The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 268 Sacrifice to Heroic Soul

Klein has become a standard scumbag, with the best intentions, but doing the worst things, at least for the Council of Elders.

Now without this shit-stirring stick to stir it up, things will go more smoothly.

With such a mentality, the Council of Elders reacted a bit indifferently to Klein. They neither sent anyone to reprimand nor invited him back.

The five-member council of elders has temporarily become four.

Fortunately, the Kingsley family is also accumulating strength, and there is no intention of launching a large-scale war in a short time.

After all, without the cooperation of the boat, he has no ability to cross the Donau River.

But the problem is that Carter's army leader doesn't even have a relatively large river, so there are so many ships, especially warships, even if they want to build them themselves, there are not so many craftsmen.

For this reason, Ake Messer sent a letter to Duke Buck, explaining the situation, and asked him to help solve this problem.

Now Grand Duke Buck is jumping up and down, trying to solve this problem, and even hit the idea on the princess regent and the leader of Yongye army.

It's a pity that one is the one who least expects them to win the Swamp of Despair, and the other is their biggest opponent. No matter how much money he pays, he can never buy a sampan from them.

However, the Yong Ye army leader is not the only one who can build ships.

Grand Duke Buck set his sights on the exiled family Commons. Their current power is mainly in the sea, and their shipbuilding capabilities are only comparable to the Witches' Secret Society.

It can be said that the two sides hit it off when the wolf met the embarrassment.

After all, one needs a ship, and the other needs an intermediary point to intervene in the political structure of the mainland. Money does not matter to both of them.

However, it also takes time to operate. After all, the ships built by the Commons family in the past were mainly large sea-going ships, and the number of flat-bottomed boats in their hands was only a handful.

There is a big difference between a sea-going ship and a river-going ship. In order to cope with the wind and waves at sea, the former usually has a very deep draft.

Especially the environment in the waters of the Desperate Swamp is complicated, and it is easy to use the big ship when it arrives here.

No matter how you look at it, the conditions for the Kingsley family to fully invade the Swamp of Despair are not ripe.

Grand Duke Buck and Ake Messer are not fools. Under such circumstances, even if the leader of the Yongye army provokes them again, they will not fight again.

If you do too much, it will easily arouse their vigilance, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, the leader of the Yong Ye army has also been a bit quiet recently, but keeps increasing the trade relationship with the crocodile tribe.

With the self-development of those profit-seeking businessmen, more and more special products of the Swamp of Despair have been developed, such as unique subtropical fruits, grains that can grow in shallow water (similar to rice), sugar cane with super high sugar content, etc. .

Especially the latter two, once developed, the value contained in them is absolutely beyond imagination.

The crocodile tribe guarded the treasures without knowing how to use them rationally, and they fell into the hands of the Yongye army leader. Naturally, they wanted to dig out their value to the greatest extent.

The Envoy's next journey was smooth and smooth, and under the escort of a large number of merchant ships, it soon arrived at the Waterway of Death.

Fire the arrow!

The special sounding arrows fired by the large ballista resounded through the sky.

Twelve each on the left and right, firing at the same time, the scene was very spectacular.

Ring the bell!

The huge alarm bell on the top of the Reaper's Waterway was rang loudly, and it followed the Messenger all the way.


As soon as they entered the inland lake of Andes, two teams of fast boats rushed to meet them.


Even tens of meters away, the soldiers on the Messenger could clearly hear the uniform salute.

All the soldiers on the Messenger, except those who couldn't put down their work, couldn't help but return the salute.

The blood in his body was surging wildly, his face was red, and an indescribable pride filled his heart.

Twenty-four rings greet the living.

The soul-returning bell rings to attract the dead.

This is the hero's triumphal ceremony that the Yong Ye army leader just set two years ago.

They were greeted as heroes.

This is something that the officers and soldiers of the Messenger did not expect to be killed. They only thought that they had done what they should do.

What's more, if the mysterious giant eagle didn't appear, they would have been buried in the belly of the fish.

The welcoming ceremony did not come to a successful conclusion until the Envoy was escorted to the Panshi.

Xiao En, dressed in military uniform, saluted the young captain with a standard eternal night military salute: I'm here to welcome the fallen soldiers home.

Not only him, Marshall, Ralph, McGee, Chad, Tagore, Eriksson, Woody, Ben Hebrew and a series of military leaders who can be named all came, divided into two rows, Follow behind Sean in an orderly manner.

The remains of thirteen soldiers who died in battle are here, and the remains of seven soldiers who died in battle have been lost. I'm sorry, General, but I couldn't bring them back. Even in the face of life and death, the young captain did not frown. At this scene, she couldn't cry, and there was a strong sense of self-blame in her words.

Don't blame yourself, you've done a good job, don't worry, the Returning Soul Bell will guide their souls back to their hometown. Sean said very solemnly.

Faith, since there is no way to eradicate it, then establish a belief that is more beneficial to the rule.

The leader of the Yongye army chose to change and integrate the Andes people's worship of ancestors and heroes to a certain extent, making it more ritualistic and inspiring.

Judging from the current situation, the effect is very good. Not only the soldiers of the Messenger who were in it, the mournful atmosphere of the heavy casualties has been relieved a lot, and the morale has skyrocketed accordingly.

With this kind of posthumous treatment, why not die in battle?

My deeds will be spread forever, my name will be forever remembered by my tribe, and I will become a heroic soul to guard this land.

The Eternal Night Army led a group of official leaders to personally hold the coffins of these fallen soldiers. The one that Xiao En helped was the Eternal Night Knight who desperately blocked Klein for a few seconds and provided him with a critical respite.

However, only half of his body was contained in the coffin. After his death, he was used as a weapon by Klein, and that half of him was completely lost.

Everyone supported the coffin and headed all the way to the Hall of Heroes, which is 13 kilometers away from the inland lake of Andes.

The construction of the Hall of Heroes began as early as the Jacob River returned and the Yongye Army Leader was established, and it is only one-third of the completion so far.

It should be regarded as the largest single building in the Yongye Army, occupying the entire mountain.

The Hall of Valor has chosen to be built here, so it is naturally particular.

First, this is the center of the Andes Mountains.

Secondly, it is located at the confluence of rivers and rivers, which is considered to be on the edge of a major traffic road. Whether you come from the Jacob River or enter from the Danube River, you can see it at first sight.

Although the Hall of Heroes is for the dead, it is for the living.

Warn those outsiders, motivate your own people, and subtly build a stronger centripetal force.

The fallen soldiers on the Messenger coincided with the meeting, and the Yong Ye army leader took the opportunity to announce the existence of the Hall of Heroes to all the people, to promote their concept of Heroes,

In fact, the soldiers killed on the Messenger were not the first batch of heroic souls to enter the Hall of Valor.

When the Hall of Heroes just broke ground, Sean fulfilled his original promise and buried the corpses of the young soldiers who attacked the Bastille that had been taken out of the Jacob River before his return.

Due to the hasty gathering and lack of experience, many people did not even leave their names.

As for the Eternal Night Legion, and even the soldiers who died after the official establishment of the Eternal Night Army, let alone, they had already established a relatively complete pension system and martyrs' cemetery at that time, and they just changed to a new home.

In fact, this not-so-high hill can also be regarded as a part of the Hall of Valor, shaped like a pyramid. The location of the burial depends on their positions and meritorious deeds during their lifetime. The upper half is basically blank.

The Knight of Eternal Night that Sean carried the coffin with should be regarded as the one with the highest rank and lord.

This will also be their home.

Means like the Hall of Heroes need to be maintained for a long time and have a slow impact, but once these things are deeply ingrained into the bones, their effects will be beyond imagination.

The ceremony lasted until sunset, but the military bosses led by the Yongye Army did not disperse, but gathered in the meeting room of the Panshi.

Andis the Tiger Tagore has a simple temperament if it sounds good, but is more emotional if it sounds bad.

The burial ceremony of the fallen soldiers held during the day really touched him so much that his eyes were red from the beginning to the end. As for whether he wanted to cry or was angry, only he knew. It is definitely uncomfortable to ask this question with your eyes open.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the meeting was quite dull, he slammed the solid wooden table and stood up, saying in a vicious voice: You guys can bear this tone, but I can't bear it. If you don't show them a little bit of strength, you really think we are easy to talk to. They played, and directly sent troops to destroy them.

Don't be impatient, general. We didn't say to endure this tone, but there are many ways to get back the position. It doesn't have to be by force, not on the battlefield. We have invested in the crocodile tribe, and we will reap the rewards. Don’t ruin the overall plan just because of impulsiveness.” Ban Hebrew rarely spoke first.

He is an old politician with a long history of trials and hardships, because his son Bran is involved in this, he must clarify his position at the first time, otherwise unnecessary misunderstandings will occur, and it will be troublesome.

Bran nodded in agreement and said: All the crew members of the Messenger have worked with me for nearly half a year. I think I have more say than everyone here when it comes to personal feelings. I feel even more heartbroken for their sacrifices. Many of them are To die for me, no, to be more precise, they didn't die for me, but for the big family of Yong Ye Junling, and it is their common idea to make Yong Ye Junling stronger. They never want us to act irrationally for them.

You have no right to represent them. Tagore angrily said, All of us have no right to represent those brave and fearless soldiers.

General Tagore, please restrain your emotions. We have no right to represent anyone, but our decisions will affect the lives and deaths of countless people. To avenge twenty lives, it will be hundreds of times, or even thousands of times. Doubling the lives of soldiers, is that what you want? Skull Crusher McKee asked the hysterical Andis Tiger with piercing eyes.

I... Andis Tiger Tagore opened his mouth and didn't reply for a long time. He hammered his chest hard and said, I just feel that this place is in a panic.

Xiao En nodded in agreement and said: You are not the only one who has the same feeling, but we have a great responsibility now, and every decision involves a wide range of implications. If we make a mistake, more soldiers will die in vain. They have It belongs to their responsibilities, we have our responsibilities, it is the most unacceptable to act recklessly for the sake of momentary anger, and it will not be too late to make a decision after we have analyzed all the situations.

Go on, don't worry about me. Tagore snorted, and returned to his seat, sulking.

In fact, compared to before, after joining the leader of the Yong Ye Army, he has seen more things and broadened his horizons. His temper and self-restraint have improved a lot.

Everyone was not surprised, and when he finished venting, he would be fine.

Sean nodded at Bran and said, Tell me about the situation on the Crocodile Clan.

After quickly going through the information he had in his mind, Bran just said carefully: The attitudes of the crocodile people towards us have become polarized. One kind is kind and compromising, even if This kind of goodwill and compromise is forced and helpless, with a mentality of taking advantage, but this is undoubtedly an opportunity we are looking for hard, and the other is against exclusion, thinking that we are no different from the Kingsley family, as long as But the method is more gentle, in fact, there are malicious intentions, and the ultimate goal is to peep into the Swamp of Despair, but I didn’t expect that some of them would go to extremes and want to use this method to destroy our relationship with the other faction.”

Bran paused for a moment, then continued: The opposition is mainly headed by Grand Elder Klein. When they launched an attack yesterday, he was seriously injured due to an accident. Even if it is a champion knight, it is not possible to fully recover. It can be done in three or two days, and in a short period of time, the moderate faction of the Council of Elders should have the upper hand, which is good news for us, and it is best to finalize everything that can be finalized before then.

Yeah! Sean nodded, tapping the table rhythmically and said, Right now, everything else is secondary. The main thing is to open a gap in them. When the gap is opened, many things will be out of control. This Careful research is required.

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

The problem for the leader of the Yong Ye Army this time is not knowing the enemy, but knowing himself.

The interests of the crocodile people are there. In the first confrontation with the Kingsley family, although they were frustrated, the main force was not devastated. In this regard, they still maintain a certain degree of confidence. Food, followed by weapons and equipment.

The ultimate appeal of the Yong Ye army leader is also very simple, that is to eat the crocodile tribe and the Swamp of Despair together, but it is obviously an idiotic dream now, and now we must find a way to cut the flesh with the consent of the crocodile tribe, which is more challenging Yes, it needs to be studied repeatedly by the Yong Ye army leader.

In order to seek greater benefits and not destroy their plans that have been brewing for several years, the Yong Ye army leader temporarily suppressed his anger and met with the friendly faction of the crocodile tribe to discuss cooperation and development.

The location was chosen on the Danube.

This time, it was still chosen to be carried out on the Panshi. Although the people of the Crocodile tribe strongly resisted, the attitude of the Yongye army leader was even tougher.

If the Panshi is not allowed to enter the Danube River Basin, we will just break up and have nothing to talk about.

Now that the offense and defense have changed hands, it is no longer the time when Yong Yejun led him to the door licking his face, saying hello, me, everyone.

But the people of the Crocodile tribe begged the leader of the Yongye army. If they didn't intervene, they would die in less than three or two years.

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