The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 208 The general trend

Good news, good news, great victory in Ice City, the Yongye Army fought fiercely for three days and three nights, wiped out the invaders, and captured thousands of people.

We have won, we have won, those damned invaders have been wiped out, haha... we have won.

The Yongye Army is really powerful. Did they really wipe out those barbarians with the help of those two ice walls?

I don't know, not only the two ice walls, but the Yongye Army also has a secret weapon, which is said to be called the Mountain God's Wrath. Did you feel the shaking at noon?

I feel it. Didn't the earth dragon turn over? Don't tell me it's the Wrath of the Mountain God, the secret weapon of the Yongye Army?

That's right, that's the wrath of the mountain god. You don't know, those barbarians are really brutal. Even the Yongye Army couldn't resist by relying on the ice wall. Just when they broke through the first ice wall and attacked the second When you hit the ice wall, guess what happened?

What's going on? Don't be a fool, tell me quickly, today's drink is mine, boss, give him a glass of rye wine.

Hehe, then I'm not going to be polite, Gudong, ha... It's still powerful, don't worry, wait for me to moisten my throat, at the most critical moment, the mountain shakes, and with a bang, the two ice walls are just like that. It collapsed and crushed all those invincible savages under the ice, what else is that but the wrath of the mountain god?

How do you know such details? As if you saw it with your own eyes? can't say this, you can't say it, anyway, what I said is absolutely nonsense.

Without evidence, even if you are telling lies, we don't know.

Hey, believe it or not, I still have a piece of gossip, do you want to hear it?

What's the point of nonsense, if you have something to say, hurry up.


Boss, give him another glass of rye wine, and it's still mine.

It's still brothers who are forthright. I heard that our city lord is discussing the merger of the Yongye Army.

I thought it was such a breaking news! This is so fresh, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. This is an inevitable trend. The barbarians forced us into a panic, and the Yongye Army wiped them out with a backhand. Both sides Isn’t the strength of the company obvious? To say that the merger is exaggerated, I think the annexation is not too bad, but it’s all about big people, and it has nothing to do with us. Let’s talk about something that is practical, otherwise you will be sorry for this glass of rye wine.”

For the sake of the rye wine, I will tell you a little more truth. I heard that the Yongye Army is short of manpower. As long as you work hard, you can have two meals a day. If you can join the main force, That would be even more serious, three meals a day, with eggs and meat at each meal, for a week, without heavy meals, everyone should plan early.

Really? Is the treatment so good? Even those leaders don't have this kind of life, do they?

Believe it or not, anyway, I gave the news, and it is always right to prepare early.

When the news came back that the mountain Kentana barbarians had been wiped out and captured by the Yongye Army, the entire Sishui City was boiling, and everyone rushed to tell the news.

The streets and alleys are full of voices talking about the Yongye Army, especially those mountain people who were driven to Sishui City by the mountain Kentana barbarians like ducks. They are grateful and admired. They have witnessed the mountain Kentana barbarism. The strength and ferocity of people, we know what kind of terrifying enemy the Yongye Army is facing.

Facing such an enemy, the Yongye Army not only won, but also completely won. How strong does the Yongye Army have to be?

Under the guidance of someone with a heart, all the speeches are one-sided in favor of the Yongye Army.

In the eyes of everyone, it is only natural that the Walled City Alliance merged into the Yongye Army, and it is the trend of the times.

Whoever hinders this general trend is a sinner, the sinner of the entire Andis, and has the same virtue as Gegild.

This trend of public opinion has directly influenced the situation on Table Mountain.

After witnessing the horrific scene, Ban Hebrew hurried back to Sishui City, and met with Sean, the supreme commander of the Yongye Army, to discuss the future of the relationship between the two parties.

The Walled City Alliance will definitely not be able to keep it, but if the Yongye Group Army wants to swallow the Walled City Alliance without bloodshed, it must make some concessions. At least it belongs to the personal interests of his class Hebrew, and it should be taken care of and preserved.

The old fox originally wanted to set the tone before news of the victory came back.

It's just that this time, the opponent is also an out-and-out little fox. Before the battle with the barbarians in Kentana in the mountains, it was just a procrastination, repeated nonsense, and did not give an accurate response.

When the dust settled on the front line, Xiao En immediately made small moves within the Walled City Alliance, activating all the secret agents lurking in the Walled City Alliance, actively building momentum, and taking the opportunity to establish a positive image of the Yongye Army, giving Ban Hebrew puts pressure on—the two sides are about to become one, and these people have not been activated yet, when will it be?

It was only then that Ban Hebrew realized how deeply the Walled City Alliance had been infiltrated by the Yongye Army. It would not be an exaggeration to use a sieve riddled with holes. His every move was under the nose of the opponent.

This is only actively exposed, who knows how many nails are stuck in the deepest part.

Although Ban Hebrew didn't meet Sean many times, he was deeply impressed by the stability and maturity of this unsmiling young man. Many old foxes who have practiced for many years do not have this kind of cultivation.

The opponent is definitely not the kind of person who is easily dazzled by victory and shows all his cards.

But in view of the complicated relationship between the two parties, Ban Hebrew had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

Hereditary fiefdom is impossible. Everyone only has the right to use the land, but no ownership of the land. We can promise that your private property will be protected, but the land is not included. All troops and servants must be dismissed. After resettlement, you will pay for it. Employment, as long as it does not violate the laws of the Yongye Army, we will not interfere.

Sean is at the negotiating table, and he will not give an inch when it comes to privileges.

For any force, privileges are the most perishable parts. Under human intervention, the originally inconspicuous privileges will rot abruptly into big holes.

Not to mention that it involves the root of a power - land.

The Byron Alliance is the best example. The unrestrained land entrustment caused the entire alliance to be divided. Most of the time, the king's voice was limited to his own territory.

As the regent princess, Sophie Liya is one of the few things that can be directly decided. She has to go through various power and interest games, and Sean feels aggrieved for her.

The reason is the land ownership.

Sophilia has been aware of this problem, and she wants to take it back, but there are many obstacles—blocked by the collective interests of those who are benefited.

With lessons learned from the past, Sean will never be vague on this issue.

The hereditary fiefdom is optional, and I can also go into seclusion, but Bran wants to join the Yongye Army, or at least join the military staff. Ban Hebrew could only choose the next best thing.

A long time ago, he had carefully studied the policies of the Yongye Army, and knew that the possibility of winning hereditary fiefdoms from it was extremely slim. Even the supreme ruler, Xiao En, had to pay taxes on time, which showed that they were jealous of privileges.

Ban Hebrew didn't really want a hereditary fief, this was just a tentative method.

Let me reiterate the program and beliefs of our Yongye Group Army. We will treat everyone who joins the Yongye Group Army equally, and the opportunities they have are the same. As long as you have the ability, you can run for any position. We will not suppress it deliberately. Also, I will not deliberately take care of it, if Mr. Brann wants to join the military staff of the Yongye Army, I can only give him a chance to be selected in the exam, whether he can join or not depends on his own ability.

Xiao En is still biting and refusing to let go, just kidding, the military staff department is the core department of the Yongye Army, not only the level of secrecy is high enough, the most important thing is that it involves strategic planning, which is directly related to the lives of countless soldiers , how can you want to pretend to be a fool?

And if you want to join, in addition to your ability, you also need to prove your loyalty.

Xiao En will not open this hole casually and destroy his own foundation.

Your Excellency, General, is so principled and admirable. The son of my Hebrew class doesn't need special privileges. You just need to give him a fair chance to compete. As for whether he can join, it depends entirely on his own ability. .”

In front of the powerful Sean, Ban Hebrew could only retreat again and again, who put them at an absolute disadvantage militarily.

This is what weak countries without diplomacy say.

The peaceful annexation of the Walled City Alliance is not an agreement. The Walled City Alliance is a member of the Yongye Army.

The defense zone of the Yongye Army has not changed much.

From the perspective of the Yongye Group Army, as long as they have not accepted their adaptation and integration, they are all potential non-staff personnel, especially Sishui City now has a population of nearly 300,000, of which 70,000 to 80,000 are war refugees and have nothing in their hands.

They were originally a burden of the Walled City Alliance, but now they have become a burden of the Yongye Army.

They are also one of the main factors that promote Ban Hebrew to make a decision as soon as possible. The current Sishui City is an active volcano that is on the verge of eruption. In order to delay the pace of the mountain Kentana barbarians, more than half of the elite in his hand , control is also weakened to the extreme.

These mountain people who are usually silent and oppressed by them, if they can't even see the hope of living, they will turn into mobs and become the most terrifying man-eating beasts in the world. He would eat up Hebrew, and the whole city of Four Waters would be turned into ruins.

How to let them survive this harsh winter is the first priority and the first condition for peaceful annexation.

Even without the premise of peaceful annexation, the Yongye Army is very willing to take over this burden.

For Sishui City, this burden is a pure burden, but for the Yongye Army, it is a happy burden.

This burden will indeed make them more difficult in the next year, but once they get through it, the spring will be warm and the flowers will bloom, which will become the fuel for the rapid development of the Yongye Army.

Dealing with refugees, the Yongye Army is familiar with it.

Relief with work is a very mature means of disaster relief.

It can not only give those mountain people the chance and hope to survive, but also maximize the benefits, and will not raise a group of lazy moths.

What the Yongye Army lacks most is all kinds of infrastructure projects. Although winter is not a good construction season, some preparatory work can still be done in advance.

Because of the beast mutation incident, the Yongye Army had long been prepared to receive a large number of refugees. Although the number of war refugees in Sishui City was relatively large, which exceeded the original budget of the Yongye Army, they could still survive by tightening their belts.

This is the gathering point of the Fourth Corps of the First Corps of the Yongye Group Army. Please follow me if you get the pine stick. Don't mess around. We take the family as a unit. If there are people with mobility issues or who are not feeling well, please notify in advance, and your own The luggage should be as simple as possible, and we have prepared the most basic survival supplies at the destination to ensure that you will last until the beginning of next spring.

Please let me check your package. What are you doing with so much wood? I know it's high-quality yellow paulownia wood, but we have to drive more than 400 kilometers of mountain roads. Are you going to carry it all the way? It will tire you out halfway. Die, didn't someone already tell you that these bulky items are not allowed to be carried!

Hurry up to the material exchange point and exchange the voucher. When you arrive at the destination, no matter whether you choose to exchange for equivalent items or other materials, they are all easy to use. There is also food. The amount that each person carries with him is not allowed to exceed five pounds, and all the excess is exchanged. Don’t worry, I’ve prepared a supply point along the way to guarantee that you won’t go hungry, it’s free, don’t you want to eat your own food?”

What? That's just a wooden sign? The one endorsed by the Yongye Army is not a wooden sign, but real money. Will the Yongye Army covet your property?

For us, you and your family are the most precious wealth and the cornerstone of our development and growth. How short-sighted we are, digging the cornerstone by ourselves? If our vision is really so short-sighted, we can develop and grow to the present Is it to this extent?

What's more, I will walk with you all the way. When you arrive at the destination, if you can't exchange the supplies, come to me. I will pay for your losses. After you get the exchange voucher, remember to register with me for the record. , to prevent getting lost on the road.”

If there are no other questions, let's start the roll call. We should get 120 people, and we actually got 120 people. Very good. I think we have reached a consensus. This is a good start. Besides , we have three extras, three mountain Kentana savages, who will go with us.

Everyone, you'd better restrain your hostile attitude. The war is over. The crimes they committed in the war will be repaid with practical actions. Now is the beginning. They are powerful. You should be clear that our Eternal Night Army can't do anything about it. So many escorts have been dispatched, and the beasts in the mountains have behaved very abnormally recently, they will be our most basic force guarantee.

As for whether they will mess around, don't worry about it. Although these barbarians have bad tempers, they value the clan and clansmen far more than their own lives. If they don't want to implicate their clansmen, they won't mess around Yes, of course this does not include your active provocation.

Stay in formation, let's open the way, arrive at the destination early, start a new life early, believe me, life there is definitely better than before, today's long journey, in exchange for a bright future, is a very good deal , you will be grateful for today's choice in the future.

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