The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 216

Express yourself better, let yourself gain more trust, better integrate into the Yongye Army, and control more resources and rights, is what Eriksson wants to do.

Being low-key before does not mean that Eriksson has taken everything lightly and has no desires or desires.

Rather, he was very aware of his situation, took the time to dilute his original background label, and learned to accept the unusual policy of the Yongye Army.

The biggest benefit of watching from the sidelines is that it allows Eriksson to look at the group of the Yongye Army with detached eyes.

Although the Yongye Group Army has the capacity to accommodate all rivers and rivers, but the core set, such as the basic policy of military and political classification, has not wavered in the slightest.

It doesn't matter whether you are from a poor or humble origin, or other races, as long as you can accept this set, you can easily integrate into it.

If you can't accept it, even if you are in the Yongye Army, you are just a non-staff affiliated member.

Why is the Walled City Alliance incompatible with the Yongye Army?

Why did the Yongye Group Army's policy towards the Walled City Alliance change so much?

In the final analysis, it is still a conflict of interest among vested interests.

Many policies of the Yongye Army have fundamentally harmed the vested interests of the Walled City Alliance. The price to be paid to join the Yongye Army is too high, and they will fight to the end unless it is a last resort.

If it weren't for the mountain Kentana barbarians who slaughtered a group of city lord leaders of the Walled City Alliance, even if Ban Hebrew had the heart to annex peacefully, there would be many internal obstacles, and the Evernight Army would have many worries.

Compared with the simple mountain people, these people with vested interests can't be said to be a good thing, but they have more vices. It takes time and effort to assimilate such people, not to mention that they are often just shit sticks, making everyone disgusted.

In that case, in order to ensure their own purity, the Yongye Army will be more cautious in peaceful mergers.

Eriksson didn't force himself to accept this set purely for the sake of integrating into the Yongye Army, but he had a sense of resonance and identity during the nearly four years of study.

Especially the kind of health care policy that is vigorously promoted.

The epidemic is the source of fear that Eriksson cannot avoid.

Eriksson originally thought he had completely forgotten it, but when he looked directly at it again, he realized that he was still so fragile.

But he decided not to run away any more. He had been running away for the first half of his life, but it didn't help.

Therefore, this time he decided to fight head-on. Even if he couldn't fight on the front line like Charles did, regardless of personal life and death, he still wanted to contribute his strength within his ability.

After all, individual strength is limited, and it can only be achieved by relying on the strength of the collective. The Yongye Army is the collective Eriksson chose for himself. For the development and growth of this collective, he will spare no effort.

Because of the intelligence held by both sides, the Silver Wolf tribe was absolutely passive, and most of the disputes ended with Eriksson winning.

From the beginning to the end, Eriksson grasped a principle, that is, while maximizing the interests of the Yongye Army, it also left a little life for the Silver Wolf Tribe.

It's not that Eriksson is soft-hearted, but the basic principles that the negotiations follow.

If all the benefits are eaten by the Yongye Army, and all the dirty work is done by the Silver Wolf Tribe, they will only nod if they are fools.

Rather than doing this, it is better to put some benefits in the open, talk about it clearly, when the time comes, there will be meat to eat and soup to drink, just more or less.

As for the future relationship, that is a matter of the future.

In fact, before Eriksson's mission, the military staff of the Yongye Army had already set the tone. Some things had given a relatively broad bottom line and standards, and the rest was left to Eriksson. The parties are flexible and in control.

Even the minimum limit given by the Yongye Army is to give up some profits to the Silver Wolf Tribe.

Rakesh of the Silver Wolf Tribe deeply felt how difficult the forces dormant in the mountains are, they are simply jackals that eat people without spitting out their bones, but there is no way to refuse, because the coalition forces of the two tribes of evil wolves and gray wolves, They have already begun to assemble and march towards the Silver Wolf Tribe.

In the fierce battle with the Silver Wolf Tribe before winter, their loss was only a lot more than that of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

However, the two tribes are individually smaller than the Silver Wolf Tribe, but they are combined to surpass the Silver Wolf Tribe. Evenly divided, the situation is better than the Silver Wolf Tribe.

In addition, unlike the Silver Wolf Tribe, there is a nail buried behind them. Except for a small amount of elites to prevent the Silver Wolf Tribe from attacking, the other herdsmen are fully stockpiling pastures. The situation is much better than that of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

It is precisely because they are so much better that the two tribes of Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf are more proactive, and they are going to crush the old enemy of the Silver Wolf tribe to death in the Kogel Grassland, without giving him a chance to rise again.

The Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf tribes gathered a total of more than 30,000 string-controlling Odin orcs, which can be said to have exhausted the strength of the whole clan. Except for the disabled women and children who stayed behind to take care of the cattle and sheep, all males taller than the ruts , All of them brought their own horses, bows and arrows and summoned them.

In the Odin orcs, there is no mandatory service order like the Byron Alliance. You only need to send the fastest cavalry to send the news of the war, and those qualified Odin orc herders will turn out their best equipment and ride War horse, answer the call to war.

This custom is not only related to the Odin orcs being brave and good at fighting, but also related to their relatively single and barren life.

For them, war is not only a process of external expansion, but also a process of open plunder, whether it is against the Byron Alliance or against other tribes within.

Although most of the spoils had to go to the chieftains, what was intercepted and re-rewarded by the chieftains for their valor was enough to improve their lives.

In addition, there is another physiological factor that cannot be ignored - the Odin orcs seem to be more fertile than the Byrons and Andes. It does not mean that the baby has a high survival rate, but twins, or even multiple births, are very common .

It is quite normal for a qualified Odin orc mother to have six or seven children within three years. Even if half of them die young, there are still two or three.

In many cases, what restricts the size of the Odin orc family is not whether they can have children, but whether they have enough financial resources to raise them into adults.

Therefore, there has always been a rumor about the Odin orcs in the warlock world. It is believed that the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire added genes that are easy to reproduce in their blood during the process of making them.

Some warlocks are even engaged in similar secret research, wanting to crack the mystery and apply it to their own people.

Compared with the earth with a population explosion, the population in Asharn will never be enough.

Even the Asia Minor Plain, the most prosperous region in Asharn, has a long way to go before saturation, let alone other regions.

The advance speed of the two tribes of the wolf and the wolf is not fast, but it is not slow either. After all, they are all cavalry with two horses or even three horses. On the flat prairie, they advance 100 kilometers a day. It's commonplace, with the line of fire advancing, two or three hundred kilometers will not be a problem.

Due to the certainty of victory, the coalition forces of the two tribes adopted relatively safe tactics and used their own stronger force to crush them head-on.


On the endless prairie, the tactics that can be used are nothing more than cavalry tactics such as running for thousands of miles and outflanking.

The narrow and long terrain of the Kogel Grassland directly abolished the tactics of outflanking and outflanking.

As for the thousands of miles of attack, it was a tactic that was deployed by surprise. Both sides knew that there would be a battle after the spring, and they had already started preparations, so there was no surprise.

On the contrary, it would be safer to fight head-on.

However, with the continuous advance of the coalition of bad wolves and gray wolves, the leaders of the two tribes still felt that the situation was a bit abnormal.

They have penetrated more than half of the silver wolf tribe's pastoral area, not to mention the main force of the silver wolf tribe, not even half of the cattle, sheep and herdsmen of the silver wolf tribe.

Respected Chief Black Claw, we have searched carefully. The herdsmen of the Silver Wolf Tribe have already withdrawn. They retreated in a hurry, and many precious daily necessities were not taken away in time. An Odin orc wandering centurion Changhui reports.

Compared with the relatively strict division of labor in the Byron Alliance, the army of the Odin Orcs is relatively scattered, and the most primitive names such as commanders of tens, commanders of centurions, and commanders of thousands are used.

The composition of the army means literally, as long as the number of Odin orcs you lead has ten people, you are qualified to be called the commander of the tens, the commander of the centurion, the commander of the thousand and so on.

It's not that there is no such title, but it is rarely used, because if the string-controlling soldiers under him reach tens of thousands, they are usually a tribal chief, and they are above medium-sized.

Among the Odin orcs, being able to have such a title is usually a symbol of strength. If you want to get this position, you must have a hard enough fist, otherwise you will be thrown off directly.

Lakesh, the old wolf, has been frightened by us. He even has no courage to fight to the death. He is ashamed of the great title of Silver Wolf. It won't be long before this title will belong to us. Chief Black Claw said with a big face. There is a lot of disdain.

He is the chief of the wolf tribe. He has a very standard Odin beast body shape. He is big and thick, especially the upper body and arms, which are thicker than the lower body. It is better to ride on horseback. If he dismounts, he becomes a spinning top. There is a feeling of top-heavy.

If you observe carefully, most of the wolf tribe Odin orcs have this problem, but this is not born, but acquired through training.

Whether it is their own racial talent or racial characteristics (nomadic people), they pay more attention to and exercise their arms than other parts. Anyway, they have war horses as a means of transportation.

On the contrary, the Odin orcs of the leopard clan, known for their own speed, were in a bit of an embarrassing situation.

Their racial talents in foot combat, and their instantaneous burst of speed, can make them the most fearsome fighters or assassins, and it is difficult to defend against them at the same level.

But the problem is that the Odin orcs are a nation on horseback, which has weakened their racial talent advantages to the extreme.

This caused the Odin orcs of the Leopard Clan to be very famous among their enemies, the Byron Alliance, and they were synonymous with strength and fear.

But among the Odin orcs, among the eight major races, regardless of the number of tribes or the voice of speech, they all belong to the tail of the crane.

The wolf family Odin orcs, whether in the East Odin Empire or the West Odin Empire, ranked second, second only to the ruling lion and tiger royal families.

The more this is the case, the more we can't take it lightly. That old wolf is not someone who admits defeat so easily. Maybe it's another conspiracy played by the other party. The one who spoke was an old Odin orc with a gray beard and hair.

Beside Chief Black Claw, he looks a lot shorter, but between sitting and lying down, he can still see the background of his youth. If he underestimated him because of his old age, he would capsize in the gutter if he was a little careless. Speaking of Rakesh, his eyebrows There is insoluble hostility and hatred between them.

Being able to keep pace with the chief of the wolf tribe, his identity is ready to be revealed, Bilig, the chief of the gray wolf tribe.

That old fellow Rakesh did have some small calculations. The decisive raid before the winter was indeed a bit beyond our expectations, but the result was not like that. Although he caused us a lot of losses, he also suffered losses. A large number of warriors are said to have affected the grazing of livestock, making themselves more injured and bleeding. Therefore, in the face of absolute strength, those small calculations cannot be the decisive factor. In the end, it depends on whose fists are hard and who has more warriors .”

Chief Black Claw looked back at the waving flags and the two coalition forces of the two tribes who couldn't see the end at a glance, and he felt a sense of pride in his heart.

The 30,000 Odin orc warriors are not as good as those big tribes, but they have an absolute advantage over those small and medium tribes, let alone deal with an old wolf with many scars and bleeding for several years.

As long as you swallow the Silver Wolf Tribe in one gulp, you will not only make your tribe stronger, but you will also be able to receive the name and pasture of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

In the eyes of foreigners, the rule of the Odin orcs can be chaotic.

In fact, there are still traces to follow.

Some of the more special tribal titles were not created by themselves, but were conferred by the royal court and linked to the fixed pastures, registered in the royal court, and recognized.

Although this kind of canonization and acknowledgment is useless most of the time, how to pinch it in private, but once you deal with the royal court, it is really not easy to use without this nominal title-even if you have great strength, but Without a corresponding title, he is still inferior in the royal court.

Having said that, this kind of situation will basically not happen, as long as the ability is enough, those tribes will definitely grab a title back.

This concept, like the noble concept of the Byron Alliance, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every Odin orc.

Silver wolf, bad wolf, gray wolf.

Don't look like there is only one word difference between the three major tribes.

In fact, the Silver Wolf Tribe is the most orthodox, registered in the Lion Clan Royal Court.

Bad wolves and gray wolves are their own names. At first glance, they are vassals of the Silver Wolf tribe, but at worst they are wild forces.

If the Lion King's Court makes any big moves, such as invading the Byron Alliance.

The call to war will only be sent to the Silver Wolf Tribe, there is no such thing as evil wolves or gray wolves.

There is only one way for the Dire Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribes to join in, either to join under the name of the Silver Wolf Tribe or other big tribes, and participate in the name of a vassal.

The result of this is that when the spoils are divided, they will be ruthlessly stripped away.

When the Silver Wolf Tribe showed weakness, the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribes would naturally not let go of the opportunity to replace them.

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