The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Chapter 319 Presbyterian Consular Meeting

Chapter 321 Chapter 319 Presbyterian Consular Meeting
Two days later, representatives of the four consular families arrived at the Presbyterian headquarters in the Vatican, and the consular meeting was officially held.

At the same time, the oath families of the Presbyterian Church also excluded representatives one after another, preparing to participate in the oath family meeting after the consular meeting. Under normal circumstances, the representatives of the consular family will hold a meeting of the oath family after the consular meeting, and will discuss with the elders Discuss and inform them of the things and decisions that have been decided, and at the same time, promulgate the responsibilities that each family needs to bear.

The entire consular meeting will last for a week, and one or two things will be discussed a day. The participants are not only the elders, but also the four consular families, and some selected vowed families will also attend the meeting. Of course, they are only as spectators. Provide voting personnel when necessary.

Feeney and Sirius walked into this small conference hall led by the waiter,
The entire room has a size of more than 100 square meters. The direction facing the entrance is a few rows of stepped seats, where the elders sit.

In front of the seat is a long conference table, with a chair at the top and five chairs on each side.

They are the positions of the three chief elders of the elders group and the two representatives of each of the four families,
A document was placed in front of each chair on the long table, and in the middle of the table were two candlesticks, which illuminated the room brightly,

Of course, this is not the credit of the candlesticks, but the credit of the magic placed on the candlesticks. Feeney doesn't know what the specific magic is. He can be sure that the two candlesticks are not alchemy equipment, and he has not collected them in the Presbyterian Church. Similar spells or incantations are found in those books.

This made Finny feel that the original function of this magic was not lighting, but a very powerful battle magic, otherwise it would not be hidden by the elders.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Finny and Sirius sat on the chair with the Black family crest engraved on it, waiting for the arrival of other families.
The two of them arrived here first, and not long after, Cobos of the Lestrange family and a representative of their family also walked in,

"Phineas! Sirius! Long time no see,"

Cobos and Feeney greeted each other,

Feeney guessed from Kovos' deliberate tone that the family representative who came in with him was not his, but the elder of their family, so they couldn't communicate anything in the following meeting ,
After all, in the eyes of everyone, Black and Lestrange are not compatible.

After a while, Elrond and Solim of the Selwyn family also walked in. Unlike Cobos, both of them greeted Finny warmly, and then sat next to Finny, There is Selwyn's position, Lestrange and Rich are on the opposite position,
Solim is Elrond's younger brother, and has the same name as Elrond's grandson, but there are indeed two factions, and Solim has always wanted to replace Elrond as the patriarch of the Selwyn family.

The Selwyn family is very disciplined, and the battles within the family are all internal conflicts. In front of outsiders, they are always a front, even if this front may damage the interests of a certain faction within the family, it is still the same.

Finally came the brothers Kuzan Rich and Polusalino Rich. The Rich family is another family that absolutely agrees besides Black. Lino is only responsible for providing Kuzan with suggestions and ideas at critical times, preventing him from making irrational choices due to violent emotional fluctuations.

After all four families and eight people arrived, a door appeared next to the steps in front of the meeting room.

Three gray-haired, bearded elderly people walked out first,

The three old men are all wearing one-piece dark robes with a hood. Under the robes are white linings, making the three old men look like priests of the church and knights of the Knights Order.
That is the costume of the elders of the Presbyterian Church. It is said that it is an alchemy tool, which has many effects such as peace of mind, gathering magic power, and powerful protection.

On the chests of the dark robes are their respective family crests, which represent their identities and families of origin,
Coincidentally, two of these three old men were members of the Black and Rich families, and the middle one had the Deathly Hallows logo on his chest, which meant that he was not from a family, but It is the oldest master-student lineage,

According to legend, the Chief Elder of the Elder Group is inherited from master and apprentice rather than family. Even if a wizard from the family takes this position, he will only recognize the previous Chief Elder as his master, and will not recognize the family.
Because achieving this position represents the interests of the Presbyterian Church, not the interests of the family,

In fact, none of the members of the elders will abandon the possibility of becoming a god for the sake of their respective families. For them, the family has long been less important, and only the elders who have just joined them may give up for the sake of the family. Come out and do something, like the elders of the Rich family who troubled Feeney last time.

Immediately behind the three chief elders are the members of the elders group. They also wear robes representing the elders group, but the lining inside them is not white but gray.
The three elders walked to the long table, and the eight of them hurriedly stood up to show their respect.

They can only sit down after the elders have taken their seats. At the same time, this also means that the first day of the meeting has officially started.

Just as Finny had predicted, they only discussed one thing on the first day.It is to bring the wizards of the American continent into the scope of the management of the Presbyterian Church,
For this point, everyone agrees, after all, this is the request of the Presbyterian Church,
However, everyone still has some different opinions that need to be expressed. The meeting itself is a process in which everyone expresses their opinions and discusses with each other to determine an optimal solution.

"We, the Lestrange family, have absolutely no objections to including the wizards from America under the rule of the Presbyterian Church, but what are we going to do?"

Cobos spoke first,
Elrond followed,

"Our Selwyn family had a marriage with a family in America some time ago, and this marriage let us know the difficulties of life for wizards there,"

Feeney nodded and added,

"As far as I know, the wizards over there need to hide in the shadows, and they don't even dare to use magic lightly, and there is even silence,"

Kuzan agrees with this,
"We, the Rich family, also know about this point. He found the Dumbledore boy next to Grindelwald who controlled the silent Dumbledore family in the American continent. It is said that the silent little boy appeared there." There are many wizards, and most of the little wizards died silently when they were very young."

Cobos continued,
"So, it is very difficult to bring it under the control of the Presbyterian Church. After all, the wizards there are different from those in Europe. Their influence on the Muggle world is almost zero. Many wizards need to live according to the laws of the Muggles, so , They don’t have any idea of ​​taking refuge in the Presbyterian Church, and they don’t even have the concept of the Presbyterian Church.”

Feeney, Elrond, and Kuzan nodded one after another. This is a rare situation in the Presbyterian Church where the four consular families agree to a certain matter at the same time.
Hearing that, the elders present also had a whispering discussion. It seems that they don't know much about the situation with the wizards on the American side. The reason why they want to bring them under control is just because the American side The status of the country in the Muggle world is constantly rising,

Moreover, their magic world seems to be separated from the whole world, just like the ancient country in the east, it is completely out of the control of the Presbyterian Church, and they will not easily communicate with wizards from other countries, and they will not even allow anyone who is not their own The country's wizards step into their domain,

They don't hope that America will become like this one day. They have no way to stop the ancient eastern country, because that country's power in the mysterious test is too strong. However, if America also develops like this, they are absolutely unwilling .


There was a crisp knocking sound, and everyone heard the sound and looked,

It was the chief elder. He tapped the table with his finger bones, attracted everyone, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said in a very hoarse voice,
"We have already understood what you said. Let me tell you about our decision first. First, determine a new consular family to control and represent all wizards in the Americas. The family choice for this position, after you discuss the results , it is up to us to decide!"

"Secondly, the indigenous wizards in America are very interesting. Their magic may have some different effects on us. Most importantly, there are many existences that need to be sealed by us but have not been dealt with,"

Hearing this, Feeney discovered a problem that he had been ignoring all along, that is another essence of the Presbyterian Church, the seal,

Just like Hypor, because the number and location of his horcruxes could not be determined, they were finally sealed. It is said that they are still sealed somewhere in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.
There is also something underground in Hogwarts, which is said to be a treasure that may overturn the entire world, and it was also sealed there by the Council of Elders,

And for thousands of years, these existences in America that may destroy the world have not been sealed, and have never been, but the world still exists, which is a bit frightening to think about.

Is there such a possibility that what the elders seal is not harmful to the world, but harmful to themselves?
Or in other words, can influence them to become gods?
So, in other words, is it true that the legendary wizards outside the quota they decided will be sealed by them if they become demigods?

So, was Slytherin sealed by them?

After all, according to Hufflepuff, Slytherin must still be alive, but in today's magic world, Finey in the world's magic world has never heard any news that might be related to Slytherin. It is as if he disappeared completely from history all of a sudden. If he is sealed by the Presbyterian Council, then everything can be explained clearly.

Fini, who wanted to understand this, suddenly realized that perhaps this time the Council of Elders wanted to bring America into the sphere of rule not because of the rapid development of that country, but because of the presence of an existence in that country that would affect their becoming gods. It may be to occupy their places to become gods, or it may cut off their path to become gods.

After announcing the three things, the chief elder fell into silence again, closed his eyes slightly, and fell asleep.

And Feeney and the others began to discuss the choice of the fifth consular family,

"The Aibo family can,"

Elrond was the first to speak of their choice for the Selwyn family,

The Aibo family is a family under the command of the Selwyn family. It has maintained its bloodline purity for thousands of years. Like the Black and Rich families, the direct line chooses close relatives to marry to ensure that the bloodline remains unchanged. At the same time, their family They have extraordinary talents in life magic, most countries in Europe have taverns opened by their members,
Kuzan smiled disdainfully and said,
"According to what you said, the Nott family is more suitable. Not only do they keep the bloodline pure, they are also the family that formulated the "Pure Blood List". No one is sure how many secrets of the magical world their family has mastered."

Feeney nodded and said,
"The Nott family is not bad. It is said that they are descendants of the Goddess of the Night. A few years ago, they were used as pawns by Sakasky Rich to try to become gods,"

When Kuzan heard this, his face suddenly became ugly. Because the incident of Sakasky happened in Hogwarts a few years ago and was related to Feeney, they were not suppressed by them. Therefore, Now the Nott family is not as loyal to the Rich family as before.

Cobos smiled and said,

"If you ask me, the Brienne family is not bad,"

Elrond sneered and said,

"A close relative of the Bryant family, right? The Bryant family tried to attack the only second-generation direct member of the Black family some time ago, and they were wiped out by you. How dare you recommend their close relatives? Cobos, what are you doing?" Are they overestimating their loyalty to the Lestrange family, or underestimating the Black family's means of revenge?"

Hearing this, Sirius leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, and said,
"If their family becomes the new consul family, our Black family will fight them immediately!"

Finny nodded in agreement.
"If none of you have any ideas, how about choosing the Potter family? Although Harry Potter is the only one in the Potter family now, this is also their advantage. There will be no other messy things, and the Potter family The blood of the Te family is also very pure, they are the descendants of the Peverell family, as the descendants of the third of the three dead brothers, there is absolutely no problem for them to become the consul family!"

(End of this chapter)

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