The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 209 Personnel Diversion

The entire east gate of Sishui City turned into a huge vegetable market, noisy and messy.

However, it is not ordinary goods that are picked and picked, but those war refugees.

Of course, the Yongye Army is not a slave trader, and neither has such a bad attitude, nor will it go against the wishes of those mountain people. Many things are directly stated, you love me.

The reason why they need to be selected is because the places where they are resettled are different, and the distances they need to walk are also different. The farthest Bastille is nearly 300 kilometers away in a straight line. Let those old, weak, sick and disabled move there, even if it is the Eternal Night Army If convenience is provided along the way, and there are special escorts, the casualties will be very heavy.

The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled will be resettled nearby, and those who are strong and less burdened by their families will be moved to the farthest place.

In order to increase the enthusiasm of these mountain people, the treatment is also different. The farther the border, the better the treatment.

For example, in the former Bastille and the current Twin Cities, as long as you can walk across alive, not only the farm will provide the most basic security, but also cheap farming cattle will be rented, and the Yongye Group Army will teach farming experience hand in hand. After one year of hard work, the next year will solve food and clothing.

If you only go behind the defense zone of the First and Second Corps, then you will be embarrassed. If you want to earn food and clothing, you need to pay your own labor. The Yongye Army will only provide you with more jobs to support yourself, but not many. Take half a catty of grain.

This is a very fair thing.

The conditions are clearly stated, and you can choose according to your own conditions.

The benefits of this diversion are obvious.

First of all, this is people going to get food, rather than transporting food to people. The savings in wastage alone is a huge sum.

Secondly, this huge group was broken into pieces and integrated into various parts of the Yongye Army. There was no chance of forming a group, and integrating into the Yongye Army was their only choice.

As long as they reach their destination, it is only a matter of time before they are swallowed by the Yongye Army and digested.

The Yongye Army has deep confidence in this.

Compared with loud slogans, the Yongye Army prefers to prove it with practical actions.

Saying a thousand words and ten thousand words is not as good as actually doing one thing.

The best way to dispel the doubts of these mountain people is to fill their pockets with surplus food.

As long as this is done, no one will remember the Walled City Alliance.

As for why there are mountain Kentana barbarians in the team, this is also a forced and helpless choice.

Not only the war refugees in Sishui City need to be diverted, but also these powerful captives.

The Yongye Army's strategy and tactics were executed perfectly this time, and they captured a large number of barbarians in the mountain Kentana, but handling it was also a happy trouble.

Collective detention is definitely not possible, the security risks are too great, and once there is a riot, if you want to subdue them again, you will have to pay the price of blood.

Moreover, it will take up the insufficient strength of the Yongye Army.

The most suitable method is to disassemble them into countless individuals and place them in the hundreds of guards stationed in various places of the Yongye Army. In terms of groups, the Yongye Army has the force to suppress them.

Moreover, the Kentana barbarians have their own shackles-the concept of clan supremacy and clan supremacy.

They disregard life and death, regardless of the enemy or their own, but they attach great importance to the life and death of their clansmen.

This is also a custom created by the unique environment of the Kentana Ice Field. In that extremely harsh environment, even an existence known for its physical tyranny is extremely fragile and must rely on the strength of the clan group to survive.

Many times they have to choose, to make choices in their own lives and in the continuation of the clan.

Since they can continue, the choice is self-evident.

Over time, this relatively complex and contradictory concept has naturally been developed.

The Yongye Army took advantage of this skillfully and adopted a relatively harsh system of continuous sitting.

It doesn't matter if you resist, it will not only be you who will be punished, but also your clansmen.

If you don't want your clansmen to have trouble, you have to obey the arrangement honestly.

This move was very effective against the barbarians of Kentana in the mountains, at least against the warriors of the Cliff Clan, including Xiong Yale, who gave the order to die together.

Courage is a matter of occasion and timeliness.

Back then on the battlefield, they were red-eyed, thinking that they were doomed to die, if they fell into the hands of the enemy, they would suffer cruel torture, in order to avoid being humiliated, they might as well die bravely in battle.

Now that I have come out of the horns, it is difficult to bring up this kind of courage again.

Not afraid of life and death!

Disregard for life!

That's just the quality that the mountain Kentana savages show on the battlefield, and on the contrary in life, with a zest for life, especially eating above.

Every mountain Kentana barbarian is an out-and-out foodie, and it is an extremely happy thing for them to be able to fill their bottomless stomach.

How could a foodie be the owner of a self-destructive personality?

Eating is precisely what the Yongye Army is most proud of. Under Xiao En's intentional or unintentional influence, they have already figured out how to eat, and have eaten out of the realm. All kinds of old ingredients have been researched by them. Eat it and be proud of it.

These mountain Kentana savages are a bit like rats in a jar of oil.

It is true that the Yongye Army tried their best to squeeze out all the value of the prisoners of war, but some of the most basic rights of survival will still be guaranteed, such as eating a full stomach and some food control, which can improve the quality of life of those prisoners of war to a certain extent. Enthusiasm for labor reform.

A week after the end of the ice city sniper battle, the first diverted team just hit the road.

It takes time to select personnel for the Eternal Night Squad responsible for transporting the mountain people and mountain Kentana barbarian prisoners of war.

It also takes time for the Yongye Army to deploy supplies and set up supply points.

These days, there are no taxis and buses, and even the number of ox carts and horse-drawn carriages is not large, and their practicability is not high.

Based on the current financial and material resources of the Yongye Army, a team of one hundred people can only be equipped with two bullock carts and five human-powered sailing unicycles for the longest distance, and they mainly rely on walking.

In the mountains with complicated road conditions, the most practical means of transportation is not horse-drawn carts and ox carts, but this kind of wheelbarrow.

Once developed, it was deeply loved by all officers and soldiers of the Yongye Army. It is a must-have equipment for every guard, and it greatly improves their marching speed.

It is undoubtedly the well-equipped infantry armor that slows down the marching speed of a team, but they are also the core of a hundred guards. Without them, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and some tactics cannot be implemented at all.

It is different with a human-powered unicycle. Pushing it is much less labor-saving than carrying it. Whether it is supplies or some inconvenient siege equipment, it can also be accompanied.

The level of practicality is even higher than that of a pack horse. Not only does it have a carrying capacity that far exceeds that of Thomas, but it also does not require additional ration consumption. It is also convenient to manufacture. The affiliated engineering regiment randomly pulls out one and uses local materials. Can make one.

The physical strength consumed was not as great as imagined.

You can tell by its full name that this unicycle has two power supply systems. In addition to manpower, it is also equipped with a sail that can be opened and closed on the front, which can be opened with the wind and closed with the wind.

In the downwind state, the road conditions are good, and they are really walking like flying. Several soldiers take turns to push, and the speed is faster than that of a pack horse.

The Yongye Group Army rationed the ox carts and carts to these moving teams, not to carry food, but to take care of those who were weak in physical strength and easy to fall behind. They carried very little food and supplies with them, and they were mainly used to deal with emergencies. hair condition.

For meals and lodging, the Yongye Group Army has set up supply points along the way. They only need to walk over, and they will have hot meals to eat and warm kangs to sleep on. I took a reassurance.

They have long heard that the Yongye Army is different, but they did not expect such a big difference.

Their former allegiance targets were good at exploiting them one at a time, but when it comes to doing things, 80% of them have diarrhea, let alone such a meticulous and comprehensive situation, which is simply unimaginable.

Before setting off, many mountain people had a rather pessimistic mood.

In their conception, long-distance travel is a very dangerous thing, especially in the cold winter, it is even more dangerous. Fatigue, hunger, and cold will follow like a shadow, draining their physical strength and vitality, and then Falling down on unfamiliar land and unable to get up again, 70% of them can reach their destination, which is considered a success.

The current situation is completely different. Along the way, the Yongye Army not only fully considered the issue of supplies, but also took into account their physical strength. Even if they were physically weak in the middle of the journey, the Yongye soldiers who accompanied the team would coordinate and arrange manpower. , or take an ox cart or a rickshaw to take them to the next supply point.

After adjusting overnight, those who can recover will continue to move forward with the team. If the situation is bad, they will stay at the supply point for temporary recuperation, or follow the team behind, or directly settle on the spot, with flexible and maneuverable wrists.

The latter situation is a minority after all, after all, they have carefully screened before departure.

The moving road was not as dull as imagined. Those Yongye soldiers accompanying the team, especially the captain and deputy captain of the team, not only were good at handling various things, but usually there was one who was eloquent, and the active atmosphere was also in the Go, or tell stories, or teach them to sing with them, or describe to them the future life scene.

Before you know it, the next supply station will arrive.

Let alone those who died, there are only a handful of those who are left behind.

It's easy to say, but not so easy to do.

Leaving aside the requirements for the coordination of all aspects of the Yongye Army, just talking about the leaders and deputy captains who are not low in quality, they need as many as five or six hundred people.

Only the talented Yongye Army dared to play like this.

Looking at others, and then looking around himself, Ban Hebrew couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Based on this alone, his defeat was not wronged.

The diversion and evacuation of refugees from the war lasted for two full months.

A total of more than 80,000 war refugees were evacuated, which greatly relieved the pressure on Sishui City. Even without the assistance of the Yongye Army, it would not be a problem to support it until the beginning of next spring.

During this process, the number of deaths was less than a hundred, and most of them were caused by irresistible human factors.

If this number is spread out, it is absolutely unbelievable.

Not more, but less.

Compared with this huge project, in this era, such a loss rate is unimaginable.

This successful migration has greatly enhanced the confidence of those mountain people who have just joined the Yongye Group Army, and they are full of longing for the future life. They have witnessed the life of the people under the rule of the Yongye Group Army along the way.

I dare not say that it is rich and comfortable, but it has basically solved the problem of food and clothing. There are clothes to wear when going in and out, and there are warm bunks to sleep in.

At the very beginning, when the captain and deputy captain described it to them like this, they couldn't believe it. They thought it was a big cake to motivate them, but they didn't expect that they were talking about the living conditions of the leaders of the Yongye Army. .

This migration is not only a diversion, but also an emotional fusion.

The war refugees and the Eternal Night soldiers who escorted them along the way formed a strong emotional bond, and even the barbarians in the mountain Kentana were no longer so hostile.

Only when there is communication can there be cognition and emotion.

After getting along for a long time, they discovered that the mountain Kentana barbarians were not as cruel as the legends said, and what the war showed was only their worst side.

They naturally also have a good side, except for the disparity in body size and some unique customs, they are not much different from ordinary mountain people.

Angry when angry, laugh when happy, cry when sad...

Most of the mountain Kentana savages are relatively short-tempered and irritable, and in reverse, such people are relatively simple-minded, and will return kindness to those who show them kindness-most of them.

Along the way, under the deliberate guidance of Yongye soldiers, those stupid big guys helped a lot and gained a lot of impression points for them.

Even if they are prisoners of war, isolating hostility is not the most appropriate method, and actively integrating into transformation is the best policy.

From top to bottom, the Yongye Army contains the deepest malice, and they also hope to rely on their best brainwashing ability to turn them into one of their own one day.

Those captains and vice-captains will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity. In addition to the daily brainwashing work, they will also observe whether there are any good seedlings in the team they lead. When the Yongye Army recruits next time, their Hundred Guards will naturally have Certain advantages.

According to the latest statistics, we will have more than two months of food shortage before the new season's grain comes down. The gap in Sishui City is two months longer than ours. This has already been converted into the output of the mountains. , otherwise we will enter the food shortage period as soon as the summer comes, and this is the situation, and the generals are called together to brainstorm and find ways to overcome the current difficulties. Marshall said first.

The Chief Financial Officer of the Yongye Army, both his face and his hair were a little gray, making him look four or five years older than his actual age, and he already had a somewhat mature and stable color.

There was a deep tiredness on the young face, obviously he didn't know how long he had been spinning.

This diversion, the heaviest burden on his shoulders is him.

From the destination assignment of the diverted personnel, the food, clothing, housing and transportation on the road, emergencies, personnel arrangements after arriving at the destination, etc., he needs to lead the staff to arrange.

Even if it is diversion, you can't do it randomly, but make arrangements according to the actual support situation of each hundred guards. Otherwise, once the personnel are diverted, the local hundred guards will not have enough land or food, which will only cause local troubles and cause new riots and the source of turbulence, a second deployment is required to increase the workload.

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