The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 319 317 School Start

Chapter 319 317 School Start

Hope followed Sirius to Blake's old house at NO.12 Grimmauld Place, and saw this black-haired little boy with eyes. He had heard the story of this boy from Sirius and Finney.
The Boy Who Lived?
In fact, he was a poor person who lost his parents and relatives not long after he was born, and was fostered at his aunt's house and was abused since he was a child.A child similar to himself.

So not only did Hope not have any thoughts of repelling Harry, on the contrary, she also had some sympathetic emotions.

Speaking of it, it’s also interesting. I don’t know if Sirius has some unique charm, or because of his own character, behavior, and habits. He can easily become friends with people younger than him. It seems that as long as he is younger, Those who want to improve their relationship will eventually get along better with him.

It was the same with Finny, it was the same with Harry, it was the same with Hermione, it was the same with Draco.

Today, Hope is still the case.

Feeney can feel that Hope still has some resentment towards Sirius deep in his heart. After all, he has abandoned their mother and daughter for so many years, but he does not reject contact with Sirius, and has even accepted that he has Such a cynical father.

Because Harry has such an extra sister who is in the seventh grade and is about to graduate, he no longer needs Sirius and Finny to train and teach him. His study and training plan was handed over by Sirius and Finny. Hope is solely responsible.

As for the two brothers, they have more important things to do and prepare for.

Because the regular meeting of the consular family of the Presbyterian Church once every ten years is about to be called.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this meeting can determine the development direction of the entire old continent, that is, Europe, Asia, and Africa's magic world in the next ten years, details in various aspects, and even many major events in the magic world today.

The reason why they only talk about the Old World is that in the early days, the New World was completely treated as a place where criminals were exiled, and most of the people there were descendants of criminals, slaves, and colonists.

Therefore, the Council of Elders does not have much binding force on them. However, it is also because of this that the wizards there are not clear about the realm of magic and the future route.

Now they just think that the end of magic is legend. This is because of the existence of Dumbledore, which made them realize that there are such powerful legendary wizards above the great wizard. As for themselves, or the whole of America, None of them have a legend, and they don't know how to become a legend.

To put it simply, the wizards in the Americas have an incomplete heritage and almost no future. They have no impact on the wizards in Europe today. Therefore, the Presbyterian Church had no idea of ​​including them in the organization before.

"The matter discussed by the elders this time will definitely hit us."

Sirius guessed and said,

Finny nodded.

"This is for sure. In the past two years, our Black actions have been too frequent and strong. When I slaughtered the Parkinson families before, I didn't give face to the elders at all, even though they are all from the Rich family. However, after all, those who have formally joined the elders of the Presbyterian Council, if they don’t give them face, the Presbyterian Council will not care what the reason is, and whether those elders have selfish intentions, they just think that we, Black, are going to get out of their control. "

Sirius sighed. He understood very well that apart from avenging himself and Lisa when dealing with Parkinson, they also wanted to integrate the British magic world. After all, Black had lost his dominance in the British magic world for too long. By now the wizarding world has forgotten Black's prestige.

No matter what the reason, whatever the reason, it is inevitable for the elders to be afraid.

"Even so, we have to try our best to improve the views and opinions of the elders on Black. After all, they actually control the entire wizarding world, and no family can be sure how many legendary wizards are there in the elders of the elders. exist,"

Finny nodded in agreement.
"Not to mention, there are still demigods among them. Moreover, now I can only confirm the existence of gods and what needs to be done on the road to becoming a god. However, I can't be sure what will happen after becoming a god. It will be the same as before. It is uncertain whether those gods will leave this world and go to the so-called God Realm, or they will stay in this world,"

Sirius gasped,
"If it is the worst outcome, what we have to face will be God?"

Finny nodded.

"This is one of the reasons why I didn't talk about gods with Eslund and the others in such a specific way. If you only know gods, know the way to become gods, and know that the road to godhood is monopolized by the elders, they will definitely be with you. We share the same hatred, so I have the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos to become a god, but if they know that there may be a living god in the elders, then they will be timid and report us to the elders."

Sirius nodded,

"You have handled this matter very well, but what else will be discussed at this meeting? Last time, the main discussion was about Lestrange's succession to the position of the Gaunt family. What about this time? Feeney, what do you have? News or ideas?"

Finny shook his head,

"It's not sure yet, but I estimate that a large part of the energy may be spent on negotiating the inclusion of America into the Presbyterian Church,"


"That's right, America, the so-called New World,"

Finney opened his mouth to explain,
"Although America used to be the place where we exiled criminals, after all, there were indigenous wizards there. Their magic is not exactly the same as ours. Some of them are very magical. The inheritance of this part of the indigenous wizards has long been known by the Presbyterian Church. I want to be included in the organization."

Sirius frowned,
"It shouldn't be just like that. If it was just the indigenous wizards, the Presbyterian Council would have acted long ago, and it wouldn't wait until America is not within the Presbyterian Council's sphere of influence."

Feeney nodded and said,
"That's about to talk about some changes in the Muggle world,"

"Huh? Does this have anything to do with the Muggle world?"

"The magic world does not exist independently in this world, but is interdependent with the Muggle world, and it can even be said that it exists attached to the Muggle world,"

Feeney said in a calm and calm tone that once others knew about it, they would accuse him of insulting the magic world.
"Economic changes in the Muggle world will affect the wizarding world. I don't know who the first wizard to realize this is, but the first wizard to make efforts and actions for this is called Gellert Grindelwald!"

"The first Dark Lord?"

Sirius gasped again,
Finny nodded.

"That's right, Grindelwald has the power of language, and he is very powerful in this aspect. He directly predicted the end of the Second World War in the Muggle world, and witnessed the terrifying weapons in the Muggle world that could destroy the world. It is precisely because of this that he realized that Muggles are no longer the existence we used to despise, but began to face them squarely, and decided to conquer them before Muggles really gained the power of destruction."

"It's a pity that he was stopped by his best friend, Zeng Jin's roommate Dumbledore. This also led to the Muggles developing according to the original process as before, and truly mastered that terrifying weapon. After 50 years of residual damage, the second war ended,"

Sirius quickly drank a few sips of black tea to suppress his shock,
"But, this doesn't mean that the Presbyterian Church will include America?"

Feeney nodded and continued,
"I said this just to tell you that the things that muggles can do are terrible. I think you have heard of the disintegrated red country before. There, they really did wizards and muggles. Get along normally, even wizards will give their lives for Muggles, and the existence of wizards is no longer a secret."

"And that country in America, because it took the lead in mastering that weapon during the Second World War, had the power to fight against that red country, which led to a certain balance between the New World and the Old World. Therefore, before the Presbyterian Church It is not at all important to take the New World so seriously."

Sirius suddenly realized,

"However, that country disappeared, and after the disintegration, they have no way to resist that country in America,"

"This has also led to the status and power of that country in the Muggle world being raised to a higher level, reaching a level that our magic world cannot ignore,"

Feeney took Sirius' words and continued,
"Moreover, according to their technological development, it is inevitable for wizards to be discovered. As far as I know, there is no magic world in America anymore. Their wizards are like mice hiding in the shadows. Their The Magic Council, which is what we call the Ministry of Magic, is even more strict about wizards using magic in front of Muggles, and even, they have begun to require wizards not to use magic lightly,"


Sirius had an unbelievable expression on his face, you know, the status of wizards should be far higher than Muggles,,,
Feeney sighed. The living conditions of wizards in America are indeed very poor. They are even like the European side during the period of extermination of witches thousands of years ago. They suffered a lot of persecution and could only hide around. possible.

After Sirius learned about the situation in America, the two brothers lost the mood to continue the conversation, and after a short talk, they all went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Half a month later, it was also the day Hogwarts started school,

"When you arrive at Hogwarts, remember to write us a letter if you have anything to do, or go directly to the professor and ask them to inform us."

Standing outside the Hogwarts Express, Sirius once again carefully told Hope, who came to England for the first time and was about to go to Hogwarts.

Finny said goodbye to Leah on the sidelines.

"You don't need to be so depressed, you know, now I don't need to go to Hogwarts to study, and I don't need Hogwarts' protection,"

"I know, but I still feel a bit reluctant."

The little girl lowered her head and said softly,

Feeney smiled gently, raised her hand and stroked her little head,
The little girl closed her eyes slightly, and shook her little head to make the contact with Finny's palm more comprehensive, as if enjoying it very much.

Finny turned his head to look at Draco and his father Lucius,
When Voldemort was resurrected before, because of Feeney's early action, Lucius and his family moved out of Malfoy Manor, so they didn't suffer any harm. At the same time, Lucius was more convinced of Feeney. Now He was standing beside his son, waiting for Finny to be free so he could go up and say a few words.

"Lucius, you should know that the elder meeting is about to be held, right?"

Lucius nodded hurriedly when he heard Finny's words,

"Yes, I know, there are records about the Presbyterian Church in the family,"

Feeney nodded and said comfortingly,
"At this consular meeting, I will put forward a proposal to allow the Malfoy family to return to the Presbyterian Church, and at the same time, I will make my efforts to promote the realization of this matter."

Hearing this, Lucius had a joyful smile on his face, and hurriedly nodded and bowed to Finny,

"Then I will trouble you, Master Black."

Finny frowned and said,
"Lucius, as I said last time, just call me Finny, after all, I still have to call you brother-in-law."

Lucius nodded,
"I see, Feeney, so I'll trouble you this time,"

Finny smiled and said,

"Although with Black's proposal and promotion, it is very likely that this proposal will be passed, but Malfoy also needs to do something,"

Lucius nodded,
"you say,"

"According to Sirius and I's conjecture, the main content of this meeting should be the inclusion of America into the Council of Elders. Even if not, America will be the main goal of the Council of Elders' development in the future. Now, the magic world over there is still not called Weak, Malfoy can use this opportunity to extend his means in the Muggle world to America."

Lucius looked at Finny with some doubts, and after making sure he was not joking, nodded,

"I understand, I will order the family members to act when I go back today,"

Feeney nodded and continued,
"The living environment for wizards in the Americas is a little bit poor. Those of your family who go there must be mentally prepared in advance. At the same time, we Black will also use this opportunity to enter the Americas. At that time, we will need Malfoy's help."


After speaking, Lucius turned around and left, as if he was in a hurry to go back and order the family members to act.
In fact, Feeney is not powerless in the Americas. You must know that Damon was in charge of managing Feeney's branch in the Americas before.
However, that was Finny's own power, not Black's.If you rashly mix the two together, it will be easy for other families and elders to see,
Different from the European side, all of Finny’s secret powers here are actually very clear to the Presbyterian Church,

But the power on the American side is unknown to the Presbyterian Church, it is a real hidden power, and Finny doesn't want to move them so easily,
(End of this chapter)

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