The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 210 Food Crisis

To put it bluntly, the Yongye Army's diversion was successful this time. Those Yongye soldiers who led the escort at the front line only accounted for 30% of the credit, and the remaining 70% went to these unknown administrators led by Marshall.

Without them, those Yongye soldiers would not even be able to take 10% of the mountain people to their destination.

Plan ahead.

It is the excellent style that the Yongye Army has formed since its founding.

Especially the lack of food, which involves the fundamentals of one's own foothold.

Not to mention the two-month food shortage, as a force, if it does not have three or two years of food reserves in its hands, it is not considered a success, and it is difficult to feel safe.

Because no one knows what the harvest will be in the next few years, once there is a famine.

In the case of severe food shortage, even the Yongye Army can hardly pat its own chest and say that it can survive.

It has been the fourth year since the establishment of the Yongye Group Army, but the food in hand has never been abundant.

It's not that the year is too bad and the harvest is too little.

When it comes to the output of the past few years, it can't compare with the fertile Asia Minor plains, but it dares to wrestle with other military leaders, and it will definitely be a bumper harvest.

However, the development and merger speed of the Yongye Group Army is even more frighteningly fast. It is no longer one step a year, but four or five steps at a time.

The stride is big, and it is easy to pull the egg.

This time in self-defense against the mountain Kentana barbarians, this was the case with the annexation of the Walled City Alliance.

But let them choose again for a while, they still do it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If they don't seize the opportunity to take down the Walled City Alliance, they will probably face even more troublesome situations.

Once he regained his breath, the old fox from Ban Hebrew would definitely not be so easily subdued.

If he couldn't catch his breath, and was directly collapsed by the refugees who were forced to a dead end in Sishui City, the Yongye Army would have to come forward to clean up the mess.

Two months is not a long time. I used to be hungry. It was not a common thing. Now that the people have a lot of surplus food, it is really impossible. What is the implementation of the military rationing system? Everyone tightens their belts together. It’s over, it’s always been done like this before.” Skull Crusher McGee patted his belly carelessly and said, “Look, there’s a lot of oil and water now, not to mention two or three months, even half a year. can be squeezed dry.

This speech caused the senior executives of the Yongye Army to roll their eyes. This guy is good at fighting, and when it comes to this kind of people's livelihood, he is a melon.

However, this Mr. Caigua has no self-consciousness at all, and he speaks enthusiastically every time.

Every time, I will be refuted as negative remarks, and I still enjoy it, and it is the same this time.

It's been almost four years since the establishment of the Yongye Group Army, and it's a hell of a way to use the same method of eating big pot meals in the village.

The military officer rationing system, unless the family is exterminated, it must not be started easily. The food and property in the hands of the people are all saved by them through hard work. They are property that has paid taxes to us and is protected by law. , If we confiscate them casually, what is the use of our laws? What is our credibility? Why do the consuls trust us afterward?

At this kind of meeting, Chad, the chief of the military procuratorate who did not speak easily, spoke as soon as possible, with as solemn an ​​expression as possible: Deputy General McKee, your thoughts are dangerous and must be corrected in time, otherwise once you step on the If you make a mistake, it will shake the foundation of the Yongye Army.

Huh? McGee was a little dumbfounded. It's a common thing to be bullied in this kind of meeting, and I'm used to it.

In his own words, among a group of smart people, there are always one or two idiots who are active. Since he is unwilling to be this idiot, he has done it. Anyway, we all know that he is straightforward and speaks without thinking. I did not expect this time It seems that it touched a sensitive part and was put on the line.

Finally, he touched his bare head: This is just a proposal, if it doesn't work, forget it, don't you guys mean brainstorming?

I'm just reminding your Excellency, the deputy general, the danger of this proposal, so as to prevent future mistakes. Chad also knew that the other party was a mess, he said it before, but forgot about it, and he didn't get entangled with him on this issue, Although the division of labor is different, I always believe that cutting expenditure is only one aspect of this kind of thing, and open source is the most correct solution.”

That's right, the situation we are facing now is nothing more than two means of increasing income and reducing expenditure. For reducing expenditure, I have already drafted a draft in my hand. Please circulate it and see what needs to be supplemented. Food is different from capital budget. It’s not just cutting a piece casually, lowering the efficiency and carrying it over. Therefore, it’s hard to make a big difference in saving money. If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse, right? Soldiers are our basic guarantee. It is our duty to fill their stomachs.

Marshall obviously made some preparations before the meeting, and while handing over the draft drafted by himself to everyone, he said: So, the focus of our discussion today is open source. After all these years, we might have to rely on her again this time to help us solve some of our difficulties.

Marshall paused slightly and said: Last year, rats and rabbits were plagued. Although it caused a certain reduction in grain production, it was also a good source of meat supplements. I'm afraid it won't stop this year. We should sum up last year's experience and mobilize the whole people. Especially those half-children who are full of energy.

They catch birds and dig mouse holes. They are all very good. In the past few years, they have dug a lot of mouse holes and fried nuts, and then made a small fortune. They are fat and oily, but there is no organization and discipline. It's a small fight. Last year we ignored them. This year, we paid more attention to them and sent people to organize them to divide the land and sweep up the rat holes. If we use them well in this matter, maybe we can stand up Half of the main force will not only increase the harvest to the greatest extent, but may also suppress the plague of rats and rabbits.

I think it's a good idea. It's the most suitable for those half-children who are full of energy to do this kind of thing. Not only can they gain something, but they can also train them. This thing is worth advocating. Those old hunters, take these baby soldiers and fight hard. Xiao En praised with a smile.

After talking about the mountains, let's talk about the water. We used to rely on the great treasure of the inland lake, and we haven't been able to make full use of it because we didn't have a boat. Now we have not only a boat, but also a boatman. We have to make full use of it. Get up, it's not the kind of small fights of fishermen, we want to pull a big net and pull fish on the lake. Marshall waved his fist heavily and said.

In the self-defense counterattack against the mountain Kentana barbarians, the Yongye Army had another big gain.

That is the docks and ships of Gegird.

Sishui City is half backed by mountains and half by water. For so many years, there are not a few large and small fishing boats accumulated in the hands. ran away with it.

It was by virtue of them that Gergild transported the warriors of the Cliff clan in from the gap in the east.

During the self-defense counterattack, the Yongye Group Army specially mobilized half of the corps to raid Gergild's lair and captured them all. There were nearly 400 fishing boats, large and small.

As for the boatmen, there are no skilled boatmen in the Yongye Army, but there are those war refugees. They were all intercepted during the diversion process. They will not only be the main force of fishing in the future Yongye Army, but also the main force of the water army.

Now it is preparing for training, and the arsenal is also rushing to make fishing nets. When the lake thaws in spring, the Yongye Army is preparing to pull fish on a large scale.

The Andes mountain people headed by Sishuizhai have survived for many years relying on the Andes inland, but with their backward fishing technology, they have limited use of the Andes inland lake.

Xiao En has personally inspected it, not to mention artificial fish farming, even waterfowl such as ducks and geese don’t know how to raise them free-range. The fish and shrimps in the water are even bigger and scary, and they are often as long as a person.

The soldiers of the First Corps of the First Corps stationed here have nothing to do with fishing, and the various fish they harvest are more than enough to feed their own Corps.

It was fine if there were no tools before, but now that there are tools, the Yongye Army will naturally develop them vigorously.

The Andes mountain people's use of the Andes inland lake is limited. The biggest factor is the tools. Ordinary fishing nets are not enough to see in front of those big fish, and they will be torn up at every turn.

In this regard, the Eternal Night Army has an innate advantage. They are very proficient in the use of tarantula spider silk, blended into the fishing net, and even mutant bosses such as the aniseed bull and razor boar are equally deflated.

The anesthetic smeared on it is of course important, and those traps are strong enough, which is also one aspect.

As for whether large-scale fishing will cause devastating damage to the ecosystem of Andes Inland Lake.

Sean has no worries about this at all. Compared with the Andis Inland Lake, which occupies one-third of the area of ​​Andis Crater, let alone the hundreds of thousands of Yongye Army, the hundreds of thousands of Liancheng Walled Alliance People also added that it is impossible to eat the Andes Inland Lake.

Even with the means of the Yongye Army, the use of Andis Inland Lake will be less than 1%.

What's more, once the Spring Thunder Project is launched, most of the creatures in the inland lake of Andis will go downstream. If they don't make full use of it now, it will be cheaper for the Byrons downstream.

This entry can not only relieve part of the food crisis of the Yongye Army, but also make the nutrition on their table more comprehensive.

The catch was only incidental, and what the Yongye Army valued the most was the small dock and the shipbuilders inside.

Ships are an essential part of the Chunlei Project.

After the re-flow of the Jacob River, the Andes crater was directly connected with the Asia Minor Plain, and went upstream to go directly into the Andes inland lake.

Back then, the imperial capital of the ancient Andes Empire was located in the Andes crater, so why was it still able to control the entire territory of Arshan?

The two great rivers contributed a lot.

One is the Jacob River that leads directly to the Asia Minor Plain, and the other is the Despair Nu River that leads to the Swamp of Despair. Naturally, this river was not called by this name back then.

The origin of the two great rivers is the inland lake of Andes. They are like the two main arteries of the ancient Andes Empire. In most prosperous areas of the empire.

At that time, whether it is to defend against the prying eyes of the Byron Alliance, or to plot the Swamp of Despair, to look up or link the Asia Minor Plain for transactions, naval ships will be indispensable.

Especially plotting the Swamp of Despair, the environment here will still be the water environment as the theme for a short time, and the role of the ship will be far greater than that of the war horse.

When Sean met Princess Regent Sophilia, one of them was the need for a large number of shipbuilders.

Of course, at that time, it was not only for the Chunlei plan, but also for the preparations for the attack on Sishui City.

If you want to plot Sishui City, you can't do it without the cooperation of the navy.

Things are unpredictable.

A sudden invasion of the mountain Kentana barbarians has had such an impact on the Andes and the Eternal Night Army.

Not only did the Walled City Alliance become the possession of the Yongye Army, but the internal supply and demand of the Yongye Army also changed.

Originally, the most urgent thing for the Yongye Army was excellent shipbuilders, but food was not so urgent because of the two consecutive years of good harvests of the Yongye Army, and they could be worked out gradually.

Now it's completely upside down.

In addition to the captured Gjild's docks and ships, there are also shipbuilders and fishermen in Four Waters City.

Gegild's dockyard is only a small dockyard, and it can only manufacture small fishing boats, large merchant ships and warships, and it is not enough.

However, the Yongye Army did not intend to eat a fat man in one bite. Even if they asked Sophilia for a shipbuilder, they were used to prepare wood in advance.

It's not so urgent now, the craftsmen in the dock are enough to do the job.

As long as the wood is ready, only a few master craftsmen who are proficient in building large ships can start construction directly.

Moreover, the Yongye Army has never been in the habit of completely relying on others. Whether it is looking for shipbuilders from Sophilia, or taking over from Gegild, they will at most play the role of teachers. When the time comes to build the main force, it must be An engineering regiment affiliated to the Yongye Army.

I believe that with the quality of the Engineering Corps affiliated to the Yongye Group Army, it will take less than two years to empty out their skills, and the rest will be better than blue.

The Yongye Group Army doesn't like the kind of pure handicraft workshop-style shipyard. A large shipyard that makes full use of various tools is their ultimate pursuit.

In fact, the water sawing technology of the Yongye Army is already very mature.

A water sawing factory operated by more than a dozen people rotates 24 hours a day, and the speed of cutting wood can be as high as half of the affiliated engineering regiment to pull the big saw day and night.

Catches can indeed solve part of the problem, but the mountain roads are rugged and difficult to navigate. Before they can be transported, they will stink, especially the northern fortress.

Erickson Road, Chief of the Military Staff.

We didn't have a plan in the north before, because the Walled City Alliance has attracted too many of our troops. Now that the threat is greatly reduced, can we take advantage of the maneuver? Find some wild food subsidies from the Kogel Grassland ? If the northern fortress can solve its own supply problem nearby, our logistics supply pressure will be greatly reduced.

Although Eriksson came from Odin orcs, he was merciless when counting those Odin orcs.

In addition to being loyal to an object, it is necessary to share the loyalty concept for the object of allegiance.

The relative division within the Odin orcs also has a lot to do with it. In addition to the confrontation between the Eastern and Western Odin empires, conflicts between tribes and tribes within the empire are also commonplace.

On the Kogel Grassland, the three tribes of the Silver Wolf, the Bad Wolf, and the Gray Wolf fought to the death and annexed each other, which is the best example.

This is a common problem of nomads.

The typical land is sparsely populated. In many cases, even if you ride a horse for a long time, you may not see half a person. If you run from south to north, even if you don’t get lost, you will have to run for several months.

Their royal court is in a state of constant movement again. After conflicts between many tribes, they want to go to the royal court for adjudication.

Come and go, only when the two sides can't hold on, they will go to Wang Ting. If they can solve it with swords, they can solve it by themselves.

At that time, even if Wang Ting knew about it, he would at most punish them with some cattle and sheep.

The conflicts between the tribes can still be reconciled, and the conflicts between the Eastern and Western Odin Empires are basically impossible to reconcile.

The two parties not only competed over the ranch, but also belonged to two royal courts, and the fight was even more serious.

Eriksson was born in the Western Odin Empire, and he only had hatred for the Eastern Odin Empire, and he had no good feelings for him. He gave suggestions and had no psychological burden.

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