The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 207 The dust settles

Sooner or later, the Cliff Clan will take revenge on you. A mountain Kentana barbarian growled helplessly, threw away the weapon in his hand, and squatted down on the ground.

This behavior seemed to be contagious, and the surrounding mountain Kentana barbarians threw away their weapons one after another and squatted on the ground.

There are limits to courage, and the Mountain Kentana Savages are no exception.

Whether it is their courage or physical strength, they have been overdrawn one after another.

Whether it was courage or fear that supported their fight, they couldn't tell.

It may also lack a step and reason to surrender.

Now Skull Crusher McGee has set up the steps, and the reason has been sent up, they just need to follow the trend and go down.

In addition to restricting their ability to move with ropes, every mountain Kentana barbarian has an infantry guard who is dedicated to guarding them.

Their fierce fighting power left a deep impression on the Yongye Army, especially their brute strength, even if they used special ropes with spider silk, they were not at ease.

Then the affiliated engineer corps responsible for the long-range suppression also pressed up, took out professional tools, and began to clean up the ruins of the ice wall and rescue the living people under the pressure.

A group of soldiers in white linen clothes, carrying a small box on their backs, shuttled back and forth to check on the conditions of the wounded, whether they belonged to the Yong Ye or the Cliff Clan, and shouted from time to time, There is still one alive here.

While helping them stop the bleeding urgently, they waited for the stretcher to arrive.

This is the unique unit of the Yongye Army - medical soldiers.

They include veterans whose bodies have begun to decline, and those who have been carefully selected by various guards.

With the same characteristics, they are all sent to the affiliated college of the medical research base, and have studied battlefield first aid, and can deal with most of the internal and external injuries on the battlefield.

Those Eternal Night soldiers cooperated very well, and even many fatal wounds were dealt with urgently by their companions or themselves on the battlefield. Although many of the techniques were unprofessional and would leave ugly scars after recovery, compared to their own lives, this What is it?

This is the result of the medical soldiers spreading first aid knowledge to Yongye soldiers on a daily basis. If there is no accident, after this war, they will have many more companions.

For those who are unable to serve in the main corps after some disabilities, changing jobs to become a medical soldier will be their first choice, that is, they can continue to shine without leaving their familiar environment and guards.

Those mountain Kentana barbarians who have not yet died are not very cooperative, and they make all kinds of strange calls to threaten, and those who are capable even resist. It is obvious that they regard these medical soldiers as executioners, and execute the wounded soldiers of the enemy. Many of them have done this job.

The results were less than ideal.


Although they are prefixed with medical treatment, they are still soldiers. Not to mention the decline of the most basic qualities of soldiers, they are also proficient in some skills that ordinary soldiers do not have. The same mountain Kentana savages are limp and limp.

These men who didn't change their colors even in the face of landslides and landslides were full of horror at the moment, looking at these medical soldiers as if they were looking at demons.

The human bear Yale woke up again. His monster-like physical fitness made his self-recovery ability super strong. Before McGee the Skull Crusher knocked him out again, he said first: Wait, if you are going to save people, I will I can cooperate with you.

Skull Crusher McGee stared at Yale the Bear with no expression on his face. Although he didn't do anything directly, he was still trying to discern the authenticity.

This guy was still clamoring before, even if he died in battle, he would not surrender, why did he suddenly change his temper now? There will be no fraud in it, right?

However, judging from the current situation, he can't do any tricks, so I want to see what he has to say.

Bear Yalu said helplessly: Since the matter has come to this point, if I continue to be ignorant, it will be my clansmen who will be killed in the end. They did not lose their glory on the battlefield. Now that the war is over, it is time to fight for them. chance of survival.

The views before and after the bear Yale are very contradictory, and many Yongye soldiers are in the fog.

But Skull Crusher McGee nodded knowingly, knowing that the other party didn't shake him.

For outsiders, such a view is contradictory, but from the perspective of a Kentana barbarian, this view is really very correct.

On the battlefield, they are fearless, resist to the death, and risk everything for the sake of the clan and glory.

When the war is over, survival becomes their number one priority.

This is the cruel environment of the Kentana Ice Field, twisted into a unique ethnic culture.

Although he knew that the other party was not lying, McGee the Skull Crusher added: Don't make any actions that may cause misunderstandings. My eyes are on you. Your every move not only determines your life and death, but also determines your life. Including those of your clan, we never have the custom of exterminating them in the night. Now that the war is over, we will do our best to rescue all survivors, including your clan fighters. atonement for the iniquity that has been committed.”

If you die, you will be done, and only by living can you atone for the sins you have committed.

This concept has been deeply rooted in the Yongye Army.

This is related to the fact that the Yongye Army has always maintained a high-speed development, and there is always a shortage of manpower.

Even those captives, in their hands, can't eat idle food, make wealth in captivity, and shine brightly. The euphemistic name is labor reform.

Sean swears to God, this word has nothing to do with him.

At some point, this word popped up automatically and became a special term for the Yongye Army.

When Xiao En heard this word from someone else's mouth for the first time, he was stunned for several seconds, and could only lament the commonality caused by his actions.

After tasting the sweetness from it, the entire Yongye Army was full of interest in the prisoners of war.

Even within the Yongye Army, there are far fewer execution projects than in other territories. Unless it is those who arouse public outrage, commit heinous crimes, and do not know how to repent, the rest who can be reformed through labor are reformed through labor, helping the Yongye Army to create more wealth.

The old opponent of the Eternal Night Army, Clayton the Scavenger, is the best example. He was punched by Baozi and hurt his lungs. With the medical skills of the Eternal Night Army and the physical fitness of the Great Knight, he managed to survive.

Under the triple strategy of high pressure, temptation, and brainwashing by the Yongye Army, he has already begun to reflect on his own life and accept labor reform honestly.

As for whether he is really reflecting on his life, no one in the Yongye Group Army cares about his crimes, even if he has committed meritorious service and commuted his sentence, if he wants to regain his freedom, he will have to wait 20 or 30 years, let's not talk about that Whether he can still jump at that time depends on the current development speed of the Yongye Army. In three to five years, the threat he can bring will be negligible, regardless of his own influence and strength.

However, a great knight-level free labor force is now real. It is not a problem of one person serving three people, but some jobs that ordinary people can't do can be easily done in his hands.

The Eternal Night soldiers looked at those barbarians in Kentana as if they were looking at their own private property, so naturally they would not harm them easily.

Someone Xiong Yale came forward, and the emotions of those wounded mountain Kentana barbarians have stabilized a lot. Even if they don't actively cooperate, they will no longer cause trouble.

Some mountain Kentana savages who were not seriously injured also joined the ranks of rescue under the supervision of those infantry armor.

These guys can be used as small cranes, and to save their own clansmen, they will naturally do their best and will not make troubles casually, greatly improving efficiency.

Soon masses of half-dead mountain Kentana savages were dug out from under the ice walls.

When designing the ice wall trap, the Yongye Army did not do anything wrong, leaving a lot of opportunities for the mountain Kentana barbarians in it.

For example, those large catapults are the most natural supports, which will support some large living spaces.

If the Yongye Army really wanted to do something absolute, instead of setting fire to it before retreating, it would directly bury black powder kegs underneath and blast at fixed points. Tana savages were fried to pieces.

Then there are some earth pits and trenches that are not deep or shallow, which are all potential shelters, but if they are crushed under them, if there is no rescue from outsiders, they will be dead.

The reason why the Yongye Army chose to do this was not to uphold the idea that God has the virtue of good life, but purely because they wanted more captives from the mountain Kentana barbarians.

They are natural self-propelled cranes, which can play a good role in various types of infrastructure. Since there are a lot of opportunities to capture them, they will naturally not let them go.

Therefore, the mountain Kentana savages who were really crushed to death by the ice wall were beyond imagination.

On the contrary, they panicked and jumped into the inland lake, and many of them actually drowned, even those who knew how to throw floating objects into the lake first, stayed in the icy lake for so long, and when they were fished out, they were seriously injured. He lost his temperature and was about to go into shock. Whether he can survive it depends on whether his own quality is strong enough.

Afterwards, more than 4,000 mountain Kentana barbarians were captured in this battle, of which 70% were wounded.

The Yongye Group Army killed more than 300 people, seriously injured more than 400 people, and more than 1,000 people were slightly injured.

Most of them were caused by the hedging process when the Kentana barbarians in the mountains were weakened to the extreme and the Yongye Army had an absolute advantage.

This string of statistics once again proves the Kentana barbarian's reputation as invincible in foot combat.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Yongye Army had enough cards to fight head-on, even if the two armies converged, they might be defeated by the opponent head-on.

Even with the crude equipment, they are all so ferocious. If they are replaced with the same equipment of the Yongye Army, it is hard to imagine what kind of terrifying situation it will be.

Even if the barbarians in the mountain Kentana are like this, how brave are the real Kentana barbarians.

No wonder the people of the ancient Andes Empire were reluctant to eradicate them completely, but instead exiled them to the Kentana Ice Field to make the Odin orcs, they even used them as their mothers.

The only good news is that the harsh natural environment of the Kentana Ice Field has limited the development and growth of their race. The number of Kentana barbarians has always been small, and there are few large tribes with more than a thousand people. Most of them live in units of hundreds of people or families .

On the contrary, the mountainous Kentana barbarians rely on the relatively abundant products in the east of the Andes Mountains, and their population is relatively large, but it is only relative to the Kentana barbarians.

The Cliff clan was able to gather a team of nearly 10,000 people, and it had annexed the surrounding tribes of all sizes. It was one of the largest tribes among the barbarians in the mountain Kentana.

Compared with the unique climate inside the Andes crater, the natural environment and products of the Dongluan, which directly borders the Kentana Ice Field, are much worse. The development of the Cliff Clan has encountered a bottleneck. Come to the door, naturally hit it off.

Needless to say the rest of the matter, full of confidence, ready to take the opportunity to take down the cliff clan of the Andes crater, hit a hard nail, and broke their teeth violently.

What's the situation with Captain Woody? Skull Crusher McKee asked himself the adjutant in charge of liaison.

Woody, the current head of the First Reorganized Corps of the Second Army, during the first full-line attack on the Walled City Alliance, the Hundred Guards led by him emerged. This earliest generation of youth army found its own path.

It coincided with the expansion of the Yongye Group Army and the establishment of the Second Army. His hundred guards were in the ranks. His talent in training the army was fully utilized, and his position was rising steadily. In less than a year, he was promoted to the present position. The location can be regarded as a lot of accumulation.

Gegird has been confirmed dead, and let those traitors be beaten to death. Commander Woody has led his troops to find the other party's dock. He received the news half an hour ago that the battle has ended and most of the ships are under control, the adjutant replied. .

The Yongye Army's war against the barbarians in the mountain Kentana this time can be regarded as the worst since its establishment.

The most mobilized manpower and material resources.

The hemp thread drawn from the rush to make sacks was worth a thousand ox carts, and many soldiers and civilians even donated their extra hemp clothes.

Together with the mountain people mobilized by the Walled City Alliance, there are a total of 170,000 people, not to mention other odds and ends.

All the corps that the Yongye Army could mobilize were mobilized.

However, there are only two reorganized corps and the special skull-crushing corps that are actually guarding the ice wall.

Sean personally led a regiment and a half, sitting in the rear.

Firstly, as a reserve, if the ice wall trap fails to completely kill the barbarians in Kentana, they will be the second line of defense.

The second is to keep an eye on the Walled City Alliance to prevent this temporary ally from causing trouble for him.

Another half of the corps, led by Woody, secretly lurked on the other side of the ice wall.

Their mission wasn't to stab the mountain Kentana savage in the back, but to find Gegild's shipyard.

After receiving the news of the success of the front-line battle, he immediately controlled the Gegild's fleet that was transporting the mountain Kentana barbarians, completely cutting off the retreat of these mountain Kentana barbarians.

Gergild's death was expected. Those mountain people who had suffered so badly must hate him to death. As long as they find an opportunity, they will kill him as soon as possible.

Even if he didn't die, if he fell into the hands of the Yongye Army, he wouldn't be able to escape.

Betrayal is a crime that no force will forgive, not even the Yongye Army.

Gergild's behavior has already touched the bottom line, and not killing is not enough to establish prestige.

It's good to succeed. McGee breathed a long sigh of relief. This time, the war with the mountainous Kentana barbarians was a success. Apart from the astonishing consumption of supplies, the casualties were within an acceptable range.

There is no way that no one will die in a battle. The military staff has estimated before the battle that the casualties are within one regiment, which is considered a complete victory.

Where's the general? Is there any movement? Skull Crusher McKee asked.

The mountain Kentana barbarians were completely annihilated, and the Walled City Alliance has now become the main enemy of the Yongye Army.

To be honest, McGee the Skull Crusher is still wary of Ban Hebrew. Don't look at this old fox, who put his stance so low before, who knows if he will admit it afterwards.

There is no news from the general. The adjutant replied truthfully.

No news is the best news. Clean up the battlefield as soon as possible, send the wounded down first, and then escort the prisoners in batches. Skull Crusher McGee strode towards the bear Yale. It's a bit of a shame not to see this guy with his own eyes. worried.

Obey. The adjutant gave a standard eternal night military salute, turned around and arranged related matters.

After all, this place is currently the territory of the Walled City Alliance. It is better not to stay too long.

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