The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 217 Attack and Defense

Be careful, there is no big mistake, we want to eat Rakesh, and Rakesh might not want to take this opportunity to eat us together. The gray wolf tribe Bilig looked a little gloomy, and always felt that things were not that simple.

Not only because he has been fighting with Rakesh for so many years, and he doesn't think that the other party is the kind of person who gives up easily.

It was also because there were many puzzling doubts in the conflict a few years ago, whether it was the ferocity of the conflict, or the fact that our side got the news by chance when we were attacked by the Silver Wolf tribe.

When many coincidences overlap, it is inevitable to give people a feeling of artificial manipulation.

But Bilig couldn't find the real problem, so he could only keep this doubt in his heart.

The wolf and gray wolf tribes are now on the ropes.

The Kogel Grassland is neither big nor small.

The coalition forces of the two tribes, like a huge net spread out, covered the Silver Wolf tribe with their heads round.

Unless the Silver Wolf Tribe crosses the Gobi Desert and jumps out of the Kogel Grassland, there is no way to avoid it.

On the fifth morning when the coalition forces of the two tribes came out in full force, their sentry and quick cavalry found the main force of the Silver Wolf tribe.

After listening to the news brought back by Youshao Kuaiqi, both Chief Black Claw and Chief Bilig were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Immediately led his personal guards to investigate the situation on the spot.

Lakesh is crazy. Are you really learning from those cowards in the south and fighting with us?

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Chief Black Claw's words revealed a strong sense of disbelief.

That's right, the Silver Wolf tribe has completely gathered together and set up camp on a hillside that is not too dangerous, imitating the defense model of the Byron Alliance.

It's not that Chief Black Claw has never seen defensive battles before, but it's the first time he's seen a defensive battle between Odin orcs, especially wolf clan Odin orcs.

The wolf family Odin orcs are best at rangers, nibbling and dragging down the enemy in motion.

The normal mode of war between the two tribes starts with the ranger's archery confrontation, then the tribal confrontation, and then to the hedge, and then distances themselves, and then confronts each other again.

Keep repeating until one party is worn down.

Could it be that the loss of the Silver Wolf Tribe was heavier than we estimated, and that Rakesh has no confidence to fight us head-on, so he made such a move? Chief Black Claw beamed, as if he had insight into the truth of the matter.

Even if he has never learned any military tactics, he knows that it is not a wise choice to give up what he is best at and use what he is least good at.

Don't be too happy. Compared with Chief Black Claw, Chief Bilig was not so optimistic, and his expression was more gloomy.

He has been carefully observing the conditions of the Yinlang tribe's camp.

The hillside where the Silver Wolf tribe camp is located is not too dangerous, just like a big bag bulging out of the flat ground, the most dangerous place, the elevation angle will not exceed 40 degrees, and it will not affect riding up and down.

In the Kegel Grassland, terrains more dangerous than this abound.

After all, the Kogel Grassland is not a pure prairie, and there are continuous mountains behind it. Occasionally, a stretch of it is a natural danger.

But that kind of natural danger is mostly Jedi.

While it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it also puts itself in the pocket and loses room for maneuver.

The less dangerous hill in front of us is different. It has a certain geographical advantage, but at the same time, it has not completely given up the advantage of Odin orc riding and shooting.

Being condescending, whether it is shooting down or diving, has certain advantages.

No matter which direction the Dire Wolves and Gray Wolves attack from, they are almost the same, and there is no dead angle at all.

The camps are well-established, all using local materials, and the forks and forks of those tree trunks have not been repaired, just poked there. There is no way to compare the castles that Gao Shen and Byron have built for an unknown number of generations. Prevent the Odin orc's galloping horse from leaping.

But this is only what you see on the surface. Who knows if there is any evil means in it, whether it is uphill or behind the wall of the camp, digging some horse pits can make the attacking Odin orcs suffer a lot.

The confrontation between the two sides has become heated from the very beginning.

It is true that the Silver Wolf tribe took a defensive position. It does not mean that they have taken back all the outposts and scouts. On the contrary, they have spread more and denser.

They are like lone wolves wandering on the grassland. If they encounter an invincible army, they will turn around and leave without saying a word. Will shoot.

Due to time constraints, the process of their contest is usually very short, but it is very bloody and cruel. Most of them will divide life and death as soon as they get started, and only one side can leave alive.

In the Byron Alliance, the Odin orc sentry and scouts are very famous, not only because of the ferocity of the opponent, but also because of their strength.

The fact is also the same. Those who can be selected as sentry scouts must have amazing personal combat power. Even if they are not knights, they are at least battle-tested retinue knights.

No matter how fierce the outposts were and how harsh the provocations of the bad wolves and gray wolves were, the Silver Wolf Tribe remained entrenched in the simple camp, refusing to give up their geographical advantage to fight. Even the chief Laksh of the Silver Wolf Tribe never showed up. .

This made the two chiefs, Black Claw and Bilig, very angry and at the same time very helpless. If they can't even see the person involved, no matter how powerful their strategy is, they will be useless.

Now the competition between the two sides is patience.

Is it because the Silver Wolf tribe couldn't bear it first, and voluntarily gave up its geographical advantage and took the initiative to attack?

It was still that the Dire Wolf and Gray Wolf tribe couldn't bear it anymore, and they took the initiative to launch an attack even when it was not good for them.

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for them.

After all, they still need to go to the west to go to the pastures. If they go late, the good pastures will be occupied by other tribes first. The Gobi desert outside the Kogel grassland is not so easy to go, especially cattle and sheep. Fat is not ideal.

As for staying in the Kogel Grassland, it is courting death.

Although the aquatic plants in the Kogel Grassland are plump, they will never be able to withstand the gnawing of so many cattle and sheep all year round. Xiaqiu is easy to say, and in winter, they can only sit and wait to die.

The Odin orcs live after aquatic plants, not by nature, but by force.

We can't continue this stalemate. Rakesh, the old wolf, is at the end of his rope. He is planning to drag us to die together. Even if we suffer heavy losses, we must take them down. Chief Black Claw couldn't bear it at first. .

Although the two tribes of the bad wolf and the gray wolf are an alliance, they still have their primary and secondary tribes.

Undoubtedly, the powerful wolf tribe has more power to speak, and after killing the silver wolf tribe, they will also benefit the most, at least the name of the silver wolf tribe will fall on their tribe.

Wait a minute, this is exactly what the opponent wants to see. The best way to defeat the opponent is to make the opponent's plan unsatisfactory. Bilig tried his best to comfort him.

Caution is his way of life, and he has dealt with Rakesh for so many years, whether it is because he is afraid of being beaten by the opponent, or because he agrees with the opponent's ability.

Anyway, for so many years, Bilig has never seen Rakesh aimlessly. Even if there is weakness, it is probably showing weakness to the enemy, and there are bigger schemes hidden behind it.

Wait, I don't know how many times I have heard you say this sentence? If we wait any longer, we will die together. Any success requires a price. Today is the time to pay the price. At sunrise, Launch a general attack. Chief Black Claw said with a cold face.

He decided not to be under the influence of Chief Bilig. Although the other party is also a well-known wise man, but now he is on the battlefield and the situation is changing rapidly, so he can't help being so hesitant.

What's more, they can be regarded as an expedition now, and the main force has been seriously out of touch with the logistics supply. They don't carry much supplies with them, so there is no way to continue to delay.

Bilig didn't understand this truth, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything in the end.

At sunrise, launch a general attack!

At sunrise, launch a general attack!

At sunrise, launch a general attack!

Chief Black Claw's order, like wings, spread throughout the coalition.

That old boy, Black Claw, finally made a wise decision. I'm here to fight, not to play with him.

Haha, let me just say, those turtle grandsons of the Silver Wolf Tribe, scared the birds into their crotches, they must be at the end of their skills. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just kill them and let them know what is real. Odin Warrior, just relying on that little trick, can't stop the pace of Odin Warrior.

Come on, pick the fattest sheep at the back. I'll treat my brothers to a good meal. Fight the enemy bravely tomorrow and grab more fat sheep.


When those Odin orcs heard that they were going to go to the battlefield, not only did they not show any fear, but many of them were so excited that they celebrated in their own ways.

However, most of these people are new recruits who are on the battlefield for the first time.

Most of those real veterans kept silent and checked their horses, bows and swords silently. Those who had the conditions were not to cook a delicious meal for themselves, but to feed some fine feed to their horses.

Because these are the guarantees for saving your life tomorrow, whether it is a stronger horse or a sharper and stronger bow and arrow, it may directly affect your life and death.

Boom boom boom!

kill kill kill!

The roar of the war drums and the thunderous shouts of killing sounded at the same time at the moment when the rising sun rose, and reached its peak in just a quarter of an hour.

The fighting has been at its most intense from the very beginning.

Chief Black Claw acted recklessly, but he was actually a seasoned veteran. He used his advantage to the extreme and attacked from three sides at the same time.

The early morning in the Kogel Grassland is filled with the sound of galloping horses, trembling bowstrings and sharp arrows piercing the air.

The siege mode of the bad wolf and gray wolf is very wolf style.

Instead of directly attacking the city with ants, he galloped his horse past the Yinlang tribe's camp and sent out the arrow in his hand.

It rained heavily in the camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe, a rain of arrows formed by arrows.

Soon the entire camp was filled with arrows, like a giant hedgehog, so dense that some arrows even reached the tails of the front arrows.

At the beginning, there were scattered counterattacks with bows and arrows in the Silver Wolf tribe's camp, but even the counterattacks stopped in the end.

If it weren't for the screams of those who were hit by the arrows from time to time, those Odin orc soldiers thought they were attacking an empty stronghold.

However, this tactic looks tragic, but the results achieved are not satisfactory.

The camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe looks a little crude, but it is more than enough to defend against arrows, especially the arrows of the Odin orcs.

Due to the lack of high-quality solid wood, the Odin orcs mostly use composite horn short bows, and most of the arrows they use are cork flying arrows, not to mention pure iron, and there are not many iron-clad ones. Made of carved teeth, the lethality can be imagined.

Ordinary leather armor can't penetrate it, let alone a special defensive attack.

It is not as lethal as the flames ignited by the fired rockets.

Attacking with bows and arrows is not so much about killing as it is about intimidating. At the same time, they cover those sentry scouts, approach the camp, find out the situation, and prepare for the subsequent large-scale attack.


When those outposts and scouts were about to approach the camp, there was finally a response from inside, and what responded to them was also a wave of arrows, hitting those scouts and scouts densely.

Although these outposts and scouts were equipped with shields, they could protect themselves, but they couldn't protect their horses, and fell to the ground with a groan.

Some brave outposts jumped off their horses and rushed towards the camp without fear of death, but most of them fell ten meters away from the camp.

Because in this distance, there are not only arrows raining, but also spears of different lengths. Once the shield being hit becomes unstable, it will be shot into a sieve.

However, their sacrifices were not in vain, at least many pitfalls were discovered by them.

When the allied army of bad wolves and gray wolves rushed up again, it wasn't just rain of arrows, many people were thrown into the horse pits with small bags of earth and rocks on their bodies, and then stepped on by horses. It didn't take long. It became a flat bottom.

When all the small tricks and small obstacles are smoothed out, the cruel and bloody siege battle will finally determine the outcome.

kill! kill! kill!

Amidst the fierce shouts of killing, the allied forces of the evil wolves and gray wolves rushed towards the camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe like a tsunami.

Even in the face of a 30-meter broken blood castle, the Odin orc warriors are fearless, let alone a small and simple camp that can only prevent the horse from leaping!

In front of the mighty wave of people, the camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe looked so fragile, like a piece of paper, it couldn't withstand a charge of the wolf-like Odin orcs.

near! near! near!

Many Odin orc warriors shouted frantically in their hearts, lowered their bodies involuntarily, and whipped their horses vigorously.

They seem to have seen countless wealth beckoning to them not far away, fat cattle and sheep, sweet wine, beautiful girls...

As long as the small camp in front of them is leveled, everything will be up to them to choose.

They seem to have heard the cowards behind the walls, trembling and crying, like women.

Click! Click! Click!

When the camp was less than half an arrow away, the Odin orc warriors rushing to the front all shrank a little, accompanied by countless shrill neighs.

Many of the front legs of those war horses fell into pits that were only the size of an adult's fist and several feet deep, and were severely broken.

Many Odin orc soldiers were caught off guard and were directly thrown out.

The responsive ones, the luckier ones, regained their balance before landing.

Unlucky, he hit his head on the ground, broke his neck, and went to see his Odin.

Others were directly crushed by those horses.

No matter what it is, their situation will not be much better, because there is a mighty army of Odin orcs behind them, and their charging pace will not stop because of this small situation. stepped on.

Then there are more string control Odin orcs folded on this small inconspicuous pothole.

Thank you Luoshui Yitian book friends for your rewards for two consecutive days~ Recently, the Yongye Buddhist Department has updated the book. All the readers of the Buddhist Department are quiet and scary. Only a few of them are competing for the first chapter review. Ahem, it’s really dull Like water!

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