The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 270

All kinds of thoughts flashed through, because he was unprepared, Xiao En didn't dare to talk casually, combined with his actual situation, he answered truthfully: Since I was a child, I have been very afraid of death, very afraid, so I have worked hard since I was a child. My own body, practicing magic, lest I accidentally die, but an accident made me discover that my own strength has its limit. If we hadn't gone out to hunt, maybe I would have been reduced to the ghost of those slave hunters, or used my life for entertainment. Someone else's slave gladiator.

From that moment on, I decided to gather like-minded people to keep warm, but I didn't expect that the energy we burst out was beyond my imagination, but in the process, we got a glimpse of other secrets.

What's the secret? Nidia didn't show any impatience, and showed a look of listening.

The Great Elder is well-informed. I don't know if he has felt the changes in the environment of the world? It's not the abnormal climate of the Swamp of Despair. I mean the power of magic. Compared with decades or a hundred years ago, the power of magic Is there a difference?

Different methods must be used to deal with different people. Now that the words have come to this point, Sean decided to throw a blockbuster and try Nidia's water.

What's more, this person in front of him is an out-and-out old antique, who has experienced many things personally, and may even provide Sean with some precious information.

For ordinary people, things like memory may be forgotten over time, but for warlocks, especially master level warlocks, it is not a problem at all.

They can easily recall every moment of their awakening if they want to.

Of course, as the age grows, the longer it takes to recall things, the longer it takes. After all, many things are automatically archived by the brain to the deepest memory. As for whether these memories are stored in the brain or engraved in the soul , then it is unknown, this is not an area that Sean can spy on now.

Looking through the memories of hundreds of years ago, it takes longer. Nidia closed her eyes for nearly a quarter of an hour. When she opened her eyes again, she couldn't hide the shock inside anyway, and her voice was involuntarily high. After a few decibels, he said: That's right, compared to before, the magic power seems to have become more active. I originally thought that my strength became stronger with the passage of time. Now it seems that this is just On the one hand, young lord, how on earth did you find this out?

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, time is the temperature that increases little by little. When you are in it, it is difficult to detect the change. Only when you suddenly compare two long time periods, you will feel the change.

This was the case for Nitya, she never thought of making a similar comparison before.

Xiao En's spirit was lifted, as long as you can feel it, then it's easy to handle, the worst thing is that you don't have any feelings, in that case, even if you say something, Nidia may not believe it.

Sean said with a bit of mystery: We have just mastered this information not long ago. We discovered it through the mutation of some beasts, and then read a lot of books on the ancient Andes Empire. We found that the power of magic is like the sea. There are tides, which will change with time. When it is at the lowest point, it is the age of doomsday, and vice versa. Although I don’t know the specific principle and how long the span is, but one thing is certain, The Age of Doom has long since ended, and the power of magic is becoming active again.

In the end, Xiao En couldn't hide his excitement, but at the same time, there was a hint of fear, This is a trend caused by the general environment, and it cannot be stopped. In such a change in the general environment, let alone individuals Even the power of an ordinary group is very fragile, we must integrate all the forces that can be unified, hold together for warmth, and deal with any possible crisis.

This speculation has been suppressed in Xiao En's mind for a long time, but no one can tell it. First, it is too shocking, and a little carelessness can easily cause riots. Second, it is not easy to win people's trust. After all, it is mainly speculative speculation.

Now throwing this speculation out is because the other party has a memory spanning a hundred years, which can help him verify it. At the same time, he also wants to use a heavy bomb to see if he can blow it to his side.

Nidia didn't reply for a while, and finally shook her head vigorously: This kind of argument is really unbelievable, unbelievable.

Obviously, she is conducting a new round of verification through her own memory, but the more she verifies, the more frightened she becomes, because the result is that Xiao En's statement seems to be tenable, the explanation is clear, and the concentration of magic power itself changes. reason.

Netia said at the end: You are just guessing, you can't be sure.

Yeah, it's just speculation, but a lot of evidence is pointing in this direction, so we have to take precautions. I don't know if the Great Elder has done any research in this area. According to the research of our special department, the magic power can have an effect on beasts. Stimulate them, make them stronger and smarter, and some will even have spell-like spells similar to Odin orcs, when all the beasts are no longer pure beasts, where should we go?

Xiao En took a long sigh and said, Whether the Great Elder believes it or not, we have always held goodwill and wanted to seek common development. If it weren't for this, we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this at all. It’s coming in, we’re not boasting, the fleet led by the Eternal Night Army is coming in, what are you going to use to resist it? At that time, we only need to deploy the fleet on the Danube River, and most of the Swamp of Despair will be in our hands, but this way , there will be no room for relaxation between our two races, and the end can only be ended with the complete demise of one side, which is not what we want to see.

The world is so ignorant. It is useless for me to see through it alone. All the crocodile people must be able to accept you. You have done a good job before. If you continue to work hard, when you are recognized by most of the crocodile people, everything will come naturally. Before that, what you have to do is not how much you have gained, but how much you have given, how many hearts you have gained, they may be ignorant, but they are not stupid, knowing who is really good to them. Nidia whispered softly replied.

Thank you for the teachings of the ancestors. Xiao En expressed his sincere gratitude with a complete expression. Even the address was changed from the official respectful elder to the more intimate internal name of the crocodile tribe.

Although Nidia's words did not give any direct promises, there are many things hidden in them.

For example, she has no objection to Army Leader Yongye's attempt to annex the crocodile tribe, provided that Army Leader Yongye can do it naturally and get the approval of most of the Crocodile tribe.

Furthermore, she agrees with the actions of the Yongye army leader in the recent period, there is no gratuitous hatred, and there is no unreasonable love. No matter how ignorant and uncivilized the people of the Crocodile Clan are, they will understand after a period of time, and their hatred towards the Yong Ye Army Leader will only become irresolvable hatred.

Inside and outside the words, they are also telling Sean to let them not be blinded by the interests in front of them, make irrational behaviors, and ruin the good reputation accumulated in the early stage in vain.

It's good to know what you have in mind. Nidia closed her eyes again and said, I'm tired, I need to rest for a while, let these young people continue to fight, if possible, I would like to go to your related research if I have time Check with the department.

As a double peak, it is impossible for Nidia to fall into a state of exhaustion after expending a lot of energy like an ordinary old lady, but the news brought by Sean is too impactful, and she is ready to conduct more comprehensive thinking and comparison .

Okay, I will make arrangements then. Sean did not refuse.

Nidia and Sophilia have different natures.

The Yong Ye army leader and the latter can only be a cooperative relationship of interests forever, and some things cannot be revealed casually.

Nidia was able to fight to join the Eternal Night Army Leader, and the other party had a good feeling for them from the beginning.

In Sean's view, Netia's life experience and the knowledge in his head are the most precious wealth. If he can win her over, it is possible for the Yong Ye army leader to directly improve his research on spells .

With this consideration in mind, the attitude of the leader of the Yong Ye army at the negotiating table has undergone subtle changes. Although it has been an aggressive posture from beginning to end, when the hammer is really dropped, there is no lion who opens his mouth and takes all the benefits. He ate everything, but left three points for the crocodile tribe.

However, this three-point benefit is not for those elders, but for those ordinary crocodile people.

Behind Yong Ye's army leader Lion's big opening, there are mainly several targets hidden.

Build a large port on the Danube outside the Reaper's Waterway.

The God of Death waterway is the natural gateway of the Eternal Night Army leader on the Danube River, and it is also a natural obstacle, which limits the transportation volume per unit time.

It is enough for normal use at ordinary times, but when it comes to busy periods, especially wartime, it is not conducive to the rapid assembly of the fleet.

If there is a large port as a stop, this weakness will be greatly weakened.

According to the original plan of the Yongye military leader, not only would they take over this large port by themselves, but they would also designate the Danube River upstream of the port as their military territory.

Doing so maximizes the benefits, but it is tantamount to tearing the flesh from the Swamp of Despair alive. All the crocodile people who understand a little bit of reason will be filled with righteous indignation, and the good reputation they have established before will be overthrown.

Therefore, the leader of the Yongye army adopted a more moderate method, that is, the two sides jointly established.

Yong Yejun led the design plan, technicians and some building materials, and the crocodile tribe was responsible for the main labor force.

After it is completed, it will have joint control rights. In name, both parties will have half of the control rights. However, since the crocodile tribe adopts the elder council system, the half of the rights will be apportioned layer by layer.

Just like holding a shareholding, the Yongye Army leads 50% of the shares, which is real. The maximum holding by a single person on the Crocodile tribe does not exceed 10%, and the Yongye Army leader casually wins over a small tribe. , can exceed fifty percent.

Of course, the accounts are not completely calculated in this way. As the relationship between the leader of the Yongye army and the crocodile people has become closer, many tribes and ethnic groups have secretly invested in them because of their livelihood.

Army leader Yong Ye now has his own eyeliner and voice in the Crocodile Elder Council, not to mention their every move is in the eyes of Army leader Yong Ye, and sometimes he can even indirectly influence some of their actions.

Then the two sides signed the free exchange and labor export agreement.

The Yongye army leader is currently in a state of large-scale construction, and now limiting their construction and development speed is the labor force.

The crocodile people's life style has changed due to environmental changes. There are not so many fishing grounds for fishing, and they can't find their way to farm. Moreover, the current environment of the Swamp of Despair has not been completely stabilized.

This month is a fish pond, and it will dry up in two months, but if there is a sudden heavy rain, it will be filled again, and there is no way to cultivate it.

This is also the reason why the Yongye army leader gave up the lightning invasion and replaced it with slow encroachment. Even if it is taken down now, it is meaningless if it can't be developed. Instead, through the exchange of interests, the interests of the crocodile tribe can be mined right now.

In other words, the most valuable wealth in the Swamp of Despair is not the land, but the crocodiles.

It was a loss for the Kingsley family to keep staring at the land.

Even though many of the crocodile people's labor force has been mobilized due to the intervention of the Yong Ye army leader, there is still a part of the labor force that has nothing to do.

These years, the result of the surplus of labor force is not only the lack of food, but also the frequent occurrence of vicious incidents such as theft, fights, and brawls, making the interior very chaotic.

The leader of the Yongye army can help the crocodile tribe to alleviate this matter. Even if the council of elders realizes that the leader of the Yongye army has other intentions, they have to pinch their noses to recognize it, let alone many people can't figure it out at all.

Another significance of this agreement is to deepen the integration and understanding between the two parties.

The leader of the Yong Ye army is very confident in his own situation. Compared with the prosperity of the Asia Minor plain, there may be some distance, but compared with the crocodile tribe, especially the crocodile tribe living at the bottom, there is really a world of difference.

seeing is believing.

Things will be much easier when they wander around the Yongye Army, witness the way of life there, and yearn for it in their hearts.

There are countless similar soft knives, and the council of elders has no way to guard against them, because many conditions are beneficial to them.

The leader of the Yongye Army is planning to exchange benefits for the goodwill and popular support of the Crocodile people.

After the Council of Elders refused outrageously, they could tell their own clansmen that the leader of the Yongye Army was trying to buy people's hearts, right?

Then they lose their hearts even faster.

Negotiation is a process in which you advance and I retreat.

The crocodile tribe will not meet all the needs of the Yongye army leader, and the Yongye army leader will not fully agree to the conditions of the crocodile tribe, especially the food.

Just like the Lancelot royal family used it as a rope to tie the Kingsley family, this is also the main method used by the leader of the Eternal Night Army to persecute the Council of Elders.

The Crocodile tribe still has a large population below the food and clothing line, so it doesn't matter, as long as the labor is exported to the Yongye army leader, it will not only help them solve their food and clothing problems, but also generate income.

In order to buy people's hearts, the Yongye army leader basically treats the crocodile people equally and gives them full labor remuneration.

It is useless for the Council of Elders to try to stop it. The agreement signed by the two parties has long been announced to the public along with the merchant ships led by the Yong Ye Army.

This can be regarded as one of the most suitable jobs for the Crocodiles, after all they spent two-thirds of their first half of their lives on boats.

However, the Yongye army leader has the greatest demand in this area. They have as many as eight shipyards, each with no less than a thousand people, and new ships are launched every day.

In addition to being exported as commodities, some of them are retained for personal use.

But the problem is that the sailor training is a bit behind, and many ships can only be left there idle.

After signing the agreement, it is natural to use them all, which is all money.

It is no exaggeration to say that not only river water but also gold flows on the Jacob River.

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