull Crusher McGee and Andis Tiger Tagore are strong fighters on the battlefield, but they are tied up at this kind of negotiating table, which is completely embarrassing for them.

Woody, the raging water army, is a rational commander, but compared to Eriksson's lack of experience in this area, the chief military chief of staff for four or five years was not in vain.

Needless to say, Marshall, he represents the finances of the leader of the Yongye Army, many things are in his stomach, and some financial matters require his nod.

If you want full cooperation, you can. You have to prove your sincerity. We want the right of free navigation on the Danube. Eriksson was aggressive when he started. In this negotiation, he was the leader of the Eternal Night Army. white face.

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Stephanie screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Don't bully others too much, allowing your merchant ships to be equipped with weapons is already the limit we accept, your The warship must not go out of the waterway, otherwise it will be a declaration of war on the entire crocodile tribe.

Freedom of navigation and freedom of trade are not the same concept at all.

The former covers a wider range, including the warships and warships of the Yongye Army Commander. The shipbuilding technology of the Yongye Army Commander is obvious to all. One-on-one, the crocodile warships can't even beat the opponent's merchant ships, let alone the larger and more powerful warships. Ferocious assault warships, and monster-like building ships.

The Danube River is the core hinterland of the Crocodile tribe, and the warships and warships of the Eternal Night Army sail freely. Once they attack, they will have no power to fight back. What is the difference between this and the surrender of the tribe?

Without the right of free navigation, how can we ensure the safety of our food ships? Eriksson slapped the table angrily and said, We have treated you with friendship from the beginning to the end. Look, what do you treat us with? Assassination! We The envoys were assassinated for no reason, and our soldiers bloody rivers and rivers, how do you explain it?

This was just an accident, and it was entirely a small number of personal actions. Most Crocodiles still have good intentions towards your leader. In order to prevent such things from happening, we will form a river guard team to escort the merchant ships in your territory. Stephanie explained dryly.

He secretly hated Klein's recklessness in his heart. After he got into trouble, he became a coward and let these people wipe his ass.

Fortunately, the Council of Elders has already considered the possibility that the leader of the Eternal Night Army may cause trouble and seek the military initiative, and has already prepared a solution.

This is all your family's words, how can we believe it? Food is different from other goods, who knows if there will be more personal behavior at that time? Eriksson insisted, and he will see this villain to the end.

The general's thinking is a little too radical. The grain transport ship is not one or two, nor is it once or twice, but a long-term business. If we can't fulfill our promise and cannot guarantee the safety of the grain transport ship, your leader will dispatch again. Warships and warships are not too late, and we will never use any excuses to stop them. Weber came forward to smooth things over.

However, his point of view is exactly the same as Stephanie's, and he is trying his best to prevent the military power of the Yong Ye army leader from deepening.

It will be too late to make up for the tragedy. I think it's better to prevent it before it happens, otherwise our grain ship will not dare to go deep. Marshall also came forward to help Eriksson as a support.

If the grain transport ships in your territory dare not go deep, we can send someone to pick them up, right? Stephanie said a little angrily.

If you insist on doing this, it's okay, but you know the situation of the Death God Waterway. The number of ships that can be accommodated at the same time is limited. If a large number of small ships come in and out, it will easily cause traffic jams. We need a port with a large enough throughput. This is the most suitable place to look at. Marshall unfolded a military map, with the complete Danube River on it, pointing to a point 20 kilometers downstream of the Reaper's Waterway.

Eriksson asked aggressively, You won't even refuse this, would you be too insincere?

The three great elders of the crocodile clan exchanged glances, and the midfielder stopped and said, Let's discuss it.

Compared with the verbal confrontation, the Supreme Commander of the Yongye Army and Nidia, the first elder of the crocodile tribe, enjoyed it happily.

Netia glanced at the military map in Marshall's hand, and said thoughtfully, This port is your real goal, right?

Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the Great Elder. Xiao En said bluntly, With the increase in trade volume, the Death Waterway will become the biggest bottleneck. Both sides need trading ports. Our side is no problem. , but the Great Elder is in a bit of trouble, if we suddenly propose to build a port, I am afraid that many people will not even think about it and directly veto it, so we can only resort to such a bad plan.

Sean is now considered to be successful in cultivation, avoiding the important and focusing on the trivial, only mentioning the commercial value of this port, and not mentioning the military value at all.

Cunning little guy. Nidia also pretended not to know.

Because she knows that the crocodile people have no way to refuse. Food is different from other goods. Not to mention the weight, the value is there. If there is no force to escort them, the other party will never transport them into their territory on a large scale.

If the diversion method is adopted, a large port is required as a distribution center for both loading and unloading, which is a must.

Whether the crocodile tribe is willing or not, they must hold their noses and admit it.

The negotiations on their side will not have a second result. This is someone else's conspiracy. At that time, it will depend on how much control they can win over the port. This is also not optimistic.

Great Elder, come, try this and see if it suits your appetite. Sean quickly filled the teacup in front of Nidia. The slightly yellowed tea complemented the porcelain-white ceramic teacup, creating a unique flavor. The fresh fragrance hits the face.

This is... Nidia lifted it up to her nose and sniffed it, took a sip, a unique natural fragrance permeated between her mouth and tongue, and she couldn't help closing her eyes to reflect on it, revealing A trace of surprise asked, Is this a catalpa?

That's right, it's catalpa. Xiao En replied with a smile, but after frying and drying, it's no longer pure catalpa leaves. We gave it a special name tea. I don't know if the elder agrees with it?

No, it's not only the smell of catalpa, but also the smell of magic! Did you fry it with magic? Netia widened her eyes and looked at Sean in disbelief. The surprise in her heart was far more than knowing this The thing is the catalpa that I have been drinking for a lifetime.

After all, it's just a different processing method to make its taste more unique and smoother.

But the meaning of integrating the magic energy into it is completely different.

Magical energy has two sides. When it is violent, it is full of destruction. When it is docile, it has a unique nurturing quality. The life span of warlocks is longer than that of ordinary people, because of it.

It is no exaggeration to say that if ordinary people can drink this tea all the year round, they will prolong their lives.

Since the magical power of the fire attribute is incorporated in it, Nidia is particularly sensitive. A few seconds after the tea is poured down, a warm breath spreads, which is very comfortable, because her magical power is also of the water attribute, and her body is biased. cold.

Sure enough, I can't hide it from the Great Elder. Xiao En said with his thumb up, That's right, the pot of tea I just brewed was made by me with a magic fire. Make something and give it to the Great Elder.

Then thank you in advance. It is not a fluke that you can develop and grow in the mountains. We have been guarding the treasure for hundreds of years, and we need you to discover its magical effect. That's why Sean specially entertained her with this.

Things that are inconspicuous in the hands of the crocodile tribe will be given different values ​​in the hands of the leader of the Yongye army.

Nidia put down her teacup, looked at the young man in front of her seriously again and asked, What is the general's ultimate goal?

This question made Sean stunned, because it was too broad, it could refer to Sean's personal goals, and it could also refer to what the Eternal Night Army leader wanted to do with the crocodile tribe and what goals he wanted to achieve.

Also, what kind of mentality and purpose did Nidia ask this question.

This is worth thinking about.

Because he once asked the same question to a person—Dick Long, the leader of the slave rebel army.

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