The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 218 Raid

At this time, the counterattack of the Silver Wolf tribe also arrived.

It's not too new, and it's also the rain of arrows.

The Odin orcs of the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribe snorted, but just lowered their heads and raised a thick arm to block the vital parts of their head and neck.

Soon they paid a heavy price for their carelessness.

The arrows shot by the Silver Wolf tribe are not only half thicker than normal horn bows and arrows, but the arrows are also made of solid iron, and have a unique shape. Even recruits without any experience can recognize them. Existed to break armor.

What's even more frightening is that the range of this kind of bow and arrow is twice as long as that of the bullhorn bow. Even Chief Black Claw and Chief Bilig, who thought they were at an absolutely safe distance, had arrows passing by.

The coalition forces of the wolf and gray wolf tribes fell in pieces like wheat under a farmer's sickle.

For the first time, Andis' longbow showed its fangs in front of the Odin orcs.

If you look down from the air, you will find that countless members of the Silver Wolf tribe have drilled out of the bunker. They are holding Andis longbows. Under the command of some young Andis, they keep opening and closing, and countless The arrows were sent out.

There are many ways to cooperate, and sending troops to fight is just one of them.

In the eyes of most of the officers of the Yongye Army, they are still the most lowly ones.

If you send too many troops, not to mention the high cost, your allies are also worried, and the Yongye Army will not be able to mobilize so many troops.

The Yongye Group Army adopted another method—ordnance and material support.

For the Silver Wolf Clan, nothing is more fitting than the Andis Longbow.

Their proficiency in bows and arrows is not lower than that of the Andes people. No matter women, children, old or young, they can draw bows and shoot arrows.

And the Andis longbow does not require high accuracy, as long as you obey the command and throw the arrows out.

If it was a normal confrontation, even if they were from Odin orcs, it was hard to say how powerful these women and children would be, since they were born at a disadvantage after all.

If there is a city wall to protect it, then everything will not be a problem.

The ability of the city wall to delay the enemy's impact is only one aspect. Another effect is to cover the enemy's fierce face, so there is no morale and fear issue. They only need to follow the training and execute the order.

Building infrastructure is also what the Yongye Army is best at.

The camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe was naturally built by them. The simple appearance is used to confuse the evil wolves and gray wolf tribes. The artificial traces inside are more spectacular. The entire camp is almost hollowed out, full of fortress caves like air-raid shelters .

The previous arrow rain attack by Dire Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribe caused much less damage than they expected.

The deadliest thing to the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribes is that the only ones who hit them head-on were the women and children of the Silver Wolf Tribe and a small number of dispatched troops from the Yongye Army. The elite of the Silver Wolf Tribe are not here. .

When the Dire Wolf and the Gray Wolf Tribe launched an all-out attack, a few inconspicuous black dots flew away.

They have a great reputation in the Yongye Army-Sending Shanying.

Their goal is the Andes Mountains not far away.

The silver wolf tribe's camp placed in the light is too conspicuous, attracting most of the attention of the evil wolf and gray wolf tribe, and without carefully checking the surrounding environment, it is in a small valley less than 30 kilometers away from them. , there were nearly ten thousand people waiting for the battle, and the leader was Laksh, the chief of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

It's not to blame the evil wolf and the gray wolf tribe for their carelessness, but they didn't even think that the silver wolf tribe would dare to divide their troops when they were absolutely inferior in strength.

Seeing the falling mountain eagle, Rakesh was shocked, and hurriedly asked: My lord envoy, how is the situation?

The Silver Wolf tribe gambled a lot this time, betting their entire treasure on these little mountain eagles.

Once something goes wrong, the women and children in that camp alone, even with an elite Yongye Dispatcher, cannot withstand the life-and-death attack of the Bad Wolf and the Gray Wolf Tribe.

When the time comes, women, children, old and young, sheep and cattle of the Silver Wolf tribe will fall into the opponent's hands. Their ambushing elite will become rootless duckweed. Even if they are not uprooted by the evil wolf and gray wolf tribe, they will only become rogue The bandit can go all the way.

Rakesh still clearly remembers that when he made this decision, he encountered resistance from within the tribe, including his son Gerigul, who had always been very convinced of him, thinking that he was completely bewitched by those foreigners, and even put his tribe to life and death. desperate situation.

However, Rakesh saw hope from it. While preserving his own strength to the greatest extent, he could completely defeat the hope of the evil wolf and gray wolf tribe.

As promised, the opponent has launched a full-scale attack, and the rest is up to the chief. Eriksson replied with a slight bow.

This plan naturally came from him. As the chief military chief of staff of the Yongye Army, he personally participated in and planned a series of lightning raids against the Walled City Alliance, the annexation of the Three Cave Alliance, and self-defense against the barbarians in the mountain Kentana. Counterattacks and the diversion of war refugees.

With a deep understanding and experience of cooperative operations, when helping the Silver Wolf Tribe to formulate a combat plan, they couldn't help but use it. However, the level of coordination in front of them is only the most basic tactical cooperation, and it is still eight feet away from coordinated operations.

He travels with the army, in addition to using the exclusive mountain eagle allocated to him to send messages, he also has the deep meaning of being a hostage. He has no doubt that once the tactics fail and the camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe is breached, he used to talk and laugh with himself, and he was very flattering Rakesh, the first to draw a knife and cut himself.

Judging from the current situation, the other party does not have such an opportunity.

The warriors of the Silver Wolf Tribe, today is the moment of life and death. The plague did not kill us, and those tigers and leopards did not eat us. Today we will never fall in the hands of a group of gutless wolves. We will use their blood , to pay homage to the dead warriors and clansmen, we will use their heads to warn those wolves who dare to spy on the Silver Wolf tribe that we are still strong.

Rakesh used his own unique way to mobilize before the battle. His unpretentious words touched the sensitive parts of those Odin orc warriors, making their eyes turn red, and their mouths and noses smelled hot. If the enemy was in front, they would have rushed forward screaming.

Everyone checks the hooves and the beaker.

Army attack.

Nearly 10,000 carefully selected warriors from the Silver Wolf Tribe rushed out of this inconspicuous small valley like a tide. Although the whole process was silent, at least the unique movement of thousands of horses galloping was eliminated a lot.

This is naturally due to the sackcloth wrapped around the horse's hoof and the horse's mouth cage.

No need to ask, just like those traps, these inconspicuous but very useful little tricks are all from the hands of the Yongye Army.

Compared with the Odin orcs fighting with their muscles, the Yongye Army from top to bottom advocates fighting with their brains.

It's not that they are afraid of being tough, but before that, they will use all kinds of unexpected and insidious means to weaken the enemy's strength to the minimum, and then crush them head-on, without giving the opponent any chance to shine.

This time is no exception.

The so-called strategy and tactics, don't care whether it is to attack the west, or to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

In addition to creating various natural factors, the main purpose is to create a partial effect of more and less.

The total strength of the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribe is indeed several times that of the Silver Wolf Tribe, but their attention is completely attracted by the camp of the Silver Wolf Tribe. It is the bottom-of-the-box method of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

In order to take advantage of their numbers, the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribe attacked the Silver Wolf Tribe's camp from three sides. The number of people on one side was less than 10,000. In order to avoid the attack of Andis Longbow, their formation was scattered. .

All this is the same as Eriksson calculated.

When the main force of the Silver Wolf Tribe appeared behind the Allied Forces of the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribes like a ghost, it formed the most typical pattern of fighting the few with more.

A wave of arrows rained down on him. Although he used the ox horn bow produced by his own tribe, the arrows were iron arrows sent by the Yongye Army, and the lethality increased linearly.

When the soldiers around him fell down in pieces, not to mention Chief Black Claw, even Chief Bilig, who had experienced countless storms and waves, almost lost his mind.

The division of the Silver Wolf Tribe completely exceeded his expectations.

This old bastard, play this trick again. Chief Black Claw gritted his teeth, Black Claw Warrior, come with me, hold them back, just hold them for an hour, I will let them come and go, Bi Li Chief Ge, you are in charge of contacting the warriors on the other two sides and eating them completely, I will see what tricks Rakesh can play then.

The scene in front of me is very similar to the Silver Wolf Tribe's raid on the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribes years ago. If the Yongye Army hadn't been a hindrance, the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribes would have almost become history.

This time, the Yongye Group Army played a completely opposite role in it, and the evil wolf and gray wolf tribe were caught off guard.

But the situation now is different from what it was before.

Although the forces of the Bad Wolf and Gray Wolf Tribe are relatively scattered now, they are still concentrated within a radius of more than ten kilometers, and they will arrive in no time.

As long as the Silver Wolf Tribe can be delayed for a while, it will not only be a simple refueling tactic, but the entire Silver Wolf Tribe elite will make dumplings. At that time, when the arrows in the Silver Wolf Tribe camp are used up, they will also It is the moment of breaking the city.

Although Chief Black Claw didn't understand tactics, but as a seasoned veteran, he made the most correct choice at the first time.

The thousand Odin orcs who have been following Chief Black Claw as a reserve force, under the leadership of Chief Black Claw, screamed and rushed towards the Silver Wolf tribe without fear of death.

They are the essence of the entire wolf tribe, and each of them has the strength above the knight level.

Not only is he powerful, but the equipment on his body is also excellent, the worst one is also wearing double armor, and the weapons are tailor-made, armed to the teeth.

They are the wolf tribe, built with the strength of the whole clan.

Due to the race's own characteristics and eating habits, the production rate of the Odin orcs in terms of high-end force is much higher than that of the Byron Alliance.

A medium-sized tribe like the wolf tribe, which is not on the table, can easily produce thousands of knight-level soldiers. What about those large tribes with better pastures and more resources?

Just like their population, what limited the number of senior Odin orc fighters was the tribal rations.

If they had sufficient supplies, the production rate of advanced fighters would reach an appalling level.

It's not without reason that the Byron Alliance regards the Odin orcs as the greatest threat and always sticks together.

The Odin orcs were war tools created by the ancient Andeans using the elven empire as their imaginary enemy, and what was integrated into their blood was not just as simple as magic.

Before the Eastern and Western Odin Empires were split, the Byron Alliance had been under pressure. Every year, one-third of the supplies produced by the entire alliance were shipped to Broken Blood Castle.

Even so, every ten or eight years, there will be one or two breach crises.

It wasn't until the Eastern and Western Odin Empires split and internal differences became serious that the days of the Byron Alliance were easier.

With the production area of ​​the Miracle Peninsula, the West Odin Empire is much more resistant to disasters, and knocking on the edge is not so frequent. Most of the tribes of the East Odin Empire who harass the small groups on the border of the Byron Alliance every year.

But once the Theodin Empire makes a move, it will cause a major earthquake in the entire Byron Union.

No wonder there has always been a split in the Odin Empire among the high-level officials on both sides, which is a conspiracy theory of the Byron Alliance.

Holders of these conspiracy theories believe that Baihu Chaganbari was able to take down the Miracle Peninsula in the first place, not by accident, but a necessity under the circumstances fueled by the Byron Alliance.

In addition to being able to find a series of clues similar to the slow rescue of the Byron Alliance from the war records of the year, it was also because the Odin Empire was split. At that time, under the leadership of the Odin Empire, the precarious Byron Alliance was the biggest beneficiary .

It is more cost-effective to use a miracle peninsula to weaken one's enemies.

As for the original owner of the Miracle Peninsula, the Commons family, the other grand duke families of the Byron Alliance don't care.

This kind of conspiracy theory has always been popular among the Commons family in exile at sea.

Over the years, when dealing with other families, they always regarded themselves as victims.

In the beginning, out of a sense of indebtedness, other families might tolerate three points to them.

After a long time, after the older generation in power passed away, they still have this virtue, and no one cares about them.

Now it is even more marginalized, and gradually degenerates into pirates.

The Byron people in the western coastal area also know that the Byron Alliance is composed of eight families. In the inland area, many people have never even heard of the name of the Commons family.

Closer to home.

Chief Black Claw led his guards and rushed up confidently, thinking that with this elite team, even if there was no way to carry the Silver Wolf Tribe, it would be no problem to delay them for a while.

But when there was a head-on contact, Chief Black Claw fell into an ice bank.

There were only a few hundred people rushing towards them, but it gave them the illusion of a mighty army.

Compared to the equipment on their bodies, the equipment on the elite of the wolf tribe is simply a pile of tatters. Not only are they fully armed, even the mounts under their crotch are also covered with special vests, and the whole thing can move. steel golem.

The black claw warrior's iron-tipped arrow fell on the opponent's body, leaving only a white mark, not even qualified to penetrate the first layer of armor.

The spear thrown by the other party caused dozens of Black Claw warriors to fall forever on the charge.

However, it was the two riders who acted as arrows that made the alarm bell ring in Chief Black Claw's heart.

Regardless of the opponent's stature or mount, even among thousands of troops, they can be as dazzling as they want.

The one on the left is riding a large and terrifying Andis tiger, and the one on the right is a klei beast, a unique creature of the Kentana Ice Field.

Needless to say, these two are of course the envoys from the Eternal Night Army, Andis the Tiger Tagore and the Bear Yale.

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