The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Chapter 318 Presbyterian Church Headquarters

Chapter 320 Chapter 318 Presbyterian Church Headquarters
The consular meeting of the Presbyterian Church can be said to be one of the most important meetings in the Presbyterian Church.
So the place where it is held is also very special, it is held in the Vatican,
The Vatican is not only the sacred place of many religions in the Muggle world, but also has some special meanings in the magic world. According to legend, wizards were born in this place.

There are wizards living here, but there are no magic fairs like Britain, France and Italy, and there is no Ministry of Magic that manages wizards here.
This place is directly managed by the Council of Elders, and no family is allowed to intervene. Even the wizards living here are only allowed with the consent of the Council of Elders.
It can be said that apart from making significant contributions to the Presbyterian Council, the wizards living here are legendary wizards who are expected to join the Presbyterian Council. Therefore, the Vatican is also the most powerful place for wizards in the world.

Therefore, the wizards here are also supervised the most strictly. If it is not necessary to participate in the consular meeting, whether it is Sirius, Finney, or Cobos, they are not willing to come to this place. Here, the magic that can be used has special features. Detailed regulations, at the same time, it is covered by a very strict magic surveillance system,

Unlike the monitoring system of the Ministry of Magic, which can only monitor whether there are magic fluctuations within a certain range, the monitoring system here can not only accurately detect everyone who uses magic, but also determine what kind of magic is being used. Once there is something that is not allowed here Magic, the law enforcement team of the Presbyterian Church will be dispatched, find you, and come to check the water meter.

The Consular Meeting of the Council of Elders is a grand event in the entire magic world. Although the rules of the Council of Elders do not allow other wizards to easily set foot on this land, it still attracts the attention of many people.
This is the second time for Finny to come to the Vatican to attend the consular meeting. Last time, he was the only one in the Black family, accompanied by Lisa, Kreacher, and Puff, two house elves. It can be said that he was one of the people who came to the consular meeting. The smallest family in the
It was the first time for Sirius to attend this meeting, and also the first time to the Vatican. He was very curious about everything here. Although he didn't look around so obviously along the way, he was always paying attention to the surrounding environment, scenery, culture.

As the largest Papal State in the Muggle world, the Vatican's architecture, humanities and culture are all related to religion, and the cultural charm of religion can be felt everywhere here.

The wizards who come here to participate in the consular meeting will be arranged by the elders to live.

Not in a Muggle hotel, nor a pub like the Leaky Cauldron,
They were all assigned to the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church where the consular meeting was about to be held,

It was under St. Peter's Cathedral. This place was moved during the extermination of witches. No matter how much the Muggle priests at that time thought about searching, they would never have thought that the wizards they had been looking for were actually just below them,

No one would have thought that just under this most outstanding Renaissance building and the largest church in the world, which is regarded as the most sacred place of the Catholic Church and where many popes are buried, there is such a huge A complex of buildings.

The entrance to the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church is not in the church, and it is even far away from the church.

Feeney and Sirius followed the Presbyterian attendant who was waiting for them out of the airport and went straight to the Vatican Library, one of the most famous libraries in the Western world, which is the entrance to the Presbyterian headquarters.

This library was only completed in [-]s, so when the Presbyterian Church moved here at the very beginning, it was not the current library that was set as the entrance, although it was a library at that time up,
Feeney didn't know what the original library looked like, and he had never seen it, but he had seen the current library, and this was the second time he saw it.

The Vatican Library is a typical dome-shaped library building with a rich collection of books, including art, architecture, language, literature, history, philosophy, mathematics and science, not to mention the most theological books in the Vatican.

The entire library is divided into several floors, connected with each other by spiral stairs, and has a special place for reading,

And there are not only books here, ancient famous paintings, various antique ornaments, and literary and artistic items are also filled in this building, which makes the atmosphere of books that should be rigid and heavy a little more literary and heavy.

After the completion of the library, the entrance to the Presbyterian Church headquarters was changed to the basement level of the library, in a hidden library.

The existence of wizards has been confirmed by religions after the extermination of witches thousands of years ago. In recent years, the wizarding world and the Muggle world have become more closely connected with each other, and there is no need to hide it from religion.

However, for ordinary people, the existence of wizards still needs to be hidden, especially the specific records of the extermination of witches. Those are not black history for religions, but they are enough to affect them. After all , the ordinary, innocent people they killed back then were no less than real wizards.

Therefore, this secret library is actually the collection and display of specific books that record the witch-killing operations that swept across Europe thousands of years ago.

And the entrance to the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church is in these bookshelves,

The waiter who led the way for Finny and Sirius gently shook the statue on one of the bookshelves. It was a statue of a cross. If it was in other places, this kind of relief must not be safe enough, but this is the Vatican.
It is a holy place for religious people. Here, almost no one will touch the cross on the building, so it is very safe.

As the cross was moved, the two bookshelves in front of Fini began to move to the sides, and behind him entered the entrance of the library. The wooden door was also blocked by the two bookshelves, revealing a stair passage leading down.

The passage is very dark, and there are no torches or lighting tools on the left and right walls.

The waiter drew out his wand,
"Fluorescent flashes."

After chanting the spell, the tip of the wand glowed, and he walked in first, leading the way.

This passage is very narrow, and only one person can pass through it, and they cannot move side by side. That is to say, if there are people behind them, they cannot retreat.

The steps continued downwards, and Feeney and the others walked nearly [-] steps, which were about as high as two floors, before the steps finally reached the end.

A ray of light also came from the end of the steps.

Feeney and the others finally came to the end of the passage. There was a very empty hall with nothing in it. There were some arm statues holding torches on the surrounding walls. The torches on them were not simple torches but oil lamps.

Of course, the lamp oil inside cannot be the simplest lamp oil,
Feeney, who had seen similar things before, smelled this very familiar smell when he saw these oil lamps.

"These oil lamps smell like Hogwarts."

Sirius said with emotion,
Feeney nods,

"It's not very similar, but it's just a thing, and what's burning inside is the corpse oil of house elves."

Sirius was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't know that the oil in the oil lamps in Hogwarts was this thing,
The waiter on the side smiled and said,

"Mr. Phineas Black is right. The oil lamps here burn the corpse oil of the house elves, but there is a difference. There is some blood of the Riem cattle mixed in."

This time, even Finny had to feel that the Presbyterian Council was rich and powerful. You know, this is the blood of the Great Bull. It can not only improve the physique of the wizard, but also improve the level of magic power. If there are enough materials, it can also refine the elixir of life, but Used as lamp oil by the Presbyterian Church,

This hall is actually not big, it is more of a transfer station than a hall, there is a stone door on the wall facing the passage,
The waiter stood in front of the stone gate and told Finny and Sirius again,

"Master Black, please follow me closely after entering. Inside is a huge magic labyrinth. Under the magic of the elders, there are not only huge dangers, but also constant changes. Only us who grew up here Big waiters know how to get through safely,"

Feeney nodded, it wasn't the first time he came here, he turned his head to look at Sirius, this is the first time here,
Sirius also knew that this was not a joke, so he nodded solemnly,
The waiter breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and walked in with the two of them.
It's no wonder that the waiter is so cautious. You know, a day ago, another waiter who came to pick up the Lestrange family had not told a young master of the Lestrange family in advance, which caused the young master In the labyrinth, it was completely different to follow the waiter's order, run around at will, trigger the mechanism, die inside, and at the same time implicate other people in the same group,

In the end, it was the waiter who desperately brought out the other members of the Lestrange family, but he was still punished by the elders, and now he does not know whether he is alive or dead.

Fortunately, the two Finny brothers are not such ignorant people. They followed the waiter closely along the way, passed the magic maze very smoothly, and officially entered the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church.

The purpose of entering is a market.

You know, the people who live here are not the elders of the elders of the elders, but the wizards who work directly for the elders.

Many family wizards have two paths to go after they become legends. One is to enter the elders to take on some responsibilities. After a certain age, they will be included in the elders. The other is to continue to retreat in the family. After reaching a certain height, he was included in the elders,

Rather than legendary wizards, they also have the opportunity to directly serve for the Elders,
After graduating from Schuyler, some powerful wizards will be selected into the guard team of the Presbyterian Church, as well as the law enforcement team, and even some great wizards will serve as special personnel such as sealers, curse breakers, and recorders. duty,

After these adult wizards or great wizards enter here, they usually don't leave easily. After a long time, a special market is formed here.

Not only is it the place where the staff rest and live after work, but also many wizards enter here to start some industries, but it is difficult to go back and forth. Wizards and businessmen need to apply and buy tickets to go back and forth, and the value of these is naturally Not cheap.

The purpose of Feeney and the others is naturally not the bazaar. If the elders held a meeting of the vowed families, most of the families would be arranged in the tavern in the bazaar.

But the residence of the consular family is indeed elsewhere,

They have their own fixed residence in the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church,
Blake's is an underground villa not far from the south of the market. Don't look underground, but under the effect of magic, the land above their heads is still like the real sky, and even makes the same weather changes as the outside sky. Rise and sunset, wind and rain, are much more delicate and magical than the one in the Hogwarts auditorium.

Not far from Black Villa is Selwyn Villa, where Finny first met Sylna.

There is a huge relief of the Black family crest on the door of Black's villa, indicating the ownership of this building, and it is also feared by many wizards.

The waiter left after sending Finny and the others here,
Feeney has experience living here, and there is no need for the waiters to tell them one by one, although they would not have told them.

After saying a few words to Sirius, Finny bid him farewell, and went to the library near the meeting hall of the Presbyterian Church, where there are many books and documents treasured by the Presbyterian Church.
This library is also divided into several floors, and the books placed on different floors are naturally different. Generally, wizards can only read books on the first floor, staff can read books on the second floor, and those who have made a certain contribution can read books on the third floor. Members of the family can see the fourth floor, and the patriarch of a consular family like Feeney can go up to the fourth floor. Feeney is not qualified to go up, and he doesn't even know how many floors there are. However, it is roughly certain that there are at least two layers above,

There are some reasons why Finny came here. The records here are the most comprehensive in the entire magic world, and the things inside are also the most complete. Finny has a lot of knowledge that he read when he came here ten years ago. arrived,

And it is the experience of these ten years ago that made him get to where he is now. If he wants to go further, he must need more knowledge.

For wizards, the saying that knowledge equals power is not a rumor but a fact,

It is said that when a wizard understands the limit of a spell research, he can even directly destroy the opponent's magic from the very beginning,
For example, if two people are fighting, you use Shenfeng Wuying on me, and I have mastered this magic from the most original level, I can wave the magic wand at will, so that this magic spell loses its original effect, disappears, or even disappears. Can bounce back and let your magic attack yourself.

Not to mention, cursed classes.Ritual magic itself requires a lot of knowledge reserves to be able to use

(End of this chapter)

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