The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 256 254 Feeney's Plan

Chapter 256 254 Feeney's Plan

Seeing Phoebus leave the room, Finny turned to look at Astoria, opened his mouth to say something,
I heard Astoria say first,

"Do you need my blood? Or, are you going to do experiments on me directly? It's all right, just come directly, and I won't interfere with you."

Do the test directly on the body,,,,
Feeney's heart skipped a beat.
What kind of pain will that be? You know, lifting the curse will inevitably bring about a big reaction. Success is fine, but failure brings harm.
And directly using the magic that does not know whether it is successful on the body is to use Astoria's life to test this curse,

And Astoria's attitude when she said this was so flat, even numb. It is conceivable how many times she has experienced such things in the past, although it was all to make her The curse on her body disappeared, but it still made people feel distressed.

"I see,"

Feeney was silent for a while, and then said to Astoria,
"I need you to sleep now, though,"

Astoria was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, got up and walked to the bed on the side of the room, lay down on it obediently, and closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Finny took out his wand, waved it around,
With the effect of the magic, Astoria's breathing gradually stabilized and she fell into a deep sleep.

Unlike Astoria, who was asleep and having a good dream, Finny was in a tangle,
He is only guessing about the blood curse of the Greenglass family. He really doesn't understand the specific situation. Now, if he wants to untie it just like this, he is actually a bit arrogant and wishful thinking.

It is now certain that this curse must be related to blood, otherwise it would not be called a blood curse, and it has always been passed down according to the relationship between blood.

Therefore, if you want to find a way to unravel the curse, you still need to find the answer in blood,


According to Feeney's previous habits, Puff has always stayed by his side invisibly, waiting for his call, doing things according to his orders, or appearing at critical times to block fatal attacks for Feeney or with Feeney leaves,

So this time, when Feeney spoke, Puff still appeared directly,

"I need a set of Muggle chemical test equipment, and some Muggle medical equipment. You can find Lisa."

Finny gave instructions to Puff, and at the same time took the quill on the table, wrote his specific needs on a piece of paper, and handed it to it.

"Give it to Lisa and tell her that I need it urgently, so I will prepare it immediately, and then you will bring it directly."

The puff turned into a note, turned around and disappeared into the room again,

Watching Puff leave, Finny stood up and took out a thumb-sized mini suitcase from the pocket of his robe, and threw it out.

At the same time, the wand waved, and the mini suitcase changed directly when it was in the air. It began to grow slowly, and finally became a normal size.

Opening the suitcase reveals the test tubes and glass containers that are full of Marxism-Leninism neatly inside, and there are all kinds of medicines and herbs inside.
Feeney took one of the empty test tubes and came to the sleeping Astoria,

Waving the wand in the other hand, a very narrow, small wound appeared on Astoria's wrist. Under the guidance of Finny's magic power, blood flowed out of the wound, and part of it floated into the test tube in his hand. The other part floated into the beaker on the table,

Feeney put the test tube away, and then looked at the beaker,

The magical power of wizards allows them to do many things, and they can easily surpass Muggles in many fields. However, most wizards have also embarked on a theological path that is completely different from Magu's science because of their magical power.

Because of the memory of his previous life, Feeney knows that there is nothing wrong with science. In other words, science and theology go the same way. There has always been a saying that the end of science is theology, but why not the end of theology? What about science?
It is also because of this view that Feeney has been paying attention to the scientific development of Muggles over the years, and chemistry is a large part of it, and the other part is physics.
You must know that since the Second World War, the two sciences of chemistry and physics have developed to the point where they can easily destroy the world, but magic is still unable to do this,
Feeney took out part of the blood, and began to test the power and effect of the curse inside with a mysterious test, that is, magic.
This kind of curse is actually a kind of blood curse, and the most famous blood curse is the one on a friend of Dumbledore a long time ago. It is an ability that directly gives people Animagus, But after a certain age, people will be completely transformed into an animal, and in the end they will even lose themselves and never return.

Few people in the magic world know about Dumbledore's friend, but Feeney knows that it is Nagini, a friend of his cousin who was a blood curse patient, and later completely turned into a snake. and left England,
And Feeney also knows that now Nagini is encountered by a mysterious person, and as a part of his Horcrux, he protects him by his side.

The connection between the blood curse and the blood is very close, and the potions known to Finny, including the one he gave to Phobos, actually have no effect.

Even the one he handed over to Phoebus, there will be some very bad situations,
Because that potion is a potion that replenishes the vitality of the body, it will indeed make Astoria look better and recover a lot in the short term.

But it also works on the curse. The curse will also be strengthened under the action of the potion, and the effect of the final outbreak will also be enhanced, and Astoria will feel even more uncomfortable.

If Finny's potion is really effective, it is another kind. He uses the material extracted from the blood of the unicorn as the main material and combines it with the blood of the phoenix to refine it.

But it can only play a suppressive role, and the effect is only better than the effect of directly bearing the flames of the phoenix. At least it won't be so painful.
The flames of the phoenix can raise the dead, flesh and bones, but it is a kind of flame after all, and the feeling of letting the flame burn the body, skin, flesh, and bones must be extremely unbearable.

"This potion can work, and it's more effective than the flames of the phoenix, so one thing can be confirmed,"

Finny muttered to himself,

"This potion has only two ingredients, and the effect is also used to purify black magic. Except for the almost unobtainable ingredients like phoenix blood, it is the blood of unicorns. Therefore, if you want to remove the curse, you still need to use Purify it and consider it?"

Finny sighed, how could it be so easy to purify,
You must know that it is not a secret in the magic world that unlocking the curse requires the use of purification magic. The fact that the curse on Astoria has not been unlocked proves how difficult it is to do.
The flames of the phoenix, the magic of the unicorn, and perhaps the powerful Patronus spell are also effective, but they are all suppressed, not dispelled or completely unraveled,

Just when Finny was thinking, Puff came back, and in addition to the equipment that Finny asked Lisa to get, he also brought back a letter from Nicole,

"Long time no see, Finny, I have received your reply and know that you need to do something, but I am still looking forward to your arrival, Albus has already arrived, and I have eaten a lot of good things these days, but Don't worry, I'll leave it all to you."

"In addition, I heard from Albus that you are going to visit the Greengrass family and have some ideas about their blood curse. According to the time calculation, you should have arrived at the Greengrass family by this time. So, write a letter to Some things I know tell,"

"The blood curse of the Greengrass family is different from ordinary curses. In addition to the fact that it is transmitted according to the power of the blood, it will not only damage the human body, but also harm the soul of the wizard. With the outbreak of the blood curse, The soul of the wizard who carries the curse will also become more and more fragile. Some people have tried to transfer the soul of the wizard and hoped to get rid of the blood curse, but failed. Therefore, we speculate that this blood curse is not completely based on the blood, but according to the soul. of."

"Based on some of my research, Albus and I have found a possible solution, which I think you may need."

"Many years ago, I studied the situation of a Greengrass, and found that although transferring the soul cannot undo the curse, but stripping the blood can do it, but then the wizard will die Of course, I hope you don't ask me about the Greengrass I studied."

"Okay, let's get down to business. According to Albus and I's speculation, maybe transfiguration can play a key role in the process of breaking the blood curse. Curses can't be dealt with. The way to break the curse is the little wizard of Hogwarts." You have been exposed to it since the second grade, it should be no problem for you, the real difficulty of the blood curse lies in how not to hurt the wizard when exposed to the curse, "

"Transfiguration can do this, turning the wizard carrying the blood curse into an object that does not contain any liquid, such as a chair, or a table, which also temporarily separates the blood from the curse—because there is no blood, After that, just remove the curse from the item,"

"Of course, you're so smart that you've already thought of the problem with this method, right? That's the energy that explodes when you touch the curse. Most items can't bear it. Moreover, because the wizard has magic power in his body, This kind of transfiguration cannot be effective for a long time. After calculation, that time is not enough to unravel the curse. Therefore, this plan was abandoned by Albus and me. Let me tell you now, maybe it can be of some help to you. "

Is there a soul involved?

Then it will be difficult to deal with,
After reading Nico's letter, Finny had a headache. You must know that magic involving the soul belongs to the domain of legendary wizards.

And Feeney can only use the magic of the Great Wizard's domain at most now, because of the depth and quality of the magic power, it can't last as long as the real Great Wizard,

In this way, it is really difficult for him to undo this blood curse.

The only magic that Finny has used today is related to the soul, the Enchantment Charm left by Gryffindor and the evocation magic improved by Finny himself.

One is to give memory to objects, so that they have their own intelligence, just like the glove that Finny is wearing on his left hand now, but this glove is very tired,
And the other is to manipulate the soul that has been prepared in advance and has undergone secondary processing, and add it to the element after the evocation through the way of empowerment, which can be regarded as a means of manipulating the soul.

Do you want to use the soul-manipulating part of the evocation magic on Astoria?

Not to mention, Feeney is not sure whether there will be any consequences in which method. Even if there are no consequences, Feeney can't guarantee that after everything is successfully completed, Astoria will still not be herself.

But, is it necessary to give up like this?

Feeney is not reconciled, since he can't find a way in magic, he will find a way from Muggle science,

Thinking in this way, he began to skillfully make blood slides, use a microscope to observe, and do blood analysis, trying to find the specific manifestation of the blood curse in the blood. As long as he finds the specific manifestation, he can think of the curse through scientific means. out.

In the end, Feeney did find some abnormalities. Compared with other people's blood, including his own, Astoria's blood contained cells of a certain position, and these cells contained very A tremendous strength,
Feeney can even confirm that this kind of cell is the truth of the blood curse, but how to solve it?
Feeney thought of a kind of magic, Fiendflame, which can burn everything, or in other words, magic that can burn everything, including magic, it can also be ignited, and the mere curse is naturally nothing to worry about.

But at the same time, the destructive power of Fiendflame also means that it will directly burn Astoria to ashes, which requires another kind of flame—the phoenix flame.

The phoenix flame that raises the dead, flesh and blood, can completely restore Astoria's physical condition when Fierce Flame burns her body,
This idea is very risky, but it is the most likely to be effective.
However, if Feeney is allowed to do this alone, he is very uncertain, so he needs a helper, a helper who knows Fiend and Phoenix very well,

And a wizard with this qualification and power in the magic world happens to have a being that Feeney is very familiar with, Albus Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts.

Thinking of this, Finny got up and walked out of the room, found Phoebus who was still guarding outside the room, and told him his thoughts and assumptions,

After all, this method is too risky, and if it fails, it will undoubtedly lead to death. Therefore, Feeney needs to ask Phobos what he thinks, and at the same time, he needs his consent to invite Dumbledore to come.

(End of this chapter)

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